Abramelin Posted December 28, 2011 #9076 Share Posted December 28, 2011 Once again Lumkamakja. Text Oera Linda Boek, Ottema, pag. 75,76. (Manuscript p. 53) Ut thesse tocht is thjuskydnese fon Wodin bern, sa-r vppa burgum wryten is aend hir êskrêven. AndaAlder-gâmude (25) thêr reste en alde sêkaening. Sterik was sin nôme aend thahrop vr sina dêda was grât. Thisse alde rob hêde thrê nêva; Wodin thene aldestehêmde to Lumka-mâkja (26) bi thêre Ê-mude to Ast-flyland by sin eldrum t-us.Ênes was er hêrman wêst. Tünis aend Inka wêron sêkaemper aend just nw bi hjarafaederja anda Aldergâ-mude t-vs. As tha jonga kaempar nw bi ekkôrum kêmon,kêron hja Wodin to hjara hêrman jefta kaening ut, aend tha sêkaempar kêronTünis to-ra sêkaening aend Inka to hjara skelte bî thêr nacht. Tha stjurargvngon thâ nêi tha Dênnemarka fâra, thêr nâmon hja Wodin mith sin wigandlikalandwêr in. [p. 76] Wînd was rum aend alsa wêron hja an en âmerîng (27) to Skênland. Uit deze tocht is degeschiedenis van Wodin ontstaan, die op de burchten gegrift is, en hier isuitgeschreven. Aan de Aldergamude daar ruste een oude zeekoning, Sterik waszijn naam, en de roep zijner daden was groot. Deze oude rob had drie neven;Wodin de oudste woonde te Lumkamakia bij de Eemude in Oostflyland bij zijnouders. Eenmaal was hij heerman geweest. Teunis en Inka waren zeestrijders, enjuist nu bij hunnen oom aan de Aldergamude. Toen nu de jonge krijgers bijelkaar kwamen, kozen ze Wodin tot hun heerman of koning, en de zeekampers kozenTeunis tot hun zeekoning en Inka tot hun schout bij nacht. De zeelieden voerentoen naar de Denemarken. Daar namen ze Wodin met zijn krijgshaftige landweer[77] aan boord. De wind was ruim, en zo waren ze in een ommezien in Schoonland. 12. From this expedition the history of Wodin sprang, which is inscribed on the burghs, and is here copied: 13. At Aldergamude there lived an old sea-king whose name was Sterik, and whose deeds were famous. This old fellow had three nephews. Wodin,the eldest, lived at Lumkamakia, near the Emude, in Astflyland, with hisparents. He had once commanded troops. Tunis and Inka were naval warriors, andwere just then staying with their father at Aldergamude. 14. When the youngwarriors had assembled together, they chose Wodin to be their commander orking, and the naval force chose Tunis for their sea-king and Inka for their admiral. The navigators then sailed for Denamark, where they took on boardWodin and his valiant host. 15. The wind was fair, so they arrived immediatelyin Skenland. I am pretty sure, that Lumkamakia is on the northwest shore of Heligoland (= Holy Land), which was Frisian territory. The exact place is Lummenfelsen, 60 metres high cliffs. You may find the place and beautiful photoshots on Google Maps Helgoland, Lummenfelsen. Helgoland was the religious epicentrum of the old Frisians. Helgoland is northeast of the Eems mouth between the rivers Eems and Weser. It played an important role in the Viking times. The origin of the name Lumkamakja has not yet completely established. The text shows, that Lumkamakja was on a short distance from both Danmark and Scandinavia. Alcuin reports, that St. Willebrord tried to baptize the people to the Christian faith: Alcuin (735-804), The Life of Willebrord , written ca . 796: Now whilst this energetic preacher of the Word was pursuing his journey he came to a certain island on the boundary between the Frisians and the Danes, which the people of those parts call Fositeland,[l] after a god named Fosite, whom they worship and whose temples stood there. This place was held by the pagans in such great awe that none of the natives would venture to meddle with any of the cattle that fed there nor with anything else, nor dare they draw water from the spring that bubbled up there except in complete silence. On this island the man of God wasdriven ashore by a storm and waited for some days until the gale died down and fair weather made it possible to set sail again. He set little store by thesuperstitious sacredness ascribed to the spot, or by the savage cruelty of theking, who was accustomed to condemn violators of the sacred objects to the most cruel death. Willibrord baptized three persons in the fountain in the name of the Blessed Trinity and gave orders that some of the cattle should beslaughtered as food for his company. When the pagans saw this they expected that the strangers would become mad or be struck with sudden death. Noticing,however, that they suffered no harm, the pagans, terror & shy; stricken and astounded,reported to the king what they had witnessed. [1] Fositeland orHeligoland. PS. Alcuin was a coaevus of Liko. Menno, if this is the true scenario, then Wodin was born on the top of a cliff, lol. Where was "Ast-flyland", or "Oostvlieland"? Some pics with/of