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Saudi Arabia to execute TV psychic


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A TV psychic Ali Sabat from Lebanon is due to be executed in Saudi Arabia after being found guilty of witchcraft. He had been visiting the country and was arrested from his hotel room by the Mutaween police.

"In the United States, television psychics are merely mocked. In Saudi Arabia, they are executed. The Saudi Arabian government is planning to execute Lebanese television psychic Ali Sibat. Sibat was found guilty of witchcraft by a Saudi court in November, a crime which carries the death sentence."

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I am continuously flabbergasted by our (United States) alliance/relationship with Saudia Arabia. for cracks sake, most of the hijackers (9/11) were from there correct? aww hell. could the super-religious world be more retarded than this? One woman is being held for witchcraft for making a man impotent? freaking nature does fool. welcome to the 17th century saudia arabia. starting to become more in favor of using HAARP on these clowns.

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Another example of how the allies that the US depends on in the fight against terrorism are such beacons of civilised values.

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Not surprising to me, I remember when the saudis executed their own princess because she admitted to adultry I think back in the 70s, Nothing has changed there and I do not forsee any change coming any time soon, That government is all messed up,

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A "modern 21st century country" that, if it weren't for their oil, would still be driving camels in the desert.

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yea, they are crazy..nothing like a country who is 1 trillion in debt because of bad foreign policy, a govt ran by crackpots...whew..so glad I dont live in a country like saudi that has a economic surplus and controls the worlds oil supply..i feel so lucky

Edited by Live Free or Die
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yea, they are crazy..nothing like a country who is 1 trillion in debt because of bad foreign policy, a govt ran by crackpots...whew..so glad I dont live in a country like saudi that has a economic surplus and controls the worlds oil supply..i feel so lucky

What, and that's all that matters? An economic surplus. Whoopie!! And you could also have your head chopped off at the slightest provocation. Suppose you were in Saudi Arabia. Now, do you think you'd be able to say about the leadership of said country any of the things that are routinely said about Obama, or about his predecessor? And what would be likely to happen to you if you did? Now, would an economic surplus really make up for that?

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yea, they are crazy..nothing like a country who is 1 trillion in debt because of bad foreign policy, a govt ran by crackpots...whew..so glad I dont live in a country like saudi that has a economic surplus and controls the worlds oil supply..i feel so lucky

For one thing, the Saudi's don't control the worlds oil supply. Do the research if your in doubt.

For another, I would rather live in a country that's a trillion in debt than I would in country that's patrolled by the Inquisition, ahem I mean the Mutaween police.

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yea, they are crazy..nothing like a country who is 1 trillion in debt because of bad foreign policy, a govt ran by crackpots...whew..so glad I dont live in a country like saudi that has a economic surplus and controls the worlds oil supply..i feel so lucky

Live Free or Die??? That isn't an option you would be given over there.

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So why are Britain and the U.S friends with these guys again? :rolleyes: No-body cares about the Saudis freedom do they?

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yea, they are crazy..nothing like a country who is 1 trillion in debt because of bad foreign policy, a govt ran by crackpots...whew..so glad I dont live in a country like saudi that has a economic surplus and controls the worlds oil supply..i feel so lucky

Don't know if you have lived there, but I spent 5 long years trying to help the Saudi nation run its own air force.

Its a common fallacy that Saudi is a cash rich country, yes some individuals have made a lot from oil, but the vast majority of its citizens are just average joes trying to make a buck or two a day to get by just like the rest of us.the country as a whole isn't cash rich but it is asset rich I.E. it has large holdings of a commodity the rest of the world wants.

Everywhere you go outside Riyahd and the regional capitals, you see failed building projects that have run out of cash whilst the pet projects of its ruling class get money thrown at them to avoid 'Loss of face' through failure.

A lot of the time they don't pay their national bills in cash, they just give the equivelent value in barrels of oil, thats how they financed their purchase of Tornado and Hawk aircraft and other military supplies from the UK - this oil was then sold on the open market when it suited the British government of the day.

