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God's Hand?


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If recent disasters are actually the case of "God acting against Humans," isn't it logical to devote time and resources towards defending ourselves from "God," seeing as how this entity is clearly harboring genocidal intent?

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"The poll surveyed a random sample of 1,008 adults"

I don't believe any survey that uses this small of a survey size, even if the "sample was weighted by age, sex, geographic region, education and race to reflect the entire population of U.S. adults" according to the author. Its just too small of a survey size in my opinion to reflect the opinions of 300 million Americans.

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~TheBigK~ you must not be from america if you thought that was a lot more than what should be more americans than any other country believe in a god.

believe it or not we're a stupid country

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i seriously doubt god is causing natural disasters sylent nyte,but i think the earth is ****ed and is falling to bits

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so the world is coming to and end soon.

Would one of you more intelligent than me explain exactly what this means. EG. Will the worlb just blow up.Does it only mean mankind and the day of judgement.Will this be instant death or lots of painful deaths.

Well I will predict that all of you alive today will be DEAD within the next 100yrs.


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Well God might not be causing them, but if He is all-powerful and can prevent these things from happening, but doesn't care enough to get off his ass and do it, then God should be arrested, charged and convicted for negligence causing wrongful death.

Its like a person watching a baby crawling onto a busy highway and not bothering to pick it up to stop the inevitable result - and justifying our inaction by saying that we didn't want to interfere with the baby's free will to crawl wherever it wants.

Either God hates us, doesn't care about us, or isn't able to do anything about it. Makes it difficult to believe in a God doesn't it? If He does exist, I would agree with Sylent Nyte that we need to look at ways to protect ourselves from this deranged homocidal lunatic.

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If recent disasters are actually the case of "God acting against Humans," isn't it logical to devote time and resources towards defending ourselves from "God," seeing as how this entity is clearly harboring genocidal intent?

If we believe in new gospels testament didn't he send his kid to be killed?

edited for spelling

Edited by Paracelse
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Whether God is causing all this and why, is not something that people can ever know, so its simply a waste of time worrying about it. People can only deal with these events as they have done since the beginning of time. Disasters are completely natural events. Life is difficult - end of story.

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"I will call no being good who is not what I mean when I apply that epithet to my fellow creatures; and if such a creature can sentence me to hell for not so calling him, to hell I will go." - John Stuart Mill

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so the world is coming to and end soon.

Would one of you more intelligent than me explain exactly what this means. EG. Will the worlb just blow up.Does it only mean mankind and the day of judgement.Will this be instant death or lots of painful deaths.

Well I will predict that all of you alive today will be DEAD within the next 100yrs.


Well, according to scientific knowledge, most, if not all, dinosaur species were wiped out by a cataclysmic meteor impact in our past. The world didn't blow up. Every living thing was affected one way or another. Also, depending where one was standing, it could have been instant death or a painful death.

Either way, End times or not, there's probably a multitude of ways for an entire population to be wiped out in a short period of time.

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Wow. I'm the only one here that believes in God I guess. And, to answer some of your questions about this being none of you know about "God and his word."

God does not create disasters, pain, turmoil etc. That's a fallacy and unfortunately, many "Christians" don't even know the truth. Going by his word (The Bible) God created earth and all of us to live in his grace. Pure heaven on earth so to speak. Never intended for anything bad to ever happen to anyone. However, when Adam sinned, that took us from God's grace, his protection, and into a world he didn't want us to be in. (Although he knew it was coming, we (adam) still had free will to choose whatever he wanted. So, because Adam (we) sinned, that brought about pain, suffering, death, decay, all the terrible things that we go through. God isn't causing it. We caused it! And because we are no longer living in his Grace, or Eden, we are subject to all this. The best we can do is be faithful, pray to him, and ask for his help during terrible times. God does deliver people from a lot. Protects, heals etc. The issue is, God can only do as much as we are willing and allowing him to do. All these terrible things aren't his doing. It's our own.

That's what a true, and knowledgeable christian knows.

I also take offense to you saying people who believe in God are not intelligent, etc etc. That's ridiculous and shows your own ignorance and feeble mind at work. I have a Major in applied sciences and a bachtoral in Psychology. I've also accomplished at lot, as well as dedicated my life to serving this country in a tactical manor. You cannot be where I'm at without having a high IQ and being very educated.

And I'm not alone. I know very VERY many Christians who are scientists, doctors etc etc. So, generalizing and speaking this ignorance is nothing but being feeble minded and doltish.

Edited by ColoradoParanormal
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Wow. I'm the only one here that believes in God I guess. And, to answer some of your questions about this being none of you know about "God and his word."

