Otharus Posted February 14, 2012 #10201 Share Posted February 14, 2012 (edited) ?? How did they know those lions were black?? They didn't And oh wow, Ottema finally found out there were indeed lions! Footnote in his 1876 edition: "Leeuwen in Europa, Herodotus, VII, 125." The archaeological find in Switzerland was still relevant. In any case, those letters and fragments I posted recently may give us some insight into the minds of Ottema and the Over de Lindens. It's the first time they are being published in English. Edited February 14, 2012 by Otharus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otharus Posted February 14, 2012 #10202 Share Posted February 14, 2012 even a hypothesis should be based on known facts and circumstances, else it is your own imagination. A hypothesis can be based on common sense and logic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10203 Share Posted February 14, 2012 (edited) They didn't Footnote in his 1876 edition: "Leeuwen in Europa, Herodotus, VII, 125." The archaeological find in Switzerland was still relevant. In any case, those letters and fragments I posted recently may give us some insight into the minds of Ottema and the Over de Linden's. It's the first time they are being published in English. I know they could not have known about the color of those lions, but Ottema jumped in the air and said they had found 'the black lions'. There are many marble statues of lions made by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Also mosaics where they show up frequently. The image with the black lions (and Athena) I posted is from ancient Greece. And we all know the Romans caught lions to have them fight with bears and gladiators. When the Romans had nearly whiped them out from Europe, they started catching them in the Near East and Africa. == And thanks for all the translating, Otharus. . Edited February 14, 2012 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10204 Share Posted February 14, 2012 (edited) Knul said that the OLB Fonisiar (Phoenicians?) alone would prove that the OLB Middle Sea can be nothing else but the Mediterranean. I say both Middle Seas were used in the OLB: the Frisian one and the Mediterranean one. Anyway, what do these 'Fonisiar' prove? This is how Frisians pronounce Phoenicians: Foenysier/ Fenysier (for the Englsih I put -i- instead of the Dutch -j- ) http://fy.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foenysjers This is how Frisians pronounce 'Venetians': Feneesier (and mind you: Feneesier is pronounced the same as Fenysier) http://fy.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feneesje_(st%C3%AAd) Again: a corrupted time line: West European crusaders successfully attacked the Syrian and Palestinian coast and established small christian states in Antioch, Acre and Jerusalem between 1099 and 1291. They gave commercial privileges to Pisan and Genoan traders who had helped finance their conquest. The Venetians had not helped, but nevertheless managed to establish a trading base in Tyre. Venice had important connections with Northern Europe. Trade with Flanders was carried out mainly at the Champagne fairs where Italian merchants bought woollen goods and sold silk, spices, alum, sugar and lacquer. When the sea route was opened between the Western Mediterranean and the Atlantic, trade with Flanders was carried out directly by ship. A second route linked Venice with Augsburg, Nuremberg, Prague and Vienna via the Brenner Pass. German merchants brought metals and metal products (including silver). Venetians traded these metals up the Po Valley and in the Mediterranean. In 1318 the Fondaco dei Tedeschi was created in Venice to provide for the trading needs and lodging of German merchants. http://www.theworldeconomy.org/impact/The_Venetian_Republic.html . Edited February 14, 2012 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10205 Share Posted February 14, 2012 (edited) Nederlandse volksoverleveringen en godenleer - L. Ph. C. Van den Bergh (1836, Leiden) (Dutch legends and mythology) http://books.google.nl/books?id=wCkPAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA147&lpg=PA147&dq=Van+den+Bergh+/+Hamconius&source=bl&ots=kLNjPl6Wyd&sig=BnljqnFHIAOYmJ9qhOTUpp7GSHk&hl=nl&ei=_BXiTofaOYeDOoG4xMgE&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false For those who can read Dutch and are interested in anything OLB, download this book. - One of Friso's sons gave the Danes the name "Vithen" (EDIT: enter "Vithen" in the search tool accompanying the online book). Hey, weren't we all discussing where the name "Witkening/Witking/Vitking" came from? Maybe nothing but "king of the Danes"?? LOL !! . I should have added that "Vithen" is the Dutch plural for "Viths". The singular in both languages is "Vith". So how would a/the king of the Danes be called in Frisian? "Vith-kening". And who was a famous (sea)king of those Danes? Godfried: "Ther Witkêning thaet is Sêkêning, Godfrêiath thene alda" There