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Astral Projection FAQs & Techniques Thread

bLu3 de 3n3rgy

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Been trying to engage in astral projection for a few nights now, although all I ever seem to do is fall asleep.

I've slept, eaten and drank before I tried engaged, although still falling asleep.

Any tips or advice guys?

I'm not really in a position to give advice because I've never conciously succeeded, though I do think i've come pretty close on a few occasions..

from what I've read so far, everyone is different, and what works for me may not work for you..

I tried the pree-sleep method over the weekend, and all I got out of that was waking up too early & not not being able to get back to sleep or project.

1... I sit up/in bed, lotus position with legs crossed (comfy, not all strait back & Yoga strict) whatever suits Light's out. close eyes, and look up.

2... I find the trick from there-on-in is clearing my mind and just relaxing.. for a minute I make myself aware of my body and sort of acknowledge things in my mind like "gee my feet are cold" or "hope I dont get pins and needles" Sometimes I'll adjust myself to become more confortable.

3... Next I just sit there and clear my thoughts away.. (Very hard at first) It's not something easy, and thoughts do come along and I catch myself thinking. When this happens I kind of aknowledge the thought and exhail it away (physically breathe it away).. I Think of darkness, emtiness.. After a while it gotten easier..

4... (am Still working on this bit of my method..) I started off thinking about the I that is me or conciousness.. But found it much easier/better thinking about the essence of me. Basically I started off thinking about well, me, who I am, what I'm all about.. After a while I feel a rising vibation, and hissing.. At this point I let go of step 4 & go to step 5.

5... Here's where I just let my thoughts go into just awareness. I become aware of my body, my room, the darkness and this hissing and vibrating feelings and nothing else.. I find that it helps if I raise my head slightly, and slowly let it fall and just let my thoughts wonder.. I usually get a bump up to another (higher) level of vibrations. I am usually only aware of my awareness after a while. (have found this scary.) sometimes I get mental images, also I find it very hard to swallow. I get feelings that the earth is dropping away below me.

6... Vibrations hit overdrive.. Here's where It really start's going to town, (unfortulately i've never been to town yet, and haven't kicked out properly..)

Whole process usually takes 30-40 minutes for me. I do it every night.

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I don't know much about crystals :( i used to. I got very interested as a child but dropped it when my Christian aunt came at me bible thumping.

I'm worried about strong spontaneous vibrations. It's happened to me, but only during very specific events, when guides wanted me to follow something or an emergency.

It's also a symptom of some nural problems. Altered states can be caused by lots of things. Yes even medical problems... you may want to see a sleep specialist. Strong spontanious vibrations can also be a symptom of narcolepsy or even epelepsy.

Thanks.. Lot's of food for thought..

Would "specific events" be translatable to life changing events?

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Thanks for the tips ;) after roughly 20 mins or so I slowly lose concentration and awareness, this is when I find myself falling asleep, whilst engaging with vibration is that when I should get up fast ect...?

do you ever get sleep paralysis while trying it?

Aahah sorry for the amount of questions, just very inspired and egar to put this into practice and actually get out :)

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I think you are supposed to get up/Kick out when the vibrations are at their most. For me, that's Step 6. (but in saying this I've never achieved this.)

I've had sleep paralysis before when I was a kid. And have had it twice when I've gotten close to Step 6, but somehow not been able to break free of the Physical. I can sort of feel the paralysis creeping up & though me just before, it's a growing numbness for me. That's what makes it hard to swallow, I think.

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So in theory, your physical body should be paralysed allowing your astral body to exit?

When you are in the vibration can you open your eyes?

{To anyone} do you open your eyes while astral projection? Or through thought and images?

Professor- have you tried lucid dreaming beforehand?

Many questions on the mind today!

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Been trying to engage in astral projection for a few nights now, although all I ever seem to do is fall asleep.

I've slept, eaten and drank before I tried engaged, although still falling asleep.

Any tips or advice guys?

Mornings :D

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So in theory, your physical body should be paralysed allowing your astral body to exit?

When you are in the vibration can you open your eyes?

{To anyone} do you open your eyes while astral projection? Or through thought and images?

