_Only Posted May 29, 2010 #301 Share Posted May 29, 2010 how about getting all the ouija practioners do it with their eyes close. btw: does anyone find this 17 yrs old extremely knowledgeable. i guess they have a better education system where he's from Yes, and turn the board 180 degrees around without telling the user. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mentally Divergent Posted May 29, 2010 #302 Share Posted May 29, 2010 If he was like "Hey read this story I wrote about a Ouija board!" then I would have been like meh. But instead he pulled a total Blair Witch Project, so it kept my attention for a bit. Great work though, I enjoyed what I read of this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nile_Shaman Posted May 29, 2010 #303 Share Posted May 29, 2010 IG, did you ever find out what event they were counting thier years from to come up with the date? thanks, ns Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted May 29, 2010 Author #304 Share Posted May 29, 2010 IG, did you ever find out what event they were counting thier years from to come up with the date? thanks, ns Hi Nile_Shaman: Like you I was also wondering about how they measure time, and much later on in the material we got into that a bit -- although it’s very tedious and mind-numbing, so I finally set it aside. However, from what I can tell, they get their time traditions primarily from the Mayans, but they seem to combine Mayan time measurement with a some Scandinavian system. They have a “Long Calandar” a “Short Calandar” and a “Thorian Calandar” They have also had “calandar reform” a number of times. Their year 1951 seems to stem from some kind of major event in the Mayan world and then counted forward with “short year” cycles -- a short year is 260 days, based on the orbit of Venus. When Dr. 58 says he is 17 years old, I’m still not sure how this would compare with our time-measurement system. It sounds to me like he could be anything from 15 years old to 25. ------- For those of you who say I am pulling a "Blaire Witch" -- that's ridiculous. Everyone is reaching way too much. I'm just asking questions at an Ouija board and writing down the answers I get. That's all -- the same thing I have been doing since 1968. It's just a hobby. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlucardXX Posted May 29, 2010 #305 Share Posted May 29, 2010 So IG is saying that he's been doing this for a while and that its only a hobby, I read that from the beginning and seemed to understand, I didn't know it was that hard to understand. Someone says "hey, here's this interesting conversation I had with this guy by means of a ouija board, don't know if its real or if some entity is playing a trick on me, maybe its my imagination or my Subconscious" and I manage to understand all of that. I think he felt like sharing his experience with us to see what we thought, nothing more. I read it and found it to be extremely weird and interesting, do I believed him? don't know...do I think he's making it all up? don't know, I enjoyed it and would like to hear more regardless of its origin. I could ask for video and some of us will say its fake, I could ask for a photo and the same thing would happen, I consider myself to be a skeptic and a believer at the same time but I do know how to say three little words......I DON'T KNOW. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sakari Posted May 29, 2010 #306 Share Posted May 29, 2010 (edited) How would a person prove whether this story was made up, coming from his subconscious, or genuine information from a parallel universe? Take each theory as a premise and test it. The problem is, there are no tests anyone could possibly come up with that would prove anything. Say the story is made up, and IG isn't really using a Ouija board at all. If that were the case, there would be no audio transcripts because there would be nothing to record but the clicking of a keyboard. No video except a man sitting at a computer typing up a story and posting on a forum. However, IG claims he got this communication from a Ouija board. Say you were able to peek in and observe the process, what would you see? Assuming IG really wants people to believe this all came from Ouija sessions, you'd see IronGhost and a partner sitting around a Ouija board, them asking questions (probably out loud) and the pointer moving from one letter to another. What does that prove? Nothing. There's still no way of knowing if the information is consciously made up, subconsciously pouring out through involuntary muscle movements, or an outside entity moving his hands. If you're looking for the pointer moving on its own, forget it. Except for very rare, undocumented, unverified cases, that's not how Ouija boards work. Ouija is a form of channeling, which requires a channel to operate. Whether one is channeling the subconscious or an outside entity is impossible to prove. So to the skeptics: Come up with a reasonable test that would actually prove whether or not this story is consciously made up, it's coming from the subconscious, or coming from an external entity. If you can't come up with a test like that, then how can you say it's fake? (Fake in this case meaning, he sat down and consciously came up with a story rather than receiving it through a Ouija board without