you go. Nothing to do with 'wet' (Jensma) or 'white' or 'wise', but simply an alternative spelling for 'Jutes'. +++++++++++ EDIT: Harald died in 852 and his son Godfried took over. He travelled, with Rorik, back to Denmark to reclaim the thrown in the war of 854. After they have failed, they started their own empire in Frisia and extend their territory. In 863 Dorestad was riaded for the last time: the city simply ceased to exsist. The Frisian kings did not really know where they stood. Ubbo, a Frisian warlord, fought on the side of the Danes in Northumbria but in the same year Rorik gets thrown out of Frisia after a successful revolt. He returned to Denmark for a short period only to become a great statesman. He made a treaty with Carles the Bold, king of the West-Frankisch Empire, and at the same time kept good contacts with Louis the German of the East-Frankish Empire. In 870 he returns to Frisia, more powerfull than ever, he now was an official vassal of Charles the Bold. He became a christian for political and not necessarily religious reasons. But after 873 he vanished from historical accounts. In 882 Godfried the Seaking (whether or not he was Rorik's cousin is not certain) officially became the heir to Rorik's possessions. However, he died in 885 under suspicious circumstances. As the story goes, one of his warlords, Gerulf, was involved. This Gerulf pops back into history sometime after Godfried's death as archfather of the Dutch counts. http://www.missgien.net/vikings/rorik.html Sandbach's note: * Here there are wanting in the manuscript twenty pages (perhaps more), in which Beeden has written about the King, Adel the Third, called Ubbo by the writers of our chronicles. http://oeralinda.angelfire.com/#by . Edited February 14, 2012 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10206 Share Posted February 14, 2012 (edited) Godfried again... Ther Witkêning thaet is Sêkêning Godfrêiath thene alda heth thêr asvndergana telnomar fon mâkad fâr stand aend rvnskrift bêde. De Witkening dat is Sekening Godfreiath den oude had de erondergaande telnummers van gemaakt (=van het Juul wiel/ from the Yule wheel) voor stand en runschrift beide. The Witkoning that is the Sea-king Godfried the Old made numbers for the set hand and for the runic hand. http://oeralinda.angelfire.com/#at As I said before, nowhere in the OLB does it say or even suggest when this Godfrêiath lived or invented the numerals/ciphers. I think it would not prove or disprove the OLB if it had indeed been Godfried the Viking and Seaking, King of the Danes, and who died in 885 AD. Imagine this scenario: under the command of this Godfried the Vikings raided (or maybe paid a 'friendly' visit to) the Alhambra. Godfried or one of his men watched the ciphers in the Alhambra, and understood they had been formed using a circular geomatric pattern (either they found out about it themselves or it was explained to them). He or his men might have considered those ciphers to be a lot more practical than the numerals they themselves used, or maybe they found them more beautiful than their own (they did have numerals - using runes - btw, but most often they wrote the numerals out in words, like is done in the OLB). Either Godfried or one of his men (a scribe? a skald?) thought they could use their sacred Yule wheel instead for creating those ciphers, and subsequentily introduced them into their own territories like Frisia, which was then ruled by the Vikings/Danes/Godfried. Later on the Franks conquered the Vikings and kicked them out of Frisia, and adopted these very handy ciphers and subsequentily introduced them into their lands. This scenario could fit into the OLB without anyone getting a headache about it. Nice, eh? +++++ EDIT: In the Vikings' runic inscriptions, we do find numbers written down, but it's very rare. Usually numbers are spelled out as whole words, although on rare occasion the first letter of the number-word is used to stand for the number (see below for the runic inscriptions with numbers). - Although it is very uncommon, on occasion the Vikings would use the runic letters to stand for a numeral. I was only able to find a couple of inscriptions that used this practice, and here they appear to just be abbreviating the word for the number and representing it by its first letter. This would be like an English speaker writing numbers as O=1, T=2, TH=3, Fo=4, Fi=5, Si=6, Se=7, E=8, N=9 etc http://www.vikinganswerlady.com/numeric-reckoning.shtml From the OLB: Skrêven to Ljuwert. Nêi âtland svnken is thaet thria thû sond fjvwer hvndred aend njugon aend fjvwertigoste jêr, thaet is nei kersten rêknong that tvelfhvndred sex aend fiftigoste jêr. Hidde tobinomath oera Linda. - Wâk. Written at Liuwert, in the three thousand four hundred and forty-ninth year after Atland was submerged—that is, according to the Christian reckoning, the year 1256. Hiddo, surnamed Over de Linda.