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The people of Atlantis were neither giants nor gods, so what you posted is completely and utterly irrelevant.

You got anything else?


Your proof for this?

Why couldent atlas or poseidon have been gods, giants or halfgods? Their ancestors was.. Why would platon have the need to specify this, as he already stated that atlas ruled atlantis after his father poseidon. And poseidon was in greek mythology either a god or halfgod..

It could have been a human rase that was a bit stronger and had bit more evolved type civilasation than the average human (maybe a sort of neanderthal hybrid) Gods doesent have to be supernational beings, aliens or a different human race.. Maybe it just felt so for the humans that encountered them.

Edited by whitegandalf
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But that must have happened around 2000 BCE:


Opp gjennom årtusene har det gått store ras i "Eggakanten" rett utenfor Røst. Det yngste raset regnes for å være 4000 år gammelt og skjedde ytterst i "Trænadjupet" som ligger 110 kilometer vest for Værøy. Det er ikke umulig at Utrøst kunne ha ligget ut mot Eggakanten og forsvunnet i dypet undet et av disse gamle rasene.

Crap translation:

Side view

Over the millennia it has undergone major landslide in the "shelf break" outside Røst. The youngest landslide is considered to be 4000 years old and came out at the "Trænadjupet" located 110 kilometers west of Værøy. It is not impossible that Utrøst could have been out to the shelf break and disappeared into the depths undet one of these old breeds.




Looking for clues

Researchers from the University of Tromsø has studied the slide and looked for traces of tsunamis. The age of the slide is determined for 4000 years and this slide is regarded as the youngest of several major landslides that have occurred along the shelf edge and continental slope off Trænadjupet. The researchers also looked for signs of tidal waves that probably struck the country, but so far no luck. Perhaps nature has erased all traces, or they have not found the right place yet.


The Trænadjupet Slide: a large slope failure affecting the continental margin of Norway 4,000 years ago.


The number of tsunamies and the age of them are still somewhat up in the air. Discoveries and new information about them come every year. So far i know of at least 3 different tsunamies, the one you mention 3-5 000 years ago. This could be the origin of the utrøst sinking island myth, but then again it might not.

The largest tsunami happened around 8000 years ago, it was the largest, they think, so far. This event sank doggerland for good, and was under a time of great climate change and fast rising waters and sinking of the continental plates.The water along the coastlines went from around 10-12 to 40-50 meters higher than the max tide waterlevel.

There was at least one more older from around 25 000-50 000 years ago. The two latest tsunamies was a series of tsunamies that happened around the same time after each others or max 100 years later.

Link only in norwegian


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I stop here. I do not have the feeling that you really try to think about it.

Funniest was Harte: That the dating of Atlantis is not at all related to Egypt ... good joke!

Bye bye ...!

I agree, i wont go on for much longer, too much waste of time, boring debates. I thank you for your effort. You should be proud of your greenland theory, altough i find it have some weaknesses, but then again it isnt long ago everybody laughed at the first person who stated that tectonic plates floated around on lava. After a long time a research study proved him right. So who knows if tectonic plates really can move fastunder certain circumstances. I hope you continue to search for answer and spread information and knowlegde. Some of the people in here have no arguments, but still argue, no matter what.

I bet if someone found poseidons temple itself with golden statues, ringed city in a anotherplace than right in front of pillars, they wouldent aprove it as platons atlantis. As all myth differs somewhat from the ancient truth, no myth are true in their eyes. There are no way of convincing the skeptics, they are skeptics no matter what.

Edited by whitegandalf
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Your proof for this?

My "proof" that your fanciful description of a culture written of 2360 years ago in a couple of fictional tracts that you obviously haven't chosen to read doesn't correlate with the two tracts as they are written?

My proof: I can read, and have read, Timaeus and Critias, along with several of Plato's other dialogues. Several times. No giants in Atlantis. No Gods there either, but the kings were demigods (sons of Poseidon and Cleito.) The regular peoples was people.

Why couldent atlas or poseidon have been gods, giants or halfgods? Their ancestors was.. Why would platon have the need to specify this, as he already stated that atlas ruled atlantis after his father poseidon. And poseidon was in greek mythology either a god or halfgod..


Gods doesent have to be supernational beings, aliens or a different human race.. Maybe it just felt so for the humans that encountered them.

You seem, then, to know more about this than Plato!

Stupid Plato! "Forgetting" to mention that the Atlanteans were giants and Gods!

And poseidon was in greek mythology either a god or halfgod..

Hmmm. Looks like I was wrong. Plato knows better than you.

Dude, you're in over your head on this topic (at this forum) if you're hazy on Poseidon, one of only six Olympians to have been born of the Titans. Cronus and Rhea, specifically.