deliberately moving the pointer to predetermined letters.) Unless you're a mind reader, or you manage to spy on him while he isn't looking, all the recording equipment in the world would still fail to prove anything in this case. Even if you could spy on him, that still wouldn't prove anything unless you clearly saw the absence of a Ouija board, and you knew that what he was typing was not a transcript of a previous session. For this particular story , a test to "prove it does not exist" would take the writer's approval to come to his home...Will explain that later.... Now how to prove it is fake....Let's say I posted I can type replies just by my thoughts , people here want to know how I do it , verify it. 1.I could explain in detail how it is done , than let them try it.If they can not do it , I would video me doing it.Now , this would obvioussly not be verifiable either.I would than have to have a outside source come verify it at my home , or me go somewhere to verify it...As a matter of fact , I would do it for the 1 million dollar challenge ( for those who do not know , there is a 1 million dollar a ward to anyone whom will go verify there psychic abilities)....If I did not "need the money"...lol....I would invite anyone near me to come verify it...It takes the person claiming this to help me "prove it does not exist"....If I did not agree to do anythng to show I can do it , than it is just my word against science and physics. I have asked the author to let us hear his taped sessions , he refuses.Personally , I think it would take a lot of time to sit down and ask these questions , than letter , by letter , have a full story.That is after going back and listening to the letters you say out loud to write down when listening to your recording....This brings me to a good point. The author says he "has to record them because the letters go by so fast"....If this is the case , how does he come up with a response to a statement?If he is going back and listening later to write the letters down to form words/sentences he can not have a full session....Get it?...This is why he is not willing to post recordings in my opinion.This shows it is not even his subconcious , he is just writing a story , same as any author , but with the side show thing thrown in to amplify the story.Who would want to have to get a recorder , read a manuscript letter for letter that matches up.This would be time consuming to do...Now , if this recording was all ready made , it would be very easy to do.It is all ready done....So , without the author willingly accepting that challenge , I can not "prove it is fake" this way. What can one do now?....Try doing Ouiji sessions myself.Have others try Ouiji sessions themselves.With a large sample group , at least one should be able to come up with something verifiable , if this were true....Well , this has been done , and not one shred of evidence to point to paranormal.I do not know how many studies have been done , I know a lot.The only conclusions that came out , are that an Ouiji board is NOT a tool to communicate with anyone other than the person touching it. I have taken on the "prove it does not exist" with Demons/spirits/evil spirits , etc...It is a topic here , I have tried about everything anyone has suggested to get one , and notta.. Anyway , I could go on and on....Here is the link to the Million Dollar Award if the author wants it.... " At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event. The JREF does not involve itself in the testing procedure, other than helping to design the protocol and approving the conditions under which a test will take place. All tests are designed with the participation and approval of the applicant. In most cases, the applicant will be asked to perform a relatively simple preliminary test of the claim, which if successful, will be followed by the formal test. Preliminary tests are usually conducted by associates of the JREF at the site where the applicant lives. Upon success in the preliminary testing process, the "applicant" becomes a "claimant." To date, no one has passed the preliminary tests." here is link to apply for it.... million dollar challenge Edited May 29, 2010 by Sakari Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronGhost Posted May 29, 2010 Author #307 Share Posted May 29, 2010 The session continue: Question: Dr. 58, will you speak with us? ANSWER: SIR, WOULD THEE PREPARE THY STAFF? Question: Uh oh, this is not Dr. 58 is it? ANSWER: NO. THE STAFF, SIR? Question: I‘m not sure what we’re talking about here? ANSWER: I WOULD ADVISE YOU ON THE PREPARATION OF THY STAFF. Question: Who are you? ANSWER: A TRAVELER, A WANDERER, OF THE STAFF GUILD. I WOULD INSTRUCT THEE ON THY STAFF. Question: What kind of staff, like a walking stick, or a staff, say, for a shepherd or maybe a wizard? ANSWER: YOUR PERSONAL STAFF, KIND SIR. ARE THEE READY? Question: Well, can you tell us if this has anything to do with Dr. 58? ANSWER: IN A ROUNDABOUT WAY, SIR. Question: In what way is this connected? ANSWER: SIR, A FINE STAFF IS ALWAYS TRUE AND NOT TO BE WITHOUT IN ANY EVENT, BE THY WANDERING IN MINNESOTA. Question: Perhaps you’ve got the wrong idea. I don’t live in exactly the same Minnesota as the one of Dr. 58’s world. Perhaps you are confused. What do you think? ANSWER: IT’S A SMALL