—Watch. http://oeralinda.angelfire.com/#aa Apparently even the Fryans/Frisians loved to write numbers in the most cumbersome way instead of using that invention by Godfried. . Edited February 14, 2012 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10207 Share Posted February 14, 2012 (edited) A reminder: This "Godfried the Old" (Godfried de Oude), Witking (Viking?) and Seaking, keeps bugging my mind. OK, here are some quotes from a very interesting pdf about the relations between the Frisians and the Vikings: Friends, Vassals or Foes. Relations and their representations between Frisians and Scandinavians in the Viking Age, late 8th to 11th centuries. An analysis of textual and archaeological sources. http://scripties.let.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/FILES/root/Master/ResearchMaster/CMRS/2010/N.L.IJssennagger/ReMa-1555014-N.L.IJssennagger.pdf The next Danish king Godfrid came into conflict with Charlemagne’s son Pippin, since the latter feared he might want to attack Saxony. Godfrid left Saxony alone, but destroyed Slavic territory and the specifically mentioned trading site of Reric. He sent some of the traders he took captive from Reric to Pippin, telling him that he heard the king was angry about his actions and that he was willing to make peace. Despite efforts from both sides, no peace was established.166 One of the reasons for the problems between the Danes and the Franks might actually have been the area of Frisia, which was at this time under Frankish rule but which Godfrid claimed belonged to him, together with Saxony.167 The conflict might have become so bad, that it evoked the Viking raid of 810 A.D. --- A range of Viking attacks on Frisia are recorded, which are presented as following: 810 First Viking attack on the continent, instigated by Godfrid, who is said to have regarded Frisia as his province. 200 ships are said to have been involved. Vikings ravaged the islands of the coast of Frisia, landed and fought three battles with Frisians, which they won. A hundred pounds of silver was extracted from the surviving Frisians as tribute (RFA 810). --- The HD relates the story of the Danish king Godfrid, who was most powerful and generous, characterised by courage and by gentleness.208 He extended his fame by extending his wars to outside the borders of his kingdom, according to Saxo. Saxony was subdued by the Frankish emperor Charlemagne who made it Christian, and according to Saxo the people were much happier under Frankish than Danish rule. But Godfrid took the area back and also subdued North-Frisia with his sea-force. Here, he installed a tax-system. He had a couple of buildings built of 240 feet in length, which were divided into twelve sections of twenty feet each. At one end of the building sat Godfrid’s treasurer, at the other end lay a shield. In this shield, Frisians had to throw the coins that functioned as payment for the taxes. Only the coins that the treasurer could hear were counted, resulting in a lot of loss of coins for the Frisians.209 The tax system resembles the clipscelda that was in existence in Westerlauwers Frisia as early as the beginning of the ninth century. The evidence might be too scarce to conclude that the Danish overlord imposed this form of tax payment throughout their Frisian benefices, but the possibility is there, if we bear in mind all the references to the extraction of payment that the Vikings and Scandinavian overlords executed in Frisia. Even though this source is Scandinavian, it is a source with a very clear Christian agenda. Yet he shows some sympathy for the Frisians. According to Saxo, the taxes put upon the Frisians by the overambitious Godefrid is ‘not so much harsh as it was strange’, and many Frisians have lost useless money by it. Also, he claims that the Frisians were ‘freed from this burden’ by Charles. --- The first benefice was endowed to the Danish Harald Klakk in 826 A.D., after trouble with the sons of former king Godfrid, on his commendation to Emperor Charles. The area was Rüstringen in Ostfriesland. In Mainz – where there also was an attestable Frisian colony217 – Harald, his family and 400 followers are said to have been baptized.218 In 827 A.D. Harald is driven out of Denmark, and likely retreated in Rüstringen.219 --- With the death of Godfrid, not only his benefice came to an end, but the line of Danish benefice-holders in Frisia in general. This freed the way for the counts of Holland that would play a significant role in Dutch history. The whole of the pdf is an interesting read, whatever you may think of the OLB. +++++++++++ And the next is also quite interesting: Charles had already encreased his authority by matrimony, for he obtained the hand of Bona, who, (here again turning away from a thorny field of genealogical controversy,) we believe to have been the daughter of Godfrey the elder, Count of the Ardennes, and sister of the second Godfrey, the latter appointed by Otho as Duke, or rather Governor, of Brabant. Three children were born