Professor- have you tried lucid dreaming beforehand?

Many questions on the mind today!

Whats missing hear for both of you during vibration I think is an active exit.most people are kinetic learners. When feeling vibrations just get out of bed. Lift and arm and with no hesitation sit up and get up. You might be surprise.

Your eyes. Don't TRy and open your eyes. Just get out and your third eye will open up. You will see clear as day. If you are thinking about your eyes your trance may be to light.

I wouldn't call it paralyzed. You should be unaware of any paralysis. If your are trying to move and you can't you are not deep enough. Relax and hold your awareness for deeper vinations. When you find them exit.

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Upper bodyhead. Like a washing machine on high-spin, only very well balanced.

I get a buzzing/hissing as well, similar to hypertension, only short lived, as in once I've noticed it it's faded away..

It hasn't happened today, I've dropped coffee from my diet, kind of hopeing that's what it was.

I've read up on Kundalini yesterday, and can understand why blu3 de 3n3rgy edited the origional post on this.

Am I correct in assuming that quartz is a grounding chrystal? I brought one today and got this very nice sense of heavyness?

apparently Smoky quartz is grounding. Only I brought the normal-clear quartz.

I'm a walking crystal encyclopedia :yes: really i am ! I work with various types and have quite a broad collection now.

Clear Quartz is a good all rounder and can be used for many functions from amplification of energies to healing, to clearing to manifestation and directing energy. Clear quartz is highly programmable, meaning you can treat it like a cell memory basically. For example, say you want to use your quartz for amplifying energies ( as you do in this case in learning how to feel your energy field / energy feedback ) then you would by using intention install that purpose/ program into the crystal.

For example, the actual programming - Hold the crystal in your hand and hold your other hand an inch or so above it. Go into a meditative state / projection state ( project some of your energy into the crystal with the firm intention that this crystal acts as an amplifier of energies ) When working on the intentional / thought level, try backing up your 'words' (which is only human ego language, not the true language of consciousness) with pictures/ images that portrays your exact intention for the crystal to hold. For amplification, use the image of something that equates amplification to you, like say an image of the quartz acting like or taking the properties of a magnifying glass, allowing you to sense everything big, and close up when you hold it. Or amplification could be the image of an amazing modern sound system that you can control the level of amplification and volume of. When you can think of something, just keep that image in your mind and send it to via your hands into the crystal. Takes about 2 - 5 mins under a meditative state to imprint that in. The meaning you subscribe to it via words could be something like, I program this quartz to amplify the feedback of my energy field to me while i train to sense energy. It could have said as, to just amplify energies, and give it a very short simple instruction, but then that is where you have to be very thoughtful and careful about programming intention, because you wouldn't necessary want the crystal to be amplifying all energies around you, ie negative energies and emotions, other beings etc etc.

That is it basically.

Before you start and program it, you want to clean the crystal. Run it under cold water or sage it and give it a good shake/flick. That cleanses it of the energies of its previous environment and de-programs it. That is how to de-program a crystal btw if you want to use it for something else too. It is unlimited how many times you do this.

So some info on crystal properties -

Quartz - is a multi-purpose stone, and will naturally booster the properties of any other crystal , person. It's mainly an amplification stone, but frequency /vibrational wise it's multi dimensional so if you are doing 'chakra' work or meditating, astral projecting, talking to guides / higher self, it helps connect together all the upper chakras /subtle bodies, i see it as like an upper stone helping to raise your vibration.

Smokey quartz - is a little different. It is purely a grounding transmuting stone, it will aid in grounding high vibrational energies, grounding negative energies from your field. Because of this, it is also a protecting stone, in that it will protect / support your field. I think of it as a downer stone, in that it helps to draw energy down through the body and pull out any blockages.

Combining - Using these two as a combination is something people do, do. Or many people like to use tourmaline as their grounding stone, either or, the grounding stone is placed between the feet while the quartz is either worn on the body or held or if laying down above the head. If you are using a grounding stone to wear as you go about your day to day business, then you can wear it anywhere or put in it a pocket.

