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[Archived]Oera Linda Book and the Great Flood


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Hmm... it seemed as though you were not aware it had already been discussed.

That's why I said it was already discussed before; I didn't suggest you should shut up about it, lol.

I just thought it might have offered a window...

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By accident I ran into this documentary today, from Frisian television, about the OLB.

One of the final editors (eindredactie) was prof. dr. G.Th. Jensma.

In this doco his theory, that Haverschmidt wrote the OLB, is presented as fact.

When his thesis was presented and discussed some years ago, none of the speakers believed his conclusion and yet this is what the Frisian audience is being taught by the professor.

NOTE: the video is not subtitled in Dutch, so most Dutch won't understand it, and it has no tags or description, so searching online to find info about the OLB, no-one would find it...

I really liked this "11&30" history series in the Frisian language, but I suddenly feel disgusted beyond words.

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By accident I ran into this documentary today, from Frisian television, about the OLB.

One of the final editors (eindredactie) was prof. dr. G.Th. Jensma.

In this doco his theory, that Haverschmidt wrote the OLB, is presented as fact.

When his thesis was presented and discussed some years ago, none of the speakers believed his conclusion and yet this is what the Frisian audience is being taught by the professor.

NOTE: the video is not subtitled in Dutch, so most Dutch won't understand it, and it has no tags or description, so searching online to find info about the OLB, no-one would find it...

I really liked this "11&30" history series in the Frisian language, but I suddenly feel disgusted beyond words.

The next is not a transcript but it's the text the documentary is based on:


"It oera linda-boek it mystifisearre fryslân"

Yn Foudgum, boppe Dokkum, wenne in dûmny, François HaverSchmidt. Behalve preken skriuwt HaverSchmidt ek gedichten. Hy brûkt dêrfoar in oare namme: Piet Paaltjens. De boartlike HaverSchmidt hat it as dûmny net bot nei’t sin yn Foudgum. De minsken moatte net folle ha fan syn ‘frijsinnige’ preken, syn frije útlis fan de bibel. De Foudgumers hearre leaver dat de bibel fan begjin oant ein út neat oars as de wierheid bestiet.

Dûmny HaverSchmidt beslút in dryst eksperimint oan te gean. Hy makket in geskrift dat er ûnder it publyk bringe wol, sûnder syn eigen namme derby te neamen. It moat in mingsel wurde fan godstsjinst en Fryske skiednis. De bedoeling is dat de lêzers it ferhaal earst leauwe, mar geandewei ûntdekke sille dat it net echt is. Dan sil hy, François HaverSchmidt, foar it ljocht komme en de minsken útlizze dat it mei de bibel krekt sa is. Dy moatte jo krekt sa min as dit geskrift letterlik nimme, sa wol er dan sizze.

Frya, mem fan alle Friezen

Yn it boek wurdt de sêge beskreaun fan it Opperwêzen Wralda, dy’t trije oer-memmen kreëaret. Ien fan har is Frya, fansels de mem fan alle Friezen. Dy bern fan Frya fjochtsje omraak mei de bern fan de beide oare folksmemmen. Sy ferlieze de slach en harren ryk – dat earst hiel Europa beslacht – wurdt hieltyd lytser. Yn sa likernôch it jier 0 is der net mear oer as de tsjintwurdige provinsjes Fryslân en Grinslân. Dizze Friezen hawwe eksakt deselde opfettingen oer it geloof as HaverSchmidt sels.

Om syn lêzers te fiter te nimmen docht hy it lykjen as is it hânskrift skreaun yn in Aldfryske taal, mei echt lykjende runetekens, en makket hy it sá yngewikkeld dat it hast net te begripen is. Syn freon, de taalkundige Eelco Verwijs, helpt him hjirmei. It hiele ferhaal wurdt ferfrissele mei de famyljeskiednis fan skipstimmerman Cornelis over de Linden, in kennis fan HaverSchmidt. It boek stelt it no sa foar as wie it skreaun troch de fiere foarâlden fan dizze Over de Linden. Oera Linda is Aldfrysk foar Over de Linden en dêrom hjit it boek ek it Oera Linda-boek.