to Charles, of this, his first marriage. A second union was contracted with the affectionate Adela, the daughter of the Vermandois Count Herbert, who piously shared in, and comforted her husband's misfortunes. http://www.archive.org/stream/collectedhistori009276mbp/collectedhistori009276mbp_djvu.txt -- Godfried DE OUDE Partnership with: Mathilde VAN SAKSEN Marriage: (Date and Place unknown) Child: Bonne Child: Ermentrude Child: Herman. Birth: ABT 970 http://home.kpn.nl/esbro001/familie/p000000c.htm#I8236 __________ This Godfried was the Viking who was the first to attack the mainland of Europe (Frisia). He was a High King, and a Sea King AND a Viking. According to Saxo he wasn't as 'terrible' as other accounts portayed him. And he considered Frisia as HIS property. Now, if I am able to find out this Godfried was in contact with Arabs (the numerals they introduced in medieval Europe) I think I will hit jackpot... . I hope you read that, Menno: "In Mainz – where there also was an attestable Frisian colony". That, in connection with me saying "Gosa Makonta" was noone else but "Goswinus Magontinensis" or "Goswinus from Mainz", and you saying that Mainz was too far away from Texel. . Edited February 14, 2012 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10208 Share Posted February 14, 2012 (edited) I hope I can control myself, because that pdf I quoted from in my quoted post (see former post) is really very interesting for this thread: http://scripties.let.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/FILES/root/Master/ResearchMaster/CMRS/2010/N.L.IJssennagger/ReMa-1555014-N.L.IJssennagger.pdf The name Frisian is not unproblematic either. The French historian Stéphane Lebecq has argued that Frisian became synonymous with international trader in the Early Medieval period,92 but it might be more accurate to say that traders became labelled as Frisians and were consequently identified as such. It is true that in a lot of trade towns around the North Sea most traders were Frisian, as in York. It is also true that the name of one group of people could come to denote a larger group in the Early Middle Ages, as we saw with Danes or, later, Vikings. If the labelling of tradesmen as Frisians is true, then we see a reversed etymology as with Vikings. Whereas Viking originally referred to a certain activity (trade and piracy), and secondly to a people, Frisian originally denoted a certain people (ethnonym), and secondary people with a certain activity (international trade). When looking at the Frisians, one has to bear this in mind, as well as the fact that the Frisian sphere of influence also stretched over former parts of for instance Francia, meaning that inhabitants of Frisia could be Frankish- Frisian.93 - Three runic inscriptions are known to refer to Frisians in a Scandinavian context. These are the inscription on the Senja neckring (cat. nr. 24) referred to above, and two inscriptions from rune stones (U 379 and U 391, cat. nr.25) in Sigtuna, Sweden. The inscription of Senja can be read as half a poetic stanza written in the metre fornyrñislag. This metre with alliteration was one of the standard metres for skaldic poetry.160 All three inscriptions are on the basis of their style and language, dated to the eleventh century and have been studied by different scholars, who have put forward different readings, that will be examined below.161 Either they are interpreted as attesting to raids or as attesting to trade-relations or joint activities. In any case, they provide a Scandinavian representation of Frisian-Scandinavian contacts in text. The archaeological aspects of the necklace will be discussed in chapter 4. - More certain are Viking attacks on Frisian colonies in Xanten and Birten.178 Vikings travelled up the Rhine and plundered towns like Xanten, Duisburg, Cologne, Bonn and Koblenz.179 According to eye-witness accounts, Xanten was attacked in 864 (or 863) A.D.180 After having destroyed Dorestad, the Vikings sailed up the Rhine at high water levels in January, killed Frisians who had retreated in an unspecified villa nearby, and devastated Xanten and the churches on the way.181 In 880 A.D., Birten, close to Xanten was plundered, and it is specifically mentioned that there was a great number of Frisian inhabitants here.182 The lay-out of Dorestad the long road alongside the river at which the buildings and the trade were situated, is recognized as typically Frisian. Hedeby had a lay-out reminiscent of this, possibly showing the hand of the Frisians.340 According to Lebecq, coins, ceramics, glass and Rhenish products point to trade with Frisians or by Frisians,341 but according to Willemsen it points to direct links with Franks.342 At least, there is a strong connection with Frisia, so claims Lebecq, and this is also evident in the selectd historical sources. Lebecq argues that the evidence clearly shows that at the time of establishment in the eighth century, Frisians were already