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Life is just a great big poltergeist


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Anthony North: The title is a bold statement. I’m claiming that nearly everything we do and perceive in life is based around the poltergeist. At first, it sounds ridiculous. But maybe not if we apply my understanding of what a poltergeist is. To me, it is all about culture and psychodrama. It usually strikes when a family is undergoing some form of upheaval. Often centred around a pubescent child, fear will grip the family, and communally an alternative reality will begin to manifest. In this reality, perception will alter. Things will seem to be seen, noises heard, based on the community’s expectation that they will be and a form of communal mind becomes the director of the psychodrama that thus ensues.

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I do not understand the theory, but I think the poltergeist theory is a splendid metaphor of "karma."

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Finding your article today was a coincidence, very much appreciated. I am the Matriarch of the Erie, an Indian tribe that is culturally poltergeist. I connect all Erie, who are holographic: each member contains the whole. We are all Erie. Everyone. I'm a writer working on a true story: Poltergeist. It begins this summer, I passed a waterfalls in a van full of my grandchildren. I saw a unicorn and pointed. "Look!" And my little princese, Allaura, shouted, "A unicorn." That was proof. Because it was gone by the time we hiked to the falls, and I sat and the children and the three-legged dog scattered. I felt compelled to tell them about when I was Allaura's age and my family (tribe) experienced a poltergeist.

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A ghost made me post.

I felt compelled to tell my grandchildren about the polteergeist, but Jacob, my heart, would not come near. As a tribe, Erie, we made him come and sit with us on rocks. I spoke: "When I was Allaura's age, my brother shot himself in the head in an upstairs bedroom, suicide. My mother sat looking at a wall and my father raped me.

I was a poltergeist. I didn't know at the time. I remeber standing outside the barn, looking up at the blue sky, as a rock fell straight down to land at my feet. Lots of rocks thown and the kids began to mark them with slashes of paint, then throw them in Lake Erie. This rock was marked with paint. And marbels would roll across the upstairs, them bounce down the stair of the same old farmhouse the tribe still lives in. And orbs of light would bounce throughout the cavenouse rooms and once, I was getting on the school bus, and a ball of light hit the step of the bus same time as my foot, zoomed down the asel of the bus, then disappeared.

I told my grandchildren that I accepted that I was the poltergeist, but how strange to accept that reality is raining rocks on your head. To be disconnected with reality: disassociated? I am responsible for mischievious energy, and I reconized it when rocks would hit my father, who raped me.

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A ghost made me post.

I felt compelled to tell my grandchildren about the poltergeist, but Jacob, my heart, would not come near. As a tribe, Erie, we made him come and sit with us on rocks. I spoke: "When I was Allaura's age, my brother shot himself in the head in an upstairs bedroom, suicide. My mother sat looking at a wall and my father raped me.

I was a poltergeist. I didn't know at the time. I remember standing outside the barn, looking up at the blue sky, as a rock fell straight down to land at my feet. Lots of rocks thrown and the kids began to mark them with slashes of paint, then throw them in Lake Erie. To see if the same rocks would rain from the sky again.This rock was marked with paint.

And marbles would roll across the upstairs, them bounce down the stair of the same old farmhouse the tribe still lives in. And orbs of light would bounce throughout the cavernous rooms and once, I was getting on the school bus, and a ball of light hit the step of the bus same time as my foot, zoomed down the ales of the bus, then disappeared.

I told my grandchildren that I accepted that I was the poltergeist, but how strange to accept that reality is raining rocks on your head. To be disconnected with reality: disassociated? I am responsible for mischievous energy, and I recognized it when rocks would hit my father, who raped me. But it wasn't me. I tormented my father secretly. I put night crawlers in his slippers when he slept, switched salt in his sugar shaker and painted in bold graffiti FRANK ALLEN IS AN ******* on the broadside of his newly painted barn.

