dekker87 Posted May 19, 2011 #851 Share Posted May 19, 2011 Nay mate did'nt happen here's why... firstly remember and consider these comments... how many times have ya heard that Osama bin Laden was trained by the USA military... how many times have ya heard that it was all orchestrated to generate fear... ya heard of the so called planting of bombs in the buildings, video footage showing unexplained puffs of dust/smoke below the collisions... ya heard of the descretions of what air craft was used... Nostradamus predicted the world towers collapse centuries ago... heard the saying life is just a dream... and i know this as i have abilities to annoy (ask questions without interaction from thousands of miles away) to even the heighest in the public eye even presidents i ask the questions why we have not got peace (i was led to believe that their was even a law against peace at this time in our life many years ago) to these areas many times... and was shown that the world requires fear this fear generates emotions these emotions generate energy which of course for those that know in the area of the mind raising energy enables you to perform such practises abilities with the mind you dont have to go far on the net to see plenty of evidence of this as i'm sure their many here willing to back that up as they would do this on regular bases just like we need energy to perform task this earth requies energy as well for it's operating functions to sustain life this is a complicated process but fact...this energy which of course is generated by fear/devastated/trauma which all generate energy is of what is required for the operating systems of the world so you and me can live Nostradamus predicting world towers collapse centuries ago now this world is mostly scripted anyway (big factor is dreams) i know most of it as i have been in this areas as to why this and that for along time now...mostly energy required emotions the scripts remain as in how life is played out for i'm led to believe they are orchestrated for the next 2 1/2 years we can and have and proven to be able to minipulate these scripts for the better of all it's just a complicated process and these scripts will before their use by date be erradicated or minipulated in to a processes that all will approve...New World dreams are a big part of this procedure as in how it is played out (life) as i'm sure lucid dreamers will tell ya the same thing (don't bother attempting to controll anyone with these procedures as it is shut down the cause and effect of the induced dreams in a semi/conscious state...not for kiddies now this energy system has of recently changed as in we can (proven) produce/duplicate this type of energy without these emotions the high Governments now know this as i/we have been working on this **EDIT** for ages now, we can duplicate all the energy required to run the world/s system/s daily without the emotions we don't like or want PROVEN so they now want out of this war now to gain public support without generating awareness of the system/s requirements they can slowly get out of it as we do not need these unwanted emotions caused by death and what not that generates trauma and the people would not give them support to leave the war without resolving the the hoax continues expect him to pop his head up when the heat dies down... many people know of this requirement of energy for sustaining the World is about to change for the better of all...NEW World 2012 good luck love all **Welcome to the forum. Please mind the rules. The language filters are there for a reason.** WTF!?!? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Q24 Posted May 19, 2011 #852 Share Posted May 19, 2011 PNAC, PNAC, PNAC... jesus dude i got bored of this about 5 years ago... For anyone who doesn't know, the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) was an influential Washington based think-tank specializing in military and foreign policy to promote American global leadership. Immediately after GW Bush became President in 2001, seventeen leading members of the PNAC were appointed to key positions within the administration. Amongst them included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz - the full list of positions is here. It follows that if we want to understand military and foreign policy during the Bush years, we should be listening to what the PNAC had to say on the subject. The term "Bush administration" and "PNAC" are interchangeable in so far as it is the same individuals and policies we are viewing throughout. If we want to understand the wars, we need to understand those who ordered them. It is fine if you find this 'boring' dekker, but then you obviously aren't someone interested in current affairs and reason for what's going on in the world. i don't know what people find so shocking about countries acting in their own self-interest... I don't find it shocking personally, though most would find war and regime change for the purpose of controlling global resources and maintaing American pre-eminence - in the way of "might makes right" - to be immoral. What comes as more of a shock is when people realise the above, that the public have been deceived about the reason for such war and have to confront the idea that perhaps we are not quite the 'good guys' after all. no facts. I have provided quotes from the decision-makers, leading politicians and U.S. agents with further links to government sources, policy guidance documents and mainstream media articles. You have stated you are bored, directed ad hominems and misrepresented my position. I don't need to say anymore. your 'hint' (is it pantomine season so early!) is nonsense. here's a question q24 - why don't you simply tell people what YOU think the story is? rather than your 'hints'...why not just say exactly what you think the score is? is that so hard to do? like this - the usa flew planes into their own buildings and blamed bin laden (who