Not everyone gets something from crystals, and it is true that if you go into a store, the crystal will choose you. A bit like getting a dog or cat lol. But when selecting crystals, the ones that are intune or of a slightly higher frequency than you, will be the ones which you feel something from. What you feel is personal / subjective to you. But if its going to aid you in pulling your frequency/vibration up then that's the ones you want.

Now you say it felt like the quartz was having a grounding effect on you. That is possibly showing that you are in bad need of grounding, and the quartz is helping to direct your energy field and flow downwards, even it all out, which quartz will do. So yes it can some cases it can act like a grounding stone, but more so it indicates that it is balancing your out. If grounding is your first real sensation with it, then it could also be a clue as to why your having these spells of vibrations. Basically vibrations are caused by a raise in higher vibrational energies and if you have no where to conduit or put that energy, no use for it, then it can lead to having little spells like that if can't ground through.

See most people i have noticed are either top heavy with their energy or bottom heavy. Meaning few are ever properly balanced or clear through out the chakra system. Top heavy people live out of their upper chakras, often creative, innovative people, who either knowingly or knowingly are projected constantly into the 'clouds' in that astral creative non physical mind space, where as bottom heavy people are living out of their first basic chakras, they are root heavy and very much rooted in the physical world, and dominated by their primitive basic urges. And so can often severely lack the compassion and intuition that comes from the upper channels. When a being is balanced through out, they can be present and intouch with all dimensions of themselves and neither be too 'military' in their presence and approach of the world, or too much of a space cadet or escapee.

So grounding is the key to balance and energetic / emotional well being. Anyway i will stop being a geek about crystals for now. That is all you need to get started.

You can also learn to ground without crystals. For that just look up grounding exercises on google. Again it's just going into a meditive state like you would for astral projecting or programming a stone, except your focus is on grounding. It's bitten me in the a$$ too many times now to not ground before i do anything. I have gone through lenthy periods where i never felt the need to and seemed to be ok, but i don't get away with it anymore. Grounding is so so important in my book and it's just not the worth the issues that can crop up by ignoring it. I'm talking of course in terms of keeping ontop of energy blockages and such. I'm at a stage in my own personal journey and development that energy blockages can cause me major discomfort and issues now. A bit like what you may have come across while reading about Kundalini. It's also why i edited my post on it, as you noticed. I had second thoughts about keeping that in about kundalini and decided it was not responsbile to talk about the subject here without there being a proper dedicated focus on it, the pros and cons, as for some people working on it or prematurely activating it can cause a lot of issues. It's an advanced way to work with energy, and its really not something anyone should try and activate until they are 'advanced' at all this. Sometimes though it can activate spontaneously and be the start of someone's journey to AP, energy work, psychic work, which is why i briefly mentioned it, rather than the other way around, people getting to that stage by persuing other metaphysical things first.

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Thanks Blu3 de, Lot's of food for thought here. I tried to feel Quartz energy last night, no luck..

All this quite new to me, I've never believed in Chakra's and all that indian Hippie stuff before, Jury's still out on this I'm afraid. I do understand though that not believing in something & dismissing it doesn't nessisarily mean that there's no truth to it..

Am really Glad I've got some like-minded people to aswer these questions.. Thanks Heaps..

Professor- have you tried lucid dreaming beforehand?

Yes.. I'm trying and have tried to in the past.

I've had a few dreams were I know I'm dreaming only I never act on it to go on an astral trip.

Am keeping a dream diary full of scribbles and a few key-words which upon reading triggers memories of dreams.

I have real trouble remembering my dreams let-alone acting consiously within them.

I'm the kind of person who wakes up in the morning and thinks to my consiousness "where the hell have you been! who've you been with! why wasn't I invited!"

I think this might be something holding me back, something to do with Ego and Id. But I havn't properly looked into it yet.

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Hahaha Indian hippie stuff..... I might have said that once. Im still a little like that with a few things. Actually your skepticism is well placed because you are willing to explore beyond it. Ironically this Is actually a good place to be. It helps you to separate the fluff from the realities.

The wonderful thing about the journey is that you can go see for yourself.

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Do you need to, er, recharge your batteries between attempts to AP?

