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Frozen Britain - NASA Satellite image Jan. 7


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never mind about climate change? what about continental drift, will our green taxes stop that?link

Edited by stevewinn
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It's cold in January? When the hell did this happen?

last time i checked... it happened in january :tu:

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When the weather is colder than average, weather isn't climate.

When the weather is warmer than average, undeniable proof of global warming and a dying planet somehow becomes apparent.

I have never said such a thing or used such an argument.

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Seattle's having it's normal.. high 40's low 50's and rain rain rain winter. (As appose to the last couple of years when it was wind storm and below freezing snow and ice..

Granted, what I've always took from this whole global climate change was.. the seasons of winter and summer become more extream. Scortching summers.. (It was 115 here in august ffs!!) and frozen ice filled stormy winters. (which has been seen all around)

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Didn't a group predicted that 2010 would be one of the hottest years on record at the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen? It sure doesn't seem like it in North America, China and many places in Europe?

My link

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Didn't a group predicted that 2010 would be one of the hottest years on record at the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen? It sure doesn't seem like it in North America, China and many places in Europe?

Today is January 8.

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dont you just love nature, these so called experts think they have it all sussed out with their fancy statistics and multimillion pound computers, inputting their data and running simulation - models, but at the end of the day they still struggle to find their ass hole with both hands.

Yup, the best things are the things they blame man-made global warming on, its just to much from ABC: Al Qaeda and Taliban Being Helped By Global Warming to Climate change pushes poor women to prostitution

Heres a neet site that tracks all the nonsense claims that man-made global warming is causing, you just cant make this crap up!

A complete list of things caused by global warming

Edited by Caesar
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Today is January 8.

And tomorrow is January 9.

... issit summer yet?

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Today is January 8.

Yes and every day here has been 20 below average and the city in MA that I use to live in is already out of snow removal funds.

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And Portland had some flurries today. So what? One week of data isn't quite enough to determine much about 2010.

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And Portland had some flurries today. So what? One week of data isn't quite enough to determine much about 2010.

And some towns and cities in Florida are seeing some of the temperatures falling to the lowest since 1971 and will break many all time records, pushing orange prices at a two year high, It’s already snowed four times in Dallas! look all over the world!,Beijing received the heaviest snowfall in almost six decades, Scotland almost as cold as South Pole, Ireland reports the lowest temperature in 50 years, New Delhi, India has seen some new all time lows with disruption in flight and train services not to mention the deaths because of the cold.

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I have never said such a thing or used such an argument.

I never said you did, I was being sarcastic towards the media mainly. Sorry if I implied you said so.

Every media source that uses high temperatures to validate AGW always makes sure to reassure their viewers/readers that cold temperatures "do not mean global warming has stopped". It happens all the time.

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So this whole.. winter and summer seasons being more extream is lost on people?

Thought so.

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mmmmm.. mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmme bbbbbbbballs have ttttturned blue......

LOL. * leaves two beanies for ya!*

I must say that the Sat pic looks well scary! :blink:

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Seattle's having it's normal.. high 40's low 50's and rain rain rain winter. (As appose to the last couple of years when it was wind storm and below freezing snow and ice..

Granted, what I've always took from this whole global climate change was.. the seasons of winter and summer become more extream. Scortching summers.. (It was 115 here in august ffs!!) and frozen ice filled stormy winters. (which has been seen all around)

yes, that's what they've been saying. They confidently said that last summer in the UK would be like that.

This turned out to be a little wide of the mark.

Now, if only the experts would admit that they can't actually say for definite, or even roughly, what it's going to be like in any longer term than a week or so, and just say that things are likely to get more unpredictable, say, then people might perhaps be more prepared to listen to them. But they insist on making these pronouncements that "it will do this, and it will do that, over the next ten years", and then they wonder why peoplke treat them with disdain.

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January 07, 2010

John Hirst, head of the Met Office, tries to defend the record of the weathermen after they predicted a mild winter.

Andrew Neil asked him to justify his salary which is higher than the UK Prime Minister's.

The presenter seems to know more about the subject than the actual guy running the MET Office.


See? Notice how he keeps on about how so many people rely on his short term forecast, and how their forecast for the next 5 days is universally renowned as trustworthy and reliable, etc;

So why do they keep insisting on making these headline grabbing long term prophecies? If they can't tell what it's going to be like a month or two ahead, how can they possibly say what it'll be like over the next 10 or 20 years?

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When the weather is colder than average, weather isn't climate.

When the weather is warmer than average, undeniable proof of global warming and a dying planet somehow becomes apparent.

That's so true :tu:

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LOL. * leaves two beanies for ya!*

Thank you...

I hope it's large size, it's just well you know ...king kong size.

It's a genetic condition I'm proud of.

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See? Notice how he keeps on about how so many people rely on his short term forecast, and how their forecast for the next 5 days is universally renowned as trustworthy and reliable, etc;

So why do they keep insisting on making these headline grabbing long term prophecies? If they can't tell what it's going to be like a month or two ahead, how can they possibly say what it'll be like over the next 10 or 20 years?

Because he won't be around by then, none of the guys selling us this c r a p will be around, they'll be retired or dead, and most likely we will be too busy enjoying the NATURALLY occurring climate to really care about what they said, or we will be too busy working our butts off to transfer our wealth to others to be able to do much about it.

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Because he won't be around by then, none of the guys selling us this c r a p will be around, they'll be retired or dead, and most likely we will be too busy enjoying the NATURALLY occurring climate to really care about what they said, or we will be too busy working our butts off to transfer our wealth to others to be able to do much about it.

No, they are predicting average climate, not local weather. You should bother to learn the difference between the two. Maybe then you could make a worthwhile point.

Oh and as I have said many times, climate change predicts cooling in Europe ;)


Edited by Mattshark
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No, they are predicting average climate, not local weather. You should bother to learn the difference between the two. Maybe then you could make a worthwhile point.

But if their predictions for even relatively local, relatively short-term conditions are so all over the place, how do we know to have faith in them for the bigger picture?

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But if their predictions for even relatively local, relatively short-term conditions are so all over the place, how do we know to have faith in them for the bigger picture?

Because it is a very different thing. Local weather is far more variable.

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