present with their personal belongings and goods. And in the ninth century, the Frisians again occupied the town with their trade.343 This indicates that the story of Godfrid and his replacement of people from Reric is a very plausible one, and that the messengers between Dorestad and Hedeby could very well have been Frisian traders. This idea is also reinforced by the fact that Charlemagne himself used Frisian merchants as messengers whom he sent to Godfrid.344 - And the next person is quoted a lot in that pdf: Lebecq, S. The Frisian trade in the Dark Ages; a Frisian or a Frankish/Frisian trade? In Rotterdam Papers VII, ed. A. Carmiggelt, (Rotterdam: 1992), 7-15. Lebecq, S. Marchands et Navigateurs Frisons du Haut Moyen Âge. Vol. 1. Lille: Presses Universitaire de Lille, 1983a. Lebecq, S. Marchands et Navigateurs Frisons du Haut Moyen Âge. Vol. 2. Lille: Presses Universitaire de Lille, 1983b. Lebecq, S. On the use of the word Frisian in the 6th-10th centuries written sources: some interpretations. In Maritime Celts, Frisians and Saxons, S. McGrail. London: Council for British Archaeology, 1990, 85-90. And here's an online (Scribd) document from this Lebecq: The Frisian trade in the Dark Ages; a Frisian or a Frankish/Frisian trade?* Stéphane Lebecq 1992. In: Carmiggelt, A.,(ed). Rotterdam Papers VII, pp. 7-15 http://www.scribd.com/doc/6919218/Lebecq-The-Frisian-trade-in-the-Dark-Ages . Edited February 14, 2012 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10209 Share Posted February 14, 2012 (edited) I announced that I added a new chapter on the typography of the OLB to my website (in Dutch). The typography so far has not been studied. It might be interesting for you. Menno, do you have a link to that new chapter? +++ Ah, got it: http://rodinbook.nl/olbtypografie.html (I hadn't noticed the tab) ++++++ EDIT: OK, looks interesting. But you might want to add a couple of images. -1- An example of Halbertsma's use of 'tildes' or ~~~~ in his documents. -2- Those letters you called ""kleine letters (onderkast)" or in English, "lowercase": OLB run(ning)-script: I don't think they are lowercase but uppercase instead, and just in the form of 'running script' (lopend schrift). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EDIT: For a minute I thought I had forgotten to add one ltter in my table: the -GS- : But, no , I had not forgotten because I had used the ORIGINAL page 46 to fill in that table !! Look at the original page 46 here: http://images.tresoar.nl/bibl-collectie/boeken/oeralinda/groot/pagina.php?p=48&pm=212 And compare that with Sandbach's : http://oeralinda.angelfire.com/#at Wow, suddenly a new letter showed up not found in the original 800 years old page 46 of that manuscript... . Edited February 14, 2012 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10210 Share Posted February 14, 2012 Just saying that in the original manuscript they left out the -GS- as an explanation under one of those Yule wheels. The -gs- as a separate letter does indeed show up elsewhere in the text: [Pag. 11] 9th line from "Tex Fryas" (first line after Tex Fryas = nr 1) Tex Fryas. (...) Tha ik segs to jo mith rêdene ånd tid skil-et wâra, tha modelâsa skilun åmmar swika vnder hjar åjn lêd. However, it is strange that the -GS- is missing from page 46 of the original mansucript. A big circular image like on that page cannot be overlooked, or even be left out by a copier for the reason it only shows up a couple of times in the rest of the text. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10211 Share Posted February 14, 2012 (edited) Look again at the 5th letter from the left in Sandbach's version: Then look at the 5th letter in the original version: On this page 46 of the original manuscript you will see that what is supposed to be the letter -g- has a horizontal blob-ish line. In that way it could be the OLB -g- or the OLB -gs- . It looks like someone messed up things, like, "what shall I make of this, hmmmm.... Let's leave it open for a while because I may have a better idea later", and then forgot to correct his 'creation'. Let's not forget that all the members of "Over de Linden" family who were supposedly selected (and privileged) to copy this very important document, and by that save it for posterity, must have been pressed to copy it exactly from the former copy. . Edited February 14, 2012 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otharus Posted February 14, 2012 #10212 Share Posted February 14, 2012 (edited) Remarkable As you make your bed, so must you lie in it (Dutch: Wie zaait, zal oogsten) 1) Publication (1854) by J.G. Ottema about a publication (1854) from M. de Haan Hettema Title: Het meer Flevo en de Middelzee, of Blikken op de wartaal van Jhr. Mr. M. de Haan Hettema, in zijn geschrift: "Over de oudere geschiedenis van Friesland, met betrekking tot haren vroegeren en tegenwoordigen waterstaat" (Lake Flevo and the Middle-Sea, or views upon the gibberish of M. de Haan Hettema, in his publication: "About the older history of Friesland, concerning her earlier and present waters") 2) Publication (1876) by J. Beckering Vinckers about the OLB (published 1872 and 1876 by J.G. Ottema) Title: De onechtheid van het Oera Linda-Bôk, aangetoond uit de wartaal waarin het is geschreven (The inauthenticity of the OLB, indicated by the gibberish in which it was written) Edited February 14, 2012 by Otharus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10213 Share Posted February 14, 2012 What's 'remarkable' about that? I think you left out the important part. