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Download Knowledge Directly to Your Brain,

Still Waters

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For the first time, researchers have been able to hack into the process of learning in the brain, using induced brain patterns to create a learned behavior. It’s not quite as advanced as an instant kung-fu download, and it’s not as sleek as cognitive inception, but it’s still an important finding that could lead to new teaching and rehabilitation techniques.

Future therapies could decode the brain activity patterns of an athlete or a musician, and use them as a benchmark for teaching another person a new activity, according to the researchers.


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Aaaah Sick >_< :P Before I know it Ill be out of the job. But as Its always well put. If you REALLY want it done quick. And want it done right with the least apprehensive effects. You should just let me do it! oooooooorrr If you need help realizing screw this dream. Dont forget I am the king, An I do completely realize these skills!!

Edited by KainFall
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I bet there will be a huge demand for the software "How to make more money for dummies" and the second one "How to pick-up chicks for dummies" :P

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It would be cool to rapidly learn different languages, or master stock market trends with applied probability...heh, could make soooo much money. Wonder just how much raw data the brain can hold and process in it's current form, without specific areas being physically enhanced. Einstein's brain was physically leaps and bounds ahead of modern human brains. Should be interesting.

Anyone ever seen the movie Dark City? How the hero learns advanced Telekinesis and wipes out the evil aliens? Pretty cool flick.

Edited by Spid3rCyd3
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your made the way u are for a reason. This is good to help people rehabilitate. but to just start to use this to make people musicians or mathmeticians. not a good idea. not the way we were intended. hacking in video games is illegal and should be illegal to hack into ones brain

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I could use this treatment. So could guys coming back from the war. But I would rather not have know they could advance to that stage. It is just a little to easy for it to be misused. As slowly as parents catch on to what their kids are doing, all the older kids will "own" the little brothers and sisters to do:

. their homework

. chores

. bite the mailman on the leg

. etc.

To scary for me!

Then after two generations are grown up with it, the police will come along and learn something about it. That misinterpretation that they make will be 30 years getting over.

So, it will be used for fifty years before it will become regulated. The same path as cell phones, IM, Cameras, etc.

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"I know Kung-fu"

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My thought on this is that with every great invention that is used to better society....there are alway the few who use this to harm people benefit themselves. this can be used for great things, can also be used negativly.

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Ha Ha! Remember "Demolition Man?"

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your made the way u are for a reason. This is good to help people rehabilitate. but to just start to use this to make people musicians or mathmeticians. not a good idea. not the way we were intended. hacking in video games is illegal and should be illegal to hack into ones brain

I agree with this statement 100%. While this might serve to assist someone to rehabilitate from injury or memory loss... the very idea that this could be used to program people like robots astounds me. Humans are book smart, but man, they can sure lack common sense. When in sight of a goal, all humans have th responsibility to think about all of the consequences and accept responsibility for the repercussions of such an undertaking. Sheesh.

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AAHHH yes the intersect! LINK from the TV series Chuck and the Matrix's download. Then again you have George Soros who has said we now have the ability for MIND CONTROL! His vision for an open society and the undesirable affects of it. But with MIND CONTROL the undesirable affects would be minimal. At least to those in control. :unsure2::w00t::blink: From left to right is Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Obama in that order. LOL Tools of an agenda they may or may not even be aware of.

Edited by cerberusxp
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Ha Ha! Remember "Demolition Man?"

The Cocteau way- read under the Edger Friendly Quote:LINK

Caution: expletives involved in the quotes for those of you who are sensitive to vulgarity DO NOT USE link!!

Edited by cerberusxp
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The Cocteau way- read under the Edger Friendly Quote:LINK

Caution: expletives involved in the quotes for those of you who are sensitive to vulgarity DO NOT USE link!!

OOPS I almost forgot in the movie while these two were in cryogenics they were being mind altered. John Spartan was given needle point for rehabilitation while Cocteau introduced martial arts and murder death kill arts to Simon Phoenix.

Is your child's future being a 47 year old virgin sitting on the sofa in his PJ's singing "I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner"?

Edited by cerberusxp
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I think it's great. If the technology gets good enough, the possibilities are endless. Possibly reform criminals to be a productive member of society? Who knows. And as with almost all new technology of this magnitude, there is always the chance for it to be used for the wrong purposes, but i think sometimes that's a risk you need to take to be able to take benefit of the positive side.

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The establishment can then turn us in to there very own Brian/Brenda sheep army creating their perfect society!

Jump... how high sir/madam

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I would love to do that,ha ha"EVIL LAUGH".There would be no more so called Enemies of the U.S. and there would be no more crime or at least around my neighborhood.I'm not saying I'd become one of those Creeps that run around in tights or anything but I sure would break a few necks and leave the scum buckets there where they fall and I would hide my tracks,Also I would down load a medic file to be able to help friends and family and those in need when such is needed.I would love to learn to fly one of those Apache 64 attack choppers like my friend in the Army does.There would be all kinds of things I would down load.

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your made the way u are for a reason. This is good to help people rehabilitate. but to just start to use this to make people musicians or mathmeticians. not a good idea. not the way we were intended. hacking in video games is illegal and should be illegal to hack into ones brain

Apparently you've never watched Clockwork Orange.

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