MATTER, A WAY OF LOOKING AT THINGS. NOW, TO THY STAFF. Question: Wait a minute, what will I owe you or have to exchange for accepting advice on the production of my staff? ANSWER: NOTHING, SIR! TIS MY JOY! Question: I apologize if I seem rude, but a number of times our conversations with Dr. 58 have been interrupted by an entity whom refers to us as “Man Thing,” and who has offered us a boon under rather suspicious circumstances. You are not that same being, are you? ANSWER: SIR, NO AND NO! I ASK NOTHING. I HAVE SORING HOPES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF YOUR STAFF. Question: Forgive me for pressing the point, but this other party whom I just mentioned sought to conspire with me to convince Dr. 58 to travel to Minnesota. Do you have any such interest, or any interest in Dr. 58 at all? ANSWER: NONE, SIR! THE YOUNG SQUIRE DR. 58 IS NOW IN POSSESSION OF A FINE STAFF, PER MY GUIDANCE AND MY HEART IS FULFILLED Question: Indeed, you seem kind and to have a genuine passion for the joys of owning a fine staff, and in teaching others in obtaining their own personal staffs. But let me ask you this. How is that you have come into or conversation with Dr. 58? I mean, what is your connection? ANSWER: SIR I MAKE NO JUDGMENTS. I PERCEIVED THEE TO BE WITHOUT A STAFF, AND SAW OPPRORTUNITY. Question: Well, are you listening in on my conversation with Dr. 58? ANSWER: NOT THAT, SIR. I ONLY TAKE NOTICE OF A GENTLEMAN WITH NO STAFF. Question: You say you a member of some kind of Guild? Is this a Guild of craftsman dedicated to the making of staffs? ASNWER: YES, SIR, SHALL WE BEGIN? Question: Not just yet. Tell us about yourself. What is your name? ANSWER: MY NAME HARDLY MATTERS. Question: Will you tell us anyway, in friendship? ANSWER: GEFRAIM. Question: Okay, Gefraim, well met! Where are you from? Minnesota? ANSWER: SIR, THE KINGDOM PROPER. Question: You mean you are in the “Real Minnesota” rather than my shadow version, as others have called it? ANSWER: SIR, IT IS BUT A WAY OF LOOKING AT THINGS. THE STAFF? Question: How long did it take you to learn your craft of making staffs? Were you apprenticed to the Guild? ANSWER: SIR, YES, I WAS BORN INTO THE GUILD. Question: How long does it take to master the craft of staff building? ANSWER: SIR, IT DIFFERS FOR ALL. Question: Please take no offense, but do you have any references? I mean, can you direct me to perhaps a Guild Master who trained you so that he can vouch for your work? ANSWER: SIR, WITH HONOR. YOU MAY SPEAK WITH FURSTUS. Question: Wonderful! Can you help us speak with him? ANSWER: A TWITCH OF THE STAFF, SIR, SPEAK. Question: Do we now speak with the Staff Guild Master Furstus? ANSWER: JUST SO. Question: Well met, Master Furstus! Tell us, is Gefraim a competent member of the Guild? Can he provide me with a staff I can use with confidence? ANSWER: GEFRAIM STANDS AS THE GUILD. Question: Why is Gefraim offering to help me build a staff? What is it he or you or the Guild is getting out of this? ANSWER: SIR, THE GUILD PERFORMS ITS FUNCTION, NOTHING MORE. Question: How about if I offer you some Consciousness Chits, or C-Chits, as payment, or at least a token of my thanks? ANSWER: C-CHITS ARE NOT FOR THE KINGDOM, SIR. Question: So I have heard. Well, is there anyway I can express my thanks for this information? I would not have an exchange take place and disrupt any balances. ANSWER: I LEAVE THAT TO YOU, SIR. Question: Okay, well then, perhaps we can speak with Gefraim again? ANSWER: A TWITCH OF THE STAFF, SIR. Question: Gefraim? ANSWER: ALL IS ORDER, SIR? SHALL WE BEGIN? Question: Yes, please, and let it be noted we will be providing you with a free will offering in exchange for your service. Agreed? ASNWER: AS YOU WISH, SIR, AND NOW TO THE STAFF. Question: By all means, proceed. SIR, I PERCEIVE THY RESONANCE IS THE WILLOW. SELECT THEE A FINE PORTION ONE HAND BREADTH HIGHER THAN YOUR OWN HEAD, SIR. Question: The willow, you say? Should it be a live cutting or a cast off limb, or what? ANSWER: SIR, APPROACH THE WILLOW AND LET IT TELL YOU. SELECT. Question: I think I can do that. After I have selected my cutting of willow for my staff, what next? ANSWER: SIR, SIX THINGS: 1. PEEL BARK FROM THE CUTTING. 2. JOIN THE CUTTING WITH A COATING OF THY BLOOD. 3. SUN DRY. 4. CHARGE WITH THE EARTH: BURY THY STAFF FOR ONE DAY AND ONE NIGHT. 5. APPLY THE RESIN OF THE GREEN NEEDLE TREE BOILED IN NUT OIL 6. ATTUNE THY STAFF: ALIGN WITH THE POLE STAR, FOR ONE COMPLETE ROTATION OF THE HEAVENS. LET NOT THE STAFF TOUCH THE GROUND. SIR, THY STAFF IS YOURS. Question: A few questions. When you say that I should join the staff with a coating of my blood, does that mean I should basically paint the staff completely from top to bottom with my own blood? ANSWER: SIR, THIS WILL JOIN YOUR ENERGY TO THE STAFF. Question: Very good. And this varnish, you suggest. Does it have to be this tree resin boiled in nut oil? I have available to me a number of varnishes, as manufactured here in my world by various Guilds. For example, there is a fine Guild called Ace Hardware from which I can obtain a resin varnish for my staff. ANSWER: SIR, PREPARE THINE OWN VARNISH. Question: Okay, and you say I should align my staff with the Pole Star? Am I supposed to build some kind of holder or perch on which the staff can lie as it attunes to