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otharus Posted February 14, 2012 #10214 Share Posted February 14, 2012 Fragment of letter from dr. Ottema to L.F. Over de Linden, dated 4-5-1877 (Tresoar collection; translated); These days I realised something concerning Beckering Vinckers' accusation of a cunningly devised plan. Your father did not have a plan to have the manuscript printed or made public. Under pressure of Verwijs, and when the content was still unknown to him, he had initially agreed, but when he got disappointed that Verwijs did not keep his promise [to translate the manuscript], your father believed he was no longer bound to the permission he had given. Please read our letters from early 1871 (I think), and you will see how he resisted with tooth and nail against my plan for publication. Someone who wants to mislead the world would not do that, he would have grabbed the opportunity to carry out his deception with both hands. Kuipers [the printer] and I almost had to force him, and harsh words were exchanged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otharus Posted February 14, 2012 #10215 Share Posted February 14, 2012 What's 'remarkable' about that? I think you left out the important part. What would that be, you think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10216 Share Posted February 14, 2012 (edited) What would that be, you think? Maybe it's obvious to you, but I wonder to whom else it is obvious. I really have not the faintest clue to what you are hinting at. ++ EDIT: In case you are hinting at my posts about the Frisian Middle Sea, then you should know I used older sources. But if that is not it, then I am lost. . Edited February 14, 2012 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otharus Posted February 14, 2012 #10217 Share Posted February 14, 2012 I really have not the faintest clue to what you are hinting at. I underlined the relevant part. Ottema in 1854 used the term "wartaal" (gibberish, nonsense) in the title of his his article about de Haan Hettema's publication. 22 Years later Beckering Vinckers used that term (also in the title of an article) to burn down Ottema's love of his life, the OLB. I don't think Ottema will have been the first, but appearantly, 19th century scholars used harsh terms to 'critisize' each others publications. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10218 Share Posted February 14, 2012 I underlined the relevant part. Ottema in 1854 used the term "wartaal" (gibberish, nonsense) in the title of his his article about de Haan Hettema's publication. 22 Years later Beckering Vinckers used that term (also in the title of an article) to burn down Ottema's love of his life, the OLB. I don't think Ottema will have been the first, but appearantly, 19th century scholars used harsh terms to 'critisize' each others publications. Oh, that. Yeah, it's a shame. Especially when you know how we here talk to eachother sometimes, lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otharus Posted February 14, 2012 #10219 Share Posted February 14, 2012 (edited) Letter from dr. Ottema to L.F. Over de Linden, dated 19-5-1877 (Tresoar collection; translated); Dear Sir! The publication of your defence was well received. Whoever I asked thought the booklet was well written and had read it with pleasure. I sent a copy to Dr. Vitringa, trusting that he will mention it in the Deventer Newspaper, just like he discussed Beckering Vinckers' brochure. As always busy researching, rethinking and collecting, I have elaborated a comment these days, that I will explain to you. Concerning the manuscript it is important, specially because Suffridus Petrus, de Scriptoribus Frisiae mentions in his introduction, that Friso left several writings, one of them a travel diary and biography; that he had written them in the Frisian language and with Greek characters, and that his successors wrote just like that, until the times that the Roman script became current in Germania. He did not mention how or where he had learned about that (as was not his habit), but he can not have sucked that out of his thumb. Something must have come to his knowledge of Frisian notes, from the times in which the Ovira Lindas wrote, and that travel diary (about the journey from India to Friesland) may be related to Ljudgert's diary. Informations like this from Suffridus used to be