Mar it rint oars as HaverSchmidt en syn kompanen ferwachtsje. In learaar oan it Ljouwerter gymnasium, J.G. Ottema, krijt it boek yn hannen en lêst it. Hy leauwt fuort dat it echt is, en begjint der entûsjast oer te fertellen yn de krante en yn gelearde tydskriften. Hy jout it geskrift ek yn boekfoarm út: It is echt. Sa wurdt it Oera Linda-boek by in grut publyk bekend. Geregeld sprekke minsken har twivels út oer de echtheid derfan, mar it is hieltyd Ottema dy’t it foar it boek opnimt. HaverSchmidt, Verwijs en Over de Linden doare no net mear te sizzen dat sy it betocht ha.

Sa mislearret eins it eksperimint, mar de Friezen hawwe no in fantastysk boek mei prachtige ferhalen oer in rike skiednis. Wat bedoeld wie om de bibel as net-echt te ûntmaskerjen, waard in soarte fan eigen Fryske bibel.



And here is the whole article in Dutch:


And this is what Google Translator squeezed out of it:



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Otharus, I hope this wasn't the 'hard evidence' of the suppression of the OLB in the Netherlands you promised to post.

I took me less then 7 minutes to find the article this documentary is based on, as well as the articl in the Dutch translation.

And check the links below the Dutch article: in Dutch.

And I will bet you will recognize one of those links very well...

Nothing is being suppressed here.

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Otharus, I hope this wasn't the 'hard evidence' of the suppression of the OLB in the Netherlands you promised to post.

Of course not, silly. I said I found this video TODAY.

I need some time to concentrate on the translation, before I post the good stuff.

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Of course not, silly. I said I found this video TODAY.

I need some time to concentrate on the translation, before I post the good stuff.

Yeah, the video, I read that, but I assumed you meant the article the documentary was based on.

Anyway, the documentary was only meant to be brought in a sort of funny way by this popular Frisian guy, showing pics and local scenery.

The links below the article, I do hope you noticed them; one of them is a link to an online copy of Ottema's book.

I just want to say that nothing was 'hidden' for the public. And then the fact that it was brought in Frisian, well, the Frisians are a proud people, no probems with that at all here, and so this doc about Frisian history was broadcasted in the Frisian language. And as a Dutch member of my board (together with me the only two) often says: "Fruck the Dutch", lol.


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At this moment there are 40 guests present, and me.

How, in god's name, could the OLB (or info about it) be hidden from public view?

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I assumed you'd have that evidence ready at hand.

Anyway, a lot has been published in Dutch about the Oera Linda Book in the past 150 years, although not always very complimentary.

Many people will have learned about the OLB through these writings, and Goffe Jensma was the most recent Dutch writer who published a book about the OLB.

The most you can say is that the OLB is most often seen as a fabrication, but in no way it is being suppressed, not in the Netherlands, not anywhere.

People are people, and they will form their opinions based on what they want to believe anyway, despite other people publishing books that should make them at least doubt their beliefs.


You are quite correct - the OLB is not suppressed in the sense that it is prohibited or banned in the Netherlands (Lol, nothing is banned in the Netherlands).

The point is that anybody who dares to suggest that the OLB is not a hoax or who dares to show that the OLB is based on facts, is ridiculed, misquoted or, if he or she is lucky, just ignored by the Dutch. Can you imagine anyone in the Netherlands getting a doctorate by proving that the OLB is true?

Ottema's facts were ignored; Otharus (and I) showed how Jensma ignored vital letters, documents and facts to concoct his theory as to who supposedly created the hoax. He even invented a ridiculous motive for the hoax and, was awarded a doctorate! Today he is regarded by the Dutch as the most prominent authority on the OLB.

When I contacted Tresoar, they told me in no uncertain terms that they are not interested in my undeniable proof that the OLB is true. Do you think they will ever put my book on their library’s shelves? Forget it!

Just take this forum - have you or Knull ever agreed with, or given me credit for one single fact I presented here or in my book? Yet, some Americans, Canadians and Frenchmen complimented me on my book. There are two reviews of my book on Amazon – both rated 5 stars!

From the Netherlands, however, not a word! Do you think anybody in the Netherlands would want to promote or translate my book into Dutch? Such a person would have to have a lot of guts and most likely he or she would be tarred and feathered.