the heavenly rotation? ASNWER: SIR, THAT IS WISE. Question: I tell you what. As it happens, I own a Newtonian reflecting telescope, and it just so happens that the mount for this instrument is aligned with the Pole Star. What if I remove the telescope from the mount and rest my staff if place? Would this be okay? ANSWER; SIR, THE TELESCOPE IMPLEMENT IS UNKNOWN TO ME. USE TWO NEUTRAL STICK POSTS. TIE THY STAFF TO THE POSTS WITH TWISTED GRASS. SIGHT CAREFULLY TO ALIGN WITH THE POLE STAR. Question: Should the top of the staff point toward the Pole Star? ANSWER: SIR, THAT IS CORRECT. Question: Gefraim, I accept your gift of instruction, and in exchange, I provide thee with an Energy Bar Tool. Will you accept? ASNWER: WITH HONOR, SIR. GENTLE WINDS, SIR. Gentle Winds, Gefraim! Good-bye! Good-bye. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
louis_last Posted May 29, 2010 #308 Share Posted May 29, 2010 So are you going to make yourself a staff in this fashion iron ghost? keep it coming by the way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SAmbag Posted May 29, 2010 #309 Share Posted May 29, 2010 Although having a magic staff would be awesome coating it with blood gives me pause. And it seems really cryptically explained anyhow so you might just mess it up anyway. BUT, if you do it post pix of your new Merlin staff por favor! And man did that guy talk alot like the "man-thing" guy or what? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
000000000000000 Posted May 29, 2010 #310 Share Posted May 29, 2010 Sounds interesting. It seems this is getting similar to pagan practices. I know some pagans do the whole approaching the tree and allowing it to tell you what to pick. The willow according to this source is supposed to be associated with the moon, goddess, water, and all that is feminine. http://www.whitedragon.org.uk/articles/willow.htm the sun is a symbol of energy so that makes sense. Burying it would give it power from the earth I assume. I assume the green needles further attune with it the earth. The blood is symbolically the energy, the life force of the person. It probably further "energizes" the staff and brings it closer to you. Than the whole pole star business must align it with the heavens. Its an interesting ritual. I wouldn't actually take all that time to do it, though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nile_Shaman Posted May 29, 2010 #311 Share Posted May 29, 2010 When Dr. 58 says he is 17 years old, I’m still not sure how this would compare with our time-measurement system. It sounds to me like he could be anything from 15 years old to 25. Woo... glad I asked LOL. Given all that we have no way to know WHEN they are. This might be the most interesting aspect of the whole thing, to me. Thanks, Iron Ghost . ns Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewild Posted May 30, 2010 #312 Share Posted May 30, 2010 Wow, I read the whole thing!! Very interesting reading for a rainy Saturday afternoon. I hardly ever post because I'm too busy reading but IG you have my attentions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drifting Orchid Posted May 30, 2010 #313 Share Posted May 30, 2010 (edited) A few things... First off, These are quite the metaphores... If she was spell singing some type of incantation as the whole text makes it out.. GIVE ME A BOX WITH NO LOCKS (Unbound Existance, a box with it's locks removed, allowing anyone and anything to take from and add to it as they please) GIVE ME A CLOCK WITH NO TICK TOCK (Unnoticed Passage of Time, tick tock is the sound not the function, because it has no sound and is still passing, those who are not looking at the clock do not know time is passing.) PLANT A REED WITHOUT A SEED (Dissociative Consciousness, placing your self in a different situation and looking at things in a new light, you can move a current reed plant to a new location) SEE THE SKY WITH NO EYES (Faith, know the sky is there without looking.) SEE THE GROUND BUT DON’T LOOK DOWN (Focus and Percetopn, keep your eyes forward and focus on the goal, yet notice the ground below you.) All together this sounds like a cocktail for transformation of mind and body. The first lines are to alter the form by removing the bounds on the human body. The second lines makes them unaware to time passage which I am sure has many mental effects. The third passage is altering their mind to see from a new perspective. The forth passage is giving them faith and understanding of the true kingdom. The Fifth Passage, is giving them focus on the job/mission she wants them to perform. Physical Transformation and Mental Control. Probably a spell hidden deep within the Verdantic Mysteries, and a reason it's "NOT FOR YOU" Secondly, This sounds like one of the people in Minnesota, perhaps Minnesota is a dimensional overlay where some higher beings have made themselves very well known on that iteration of earth. Not all of them are bad, and not all of them are good. But the area itself has a horrible effect on those of Dr. 58's world. Perhaps in this version of earth, all of those beings you have been in contact have taken an interest in earth and decided to set up shop there. Edited May 30, 2010 by Drifting Orchid Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antimony Posted May 30, 2010 #314 Share Posted