I tried the 4am technique on the weekend but had no luck what-so-ever. Am wondering it I failed because I'd meditated the night before so had no energy..

It seems the 4am method is the most popular/productive, am willing to try it again..

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Oh, and I got some Smoky Quartz today. Does it matter if it's not polished/raw.


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Do you need to, er, recharge your batteries between attempts to AP?

I tried the 4am technique on the weekend but had no luck what-so-ever. Am wondering it I failed because I'd meditated the night before so had no energy..

It seems the 4am method is the most popular/productive, am willing to try it again..

No need to recharge. But makeing a practice of it is your best bet. Just a few times may not do the trick. Set a commitment for twice a week. Report on what exactly is happening and what exactly you are doing, and I will trouble shoot with you. I'll be in the mountains guiding sone folks till Sunday, but I'll get back to you when I can.

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Oh, and I got some Smoky Quartz today. Does it matter if it's not polished/raw.


It's better to have them in their raw state. The polishing /tumbling process can limit/ damage their energetic properties imo.

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Thanks Blu3 de, Lot's of food for thought here. I tried to feel Quartz energy last night, no luck..

All this quite new to me, I've never believed in Chakra's and all that indian Hippie stuff before, Jury's still out on this I'm afraid. I do understand though that not believing in something & dismissing it doesn't nessisarily mean that there's no truth to it..

It's more to do with developing your sensory perceptions, and with that comes the ability to sense energy, and your subtle/astral bodies..trying what i suggested with the crystal when you next feel the random or projected vibration state is what i am pointing at. Once you have experienced this level of awareness for yourself and know without having to have or not have a belief system, ( i don't do belief systems, so as far as i'm concerned it is irrelevant that you have never believed in this before) you will be able to transition into the astral dimension easier in away that your psyche understands. Getting your psyche to understand what you are trying to do is the key in the beginning. Once it clicks you are off.

Meditating with the crystals and practising to put your awareness into sensing the subtle layers/ astral/energy bodies / energy is all going towards helping to develop your awareness to shift. It's really not anything much to do with hippie stuff. :tu:

Edited by bLu3 de 3n3rgy
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Thanks.. Am glad your not going to turn me into a vegatarian.. :D

I havn't had any errant vibrations since about tuesday BTW.. Phew..

I'm approaching this with the expectation that I will be able to expand my knowledge of consiousness and be able to kind of develop my own theories of what it's all about & what's beyond what we call reality. I want to see it and experience it. I've plenty of time to do this, I left my job about 8 months ago to take care of my eldery father so I have time-a-plenty..

I can see what you mean by getting my phyche to understand what it is I'm trying to do.

Right now all I want to do is get out of my physical body, nothing fancy, baby steps.. I think I'm making progress as in I've had one or two instances of Clairaudience, nothing loud, just one or maybe two hushed voices, which unfortunately brought me down if you know what I mean. I've had this before a long time ago, always at the point of going to sleep, only back then it was a real loud shout that woke me up.

Oh.. and I woke up in a half stupor the other morning, half awake, half dreaming, and Seekers Dreamcatcher Avatar was fluttering about over my head in this dream state I was in. LOL.. Not sure if it's relivant to his Astral travels.. Perhaps it's just an indication as to how much time I've spent pouring over these posts & how I see you two like the Yoda & Obi-Wan of the Metaphysics & Psychic Phenomena World.

Anyway.. Thanks for all the effort. :tu:


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Put the quartz in between your eyes or your forehead. If sitting up you can place on top of your head. This also would work for any object with some weight such as a religious pendent or some thing that holds spiritual significance to oneself.

Reason why I suggest this is because I recently started doing this and it helps to shift your awareness on the object. When you place on your body, focus on the sensation of the object. Be aware were it is. This (for me) helps to quite the mind and forget about the body and relax. If the object has a spiritual connection for you this also will help more greatly in connecting with you own spirit.

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I'm approaching this with the expectation that I will be able to expand my knowledge of consiousness and be able to kind of develop my own theories of what it's all about & what's beyond what we call reality. I want to see it and experience it.

That's exactly how it should be :tu: Everything about this thread exists to help people find the tools to get started or when they are stuck / in trouble. From there your own consciousness and experiences will begin to shape things for you.