You see, when Otharus says that the book is suppressed, it is much more sinister than merely a ban on the book. The Dutch press and academics will simply not entertain any views that differ from their accepted albeit unproven hoax theory. They will crucify anyone who dares to differ from them. They could not prove their theory in 140 years and after almost two years you could not prove it in this forum; yet you and they will not listen to any other views, regardless of how well proven, especially not from an outsider such as a South African.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860"

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You are quite correct - the OLB is not suppressed in the sense that it is prohibited or banned in the Netherlands (Lol, nothing is banned in the Netherlands).

The point is that anybody who dares to suggest that the OLB is not a hoax or who dares to show that the OLB is based on facts, is ridiculed, misquoted or, if he or she is lucky, just ignored by the Dutch. Can you imagine anyone in the Netherlands getting a doctorate by proving that the OLB is true?

Ottema's facts were ignored; Otharus (and I) showed how Jensma ignored vital letters, documents and facts to concoct his theory as to who supposedly created the hoax. He even invented a ridiculous motive for the hoax and, was awarded a doctorate! Today he is regarded by the Dutch as the most prominent authority on the OLB.

When I contacted Tresoar, they told me in no uncertain terms that they are not interested in my undeniable proof that the OLB is true. Do you think they will ever put my book on their library’s shelves? Forget it!

Just take this forum - have you or Knull ever agreed with, or given me credit for one single fact I presented here or in my book? Yet, some Americans, Canadians and Frenchmen complimented me on my book. There are two reviews of my book on Amazon – both rated 5 stars!

From the Netherlands, however, not a word! Do you think anybody in the Netherlands would want to promote or translate my book into Dutch? Such a person would have to have a lot of guts and most likely he or she would be tarred and feathered.

You see, when Otharus says that the book is suppressed, it is much more sinister than merely a ban on the book. The Dutch press and academics will simply not entertain any views that differ from their accepted albeit unproven hoax theory. They will crucify anyone who dares to differ from them. They could not prove their theory in 140 years and after almost two years you could not prove it in this forum; yet you and they will not listen to any other views, regardless of how well proven, especially not from an outsider such as a South African.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860"

I'm happy you wrote a book. Good for you.

I am curious though. 2 reviews out of how many books sold and why are there no experts in any scientific field that have given it a positive review? Even one would be of great value to the overall speculative nature of you theory and lend it a heightened level of credibility.


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I'm happy you wrote a book. Good for you.

I am curious though. 2 reviews out of how many books sold and why are there no experts in any scientific field that have given it a positive review? Even one would be of great value to the overall speculative nature of you theory and lend it a heightened level of credibility.


As you mention my name (misspelled) I can only say, that the OLB has been proved to be an hoax over and over in the last 150 years. If a library would put your book on its shelves it would be as a curiosity, not because it would be a scientific contribution to our knowledge of the OLB.

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As you mention my name (misspelled) I can only say, that the OLB has been proved to be an hoax over and over in the last 150 years. If a library would put your book on its shelves it would be as a curiosity, not because it would be a scientific contribution to our knowledge of the OLB.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you and Alewyn were Siamese Twins. :lol: Particularly since I was replying to HIS post to begin with. Two positive reviews out of who knows how many books sold doesn't exactly validate his book in the long run.

Edit to clarify.


Edited by cormac mac airt
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I'm happy you wrote a book. Good for you.

I am curious though. 2 reviews out of how many books sold and why are there no experts in any scientific field that have given it a positive review? Even one would be of great value to the overall speculative nature of you theory and lend it a heightened level of credibility.


I clearly said "two reviews ON AMAZON" which is a very likely place for anyone to look. I don't pay people to do reviews like some authors do. I have also placed other reviews here before and your silence was deafening (as were Knul and Abramelin's). Your absolutely biased and irrational attacks on me should be very obvious by now to anyone following this discussion. In fact some PM’s I received labelled you as a “thread killer” – very apt! I do not think you have much credibility left - be thankful for your pseudonym here.

As for academic reviews, you should know that this takes time, i.e. if you have a credible academic background. Academics need to study the material, sources and references, do their own research and discuss it with colleagues. They do not simply read something and then express an opinion – unlike you who has not even read the book or who knows nothing of the OLB’s or Dutch history.