May 30, 2010 I think you're searching too far for the meaning of that poem. The preliminary to it says: ANSWER: SHE RAISED THE SILVER PIKE HIGH AND BEGAN TO SING, USING THE NAZI TECHNO TONGUE: Dr. 58 says that the Nazis are technocrats and have technology at the core of their society. So I think that we have to understand the poem in that way. GIVE ME A BOX WITH NO LOCKS - A clever storage container that has a closing mechanism other than a simple lock. GIVE ME A CLOCK WITH NO TICK TOCK - obviously some kind of digital clock PLANT A REED WITHOUT A SEED - hors sol hydroponics, or genetically engineered & proliferated plants SEE THE SKY WITH NO EYES - satellite technology, electronics, space probes, etc.; you see the sky, but via technology, not your own eyes. SEE THE GROUND BUT DON’T LOOK DOWN - modern drilling technology, penetrate deep into the ground with probes, same as with the sky, you can see the ground, without having to look down with your own eyes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denzanrom Posted May 30, 2010 #315 Share Posted May 30, 2010 The poem could be universal. It could mean the various types of technology the Nazis have in that world or the sheer irrationality that Minnesota feeds upon. Speaking of which IG, did you mention somewhere that Dr. 58's Minnesota somehow obtain the power of creation? Something about Genesis? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sierra113 Posted May 30, 2010 #316 Share Posted May 30, 2010 Okay, this should pick up right where the last post left off..... Been reading this thread for a while, decided to comment. "Exploding needles", "plasma bolts" and people that become hideously deformed, blood thirsty monsters that transform other people. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is starting to sound an awfully lot like a little xbox game called "Halo". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinkyBlink Posted May 30, 2010 #317 Share Posted May 30, 2010 The first installments use of TROLLS made me laugh... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gwynbleidd Posted May 30, 2010 #318 Share Posted May 30, 2010 btw: does anyone find this 17 yrs old extremely knowledgeable. i guess they have a better education system where he's from Yes, my first thought was that he doesn't speak like an average 17 year old ... well, one in this realm anyway. Please post more when you get time IG - it's a wonderful read and I'm enjoying it immensely along with the majority of other readers on here I see too. (I've just finished reading this thread from page 1 to 8 - can't believe I missed this until today! ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antimony Posted May 30, 2010 #319 Share Posted May 30, 2010 This is a fascinating story IG is sharing with us, and a good read, for sure. And of course I am intrigued like everybody else as to its origin. Is he really connecting to parallel universes? Is it his subconscious or a literarily inclined ghost? Is he making it up? So, I was thinking about how to go about possibly trying to find out more. As all we have is the Ouija transcripts to work with, I thought the only thing one can really do is have a closer look at the text itself, and the words & language used. If it is IG's subconscious that invents the stories, then we should be able to find parallels, influences & similarities to IG's conscious writings. The same would also apply if he would have made it up, but I don't want to go down that road. Throwing around quite a heavy accusation of dishonesty, even fraud without definitive proof is not proper. So I'd like to make it clear here that I have started out with no foregone conclusions, without any intent whatsoever to discredit or attack IG's character, honesty or motivations in any which way. All I wanted to do is trying to look at the language in a somewhat more methodical way hoping it could give us a clue as to the possible source of the transcripts. To the mods: In order to do so, I have necessarily compared the Dr. 58 texts with other Ouija board sessions as well as some of IG's other writings on UM. I hope you will allow me to do so, as the comparisons are entirely of the content of the texts, which he posted publicly & with the possibility to reply, and as I said before, without any intent to attack his character. I have also compared spelling mistakes, but again, without the intent to criticise, but because they can give an interesting clue. I ask the mods pretty please to allow me to do so. Maybe if you read what I compared, it becomes more obvious. So, after trawling through the entire Dr. 58 transcripts, many other Ouija board sessions and other texts, I've come to the conclusion that the most likely explanation at this point is that the transcripts originate indeed in IG's subconscious, or some other IG-sub-personality. Which is still pretty cool, I think. Have a look at what I've come up with and tell me what you think: --------------------- The most salient point is that the term "Verdantic Mystery" crops up in a lucid dream of his, the "Wizard session" (posted 12.Jan 2010): "Question: We are seeking communication with the Third Bental, level 12 of the Verdantic Mystery." Although it is mentioned in another Ouija board session, it is part of IG's lucid dream, therefore part of