considered as fabulations, but among those fabulations there may turn out to be more truth than was presumed. It is also acknowledged that Suffridus Petrus never lied, but that he would have copied from earlier sources. Recieve this letter in good health and be friendly greeted. P.S. I may have an immodest request: can I keep the copy of Volney, as a souvenir to your father? Edited February 14, 2012 by Otharus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10220 Share Posted February 14, 2012 Letter from dr. Ottema to L.F. Over de Linden, dated 19-5-1877 (Tresoar collection; translated); Dear Sir! The publication of your defence was well received. Whoever I asked thought the booklet was well written and had read it with pleasure. I sent a copy to Dr. Vitringa, trusting that he will mention it in the Deventer Newspaper, just like he discussed Beckering Vinckers' brochure. As always busy researching, rethinking and collecting, I have elaborated a comment these days, that I will explain to you. COncerning the manuscript it is important, specially because Suffridus Petrus, de Scriptoribus Frisiae menetions in his introduction, that Friso left several writings, one of them a travel diary and biography; that he had written them in the Frisian language and with Greek characters, and that his successors wrote just like that, until the times that the Roman script became current in Germania. He did not mention how or where he had learned about that (as was not his habit), but he can not have sucked that out of his thumb. Something must have come to his knowledge of Frisian notes, from the times in which the Ovira Lindas wrote, and that travel diary (about the journey from India to Friesland) may be related to Ljudgert's diary. Informations like this from Suffridus used to be considered as fabulations, but among those fabulations there may turn out to be more truth than was presumed. It is also acknowledged that Suffridus Petrus never lied, but that he would have copied from earlier sources. Recieve this letter in good health and be friendly greeted. P.S. I may have an immodest request: may I keep the copy of Volney, as a souvenir to your father? You forgot this Suffridus Petrus was also known for his limitless imagination? And what about what I posted today? I think I posted 2 pages on my own while 30 visitors where present. Never mind. I never forget a word I posted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otharus Posted February 14, 2012 #10221 Share Posted February 14, 2012 You forgot this Suffridus Petrus was also known for his limitless imagination? On the contrary, he was known to never lie, but some believe he copied fabulations. It does not fit a skeptic to simply parrot hearsay. I have a different feeling about this, but would indeed like to read a good translation of SP's work, before I have a judgement. My Latin is not good enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otharus Posted February 14, 2012 #10222 Share Posted February 14, 2012 And what about what I posted today? Some of it was worth reading. Thanks for the effort. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 14, 2012 #10223 Share Posted February 14, 2012 On the contrary, he was known to never lie, but some believe he copied fabulations. It does not fit a skeptic to simply parrot hearsay. I have a different feeling about this, but would indeed like to read a good translation of SP's work, before I have a judgement. My Latin is not good enough. You believe it when people say he is reliable, I believe others who say he isn't. But I posted about his obvious fabrications. Sorry, but I have spent more than enough time here today. Time to hit the sack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knul Posted February 14, 2012 #10224 Share Posted February 14, 2012 Just saying that in the original manuscript they left out the -GS- as an explanation under one of those Yule wheels. The -gs- as a separate letter does indeed show up elsewhere in the text: [Pag. 11] 9th line from "Tex Fryas" (first line after Tex Fryas = nr 1) Tex Fryas. (...) Tha ik segs to jo mith rêdene ånd tid skil-et wâra, tha modelâsa skilun åmmar swika vnder hjar åjn lêd. However, it is strange that the -GS- is missing from page 46 of the original mansucript. A big circular image like on that page cannot be overlooked, or even be left out by a copier for the reason it only shows up a couple of times in the rest of the text. The transcription should be: ik seg jo = ik zeg je, I say to you. There is no to in the MS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abramelin Posted February 15, 2012 #10225 Share Posted February 15, 2012 (edited) The transcription should be: ik seg jo = ik zeg je, I say to you. There is no to in the MS. Yeah, that was the point I was trying to make... sigh. . Edited February 15, 2012 by Abramelin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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