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Astral Projection FAQs & Techniques Thread

bLu3 de 3n3rgy

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I have been meditating for all my life , however I never knew that I was until 2010. I do have a question though , you speak about vibrations you feel going OBE, and talking to spirits ... I have met my spirits yet I don't know if I went OBE , because I did not feel the vibrations you speak of .. I get calls , like for a week or a month, that is if I do not respond, I will have a large annoying urge to meditate, it will nag and nag at me until I simply can not take it and I meditate, that seems to be the times I see my spirits . They usually always have something to tell me or teach me , mostly riddles, but I guess any teacher is like that . However, I never feel liek I have OBE , I mean , I am out for a good 3 hours, I timed it a few times . But I never feel vibrations or a feeling like I left my body, could I be OBE without knowing it ?

Sure you can. This is only one way. Unfortunately I'm a very tactile person. I can only trouble shoot from my own perspective. There are dozens of ways to reach OBE, from hanging yourself from hooks by your nipples to some just doing it a will. What exactly is happening while you are out. I have encountered a great number of people that are on a visualization experience ( a lot actually in the shamanic circles) this is not the same thing. I don't care what anybody says, when you are OBE, it'd just as real has walking down the street.

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Sure you can. This is only one way. Unfortunately I'm a very tactile person. I can only trouble shoot from my own perspective. There are dozens of ways to reach OBE, from hanging yourself from hooks by your nipples to some just doing it a will. What exactly is happening while you are out. I have encountered a great number of people that are on a visualization experience ( a lot actually in the shamanic circles) this is not the same thing. I don't care what anybody says, when you are OBE, it'd just as real has walking down the street.

Well when I am out . Visions appear , we are usually on the cliff its really pretty. Its not like a mountain rugged cliff, there is luscious grass everywhere , down below is a water fall and a river or possibly a lake, I never venture off this spot, because my guides are usually with me talking to me . I can always feel he wind , and everything looks so real, even the eagles flying around . Everything looks like a picture that I walked into . I have never been to any other place, just this one place and it is usually when I have a great urge to meditate , I guess when they are calling me ..

Other times when I meditate I see things in my space that I am in . Like a black circle will appear on my wall I tried walkign up to it once I was meditating but my eyes were open, i seem to do this without trouble as well . Ill meditate then open my eyes mid way in the meditation and I see these things , the one time I walked up to this spot on my wall I was pushed back with a force and fell , I won't lie I am terrified to meditate now because stuff happens like this .

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Well when I am out . Visions appear , we are usually on the cliff its really pretty. Its not like a mountain rugged cliff, there is luscious grass everywhere , down below is a water fall and a river or possibly a lake, I never venture off this spot, because my guides are usually with me talking to me . I can always feel he wind , and everything looks so real, even the eagles flying around . Everything looks like a picture that I walked into . I have never been to any other place, just this one place and it is usually when I have a great urge to meditate , I guess when they are calling me ..

Other times when I meditate I see things in my space that I am in . Like a black circle will appear on my wall I tried walkign up to it once I was meditating but my eyes were open, i seem to do this without trouble as well . Ill meditate then open my eyes mid way in the meditation and I see these things , the one time I walked up to this spot on my wall I was pushed back with a force and fell , I won't lie I am terrified to meditate now because stuff happens like this .

You shouldn't be afraid. You are learning to navigate.. It's a little awkward at first.

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Just tried out the 'rope' technique.

Though I didn't get any vibrations I think I've gotten a little further.

I lay there for about 10/15 mins with my mind awake un till I suddenly got this feeling of sinking into my bed, it was so strange. After this passed all I kept getting was itching sensations on different parts throughout my body.

I felt a strong sensation in the bridge of my nose, it felt like you have just cleared your nose nose after a long long cold. The feeling was like no other, just relief.

Although after this I must have lost attention as I fell asleep, feels like I was in a trance.

Sounds like you were close. I also get the sinking sensations and also get the sensation around the nose when trying the mindfullness breathing technique. The itching as well can be annoying. A few days ago that lump/nose sensation spread all over my face. It felt like my face started shrinking..

Havn't tried the rope technique yet on account of having a reading lamp above my head,kind of worried i'll knock myself out or something...

I find that silence and staying still is key. The silence becomes so profound that I get a ringing/humming in my ears. Then every creak in the house takes on a whole new meaning and sometimes brings on vibrations..

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You shouldn't be afraid. You are learning to navigate.. It's a little awkward at first.

im learning to what? what is navagate? and wh is this all comign so natural to me without a moments notice?

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If it's all natural to you, your doing it your way, in which your self understand best. wow lots of yours there :D That's the key btw - unlocking your own code and way. Just do what feels right. What you are navigating with your guides and higher self is the multi layers of consciousness/ dimensions.

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so what are these black things or portal like objects I see on the walls that have a lot of force?

Edited by Lady Annabella
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After a strange period lately, where not much was happening in sleep time, the spell was broken by a really intense astral experience. I thought i would share it. if this reminds anyone of anything please let me know.