I hope you and I are still around when the OLB is officially vindicated which, I must admit, may take years. When that happens, your response could be interesting.

As for now, I will continue to ignore your tunnel vision and inability to see the greater picture.

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As you mention my name (misspelled) I can only say, that the OLB has been proved to be an hoax over and over in the last 150 years. If a library would put your book on its shelves it would be as a curiosity, not because it would be a scientific contribution to our knowledge of the OLB.

You keep on saying that the OLB has been proven to be a hoax.

Give us just one piece of undeniable evidence that this is the case; JUST ONE FACT, PLEASE.

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I clearly said "two reviews ON AMAZON" which is a very likely place for anyone to look. I don't pay people to do reviews like some authors do. I have also placed other reviews here before and your silence was deafening (as were Knul and Abramelin's). Your absolutely biased and irrational attacks on me should be very obvious by now to anyone following this discussion. In fact some PM’s I received labelled you as a “thread killer” – very apt! I do not think you have much credibility left - be thankful for your pseudonym here.

As for academic reviews, you should know that this takes time, i.e. if you have a credible academic background. Academics need to study the material, sources and references, do their own research and discuss it with colleagues. They do not simply read something and then express an opinion – unlike you who has not even read the book or who knows nothing of the OLB’s or Dutch history.

I hope you and I are still around when the OLB is officially vindicated which, I must admit, may take years. When that happens, your response could be interesting.

As for now, I will continue to ignore your tunnel vision and inability to see the greater picture.

Makers of history are very powerful people, they stamp out what is not appropriate for their own gains.

This to me says alot, it also tells about Egeria who had 'sacred books' that Numa (of Rome) received his mystical education from.

In this myth she is shown as counselor and guide to King Numa in the establishment of the original framework of laws and rituals of Rome, and in this role she is somehow uniquely in Roman mythology associated with "sacred books"; Numa (latin "numen" designates "the expressed will of a deity"[4]) is reputed to have written down the teachings of Egeria in "sacred books" that he made bury with him; when some chance accident brought them back to light some 400 years later, they were deemed by the Senate inappropriate for disclosure to the people and destroyed by their order;[5] what made them inappropriate was certainly of "political" nature but apparently has not been handed down by Valerius Antias, the source that Plutarch was using.Dionysius of Halicarnassus hints that they were actually kept as a very close secret by the Pontifices.


This is nothing new and you would be blind Freddy to think it doesn't still go on. The OLB will never be revealed as truth by the 'scholars', not in my lifetime anyway. Shame.

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You keep on saying that the OLB has been proven to be a hoax.

Give us just one piece of undeniable evidence that this is the case; JUST ONE FACT, PLEASE.

One fact: Just read the discussion in the OLB about the philosophy of Descartes 'cogito ergo sum'. Descarted lived and studied in Franeker (Friesland).

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One fact: Just read the discussion in the OLB about the philosophy of Descartes 'cogito ergo sum'. Descarted lived and studied in Franeker (Friesland).

Do you mean that Descartes got those ideas from the Frisians?

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One fact: Just read the discussion in the OLB about the philosophy of Descartes 'cogito ergo sum'. Descarted lived and studied in Franeker (Friesland).

Can you be more specific: What discussion in the OLB?

Could you quote the relevant passage or sentence just to make sure we are talking about the same thing? We can then take it from there.

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Philosophy of Descartes (cogito ergo sum) commented by a theologician (J.H. Halbertsma) in the OLB.


So neither Irtha nor any other created object can say, "I am" but rather, "I was".

So no man can say, "I think" but rather, "I thought".


Besides, everybody knows and must acknowledge that he is now changing, that he changes every minute even while he says, "I am",

and that his thoughts change even while he says, "I think".

This is the fragment Knul is talking about.

It does not say anything like "I think therefore I am", the famous Descartes quote.

(But even if it did, it would not be proof against authenticity, as thinkers of different times and places can come to similar ideas, without directly influencing each other.)

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Alewyn, I will answer you using a different font color and inside your post:


You are quite correct - the OLB is not suppressed in the sense that it is prohibited or banned in the Netherlands (Lol, nothing is banned in the Netherlands).