was in on it) so that they could invade afghanistan and iraq for the purposes of stealing the oil. I do not believe bin Laden was "in on it" and any views on 9/11 have nothing to do with my last two posts primarily regarding U.S. foreign policy. For the purposes of this information we can assume that 9/11 was exactly as per the official story tells, it makes no difference - the event was used as a pretext; to sell the wars to the public. love the little whiff of anti-semitism in your post btw...very 'clever': so that means what exactly? It means that the hijackers were not tied to Afghanistan and had wider connections (heck, two of them met with a Saudi government worker inside the United States before being housed with an FBI informant - this is all noted in the 9/11 Commission report though for whatever reason received no media coverage); that removing the Taliban could not prevent terrorism... this war could however provide an increased force presence in the Gulf region as sought by the PNAC and open the resource development opportunities that had been earlier discussed in the U.S. House of Representatives. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dekker87 Posted May 19, 2011 #853 Share Posted May 19, 2011 name='Q24' timestamp='1305803765' post='3909565']For anyone who doesn't know, the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) was an influential Washington based think-tank specializing in military and foreign policy to promote American global leadership. Immediately after GW Bush became President in 2001, seventeen leading members of the PNAC were appointed to key positions within the administration. Amongst them included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz - the full list of positions is here. It follows that if we want to understand military and foreign policy during the Bush years, we should be listening to what the PNAC had to say on the subject. The term "Bush administration" and "PNAC" are interchangeable in so far as it is the same individuals and policies we are viewing throughout. indeed. tho anyone readin this should not make the mistake in thinking that the PNAC took over the government...they were simply a think tank that neo-conservatives belonged to...a neo-conservative pres/ vp were 'voted' in and so they filled their admin. with neo-conservatives. you join the dots how you want Q but that's what happened...the way you've presented it it looks a little more sinister. If we want to understand the wars, we need to understand those who ordered them. It is fine if you find this 'boring' dekker, but then you obviously aren't someone interested in current affairs and reason for what's going on in the world. i understand current affairs...i also have a degree in politics Q...that's why i find people such as yourself who are obviously not stupid so don't seem to be able to move on from your apparent initial shock that some things are not as they seem and then begin to doubt every single thing we're told. I don't find it shocking personally, though most would find war and regime change for the purpose of controlling global resources and maintaing American pre-eminence - in the way of "might makes right" - to be immoral. well that's the way things have always and will always be. it's only because we're in the post-imperial period in the western world that we even worry about such things...this navel gazing is a feature of all empires in decline. What comes as more of a shock is when people realise the above, that the public have been deceived about the reason for such war and have to confront the idea that perhaps we are not quite the 'good guys' after all. good and bad are subjective concepts that are ultimately predicated on which side of the coin you belong to. I have provided quotes from the decision-makers, leading politicians and U.S. agents with further links to government sources, policy guidance documents and mainstream media articles. and arranged them in such a way as to suggest / imply darker, more sinister designs. You have stated you are bored, directed ad hominems and misrepresented my position. i just think you should move on. stop prosetlyzing and instead apply your clearly considerable intellect to more worthy pursuits... I do not believe bin Laden was "in on it" and any views on 9/11 have nothing to do with my last two posts primarily regarding U.S. foreign policy. For the purposes of this information we can assume that 9/11 was exactly as per the official story tells, it makes no difference - the event was used as a pretext; to sell the wars to the public. yes it was exploited and used to maximum advantage by the US. is that really an issue and did you not see that as it was happening? It means that the hijackers were not tied to Afghanistan and had wider connections (heck, two of them met with a Saudi government worker inside the United States before being housed with an FBI informant - this is all noted in the 9/11 Commission report though for whatever reason received no media coverage); that removing the Taliban could not prevent terrorism... this war could however provide an increased force presence in the Gulf region as sought by the PNAC and open the resource development opportunities that had been earlier discussed in the U.S. House of Representatives. al qaeda were based in afghanistan. the taliban were not our direct enemies..but they were sheltering those who were.... look the bottom line here is that the west are not some whiter then white morally superior bloc...but we ARE far better than the alternative in both afghanistan and also iraq. which is why i find all this talk pretty the end of the day the people of both countries are goin to be better ultimately - even from your moral perspective - we've done the 'right' thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FurthurBB Posted May 19, 2011 #854 Share Posted May 19, 2011 Laden is may be dead but he kept his mouth shut about U.S. invasion in to Iraq and Afghanistan infect he told some of his friends(one person from Egypt ) that the only way to defeat U.S. is to provoke to invading in middle-east and long war will make U.S. bankrupt. We are great teachers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