his subconscious. In his blog, IG starts off the Dr. 58 sessions (first posted on 16. April '10) by saying that they had worked on them for the "past several weeks." The Wizard dream was posted on 12. Jan '10. So that would be about 13 weeks. To me subjectively, that's more than several, but we'd have to ask IG when exactly they started off the Dr. 58 sessions. But, if the wizard session came first, then it's more likely that the "Verdantic Mystery" came from his subconscious than from another dimension, I'd say. The term/idea of C-chits has similar precursors; Again, in the "Wizard session: "ANSWER: DAMN YOU TAROWA, WHAT MANNER OF BEING HAVE YOU THRALLED TO FACILITATE THIS COMMUNICATION? IT STINKS OF XCHAT! And earlier, in "The 'Kax Demon' Ouija Board Session " 6 Sept 2009: "Arlo: Kax, we tire of your insolence! I hereby fine you 10 credits! You are now indebted to me for 10 credits. I will remove one credit if you speak truthfully of Jim Morrison!" So here the idea of credits comes from a friend of IG's, not a session itself. The theme of an insulting and/or interfering entity like the Arbiter of the Hassas grid, has also come up before. Notice also the IMO similar style of the insults. - the Wizard session: "ANSWER: IOWA-TAROWA, CURSED IS YOUR NAME, WHY HAVE YOU NOT SLUICED THE VATS OF YOUR VOMITORIUM?" - the three ugly heads in the "Ouija + lucid dream = strange adventure" ( 22 April, '08), which was a lucid dream: "ANSWER: AH, KENNETH, THE FORCE OF YOUR BLOATED EGO PRESSES ON OUR MINDS LIKE A FAT MAGGOT. DO YOU SLITHER BACK TO OFFER YOUR HEAD?" - the Kax Demon: "ANSWER: I CAST A ROT UPON YOUR SOUL!" - the demon Rantor Rantic (28 June '09): "Answer: I AM RANTOR RANTIC, AND WHEN I SUCK OUT YOUR EYEBALLS, EAT YOUR MIND AND GORE YOUR BRAIN" - the Master of the Ascended Throne from "The IronGhost Ouija 3,000 Celebration" (4. Sept '09) ANSWER: DAMNED FILTHY MAGGOT! YOUR VERY PRESENCE IS A RANCID PUS! I LOWER MYSELF TO IMPOSSIBLE DEPTHS ONLY AS MY LUSTRAL DUTY DICTATES! (The last three sessions are from the "lost Ouija files blog) There are other, more concrete examples of recurring themes, reality influencing IG's lucid dreams or Ouija sessions, supporting the theory of his subconscious mind creating them: In the preliminary of "Secrets of the lost Ouija Board files" (6 Nov 2007) IG says about their session recorder Darcy "However, she arrived wearing a green satin sarong, sandals, and a delicate ornament of white-gold in her hair, and smelling of vanilla and lilac". Over 7 months later, IG has a lucid dream "World within worlds within worlds (17. May 2008), in which there figures a beautiful waitress doubling as beautiful imaginary session recorder Lyssa-Melissa. He writes: "Her scent was divine, a subtle mixture of vanilla and lilac." In "Wizards in the woods" ( 28 March 2007) IG recounts a story by a man from Iowa: "... Then the guy with the cape moved forward and pushed the bald guy aside. He asked: “The Aeon? Is it of, Sir?”. The following year IG has a lucid dream: "World within worlds within worlds" (17 may 2008): "The Triad replied: "We are of the 12th Aeon" . Interestingly, we have the 12 cropping up again in: Third Bental, level 12 of the Verdantic Mystery. Then we have Tor-Al “OF THE THRONES” from "Reincarnation and angels" (21 Oct '06). --------------------- On to spelling mistakes. The reasoning behind looking at spelling mistakes is to use them as a sort of marker. Again, please, this is not used to diss IG on his spelling, but as investigative tool, so to speak. My own English is less than perfect. Should the sessions be the product of IG's subconscious, one could expect to find identical misspellings in the answers of Ouija entities, as the English comes from the same mind, so to speak. This reasoning relies of course on the premise that IG reports the answers verbatim, without any corrections of his own. As the whole aim of the session recordings is to replicate them as they were spelled out by the Ouija board and as there are plenty of unique misspellings within the answers (F. ex. THE HILL BULDGES OR FLATENS), I'd say this is so, but if I am wrong, IG please correct me. One should also bear in mind that the questions as well as the answers have to be spelled out letter by letter, so I think that a "slip of the tongue" is less likely. Example: IG & Dr. 58 both use there instead of their:(and one Ouija entity Kentu uses their instead of there. cap lock always represent Ouija answers, as in the threads) Dr. 58: - THERE CENTRAL DOCTRINE IS THE SUPREMACY OF MAN THROUGH TECHNOLOGICAL DETERMINISM. - BUT THERE TIME IS SHORT. IG: - Jeepers. There term Indian is a common way to refer to Native Americans in our world. - the Mayan people are scattered and marginalized. There culture destroyed. - things sure went bad for the Nazi's and there little remote sensing project! - Kentu: BRENDA SEVERELY HATED SITTING THEIR TRANSFERRING SINGLE KERNALS OF CORN FROM ONE BOWL TO ANOTHER (from Ouija Love Relationship Advice : 5. July 2009) Example: Dr. 58: - ANSWER: YOU MUST BE SENSATIVE TO THE ESSENCE OF IT - IG: uses the same spelling sensative in 5 other, different threads which I won't list for brevity. You can check up via search engine if you want to. Example: Dr. 58: - HE COMMANDED LIGHTENING. HE BECAME DANGEROUS AND INSANE IG: - statesman who