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Santa Claus: the man behind the myth


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The Santa Claus we know and love has been a staple of the Christmas festivities for generations but who was the real man behind Father Christmas and when did he start wearing a big red coat and delivering presents ?

"Like America itself, the jolly figure we call Santa Claus is a melting pot of cultures, blending elements of folklore with the fantastical. Santa Claus the man is actually loosely rooted in fact, though he hasn't always looked the way he does today, having evolved from a gift-giving Catholic saint who lived during the third century. "

arrow3.gifView: Full Article | arrow3.gifSource: Live Science
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The Santa Claus we know and love has been a staple of the Christmas festivities for generations but who was the real man behind Father Christmas and when did he start wearing a big red coat and delivering presents ?

"Like America itself, the jolly figure we call Santa Claus is a melting pot of cultures, blending elements of folklore with the fantastical. Santa Claus the man is actually loosely rooted in fact, though he hasn't always looked the way he does today, having evolved from a gift-giving Catholic saint who lived during the third century. "

arrow3.gifView: Full Article | arrow3.gifSource: Live Science

Coca-Cola® advertising actually helped shape this modern-day image of Santa.

2006 marked the 75th anniversary of the famous Coca-Cola Santa Claus. Starting in 1931, magazine ads for Coca-Cola featured St. Nick as a kind, jolly man in a red suit. Because magazines were so widely viewed, and because this image of Santa appeared for more than three decades, the image of Santa most people have today is largely based on our advertising.

Before the 1931 introduction of the Coca-Cola Santa Claus created by artist Haddon Sundblom, the image of Santa ranged from big to small and fat to tall. Santa even appeared as an elf and looked a bit spooky. ...

... many people thought of Coca-Cola as a drink only for warm weather. The Coca-Cola Company began a campaign to remind people that Coca-Cola was a great choice in any month. This began with the 1922 slogan "Thirst Knows No Season," and continued with a campaign connecting a true icon of winter -- Santa Claus -- with the beverage.

Source: Coca Cola Co.

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So "Santa Claus" never existed... I knew it! :o


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