acidhead Posted May 20, 2011 #855 Share Posted May 20, 2011 Obama's speech to the CIA today felt awful eerie... like it was a pre-war speech... anybody catch it? In the speech he clearly said that 'the CIA's greatest moment has yet to come'.........Tie in the meeting with AIPAC this Sunday............. something smells fishy..... Is the attack on Iran been given the green light? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ExpandMyMind Posted May 21, 2011 #856 Share Posted May 21, 2011 Can't be far away, after all, it was Iran who attacked the U.S. on 9/11 - (strange, considering that without Iran's intelligence on the militants in the tribal areas, the U.S. would've had a much harder time when they first went into the country - damn those helpful Iranians!). I'm surprised it has taken this long! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rajeev shagun Posted May 23, 2011 #857 Share Posted May 23, 2011 So he didn't keep it that shut then Ageed Belial! yah he didn't keep his mouth shut for his friends he kept shut for rest of the world. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ploppy Posted July 28, 2011 #858 Share Posted July 28, 2011 All I can Say is OMG ! ploppy please clear up somthing for me ! Do you Think Bin Laden wasnt Killed? And that the Brave Navy Seals Team6 to be exact Were not knowing exactly what they wer doing? This needs to be cleared up ! America has no room for These kinds of people Killing Innocent People in this country for the Belief system that Al Qaeda stands for. Sad to think that a murder Like Him was Let Go for So Long at anyones expence! Thank You Navy Seal Team6 It is extremely difficult to understand what you needed clearing up from me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+joc Posted February 18, 2012 #859 Share Posted February 18, 2012 It is extremely difficult to understand what you needed clearing up from me. If you have the time...THIS clears up alot! ...and if you don't...make the time! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+and-then Posted February 18, 2012 #860 Share Posted February 18, 2012 Hmmmm 58 pages of: Bush is SATAN, Osama was killed then or now or maybe never, Iran is being victimized...the truth must be out there...'cause it certainly can't be found here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space Commander Travis Posted February 18, 2012 #861 Share Posted February 18, 2012 Interesting question, 9 months on; has it made the slightest difference to anything at all? Assuming that it really was the Mastermind who was bumped off, and that it was all as per how the Government claimed, has it made the slightest difference to either the Terror threat or the situation in Afghanisatan? I wonder {conspiracy time once again} if that's why the O'Bama admininstration has been so keen to emphasise the Threat from elsewhere (along a bit an down a bit); since not even bumping off the Most Evil Man in the World seems to have actually made the world a Safer Place or anything else at all, it's the old tactic of looking for another enemy and quietly trying to brush the old one aside? Just musing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lightly Posted February 18, 2012 #862 Share Posted February 18, 2012 The hysterical paranoia focus will now turn more and more inward to " internal threats". The "news" will be obsessed with it . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Babe Ruth Posted February 18, 2012 #863 Share Posted February 18, 2012 Osama bin dead since late 2001. Those kidney dialysis patients have a hard time getting the machines to work in the caves of southwest asia. Benazir Bhutto stated that in public, sometime before she was assassinated. I wonder if her statement had anything to do with her death? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+joc Posted February 20, 2012 #864 Share Posted February 20, 2012 (edited) Interesting question, 9 months on; has it made the slightest difference to anything at all? Assuming that it really was the Mastermind who was bumped off, and that it was all as per how the Government claimed, has it made the slightest difference to either the Terror threat or the situation in Afghanisatan? I wonder {conspiracy time once again} if that's why the O'Bama admininstration has been so keen to emphasise the Threat from elsewhere (along a bit an down a bit); since not even bumping off the Most Evil Man in the World seems to have actually made the world a Safer Place or anything else at all, it's the old tactic of looking for another enemy and quietly trying to brush the old one aside? Just musing. Just musing as well: Scenario: we are told that The Threat is now within our own borders; the 'Sleeper Cells' have awakened and suicide bombers and such begin reeking havoc on the Heartland. (This of course would be False Flag Activity) Good thing Obama built that Federal Prison outside of Chicago to house the Gitmo detainees. Now, 'sleeper cell persons' begin to be rounded up by the FBI. And guess what? OMG, did you even know your little ole grandma of European ancestry was part of a 'sleeper cell'? It's a more profound threat than we even realized... Since The Government is now listening to what we say...and reading our every word long will it be before people are afraid to talk? First Amendment GONE! Yes folks, The Threat...the real YOU! Get used to ObamaNation. And get used to living under Tyranny. When the people become at odds with the Government...the Government seizes absolute control. Edited February 20, 2012 by joc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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