discovered some of the first principles of electricity by his study of lightening. (in his reply right after Dr. 58) - he spells lightening also in "Ouija board 'unfinished' object?" and "History channel investigates UFO car" Example: Dr. 58: ANSWER: NONE OF ENOUGH LEGITIMACY OR ACCEPTED COMPETANCE IG: - among all U.S. Presidents in terms of effectiveness and competance. (From "Jimmy Carter's plagiarized book") --------------------- More debatable & difficult to pin down points are language & specific expressions. Debatable because if we accept the premise that IG is talking to identities in parallel dimensions, anything goes & everything is possible. But trying to weigh up likelihoods (parallel dimension, ghost or subconscious), one can still ask some questions. - First off, why is everybody always talking English? Why does IG never "accidentally" contact someone from a parallel France or Russia? - Why are the all-over spelling & grammar identical, including place names, like Minnesota or New York? - Why does Dr. 58 use terms highly specific to (mostly) our century like : HOLY COW, JESUS CHRIST (as exclamation), ALTERNATE DIMENSION, DOPPELGANGER, HEX, POLITICAL WILL, NAZI, CANTICLE , CONSPIRACY THEORIES, TECHNOCRATS, POGROM, ASEXUAL BUDDING, PSIONICALLY, PHOTOGRAPHIC, JESUS CHRIST, JETS, SATELLITES - but then doesn't know: online, internet, DNA, Skyscrapers, telemetry? - Why does Dr. 58 understand when IG uses expressions like: Jeepers, Goldang, beat the rap & am I on track here? - but doesn't understand: spinning a yarn. so long for now? - Although this is obviously my personal opinion, I do find the style/s of different Ouija entities often quite similar. I'm not going to quote here, the post is already insanely long. You'd have to go & compare yourself. But just one example I just came across: Dr. 58: ANSWER: YOU CAN’T PLACE A HEX ON ME. I HAVE ENACTED CODICIL 13 OF THE VERDANTIC MYSTERIES. compare to : ANSWER: DO YOU ATTEMPT A HEX OR CHARM OR CODEX OF (unintelligible) ON MY DEAD PAIR BEING WITH 'GOD REST IT'S SOUL? from Death by Ouija board "(14. July '09): compare to mommy: YOU VERY RECENTLY ASSISTED YOUR QUIXK IN DEVELOPING ITS 11TH CODICIL OF ACHIEVEMENT. From "Ouija Board Beginnings" (28. June '09) Same for "foreign names". They often contain lots of C's, Ch's, X's ; double consonants; Latinized names; tribal sounding names. (The forward slash demarks different sessions or lucid dreams) GRADITCH CHAX , C-CHITS, CHARCHIMECS, TEXCHO, CORMOR HUITE/ QUIXK / THUL-RECEDE AND GRATWIN-FORWARD / X-CHATS HASSAS GRID, RIGGOLD BANNON, THOR THRALL / Lyssa-Melissa CELESTIAL AQUIFIERS, FURSTUS / RANTOR RANTIC / VESTA JONHNSON GARTON IOWA-TAROWA, THIRD BENTAL / O-TALA-O-BUNTU/ CHADIDA, PORITHITA, BULCT --------------------- Then there is the possible influence of popular culture or literature. Again, if the origin of the sessions is IG's subconscious mind, one would expect movies he's seen & books he has read to flow in there unwittingly. Of course this too is open to personal opinion. - From the outset "Mommy in the Nothing Chamber" reminded me strongly of the "Oracle" from the Matrix. Interestingly, "The Matrix" came out in 1999, the first Mommy session was also in 1999. Here are the very first exchanges with Mommy: ANSWER: MOMMY IS HERE. I WILL SPEAK WITH YOU, SWEETHEART. Question: Greetings, Mommy! My name is Ken and I am here with Brian and Darcy. Who are you? ANSWER: ARE YOU A TRINITY ENTITY? Of course, likely just coincidence, but still interesting that she uses the expression "Trinity", like the Matrix character. - Then there is quite a bit of wizardry reminiscent of Gandalf in many sessions; and now we even have a wizard staff in Dr. 58 - The session describing what happened to the Nazi soldiers on Krupp Island after the satellite disaster reminded me of Norman Spinrad's Sci-Fi novel "The Iron Dream". Apart from also figuring the Nazi-theme, compare Dr. 58: ANSWER: AN ABOMINATION CAME FORTH. THREE MEN BECOME ONE MAN. BUT NOW WITH WINGS. AN ABOMINATION MAN. THREE MEN JOINED, ALMOST NAKED WITH LONG WINGS OF LEATHER. DANGLING TENTICLES. ANSWER: AS THE CHILD GODDESS SANG, MANY MEN WERE SEEN TO TURN INSIDE OUT. THEIR ENTIRE FORMS BECAME AS A WET SUCKING ORAFICE. To "The Iron Dream": "...moving masses of blood-red pulpiness, things like gigantic abdominal organs imbued with independent life.........from each obscene orifice projected a long tubular writhing red tongue. a gigantic mound of formless protoplasm...the oozing surface of the monstrosity swarmed with hundreds of powerful-looking tentacles as well." At this point I'd of course have to ask IG if he has read "The Iron Dream"? - The story about the Albinos the Eburnians reminded me of the UM-thread Albinos on Hicks Road. Maybe you think it silly, but that thread has been up since 2005, and it's not impossible that IG came across the thread which came out again in a session, similar to things we have seen or read come out in dreams. (A few weeks ago I dreamed that I had tea with Elvis. I mean, hello? I'm not even a particular Elvis fan) - Although it doesn't refer to Dr. 58 directly, there is a story dictated by a ouija entity called Vantu "Transdimensional Abortion", which reminded me quite a bit of Huxley's "Brave New World". Maybe there are even further similarities to other stories I