The point is that anybody who dares to suggest that the OLB is not a hoax or who dares to show that the OLB is based on facts, is ridiculed, misquoted or, if he or she is lucky, just ignored by the Dutch. Can you imagine anyone in the Netherlands getting a doctorate by proving that the OLB is true?

The reason it is being 'ridiculed' here is because it appears that many if not most believers in the OLB failed to read the available analyses of the OLB. Not saying you did, just that most do.

Ottema's facts were ignored; Otharus (and I) showed how Jensma ignored vital letters, documents and facts to concoct his theory as to who supposedly created the hoax. He even invented a ridiculous motive for the hoax and, was awarded a doctorate! Today he is regarded by the Dutch as the most prominent authority on the OLB.

I would like to see the list of references in Jensma's book so we know what he used and what he ignored.

And I don't think the motive for the creation of the OLB is ridiculous, it's just that you won't buy it. The religious motive Jensma came up with is one we here are all too familiar with.

And he is only regarded as the latest authority on the OLB, not the most prominent one.

When I contacted Tresoar, they told me in no uncertain terms that they are not interested in my undeniable proof that the OLB is true. Do you think they will ever put my book on their library’s shelves? Forget it!

I cannot judge about that because I don't know how the conversation went, but it may have been that they considered you as just the next crackpot with 'undeniable proof'. Again, not saying you are, just that they may have thought so.

And didn't and don't you still ignore the discussions - here and in the available analyses - about linguistics and etymology? You even admitted in this thread that it's not your kind of thing. OK, well, I agree it's not much of my thing either, but it IS an important part of the analysis of the OLB, or at least it should be.

Just take this forum - have you or Knull ever agreed with, or given me credit for one single fact I presented here or in my book? Yet, some Americans, Canadians and Frenchmen complimented me on my book. There are two reviews of my book on Amazon – both rated 5 stars!

From the Netherlands, however, not a word! Do you think anybody in the Netherlands would want to promote or translate my book into Dutch? Such a person would have to have a lot of guts and most likely he or she would be tarred and feathered.

Come on Alewyn, we have been discussing the OLB and your book about it for more than 2 years now. If I had never heard of the OLB in my life and then read your book I might have said "Wow!!" and given you 5 stars too. But I do know about the book (and after 2 years in this thread a lot more than before) and I think you were very wrong in several of the theories you wrote about in your book.

And again you just say that anyone from the Netherlands must have guts to be positive about your book. The reason they don't is because here in the Netherlands a lot of info is available about the OLB or concerning the OLB (in Dutch) which is not available elsewhere. I think you should know that by now by the many Dutch sources we all posted about and translated/quoted from.

You see, when Otharus says that the book is suppressed, it is much more sinister than merely a ban on the book. The Dutch press and academics will simply not entertain any views that differ from their accepted albeit unproven hoax theory. They will crucify anyone who dares to differ from them. They could not prove their theory in 140 years and after almost two years you could not prove it in this forum; yet you and they will not listen to any other views, regardless of how well proven, especially not from an outsider such as a South African.

The only reason there is no 100 % convincing and definite proof of it being a hoax/fabrication is just because all the possible suspects are long dead. And that is your luck. No one left a note saying "I did it, and here's why...".

The book is not being suppressed at all, and it doesn't matter how many times you and Otharus keep saying that. Just look at the article I posted and on which the video Otharus posted is based. It is in Frisian, but a translation in Dutch is available on that same site... and... it has a link to Ottema's book below it, plus a link to a video from someone we all know very well by now...

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860"

True, but first you must show us this truth, and up to now you failed.

Find the date of that impact that created the Burckle Crater; up to now it's nowhere near the OLB date of 2194 BC.

Find another inscription and/or manuscript that uses the OLB script. Don't say that find would be suppressed here because it could as well be found in England, France, Greece, Germany, Poland, Russia, India and so on.

Find remnants of one of those OLB citadels; there must have been many of them and not just in the present Netherlands. Nothing has been found so far, anywhere.

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This is the fragment Knul is talking about.

It does not say anything like "I think therefore I am", the famous Descartes quote.

Exactly my point: There is no relevance. I asked Knul for ONE UNDENIABLE FACT and this is the best he could come up with.

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Exactly my point: There is no relevance. I asked Knul for ONE UNDENIABLE FACT and this is the best he could come up with.