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Reason why I suggest this is because I recently started doing this and it helps to shift your awareness on the object.

Good tip :tu:

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Put the quartz in between your eyes or your forehead. If sitting up you can place on top of your head. This also would work for any object with some weight such as a religious pendent or some thing that holds spiritual significance to oneself.

Thanks.. Will try this out tonight..

p.s. I de-programmed then I tried programming some quartz as a feedback Amp thinking/subrcribing the words "Magnetic Radio" the reason why I chose those words was that I once helped some electritians find a burried electrical cable. The Electritian tried dowsing with copper with no luck. I just grabbed a pocket radio and put it out-of-tune then moved it back and forward over the ground. Each time it went over the burried cable we heard the station come into tune.. Magnetics eh..

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So I feel like a total stalker, have been reading all of the blogs related to those in this thread, and slowly reading through all the astral projection threads. I really didn't expect to find so much about Astral Projection on this site.

I started trying to have Lucid dreams a few years ago when I had two in a week unexpectedly. Still not sure what caused me to have them because no matter how hard I tried I could never have one again. I was reading about some completely (I thought) unrelated things about string theory and quantum physics, and the theory that there are infinite realities. Then I was reading about time shifting, which is concentrating on an outcome, and having time shift to cover your expectations. The idea being that you will simply shift to one of the other existing realities where the expectation exists, or copy and paste it for you in to your own reality. Because your brain likes yummy crunchy wholesome logic, the size of the shifts are very small, your car keys being in a different place, there being more orange juice than there should be in the fridge, small things.

Which brought me to another article about using out of body experiences/Astral projection as a means of making larger reality shifts than is "normal", and that sometimes when we wake up after having a dream that felt extremely real we were in fact in another reality and shifted to the new one. And upon waking the old reality feels like a dream.

I was wondering if any of you who Astral Project regularly have any experience with reality shifting?

Not to make this post even longer than it already is, but I figure I should share my experiences so far. First, I can't seem to AP or even get close in the morning, I simply fall asleep. I have to try just before bed, but after I had an earlier nap in the day. Another thing is I have never felt vibrations but I feel pulling/sucking/spinning all the time. Usually right before I blank out. I did find one trick to make myself focus, but no matter how alert I am, I get to the spinning dizzy stage and simply black out. Any suggestions?

Also somewhat off topic, Seeker: In one of the other threads you mentioned you are related to Pocahontas, which is interesting as before you said that I had never met anyone else who claimed such. I am also related, though not directly to her. Her sister is My Great+ Grandmother. I forget how many greats back it is.

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I wrote a long post, took me over an hour and it didn't post it, so this is a test post. The post count over on the left shows I have two posts, but my other post is not showing?

Augh, I found it, somehow I posted it in the Atlantis thread. Oops. Is there an easy way to move it over here?

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I wrote a long post, took me over an hour and it didn't post it, so this is a test post. The post count over on the left shows I have two posts, but my other post is not showing?

Augh, I found it, somehow I posted it in the Atlantis thread. Oops. Is there an easy way to move it over here?

done :tu: and welcome to UM

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As I lay down, no intending to astral project, although still concious I became aware that I was slipping into a trance. As the trance became deeper I felt slight vibrations in my left shoulder, at the same moment I heard some scuttering. I suddenly awoke from the trance and opened my eyes, only to see my cat staring right above me.

I looked in the direction that my cat was to see my smoke alarm, sounds scary right? Yeah thought not.

However a few weeks ago my smoke alarm randomly kept going off around 3am. At this time I was discovering astral projection and trying some new techniques.

I had to remove the case from my smoke alarm and clear it, though when my cat was staring at me it seemed like it seen something above me? Hopefully a guide although must have been something strange cause every time I tried turning her away, she kept the same position and concentrated fully upon the smoke alarm.

What was this? I'm hoping a guide being as I did ask for some help with my astral effort, any advice guys. Ill have to try again.

( But yeah felt first vibrations, now it feels like I'm making good progress :) )

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Not sure what to make of that lol, your cat seems understand what's going on though. That is strange though i have to say.

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