the river Vlie/Fli/Fly http://www.harmen-visser.nl/kaart%20romeinen%20in%20nederland.jpg http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/Gbm.Delahaye/images/flevum3.jpg http://www.geschiedenisschellinkhout.nl/totenmet1500/800_vlie.gif http://do8ae71anmf4y.cloudfront.net/d4/d7/i38524884._szw530h275_.jpg http://www.workuminbeeld.nl/attachments/Image/Thijs/onstaan4_624x600.jpg http://www.gutenberg.org/files/36839/36839-h/images/illo024.png "De Lex Frisionum (Friezenwet) onderscheidt de Friezen in Oost- en West-Friezen, al naar gelang zij ten oosten of ten westen van het Fli (ook Flehi) wonen". http://www.geschiedenisschellinkhout.nl/totenmet1500/totenmet1500.html Translation: The Lex Frisionum (Law of the Frisians) differentiates between East and West Frisians, depending on whether they lived east or west of the Fli (also Flehi). If you go back to Tacitus' time, it were the Chaucians living near the Ems or "Ee-mude". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otharus Posted December 28, 2011 #9077 Share Posted December 28, 2011 (edited) Official etymology is based on scientific studies of many generations of scientists not on pseudo-etymology of the type of jol-joldon, jol-Jolande, jol- jolly and jol-jollick, presented by Otharus. This non-scientific approach is certainly not a way to proof the authenticity of the OLB. It's just too silly for words. Source: http://www.etymologiebank.nl/trefwoord/jolijt JOLIJT (VREUGDE, PLEZIER) P.A.F. van Veen en N. van der Sijs (1997), Van Dale Etymologisch woordenboek jolijt [vrolijkheid] {jolijt, jolijs [vreugde] 1276-1300} eig. het zelfstandig gebruikt bn. jolijs, jolijt [vrolijk] < frans joli [idem], uit het germ., vgl. oudnoors jōl [kerstmis] (vgl. joelfeest). I did not claim to be "scientific" or practice "etymology". That jol, jolen, jolig, jolijt etc. are related could not be more obvious, not only because of the common root, but also because of their association with celebration. I suppose that is not something Knul knows very much about. (sorry old man, you have been begging for it ) Edited December 28, 2011 by Otharus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knul Posted December 28, 2011 #9078 Share Posted December 28, 2011 (edited) Menno, if this is the true scenario, then Wodin was born on the top of a cliff, lol. Where was "Ast-flyland", or "Oostvlieland"? Some pics with/of the river Vlie/Fli/Fly http://www.harmen-vi...20nederland.jpg http://web.inter.nl....ges/flevum3.jpg http://www.geschiede...00/800_vlie.gif http://do8ae71anmf4y...szw530h275_.jpg http://www.workuminb...an4_624x600.jpg http://www.gutenberg...ges/illo024.png "De Lex Frisionum (Friezenwet) onderscheidt de Friezen in Oost- en West-Friezen, al naar gelang zij ten oosten of ten westen van het Fli (ook Flehi) wonen". http://www.geschiede...tenmet1500.html Translation: The Lex Frisionum (Law of the Frisians) differentiates between East and West Frisians, depending on whether they lived east or west of the Fli (also Flehi). If you go back to Tacitus' time, it were the Chaucians living near the Ems or "Ee-mude". Ast-Flyland reaches from the rivier Fly to the Weser as has been indicated in the OLB pag.4-5. West-Flyland reaches in the OLB from the river Fly to the Sandfal, Sincfal, Schelde, but is also divided in West-Flyland and South-Flyland. Edited December 28, 2011 by Knul Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted December 28, 2011 #9079 Share Posted December 28, 2011 Ast-Flyland reaches from the rivier Fly to the Weser as has been indicated in the OLB pag.4-5. West-Flyland reaches in the OLB from the river Fly to the Sandfal, Sincfal, Schelde, but is also divided in West-Flyland and South-Flyland. I'd like to see a quote from the OLB that proves your point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted December 29, 2011 #9080 Share Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) And the boat looks like these: http://www.thecobleinart.com/cobleorigins.htm An Anglo-Saxon boat would have been about 25m long and could carry around 40 people. It was driven by oars and did not have a sail http://www.3dhistory.co.uk/02Saxons.htm This is a wonderful reconstruction of an Anglo-Saxon ship based on the Sutton Hoo excavation. The ship at Sutton Hoo was found buried underneath the earth with an extensive tomb and treasures hidden within, showing the immense significance of ships, trade and travel to this past culture. The Anglo-Saxons were excellent sailors who used the hwæl-weg (whale-way/ocean) on a daily basis. Can you imagine the man-power it would take to row this large, hand-made ship? http://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/~beowulf/manual/imageIndex.html === Bird flight: it is known the Vikings had ravens onboard