I didn't know consciously that day that Jacob, my heart, had recently raped Allaura, the Princess. Months later, when objects moved and rocks fell from a clear sky, I knew. Today, Jacob was charged with 1st degree rape of his little sister, Allaura. And I read your article.

You're right in that it is a cultural phenomenon. My tribe, the Erie manifest it over and over.You can not capture the alienation in realizing that you are a poltergeist. And Matriarch of the Erie. I connect all Erie. Everyone is Erie. Poltergeist.

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A ghost made me post.

I felt compelled to tell my grandchildren about the poltergeist, but Jacob, my heart, would not come near. As a tribe, Erie, we made him come and sit with us on rocks. I spoke: "When I was Allaura's age, my brother shot himself in the head in an upstairs bedroom, suicide. My mother sat looking at a wall and my father raped me.

I was a poltergeist. I didn't know at the time. I remember standing outside the barn, looking up at the blue sky, as a rock fell straight down to land at my feet. Lots of rocks thrown and the kids began to mark them with slashes of paint, then throw them in Lake Erie. To see if the same rocks would rain from the sky again.This rock was marked with paint.

And marbles would roll across the upstairs, them bounce down the stair of the same old farmhouse the tribe still lives in. And orbs of light would bounce throughout the cavernous rooms and once, I was getting on the school bus, and a ball of light hit the step of the bus same time as my foot, zoomed down the ales of the bus, then disappeared.

I told my grandchildren that I accepted that I was the poltergeist, but how strange to accept that reality is raining rocks on your head. To be disconnected with reality: disassociated? I am responsible for mischievous energy, and I recognized it when rocks would hit my father, who raped me. But it wasn't me. I tormented my father secretly. I put night crawlers in his slippers when he slept, switched salt in his sugar shaker and painted in bold graffiti FRANK ALLEN IS AN ******* on the broadside of his newly painted barn.

I didn't know consciously that day that Jacob, my heart, had recently raped Allaura, the Princess. Months later, when objects moved and rocks fell from a clear sky, I knew. Today, Jacob was charged with 1st degree rape of his little sister, Allaura. And I read your article.

You're right in that it is a cultural phenomenon. My tribe, the Erie manifest it over and over.You can not capture the alienation in realizing that you are a poltergeist. And Matriarch of the Erie. I connect all Erie. Everyone is Erie. Poltergeist.

:unsure2: Im a little slow lol...is this the novel u are writting?

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I'm writing it as a short story, but it's all true, unfortunately.

Sorry to here that :no: Its really good so far...the poltergist part...I want to read it all :yes:

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Boy that is something to thing about!!

If this is true, that gives the thinker some real power, doesn't it?

But then I already knew that what we think has a way of changing the world we live in.

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  • 1 month later...

Anthony North: The title is a bold statement. I’m claiming that nearly everything we do and perceive in life is based around the poltergeist. At first, it sounds ridiculous. But maybe not if we apply my understanding of what a poltergeist is. To me, it is all about culture and psychodrama. It usually strikes when a family is undergoing some form of upheaval. Often centred around a pubescent child, fear will grip the family, and communally an alternative reality will begin to manifest. In this reality, perception will alter. Things will seem to be seen, noises heard, based on the community’s expectation that they will be and a form of communal mind becomes the director of the psychodrama that thus ensues.

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As a life long experiencer of daily poltergeist activity, I do not share the same understanding of poltergeist that you do. Also, fear has not "gripped my family," and I went through puberty quite awhile ago (I'm 35 yers old). Even if you read the work of the most renound researchers in the field (Rhine, Roll) they will tell you that the response to activity eventually becomes mundane to the subject.

It's impossible that things "seem to be seen" when a steel kubaton flys at your head everyday, or when you have multiple witnesses. Some poltergeist agents have been found to be able to intentionally influence objects and electronics. This is not just a imaginary scenerio being play out inside a collective unconscious....though it does have a lot of do with that unity we all share. I mean, it is a fact that we all originate from the same source.

Maybe I am misunderstanding what you wrote. It was a little difficult for me to comprehend. I had a long day. :)

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