The Titans were in charge of the world before Zeus and his gang muscled in. Poseidon is Zeus' brother. He he couldn't be Goddier if his name were Godfrey Godlyson.


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I bet if someone found poseidons temple itself with golden statues, ringed city in a anotherplace than right in front of pillars, they wouldent aprove it as platons atlantis. As all myth differs somewhat from the ancient truth, no myth are true in their eyes. There are no way of convincing the skeptics, they are skeptics no matter what.

To what myth do you refer in the bolded sentence above?

Are you under the impression that there exists some ancient myth about Atlantis?


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Dude, you're in over your head on this topic (at this forum) if you're hazy on Poseidon, one of only six Olympians to have been born of the Titans. Cronus and Rhea, specifically.

The Titans were in charge of the world before Zeus and his gang muscled in. Poseidon is Zeus' brother. He he couldn't be Goddier if his name were Godfrey Godlyson.


Zeus was hidden from birth from the titans and his father cronos. He grew up amoungst humans. As he grew up to a man he led the human rebellment against the titans/gods/halfgods/giants/poseidon and atlas (cronos) even though in blood he was one of them. He was not the only "halfgod" that rebelled. Another brother of him joined the human side. The human war against the gods/atlantis. It ended in a draw, where poseidon and atlas kept the sea, islands and outskirts of the world, and zeus and the humans got to keep the land and their independene.

This is my understanding of text. Please convince me if im wrong.

I am more interested and knowledgable in the other atlantis like myths around the world than platons version of the myth. Many in here have better knowledge about platons version than me.

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Zeus was hidden from birth from the titans and his father cronos. He grew up amoungst humans. As he grew up to a man he led the human rebellment against the titans/gods/halfgods/giants/poseidon and atlas (cronos) even though in blood he was one of them. He was not the only "halfgod" that rebelled. Another brother of him joined the human side. The human war against the gods/atlantis. It ended in a draw, where poseidon and atlas kept the sea, islands and outskirts of the world, and zeus and the humans got to keep the land and their independene.

This is my understanding of text. Please convince me if im wrong.

I am more interested and knowledgable in the other atlantis like myths around the world than platons version of the myth. Many in here have better knowledge about platons version than me.

Looks like you need to go back and read about the Titanomachy, since most of the above is incorrect. Zeus never grew up amongst humans as the Titanomachy (the war between the Titans and the Olympians) happened before there were any humans. Poseidon was not a Titan, he was an Olympian as were his siblings which included Zeus and Hades. And Atlas and Cronos were not one and the same as you show above. The end of the Titanomachy as well didn't end in a draw as the Olympians did to the Titans what the Titans had done to their elders.



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This is my understanding of text. Please convince me if im wrong.

I am more interested and knowledgable in the other atlantis like myths around the world than platons version of the myth. Many in here have better knowledge about platons version than me.

The six whom Cronus ate (then disgorged) all fought (including Poseidon - whom some stories have escaping Cronus like Zeus did,) in the war to unseat the Titans. These six make up half of the Greek Olympian pantheon.

There are no myths in other cultures that are similar at all to Plato's Allegory. Unless, that is, you mean a myth about a sunken land. Land sinks all over the world, you know. Land not only goes down, but it comes up as well.


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If the knowldge about it is forbidden to & from everyone. How do you know whether it is real or not?

How did you come to the understanding that it is forbidden???

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its in your brain eventually. the reason you wanna know bout it because you seems got the pieces of it and not the truth.and we are all still looking for it. we in current world want to knows the secret of the past beings about the power they hold, life and everything that its sealed long ago and why they left the pieces for future for that some reason. they are looking for it. the main pieces of the puzzle of earth that is.

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the other beings who live in same ground as us. even they wont tell you bout it cause they forbidden to tell or limited to tell. some of it just trying to tell us something that is coming but not visible to our senses until they have to stay hidden under certain people.

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So effectivley, its all in your brain, right.?

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Maybe some posters need a little more "Mind Key" to get their thoughts in order?

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  • 2 weeks later...

May I direct the audience to an interesting debate on Plato's Atlantis?

It could help to increase the level of discussion ...


There, the argument that Aristotle did *not* speak out against Atlantis, is used.

Here, the argument is based on Jason Colavito's page:


Seems, that this knowledge penetrates the discussions, now, step-by-step.

Most comprehensive elaboration of the whole question: In "Aristotle and Atlantis", 2012.

There you will find in detail, how this mistake crept into academic publications over the last 200 years.

Yes, something has changed in the knowledge on Plato's Atlantis.


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  • 4 months later...
  • 8 years later...

I remember I created this thread while I was still a Junior in High School. This is easily my best thread that I have ever created on the internet. Honestly I can’t believe it’s still up and not locked.  It’s going to take a long time to read this lol. 

8 years was the last post. 

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