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Russia 'simulates' nuclear attack on Poland


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Oh, and as for military "simulations" go... If they had run all these very useful simulations, as Silver thinks... you'd think they would have ran one regarding the invasion of Afghanistan. Do you think that if the simulation had given this outcome they would still have followed it?

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Indeed, there is a difference because the US and Canada have not done anything similar to what Russia just did in at any point in the recent past.

Nor did I say that. You have issues man. I said simply simulations and I pointed one out. You don't like it tough. Seems someone is rather defensive over a none issue is that Amarican pride on it's last leg? Drop it man FFS it's a none issue. Get back to humping the Russians and Polish already. You seem to have this need that America is faultless and thats just disturbing. Anyway army boy go back to playing war with Russia, seems your mentality is stuck in Cold War phase.

I'm sorry that yesteryear did not make sence to you and again I'm sorry for your missunderstanding. Now move on and discuse the issue and quit looking for an in for another attack. America the largest most arrogant of all military's doesn't perform simulations of all kinds ya right. I bet the eggheads in the early eighties did simulations on how to solve the rubic's cube.

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Oh, and as for military "simulations" go... If they had run all these very useful simulations, as Silver thinks... you'd think they would have ran one regarding the invasion of Afghanistan. Do you think that if the simulation had given this outcome they would still have followed it?

They did run simulations on Iraq and Afganistan and from the looks of it the simulation is working and the wars are going excellent. As long as the agenda is in place. Tell me oh wise one. What has America gained by the war in Iraq and Afganistan? NOTHING it was a war for profit so get off it. You think the military is a saviour ya think again armyboy. The wars are a failure and they were ment to be, get over it.

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Nor did I say that. You have issues man.

You clearly meant it when you said "Pfft big deal. The U.S. has simulated nuclear strikes against Canada and even ground invasion"

Seems someone is rather defensive over a none issue is that Amarican pride on it's last leg?

What? Really? Im Canadian ffs.

Is it really that hard to get your facts straight?

I'm sorry that yesteryear did not make sence to you and again I'm sorry for your missunderstanding.

Playing the victim again, I see. Ceasar was right with that. It is not me that "yesteryear" did not make sense to, it was you. Clearly you dont know the definition of it.

They did run simulations on Iraq and Afganistan and from the looks of it the simulation is working and the wars are going excellent. As long as the agenda is in place. Tell me oh wise one. What has America gained by the war in Iraq and Afganistan? NOTHING it was a war for profit so get off it. You think the military is a saviour ya think again armyboy. The wars are a failure and they were ment to be, get over it

So which is it? The war is going great or the war is a failure?

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Maybe we should talk about The U.S. having nuclear weapons in Canada in order to save your own butt. Move on, this is about Russia and Poland. If this thread needs to become all about me and a slip up about simulations so be it.

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Maybe we should talk about The U.S. having nuclear weapons in Canada in order to save your own butt

Why would we talk about that? To save who's butt?

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Maybe we should talk about The U.S. having nuclear weapons in Canada in order to save your own butt. Move on, this is about Russia and Poland. If this thread needs to become all about me and a slip up about simulations so be it.

yep... since page one you've defended a statement which you've clarified.

This topic is not about what you said regarding Canada and the USA's war games.... no.... it was about what the OP started.

Sometimes the conversation gets lost in 'he said - she said' socially-correct comments...... -its very western of us to jump to conclusions over miss-statements.

Kind of like an episode of Jack Tripper's Three's Company...lol.

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You clearly meant it when you said "Pfft big deal. The U.S. has simulated nuclear strikes against Canada and even ground invasion"

What? Really? Im Canadian ffs.

Is it really that hard to get your facts straight?

Playing the victim again, I see. Ceasar was right with that. It is not me that "yesteryear" did not make sense to, it was you. Clearly you dont know the definition of it.

So which is it? The war is going great or the war is a failure?

Holy Christ dude drop it with obbsesive compulsive behaviour. I said something I didn't have actual facts on move on or should I say bigfoot is real and slept with your sister last night. Schitt I would get less grief over that I imagine.

Playing the victime LOL you are like Ceasar playing the poor poor American why does everyone pick on me syndrome. Grow up the both of you. If your almighty nation and your stupid pride can't take a knock from time to time then it's a sure sign of your weakness. You have shown it by dumb lazy attacks as you nation has done. Pathetic that something like this garners such attention. If stupid attacks like this are your replacement for v iagra so be it but get of my freakin back about it.