on their travels on the open ocean. To know if land was near they released the ravens, and if they didn't come back, land was near (and they very probably already did before they ever heard of Noach, lol). Even the ancient Indian (= from India) sailors used crows for the same purpose. ++++ The image I posted appears to originally have been part of a larger image: http://www.collectomania.be/thumbme.aspx?src=1258.jpg http://www.collectomania.be/default.aspx?reeksnr=1258&thema=150〈=nl&subthema=441 Or part of a set of images about navigation on sea: http://www.benl.ebay.be/itm/LIEBIG-S-1258-Comment-on-soriente-mer-/120793181329 . The sacrificial deposits at the Nydam Mose were excavated by Conrad Engelhardt between 1859 and 1863. The largest ship was lifted on 18th August 1863. "In Nydam Bog an enourmous amount of iron swords, lances and spears was found - the military legacy of well-organised troops from the Scandinavian area. Three large seaworthy rowing boats, only one of which was preserved intact, testify to the maritime character of this find close to the Baltic coast." (Gebühr, M., (2001), Nydam and Thorsberg: Iron Age Places of Sacrifice, page 6) The Nydam Boat is the oldest preserved early Germanic deep-sea rowing boat. The size is unusual for such an early boat Length : c. 23 m* Beam : c. 3.5 m* Height midship : 1m Water displacement : 7.8 tons and 1 ton ballast Crew : c. 45 men including 30 oarsmen Dendrochronological examination shows that the ship was built c. 320 and that it was built somewhere in "the western or the middle region of the Baltic" (ibid, page 35). "Boats of this type presumably served military purposes rather than the transport of goods. A relatively high speed (max. about 8 knots) independent of the wind, the manoeuvrability in narrow bays, if necessary without having to turn, and a relatively large crew made the vessel suitable for swift ventures along hostile coasts" (ibid, page 35). http://www.archeurope.com/index.php?page=the-nydam-boat Edited December 29, 2011 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Puzzler Posted December 29, 2011 #9081 Share Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) Jolly Yule! Christmas - English Kerstmis/ Kerst(-feest) - Dutch Weihnachten/ Christfest - German Jul - Danish Jul - Swedish Jul/ Jol - Norwegian Jól - Icelandic Fragments with "JOL" (Joel, Yol, Juul, Yule, Wheel) in OLB JOL.FÉRSTE = Jol-feast JOL.TID = Jol-time JOL.DÉI = Jol-day In verb: JOLDON = cheered, howled JOLANDE = cheering, howling {original fragments from OLB with page and line number; O+S = Ottema (Dutch) and Sandbach (English) translations from 1876, with minimal corrections} [002/16] ALTOMET TVILDON ÀND JOLDON HJA TO SAMNE VPPA HÉM JEFTHA HJA WÉRON MITH EKKORUM BY THÉRE HÉRD [O+S p.7] Somtijds dartelden en joelden zij te zamen op het hiem, of zij waren met elkander bij den haard They played and gamboled [howled] together in the fields, and were also together by the hearth [006/19] AFTER.ET TWILIFTE JOL.FÉRSTE BÀRDE HJU THRJA MANGÉRTA [O+S p.13] Na het twaalfde Juulfeest bragt zij voort drie maagden After the twelfth Juulfeest she brought forth three maidens [006/30] ÀND NW BÀRDON EK TWILIF SVNA ÀND TWILIF TOGETHERA. EK JOL.TID TWÉN [O+S p.13] En nu baarden zij elk twaalf zonen en twaalf dochteren, elke juultijd een paar They each bore twelve sons and twelve daughters — at every Juul-time a couple [014/10] ALLE SETMA THÉR EN ÉW. THÀT IS HVNDRED JÉR OMHLÁPA MÜGE MITH THA KRODAR ÀND SIN JOL [...] [O+S p.23] Alle inzettingen die eene eeuw, dat is honderd jaren, mogen omloopen met den Kroder (kruijer) en zijn Juul [...] All the regulations which have existed [can go round] a century, that is, a hundred years [with the carrier and his Wheel] [...] [020/21] ALLE.T MÀRK.JELD MOT JÉRLIKES DÉLATH WRDE. THRJA DÉGAN FAR THÉRE JOL.DÉI [O+S p.33] Al het marktgeld moet jaarlijks verdeeld worden, drie dagen voor den Juuldag All the market receipts must be divided yearly [...] three days before the Juul-day [037/24] THA FOLK BIGOST TO JOLANDE ÀN TO SPOTANDE [O+S p.55] Het volk begon te joelen en te spotten The people began to mock [howl] and to jeer [045/09] HWÀT HIR BOPPA STÀT SEND THI TÉKNA FON THÀT JOL [O+S p.65] Wat hier boven staat, dat zijn de teekens van het Juul What appears at the top is the signs of the Juul [045/12] THÀT IS THENE KRODER THÉR ÉVG MITH THÀT JOL MOT OMMEHLÁPE [O+S p.65] deze is de Kroder, die eeuwig met het Juul moet rondloopen this is the Kroder, which must always go round with the Juul [045/30] MEN HJA NISTON NAVT GOD THÀT.ET FON ET JOL MÁKAD WAS ÀND THAT.ET THÉRUMBE ALTID SKRÉVEN WRDEN MOSTE. MITH SON OM [O+S p.67] Maar zij wisten niet goed, dat het van het Juul gemaakt was, en dat het daarom altijd moest geschreven worden met de zon om but