haven't read myself? --------------------- There are a couple more questions that came to my mind: - when IG recaps concepts or expressions Dr. 58 uses and initially aren't quite understood by IG, he always gets the explanations right the first time round. Why is that, unless the concepts come from his own subconscious & he as such already understands them intuitively? - Why would Dr. 58 have memorized & then have been able to recite the "Nazi poem" straight away? (BTW, poems also figure in at least two other sessions) Lastly, there is one more question I want to ask IG directly, something that has bothered me from the start: - Your questions & replies to Ouija entities are often quite long & detailed. As they have to be spelled out letter by letter, how do you not lose focus & the thread of what you are spelling out? Isn't it tiring & time-consuming to write such long Q or A ? For example: "Question: Yipes! Forget that. I have to keep reminding myself that this information comes via the Ouija board. Anything goes, I guess, so I’ll go with anything. So if the Eburneans are asexual, how do they reproduce? You say there are no females, only men?" I mean, half of this question is more thinking out aloud, and doesn't bear on what you need to ask Dr. 58. Your comments also contain many superfluous remarks such as "Jeepers" , "Brother", "Ha ha. Ha ha ha ha", etc. So, why all the extra work? Well, that's it. Any opinions? 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Weirdreader Posted May 30, 2010 #320 Share Posted May 30, 2010 I love love love this thread. I could care less if it's real or not (although I'm choosing to believe it is real). Keep it coming! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
louis_last Posted May 30, 2010 #321 Share Posted May 30, 2010 Good post antimony. IG has actually mentioned a couple of times that he doesn't believe that these stories are just coming from his sub conscious and hinted that he has a theory regarding their origins, I would very much like him to explain exactly what he thinks these stories represent. But I'd like him to just keep posting the rest of this one even more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nile_Shaman Posted May 30, 2010 #322 Share Posted May 30, 2010 - Your questions & replies to Ouija entities are often quite long & detailed. As they have to be spelled out letter by letter, how do you not lose focus & the thread of what you are spelling out? Isn't it tiring & time-consuming to write such long Q or A ? I have never played ouija, myself, but I thought one spoke aloud what they asked and the answer came by the planchette? Or do you have to spell out your question also? Still, it would be exhausting and long as processes go using this media... ns Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monk Mongo Posted May 30, 2010 #323 Share Posted May 30, 2010 Antimony, Brilliant! So much accurate thought, arranged so artfully. Ma'at realised. Applauding, and thanking you for, your effort. As I have understood, questions and replies by the Ouija user are vocalised, not spelled out. As I understand, most humans are shielded by a 'veil' of sorts which greatly interferes with reception from 'beyond', yet does not hinder vocal, mental(thought?), or spiritual(prayer?) transmission outwards. Looking for a 'crux' here. Perhaps it's Infinity. If there IS Infinity, which may induct that we are ,in some way, infinite creatures, could it also imply our consciousness responds/attracts/reacts with diverse similiar/dissimiliar consciousness? Out there in Infinity? And that, among other methods, the Ouija, in the hands and consciousness of aware and seeking personalities, could facilitate the flow of thought/consciousness inward through the 'veil'? From a somehow 'resonant' source? There is something about IronGhost's material that rings a bell with me. However it all shakes out, I for one hope there is more to come. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paranormalcy Posted May 30, 2010 #324 Share Posted May 30, 2010 It depends on the person - I don't know about IG, I suspect his questions are verbal, at least with a group. People who use the board by themselves may just hold conversations in their head, silently asking questions "mentally" - either way, I'm not aware of anyone spelling the questions out deliberately. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antimony Posted May 30, 2010 #325 Share Posted May 30, 2010 Thanks a lot for your praise, Louis & Monk, much pleased we are. Actually...thanks for reading it at all, it turned out so darned long! And thanks also Nile-Shaman & Paranormalcy for educating me on the Ouija; I didn't know that you asked the questions out aloud. It makes much more sense that way, doesn't it. With regards to your musings on the reception/sending conundrum, Monk, I think it's probably much more straightforward. Similar to a radio station sending out frequencies, there needs to be an adequate device turned on in order to receive the radio program. If the device, in this case the human being, is not geared, or turned on to receive the radio waves, s/he won't hear them, although the radio is nevertheless continuously transmitting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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