Bunch of sad sacks that feel sorry for themselves because there nation is run by the military complex. You bought into it now suck it up buttercup.

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Why would we talk about that? To save who's butt?

Because this thread was fubard by idiots like you that have a need to jump on a mistake and I still satnd by my conviction that the U.S. has run such silmulations. FFS for the last time move your broken ego to the side of the road so we can all get by.

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Playing the victime LOL you are like Ceasar playing the poor poor American why does everyone pick on me syndrome. Grow up the both of you. If your almighty nation and your stupid pride can't take a knock from time to time then it's a sure sign of your weakness. You have shown it by dumb lazy attacks as you nation has done. Pathetic that something like this garners such attention. If stupid attacks like this are your replacement for v iagra so be it but get of my freakin back about it.

Bunch of sad sacks that feel sorry for themselves because there nation is run by the military complex. You bought into it now suck it up buttercup.

"My nation"? But your nation isnt?

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"My nation"? But your nation isnt?

Your nation lied to the world man. As far as the wars being good or bad hmmm lets look at that for a second hmmm who has to gain and who has gained vs who have we helped and have we made the world a safer place?

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Your nation lied to the world man.

Why would you say that?

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The winter Olympics are coming to Vancouver, Canada next February 2010.

Any favorites?


Men's hockey U.S. vs Canada score 5-3 Canada for the gold ;)

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Your nation lied to the world man. As far as the wars being good or bad hmmm lets look at that for a second hmmm who has to gain and who has gained vs who have we helped and have we made the world a safer place?

His nation is currently having its Military go to war while the nation sits back and criticizes the government for sending their soldiers there. I for one would go to war with Stellar if he ever chose it.


Edited by Thanato
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Why would you say that?

Who is responsible for 9/11 ? It wasn't the nation of Afghanistan it sure as hell was not Iraq. We know who did it yet the U.S. still kisses there dirty butt.

The coalition of the willing was based on lies brought forth by none other than Bush.

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Who is responsible for 9/11 ? It wasn't the nation of Afghanistan it sure as hell was not Iraq. We know who did it yet the U.S. still kisses there dirty butt.

What does that have to do with my nation lying to the world?

Edited by Stellar
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His nation is currently having its Military go to war while the nation sits back and criticizes the government for sending their soldiers for sending them there. I for one would go to war with Stellar if he ever chose it.


You may go to war for your nation and yes I would to and yes Steller would be an awesome comrade to have. It's not the soldiers that are to blame and for any citizen to sit back and criticize is wrong. Absolute support for the men and women serving. I have not nor will ever attack them for being a soldier. I am talking about eggheads sitting behind desks making the decisions the soldiers have to abide by.

Steller when I said marines earlier in reference to joining it was because my close friend and boss served in Vietnam and he's Canadian. 3 yrs all voluntary because the U.S. is such a close friend.

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What does that have to do with my nation lying to the world?

You don't know? Your former president lied to american people to get his agenda pushed through dragging every nation he could along for the ride. Lets not go through this again as we all know Iraq was a bad call due to mis information. Nice try though, I will not be dragged into a 9/11 debate with you so you can stop it ok.

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Your former president lied to american people to get his agenda pushed through dragging every nation he could along for the ride. Lets not go through this again as we all know Iraq was a bad call due to mis information. Nice try though, I will not be dragged into a 9/11 debate with you so you can stop it ok.

Im not trying to drag you into anything. Im trying to figure out how my former president lied if I have no former president.

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What does that have to do with my nation lying to the world?

What does this mean ha this thread was hijacked by a couple goons that took what I said a Canadian civilian and turned it into the Nixon trials. 90% of this thread is me being attacked. I'm honored to receive such attention ;) You don't like what I say state it and move on. I have done more than my part to have this move forward.

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Im not trying to drag you into anything. Im trying to figure out how my former president lied if I have no former president.

no offense stellar... but i can't resist...

'read my lips - no new taxes' -HW Bush

'i did not have sex with that woman' -B Clinton

'Iraq has WMD's' -GW Bush

'i will not hire lobbyists' -B Obama

I wouldn't follow these liars across the street.

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Im not trying to drag you into anything. Im trying to figure out how my former president lied if I have no former president.

See quote


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Im not trying to drag you into anything. Im trying to figure out how my former president lied if I have no former president.

Ya right, I can see through your disguise Steller ;)

So now it's double talk, or am I wrong again LOL I was under the impression you are an American? Well damn if I'm wrong here. If your not American than I do apologize.

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