they did not know that it was taken from the Juul, and must therefore always be written round like the sun [052/22] ACTHTANTICH JÉR FORTHER. JUST WÉRET JOL.FÉRSTE. THÉR KÉMON HJA VNWARLINGE LIK SNÉI THRVCH STORNE.WIND DRÉWEN OVIR VSA LANDA TO RUNNANDE [O+S p.75] Tachtig jaren later, juist was het Juulfeest, kwamen zij onverwacht, gelijk sneeuw door een stormwind gedreven, over onze landen toeloopen Eighty years afterwards, just at the time of the Juul-feest, they overran our country like a snowstorm driven by the wind [067/25] LIK BLIXEN.FJVR GVNG.ET O.ERA A.LANDA. ÀND ÉR THES KRODER.S JOL ÉNIS OMHLÁPEN HÉDE. WAS HJU MÁSTERINNE [...] [O+S p.95] Als bliksemvuur ging het over de landen, en eer des Kroders juul eens omgeloopen was, was zij meesteres [...] The news flew through the land like lightning, and before the carrier's wheel had made one revolution she was mistress [...] [071/26] HWAND THENE KRODER SKIL JETA FIF.THUSAND.JÉR MITH SIN JOL OMME.HLÁPA [...] [O+S p.101] want de Kroder zal nog vijfduizend jaren met zijn Jol omloopen [...] because the carrier must make five thousand revolutions of his Juul [083/22] VNDERA TÍDUM THAT ALDLAND SVNKEN IS. STAND THJU FORMA SPÉKE FON THET JOL AN TOP [O+S p.115] In de tijden, dat Atland verzonken is, stond de eerste spaak van het Juul in top At the time of the submersion of Atland, the first spoke of the Juul stood at the top [084/11] FRYDOM. LJAFDE ÀND ÉNDRACHT SKILET FOLK IN HJARA WÁCH NÉMA ÀND MITH THET JOL RISA UTA WLA POL [O+S p.117] vrijheid, liefde en eendracht zullen het volk in hare hoede nemen, en met het juul uit de vuile poel rijzen freedom, love, and unity will take the people under their protection, and [with the Wheel] rise out of the vile pool [094/02] ALREK KÉM WITHER UT. TO JUWGANDE ÀND TO JOLANDE [O+S p.131] Iedereen kwam weder uit om te juichen en te joelen the people all came out shouting with joy [099/26] MITH THET JOL WANDELATH ÀND WIXLATH ALLET ESKÉPNE. MEN GOD IS ALLÉNA VNFORANDERLIK [O+S p.137] Met het Juul verandert en wisselt al het geschapene, maar het goede is alleen onveranderlijk In the progress of time [with the Wheel] all creation alters and changes, but goodness alone is unalterable [106/25] SIATH HWA FONÉRE TORE DEL SA SIATH HI THJU DÁNTE FON.ET JOL [O+S p.147] Ziet iemand boven van den toren naar beneden, dan ziet hij de gedaante van het Juul If one looks down from the tower, he sees the form of the Juul [189/02] BRÉF FON RIKA THJU ALD.FÁM. VPSÉID TO STÁVEREN BY.T JOL.FÉRSTE [O+S p.229] Brief van Rika de oudmaagd, voorgelezen te Staveren bij het juulfeest Letter of Rika the Oudmaagd [Oldfam], read at Staveren at the Juul Feast [192/27] NIMMAN SKIL.ER ÀWET AN BÊTRA NE MÜGE BIFÁRA THÀT JOL INOP EN ÔRE HLÁP.HRING TRÉTH [O+S p.233] niemand zal er iets aan kunnen verbeteren, bevorens het Juul een anderen loopkring intreedt they shall receive no succour before the Juul shall enter upon a new circuit So Jol in it's forms in the OLB does indicate it means 'wheel'. Could this word be the original form of VIGIL that was in Latin, that gol came out as feast-from vigil (Latin)? I think it works. juul or hjol/jol/gol as wheel - it would go into Latin as this word if the OLB is true in saying that this form is original - so then Latin took it on - gol/jol as gil or vi-gil = vi (vim, vis, vigour, victory = vi-strong element in the word) gol/gil would equate to wheel = vigil would mean - strong wheel - which in Cornish equated to watch, guard (strong) - vi=guard gil/gol= the wheel Like a watchtower. It might be Watchers and Wicca too. vigil could have gone into Latin as a meaning of 'to guard to wheel' - to watch the wheel - keep vigil - keep watch/alert - awake! Edited December 29, 2011 by The Puzzler Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knul Posted December 29, 2011 #9082 Share Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) Thrittich jêr aeftere dêi that thju folksmoder wmbrocht was thrvch thêne vreste Mâgy (2) stand et er aerg vm to. Alle stâta thêr-er lidsa anda ôre syde thêre Wrsara, wêron fon vs ofkêrth aend vnder-et weld thes Magy kêmen, aend-et stand to frêsane, that er weldig skolde wertha vr-et êlle lând. Dertig jaar na de dag, dat de volksmoeder door de overste Magy omgebracht was, was het er beroerd aan toe. Alle staten, die aan de overkant van de Weser liggen, waren van ons afgekeerd en onder het gezag van de Magy gekomen. Het viel te vrezen, dat hij gewelddadig zou worden over het hele land. Thirty years after the day on which the folk-mother was murdered by the commander Magy was a time of great distress - 1. All the states that lie on the other side of the Wrsara had been wrested from us, and had fallen under the power of Magy, and it looked as if his power was to become supreme over the whole land. Edited