However, reliance on oil revenues alone is a risky way to finance a country, having only one value stream product leaves them vulnerable. Even now they are dreading the day when oil runs out(Or even worse when the west finds something better to power its industries and they are left with a black goo no one wants anymore!)and are desperately trying to move their economy away from a total reliance on oil revenues.

As for 'controlling' the worlds oil supply, I dont know if you've noticed but America, Russia, South America, the north sea and other countries all produce oil as well and if the Saudi oil Sheiks tried to hold us all to ransom, these countries could fill the void long enough for sanctions to bite and bring the Saudi rulers back in line.Of course the price of fuel would go up until supplies started rolling again.

As for their laws and way of life, well they do seem backward and barbaric to some of us, but those laws have developed to suit the culture of the people at this particular time, some of our laws from previous centuries seem equally cruel and barbaric to us but again they were products suited to the culture at that time, we have moved on and so will the peoples of the middle east eventually.

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I am continuously flabbergasted by our (United States) alliance/relationship with Saudia Arabia. for cracks sake, most of the hijackers (9/11) were from there correct? aww hell. could the super-religious world be more retarded than this?

Yep they were mostly Saudi nationals that pulled off 9/11. The reason the nutjobs did it was because infidel boots had tread upon the holy ground of Mecca during desert storm. Which is why they demand we either convert to Islam or expect more attacks. I am of the opinion the reason that this is not widely known is because the powers to be fear the american public would never support helping an allied Islamic country under any circumstance again.

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Yep they were mostly Saudi nationals that pulled off 9/11. The reason the nutjobs did it was because infidel boots had tread upon the holy ground of Mecca during desert storm. Which is why they demand we either convert to Islam or expect more attacks. I am of the opinion the reason that this is not widely known is because the powers to be fear the american public would never support helping an allied Islamic country under any circumstance again.

What? Are people living under a rock? :blink:

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What i'd like to know about the Saudi' is what do they constitute as witchcraft?

Is there some book out in the desert saying; "Thou mus'nt sacrifice thy goat upon thee ultar" or is it more vague like "Thee magics beg thy Gods to be dirty" ??? I just don't get it...

Like some guy goes over to Saudi and tells a cop, "Your wife is pregnant and she will have a strong healthy boy"... is the cop suposed to turn around and be like "WHAT!? You shall now be held in prison and be exicuted for you magics".

LOL, I gues psychic hotlines are considered evil? What about the people who deal with the psychic?

Ha, I've got another one;

I'd like all the airports that go to Saudi to get something like this:


Edited by G3N0M3
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If witchcraft worked, the officials would die ghastly and immediate deaths, the prison walls would fall down, and the Genie would teleport back to Lebanon. Since this is not occurring, witchcraft does not exist, and the Saudis are executing someone for fraud.

Harsh penalty, for talking crap- eh?

Not going to vacation in SA- ever. devil.gif

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Thank you for the insight glyndowers heir. You do believe it is only a matter of time before they are forced to join the rest of the world and forgo such barbaric practices?

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You guys missed the one, binding, argument. The powers that be, there, LOVE this. Fear keeps them in power, threat of death and torture keeps them in power, and as long as it's status quo, they don't WANT it to change.

Just my $.02

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Never practice witchcraft in Saudi Arabia, check!

:lol: ....yeah!!!!....or a comedy act,or a magic show....hell!!!!....might as well not speak huh :hmm:

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i have been to SA......mind you it was only a 3 hour stop over at 2am in the morning......getting out of the plane was like walking into an oven.then seeing the terminal covered in police with machine guns........yeah!!!!...just great :hmm:

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yea, they are crazy..nothing like a country who is 1 trillion in debt because of bad foreign policy, a govt ran by crackpots...whew..so glad I dont live in a country like saudi that has a economic surplus and controls the worlds oil supply..i feel so lucky

you sir are a moron.

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I really dont understand the reason why psychics are of a problem to any in Saudi? The society there needs much reformation and the government acts like societies that just ignore this doesn't go anywhere



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