Well, I don't think either the Descartes link is very convincing.

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I clearly said "two reviews ON AMAZON" which is a very likely place for anyone to look. I don't pay people to do reviews like some authors do. I have also placed other reviews here before and your silence was deafening (as were Knul and Abramelin's). Your absolutely biased and irrational attacks on me should be very obvious by now to anyone following this discussion. In fact some PMs I received labelled you as a thread killer very apt! I do not think you have much credibility left - be thankful for your pseudonym here.

As for academic reviews, you should know that this takes time, i.e. if you have a credible academic background. Academics need to study the material, sources and references, do their own research and discuss it with colleagues. They do not simply read something and then express an opinion unlike you who has not even read the book or who knows nothing of the OLBs or Dutch history.

I hope you and I are still around when the OLB is officially vindicated which, I must admit, may take years. When that happens, your response could be interesting.

As for now, I will continue to ignore your tunnel vision and inability to see the greater picture.

I think Cormac is perfectly capable to defend his point of view, but I'd like to add something.

Cormac's posts here are mostly about the science used in your book and in this thread, Alewyn. Be it history, geology and genetics (and maybe I missed one or two).

Cormac is not 'killing' this thread, he only shows up when he has something relevant to say, something he knows more of.

And about those reviews: they are from people who obviously never bothered to read this monster of a thread. Maybe I should write a 'review' containing only a link to this thread?

I could make it sound as neutral as you most probably would not believe I could, and just to inform people that your book (and the OLB) is being discussed for more than 2 years now. Something like, "Buy the book - it's a good read - but when you're finished do not forget to read this thread which has grown to a monumental size."


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The OLB Manuscript ~ part 9 of 11



"U denkt misschien nog aan geknutsel van een verveelde kloosterbroeder?

Ook dit is uitgesloten.

In het OLB komen een godsbegrip en ethiek voor, die onovertroffen waar en zuiver, anti-monniks en anti-theologisch zijn.

Iemand die is opgevoed onder invloed van Katholieke of zelfs Protestante dogma's, heeft deze echt vrijzinnige en totaal onbevoordeelde gevoelens onmogelijk kunnen uiten."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"You might think it was made by a bored friar?

This cannot be the case either.

The OLB describes ethics and a concept of God, that are unsurpassably true and pure, anti-monkish and anti-theologic.

Someone who was raised under the influence of Katholic or even Protestant dogma's, could impossibly have expressed these true liberal and totally unbenefited feelings."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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Say Alewyn, you frequently suggest I always talk from the negative. Well, that is the impression I got from your words.

Now please read my post #9739 on page 650, about "the White Island of the Dead":


The legend of that island was already around in the 6th cenrury, and from the Dutch province of Zeeland to the North Sea coast of Germany (Ostfriesland).

I would like to imagine that that White Island was once nothing else but the present White Bank in the North Sea, north of the coasts of the provinces of Friesland and Groningen.

It could also be nothing but an adaption of something a Roman writer wrote about some ages before the 6th century, but it would be interesting if divers researched that area.

I can imagine that if this island existed for much longer than Dogger Island (the present Dogger Bank), it could indeed have been used as an offshore graveyard, and maybe even from the time period the OLB is about.

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The OLB Manuscript ~ part 9 of 11



"U denkt misschien nog aan geknutsel van een verveelde kloosterbroeder?

Ook dit is uitgesloten.

In het OLB komen een godsbegrip en ethiek voor, die onovertroffen waar en zuiver, anti-monniks en anti-theologisch zijn.

Iemand die is opgevoed onder invloed van Katholieke of zelfs Protestante dogma's, heeft deze echt vrijzinnige en totaal onbevoordeelde gevoelens onmogelijk kunnen uiten."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"You might think it was made by a bored friar?

This cannot be the case either.

The OLB describes ethics and a concept of God, that are unsurpassably true and pure, anti-monkish and anti-theologic.

Someone who was raised under the influence of Katholic or even Protestant dogma's, could impossibly have expressed these true liberal and totally unbenefited feelings."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Impossibly" ? I think it is perfectly possible someone could have written in that style and expressing those ideas even under the influence of Catholic and Protestant dogmas. Just read about the ideas that came up during the French Revolution.

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