God does not create disasters, pain, turmoil etc. That's a fallacy and unfortunately, many "Christians" don't even know the truth. Going by his word (The Bible) God created earth and all of us to live in his grace. Pure heaven on earth so to speak. Never intended for anything bad to ever happen to anyone. However, when Adam sinned, that took us from God's grace, his protection, and into a world he didn't want us to be in. (Although he knew it was coming, we (adam) still had free will to choose whatever he wanted. So, because Adam (we) sinned, that brought about pain, suffering, death, decay, all the terrible things that we go through. God isn't causing it. We caused it! And because we are no longer living in his Grace, or Eden, we are subject to all this. The best we can do is be faithful, pray to him, and ask for his help during terrible times. God does deliver people from a lot. Protects, heals etc. The issue is, God can only do as much as we are willing and allowing him to do. All these terrible things aren't his doing. It's our own.

That's what a true, and knowledgeable christian knows.

I also take offense to you saying people who believe in God are not intelligent, etc etc. That's ridiculous and shows your own ignorance and feeble mind at work. I have a Major in applied sciences and a bachtoral in Psychology. I've also accomplished at lot, as well as dedicated my life to serving this country in a tactical manor. You cannot be where I'm at without having a high IQ and being very educated.

And I'm not alone. I know very VERY many Christians who are scientists, doctors etc etc. So, generalizing and speaking this ignorance is nothing but being feeble minded and doltish.

So every human is put through pain and suffering because one human made a mistake? So god, in his infinite wisdom, punishes all humans for all eternity, because of the actions of one? Do you realise how ridiculous that sounds?

That would be like us locking up every German in the world because of the actions of the Nazi's in world war II. Or if one dog attacks and kills someone, we must kill every single one.

Edited by shadowhive
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Wow. I'm the only one here that believes in God I guess. And, to answer some of your questions about this being none of you know about "God and his word."

God does not create disasters, pain, turmoil etc. That's a fallacy and unfortunately, many "Christians" don't even know the truth. Going by his word (The Bible) God created earth and all of us to live in his grace. Pure heaven on earth so to speak. Never intended for anything bad to ever happen to anyone. However, when Adam sinned, that took us from God's grace, his protection, and into a world he didn't want us to be in. (Although he knew it was coming, we (adam) still had free will to choose whatever he wanted. So, because Adam (we) sinned, that brought about pain, suffering, death, decay, all the terrible things that we go through. God isn't causing it. We caused it! And because we are no longer living in his Grace, or Eden, we are subject to all this. The best we can do is be faithful, pray to him, and ask for his help during terrible times. God does deliver people from a lot. Protects, heals etc. The issue is, God can only do as much as we are willing and allowing him to do. All these terrible things aren't his doing. It's our own.

That's what a true, and knowledgeable christian knows.

I also take offense to you saying people who believe in God are not intelligent, etc etc. That's ridiculous and shows your own ignorance and feeble mind at work. I have a Major in applied sciences and a bachtoral in Psychology. I've also accomplished at lot, as well as dedicated my life to serving this country in a tactical manor. You cannot be where I'm at without having a high IQ and being very educated.

And I'm not alone. I know very VERY many Christians who are scientists, doctors etc etc. So, generalizing and speaking this ignorance is nothing but being feeble minded and doltish.

Why are you Christian?

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lol calm yourselves. I'm not trying to convert anyone, or even preach. I was explaining why this article is wrong according to what Christian's believe and what the bible actually says. I am a Christian, however I've got a diff. view and issues with it. That's things I only share with close people. As I've stated, I'm not preaching or trying to convert anyone. Was only explaining how the views on here are wrong that "God" is the one causing all this. As well as explaining that those whom go as far as to say Christians are dumb are actually the ones whom have no IQ.

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The Earth is just going through a cycle, which is the same cycle that it has been going through ever since its creation. :tu: Life always finds a way.

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The Earth is just going through a cycle, which is the same cycle that it has been going through ever since its creation. :tu: Life always finds a way.

Thank you! :tu:

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Did anybody notice one week before the super moon there are earthquakes everywhere in Japan and other places then one week after the super moon there are earthquakes again. There are reasons but those reasons came from God.

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Did anybody notice one week before the super moon there are earthquakes everywhere in Japan and other places then one week after the super moon there are earthquakes again. There are reasons but those reasons came from God.

I was waiting for that.

One did not influence the other. The moon has no more influence over this planet's tectonic plates then a sunflower does.

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duh, WEATHER! its just the natural cycle of the earth coupled with some global warming sprinkled in. oh yeah, IMO.

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