December 29, 2011 by Knul Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Puzzler Posted December 29, 2011 #9083 Share Posted December 29, 2011 The 12 Yule days might equate to the 12 Juul fests just prior to the birth of Lyda, Finda and Frya. The year was recorded by the Solstice - the Sun went down, it came back up to it's highest point. (Earth changed actually) That is what Stonehenge and Newgrange measures, the sunrise and sunset of the Winter Solstice. This is not actually a Solar Year but a Tropical Year. One concept is the Sun goes around us daily as day night/24 hours, then the wheel completion of the Solstice is very close to a solar year. In 46 BCE Julius Caesar in his Julian calendar established December 25 as the date of the winter solstice of Europe (Latin: Bruma). Since then, the difference between the calendar year (365.2500 days) and the tropical year (~365.2421897 days) moved the day associated with the actual astronomical solstice forward approximately three days every four centuries, arriving to December 12 during the 16th century. The date of Dec 25th was established By Julius Caesar (just after the time of Jesus) as the date of the Winter Solstice. Christmas or Christ's Mass is one of the most popular Christian celebrations as well as one of the most globally recognized mid-winter celebrations in the Northern hemisphere. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, called the "Son of God," the second person of the Holy Trinity, as well as "Savior of the World." The birth is observed on December 25, which was the Roman winter solstice upon establishment of the Julian Calendar. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_solstice The birth of Christ co-incides really with something like the birth of Baldr by Freya - at the completion of the wheel of the solstice, the Sun was reborn. The Roman Winter Solstice was the day observed for Jesus birth. I think that's really important and that Jesus is obviously connected to older religious thoughts. Wralda might be a name for 'year' basically. The Greek word for "year", ἔτος, is cognate with Latin vetus "old", from PIE *wetus- "year", also preserved in this meaning in Sanskrit vat-sa- "yearling (calf)" and vat-sa-ras "year". Also this etymology: West Saxon gear (jɛar), Anglian gēr continues Proto-Germanic *jǣram (*jē2ram). Cognates are German Jahr, Old High German jar, Old Norse ár and Gothic jer, all from a PIE *yērom "year, season". Cognates outside of Germanic are Avestan yare "year", Greek ὥρα "year, season, period of time" (whence "hour"), Old Church Slavonic jaru and Latin hornus "of this year". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year German - year man - wheel man etc...of the Juul. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knul Posted December 29, 2011 #9084 Share Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) The 12 Yule days might equate to the 12 Juul fests just prior to the birth of Lyda, Finda and Frya. The year was recorded by the Solstice - the Sun went down, it came back up to it's highest point. (Earth changed actually) That is what Stonehenge and Newgrange measures, the sunrise and sunset of the Winter Solstice. This is not actually a Solar Year but a Tropical Year. One concept is the Sun goes around us daily as day night/24 hours, then the wheel completion of the Solstice is very close to a solar year. In 46 BCE Julius Caesar in his Julian calendar established December 25 as the date of the winter solstice of Europe (Latin: Bruma). Since then, the difference between the calendar year (365.2500 days) and the tropical year (~365.2421897 days) moved the day associated with the actual astronomical solstice forward approximately three days every four centuries, arriving to December 12 during the 16th century. The date of Dec 25th was established By Julius Caesar (just after the time of Jesus) as the date of the Winter Solstice. Christmas or Christ's Mass is one of the most popular Christian celebrations as well as one of the most globally recognized mid-winter celebrations in the Northern hemisphere. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, called the "Son of God," the second person of the Holy Trinity, as well as "Savior of the World." The birth is observed on December 25, which was the Roman winter solstice upon establishment of the Julian Calendar. http://en.wikipedia....Winter_solstice The birth of Christ co-incides really with something like the birth of Baldr by Freya - at the completion of the wheel of the solstice, the Sun was reborn. The Roman Winter Solstice was the day observed for Jesus birth. I think that's really important and that Jesus is obviously connected to older religious thoughts. Wralda might be a name for 'year' basically. The Greek word for "year", ἔτος, is cognate with Latin vetus "old", from PIE *wetus- "year", also preserved in this meaning in Sanskrit vat-sa- "yearling (calf)" and vat-sa-ras "year". Also this etymology: West Saxon gear (jɛar), Anglian gēr continues Proto-Germanic *jǣram (*jē2ram). Cognates are German Jahr, Old High German jar, Old Norse ár and Gothic jer, all from a PIE *yērom "year, season". Cognates outside of Germanic are Avestan yare "year", Greek ὥρα "year, season, period of time" (whence "hour"), Old Church Slavonic jaru and Latin hornus "of this year". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year German - year man - wheel man etc...of the Juul. In the OLB Wralda = wereld, world (spiritual) is opposed to Irtha = aarde, earth (physical). The name Wralda should be interpreted as Universe = heelal, German Weltall, whole world. Wralda created time, time created earth, earth created Frya, Lyda and Finda, the three human races (white, yellow and black). Wralda is also understood as Wr.alda = over-oud, over-old, but I regard this as a wordplay. Edited December 29, 2011 by Knul Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Puzzler Posted December 29, 2011 #9085 Share Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) In the OLB Wralda = wereld, world (spiritual) is opposed to Irtha = aarde, earth (physical). The name Wralda should be interpreted as Universe = heelal, German Weltall, whole world. Wralda created time, time created earth, earth created Frya, Lyda and Finda, the three human races (white, yellow and black). Wralda is also understood as Wr.alda = over-oud, over-old, but I regard this as a wordplay. heelal would be like, heel+all, maybe all wheel/heel - the wheel being the 'whole' or the Universe. With Achilles weak spot being his heel, some connection can probably be made. Wralda then would be the Universe because he is the whole, yes. That is, if Wralda can transfer to heelal/Weltall. Still, that reference to Latin 'old' for 'year' sounds related in some way. Edited December 29, 2011 by The Puzzler Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otharus Posted December 29, 2011 #9086 Share Posted December 29, 2011 vnder-et weld thes Magy kêmen that er weldig skolde wertha onder het gezag van de Magy gekomen dat hij gewelddadig zou worden had fallen under the power of Magy as if his power was to become supreme Your English translation is not very good, but it is better than your Dutch one. Isn't that weird? WELDIG is not "gewelddadig" (violent), but mighty, powerful, influential. If you want to stay close to the original, use "geweldig" (machtig). You have not read COL's essay about the word WELD and how it relates to WRALDA? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knul Posted December 29, 2011 #9087 Share Posted December 29, 2011 So Jol in it's forms in the OLB does indicate it means 'wheel'. Could this word be the original form of VIGIL that was in Latin, that gol came out as feast-from vigil (Latin)? I think it works. juul or hjol/jol/gol as wheel - it would go into Latin as this word if the OLB is true in saying that this form is original - so then Latin took it on - gol/jol as gil or vi-gil = vi (vim, vis, vigour, victory = vi-strong element in the word) gol/gil would equate to wheel = vigil would mean - strong wheel - which in Cornish equated to watch, guard (strong) - vi=guard gil/gol= the wheel Like a watchtower. It might be Watchers and Wicca too. vigil could have gone into Latin as a meaning of 'to guard to wheel' - to watch the wheel - keep vigil - keep watch/alert - awake! Lat. vigilate = OLB wak!, watch ! There is no connection with jol = jul, juul nor with vim=power. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knul Posted December 29, 2011 #9088 Share Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) Your English translation is not very good, but it is better than your Dutch one. Isn't that weird? WELDIG is not "gewelddadig" (violent), but mighty, powerful, influential. If you want to stay close to the original, use "geweldig" (machtig). You have not read COL's essay about the word WELD and how it relates to WRALDA? I think you are right. wel-d-ich 29, wel-d-ech, afries., Adj.: nhd. gewaltig, mächtig, gewalthabend, bevollmächtigt, berechtigt, befugt, Amtsgewalt habend; ne. mighty, authorized; Vw.: s. un-; Hw.: vgl. anfrk. weldig, as. *waldig?, ahd. *waltÆg?; Q.: R, W, E, H, B; E.: s. wal-d (2), *-ich; W.: nnordfries. weldeg, Adj., gewaltig, mächtig; L.: Hh 126a, Rh 1133a I have not read COL's essay. Could you communicate the text ? Edited December 29, 2011 by Knul Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Puzzler Posted December 29, 2011 #9089 Share Posted December 29, 2011 Waralden Olmai, also known as Maylmen Olmai, Radien-attje, Jubmel or Vearalden Olmai, was a major Sami god. Sami people come from Sápmi, or modern day Finland, Sweden, and Norway. These ancient Nordic people were polytheistic and "Waralden Olmai" was their "world-god". Waralden Olmai is also an epithet for the Germanic Freyr. Today Waralden Olmai is a mythologic figure in Nordic countries. World God is Wralda. wor-alda is the word world. wor/wr being: very or meaning also true. Wralda appears to say: 'very old' which became 'world'. very mid-13c., verray "true, real, genuine," later "actual, sheer" (late 14c.), from Anglo-Fr. verrai, O.Fr. verai "true," from V.L. *veracus, from L. verax (gen. veracis) "truthful," from verus "true," from PIE *weros- (cf. O.E. wær "a compact," O.Du., O.H.G. war, Du. waar, Ger. wahr "true;" Welsh gwyr, O.Ir. fir "true;" O.C.S. vera "faith"). Meaning "greatly, extremely" is first recorded mid-15c. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=very Interesting epithat for Freyr if that is true. But I guess as Freyr is 'Lord', one could see how he might be construed to be Wralda or God, the Lord. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Puzzler Posted December 29, 2011 #9090 Share Posted December 29, 2011 Lat. vigilate = OLB wak!, watch ! There is no connection with jol = jul, juul nor with vim=power. I don't know about that - the Cornish 'gol'=feast comes from vigil, which is watchfulness, wak/awake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knul Posted December 29, 2011 #9091 Share Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) Thrittich jêr aeftere dêi that thju folksmoder wmbrocht was thrvch thêne vreste Mâgy (2) stand et er aerg vm to. Alle stâta thêr-er lidsa anda ôre syde thêre Wrsara, wêron fon vs ofkêrth aend vnder-et weld thes Magy kêmen, aend-et stand to frêsane, that er weldig skolde wertha vr-et êlle lând. Dertig jaar na de dag, dat de volksmoeder door de overste Magy omgebracht was, was het er beroerd aan toe. Alle staten, die aan de overkant van de Weser liggen, waren van ons afgekeerd en onder het gezag van de Magy gekomen. Het viel te vrezen, dat hij gewelddadig* zou worden over het hele land. Thirty years after the day on which the folk-mother was murdered by the commander Magy was a time of great distress - 1. All the states that lie on the other side of the Wrsara had been wrested from us, and had fallen under the power of Magy, and it looked as if his power was to become supreme over the whole land. *Gewelddadig should be replaced by machtig. Thanks Otharus. Edited December 29, 2011 by Knul Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otharus Posted December 29, 2011 #9092 Share Posted December 29, 2011 I have not read COL's essay. Could you communicate the text? Yes, I'll be happy to post and translate it. Give me some time for that, as I don't have the book with me now and will be moving house next week (from Westfriesland to West-Friesland) and it might take some time to get a new internet connection. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otharus Posted December 29, 2011 #9093 Share Posted December 29, 2011 *Gewelddadig should be replaced by machtig. Thanks Otharus. You are welcome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Puzzler Posted December 29, 2011 #9094 Share Posted December 29, 2011 With Freya as the Spindle, the 3 stars of Orion, that she turned around the sky, I wondered how this could be used, thinking maybe Orion signalled something in, sure enough, he does - The familiar winter constellation Orion the Hunter can be seen rising in the evening sky during Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21), marking the approach of winter to the Northern Hemisphere, no matter what the weather is like. Whenever you see Orion just clear the eastern horizon at 8:00pm, you will know that the official beginning of winter, the Winter Solstice, is only 3 short weeks away. You'll notice that Orion rises higher and higher in the heavens, as the weeks go on, taking on his role as the lord the winter nights. Note: As horizontal Orion rises higher above the eastern horizon, he begins to align vertically, until he towers upright due south. By the time he lies above the western horizon he is once again horizontal. http://souledout.org/nightsky/orionavigation/orionavigation.html He heralds in The Winter Solstice. When Orion rises above the Eastern horizon, it's the official start of the Solstice, he takes his role as Lord of the Winter nights. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted December 29, 2011 #9095 Share Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) I think you are right. wel-d-ich 29, wel-d-ech, afries., Adj.: nhd. gewaltig, mächtig, gewalthabend, bevollmächtigt, berechtigt, befugt, Amtsgewalt habend; ne. mighty, authorized; Vw.: s. un-; Hw.: vgl. anfrk. weldig, as. *waldig?, ahd. *waltÆg?; Q.: R, W, E, H, B; E.: s. wal-d (2), *-ich; W.: nnordfries. weldeg, Adj., gewaltig, mächtig; L.: Hh 126a, Rh 1133a I have not read COL's essay. Could you communicate the text ? That's funny: I think we had already settled that a couple of weeks ago (page 557, post 8350). Btw, I read the translation on your site. Menno, the part of people being promised cows with golden horns ("koeien met gouden hoorns"). Your Dutch translation still says "red cows wit golden horns", but there never was a 'red' in that sentence. Cows with golden horns: We discussed those cows on THIS PAGE and before. And now we are back to Ra Cows again.... thâ nam_er tha skênsta sinar finna änd mag_ yara.vrlovande ra ky mith golden horna sa hja_ra thrvch vs folk fata dêdon.äfterdam. sina lêr vtbrêda. men sin ljuda dêdon A literal tranlation into Dutch: Daar/Dan nam hij de schoonste zijner Finnen en Mag- yaren, belovende hen koeien met gulden hoorns. ..and so on. There/Then he took the most beautifull of his Fins and Mag- yars, promising them cows with golden horns. ...and so on. . . Edited December 29, 2011 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted December 29, 2011 #9096 Share Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) Thrittich jêr aeftere dêi that thju folksmoder wmbrocht was thrvch thêne vreste Mâgy (2) stand et er aerg vm to. Alle stâta thêr-er lidsa anda ôre syde thêre Wrsara, wêron fon vs ofkêrth aend vnder-et weld thes Magy kêmen, aend-et stand to frêsane, that er weldig skolde wertha vr-et êlle lând. Dertig jaar na de dag, dat de volksmoeder door de overste Magy omgebracht was, was het er beroerd aan toe. Alle staten, die aan de overkant van de Weser liggen, waren van ons afgekeerd en onder het gezag van de Magy gekomen. Het viel te vrezen, dat hij gewelddadig zou worden over het hele land. Thirty years after the day on which the folk-mother was murdered by the commander Magy was a time of great distress - 1. All the states that lie on the other side of the Wrsara had been wrested from us, and had fallen under the power of Magy, and it looked as if his power was to become supreme over the whole land. But that quote only says that on the other side of the Weser states had fallen under the power of the Magy. not that East Flyland reached all the way up to the Weser. . Edited December 29, 2011 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Puzzler Posted December 29, 2011 #9097 Share Posted December 29, 2011 That's funny: I think we had already settled that a couple of weeks ago (page 557, post 8350). Btw, I read the translation on your site. Menno, the part of people being promised cows with golden horns ("koeien met gouden hoorns"). Your Dutch translation still says "red cows wit golden horns", but there never was a 'red' in that sentence. Cows with golden horns: . Helios had the Sun cattle, which I summise these golden horned cattle were. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted December 29, 2011 #9098 Share Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) Helios had the Sun cattle, which I summise these golden horned cattle were. Well, as long as you don't base that on the "ra" right after "vrlovande" : thâ nam_er tha skênsta sinar finna änd mag_ yara.vrlovande ra ky mith golden horna sa hja_ra thrvch vs folk fata dêdon.äfterdam. sina lêr vtbrêda. men sin ljuda dêdon That "ra" is a dative case. In the sentence I quoted it is like "promised to them". And if you enlarge the image I posted, you will see a faint connecting underscore between 'vrlovande' and 'ra', like "vrlovande_ra". . Edited December 29, 2011 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Puzzler Posted December 29, 2011 #9099 Share Posted December 29, 2011 I found this, maybe Lyda is Polaris. Among the stars three have special names: Arcturus; Dagstjarna, Day star. Polaris; Leidarstjarna, Guiding star Vega; Sudrstjarna, South star http://www.digitaliseducation.com/resources-norse.html Frya may have a connection to Arcturus. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted December 29, 2011 #9100 Share Posted December 29, 2011 (edited) I found this, maybe Lyda is Polaris. Among the stars three have special names: Arcturus; Dagstjarna, Day star. Polaris; Leidarstjarna, Guiding star Vega; Sudrstjarna, South star http://www.digitaliseducation.com/resources-norse.html Frya may have a connection to Arcturus. I know, I posted that name for Polaris already. But from the OLB I do not get the impression Lyda would get Polaris as 'watchstar'. In fact there wasn't even one assigned to her. . Edited December 29, 2011 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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