I became consciously aware in my sleep where I projected into a multi dimensional perspective. I love those experiences. I was simultaneously aware of being and seeing my physical body in my bed, as well as my astral self in the dream location, as well as projecting from within the dream location to another dimension off planet, where i was no longer "myself" but just part of processing a wider consciousness out there.

The dream started off with me taking a trip on a bike (cycle bike) I was in a very green luscious tropical area, mountainous area. I didn't know where i was going exactly but cycling along a remote path/road. I eventually stopped at a settlement to my right hand side and went in. It was a small museum of sorts or tourist centre. In the building was a class of school aged children there on a trip and they were being taken around by a tour guide, educating them on the area. I tagged along behind them to get the tour info and i took note that the children were all Asian looking. I still however did not know where i was.

After the tour finished, I broke away from the group ( I never retained the memory of what the tour guide was saying, but i guess it was enough for my higher self to be educated on the area for whatever the purpose of being there was) and went outside the building. There was a path leading slightly down hill that went around the building, which i sat down on. That is the last thing i recall, before the projection within in dream happened. What i felt was a levitation of sorts, put it this way, gravity just bowed out from beneath me, I couldn't even tell which way was up, the force field around me and the energy and vibrations pulsing through my body was unlike anything i have felt to date. But rather than 'go' somewhere (which is what i usually associate with this sensation) i was held firmly in that spot. I am energy sensitive and have my sensory perceptions of my energy body activated, but this, this was incredible the forces i was feeling. Then my sight came back to me and i saw i was still on this path, although i was actually laying flat out ie leveitating, no longer sitting up and there was a dog by my side on my right hand side facing me at my knees. the dog i remember i knew, even though i don't know the dog in this life, yet. This cued me into knowing that i was now perceiving through my higher self consciousness and everything made total sense to me. This is a different part of your memory and consciousness btw from every day 3d knowing. When you hit this state of consciousness you remember things that your 3d mind can't even fathom. It all makes perfect sense to you in that moment and you know that you can not take this back with you exactly as it happens, when you slide back down the ladder of consciousness to 3d.

So getting to what i saw, here is the interesting part. I saw 3 mountains pyramid shaped. They were within the landscape of this location, but i was elevated in consciousness to see things that could only be seen at this level. What i saw was Inca trial lines lining the edges of the mountains, these were a glistening white light energy. There was also more comprehensive matrices and codes ont he face of the mountains. my higherself understood it and read it and whatever was downloaded. But, i can't make sense even now of what these patterns mean. All I remember is the middle one had a burning bush/tree at the peak of it inside the lines. When i said earlier that iw as projected simultaneously, in multiple ways, this is when i was aware of being melded with a consciousness/perspective from off planet looking in on this. I was told on one side about the inca lines and on the other side about the pyramids. When they knew i had understood this, i was shown a perspective of lines being made between the stars and these reference points. Then it was all over. The force field around me was so strong at this point i was feeling limp and completely non physical. I wondered if i would wake up :D

What i make of it ? I have my ideas. I have lots now to work on in processing this and the reason i share this is to show how extensive projection work can be. This event has been another awakening for me, it's moved the goal posts further. You receive an experience and download from greater consciousness but the onus is on you to go to work with it and break it down, comprehend it on this level too.

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so what are these black things or portal like objects I see on the walls that have a lot of force?

Exactly that portals, vortexes, wormholes. I've seen them on my walls too. It's up to you whether you leave them there or close them. I spend an entire night one night closing the ones in my area that are used as back doors.

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Exactly that portals, vortexes, wormholes. I've seen them on my walls too. It's up to you whether you leave them there or close them. I spend an entire night one night closing the ones in my area that are used as back doors.

Well.. I am new to all of this, I self teach myself.. So Portals, wormholes exist, why do they show up in your area and what are they . Are they bad, dangerous ?

I first saw one in my bedroom , in a town I used to live in , that I no longer reside at ... It did not look like a vortex, to me , a portal, just a dark opening . It happened around the time a lot of weird things were happening . My sleep had been disturbed for about a week at this point . It was like something was tormenting my mind, but I did not have nightmares, I merely was not able to sleep, so during the day I was stressed out , tired, anxious and scared, it was like I felt like I was being tormented and that it was not a good thing . I felt like I was going crazy...

Then one night I decided to meditate and see if anything was on my plain . I put a protective shield over me ( i tried it previously to prevent the non sleeping attacks, but it failed against it) . When I went to my plain I saw nothing . Well other then my guides , they always stand guard so it seems ... Well I decided to try to open my eyes while I was meditating , that is when I seen the black portal on my wall . I got up off my bed to walk towards it and it shoved me backwards, the force of it did . I immediately closed my eyes to go back to my plain to make sure I was alone, because I had no idea what this was . Then I just made myself wake up , I have not meditated, nor did anything like astral projects , energy manipulation, nothing since that experience which was in 2010.. Now I am seeing things in my fully waking state like flashing lights in dark areas and black figures .

Could this be all connected ? I do not know really what to ask, I don't know what portals are so I would like more information on them , as for the flashing lights and black figures, I don't feel threatened by them just uneasy because I haven't a clue onto what they are . I have been looking for help for a week now , and around the time of the flashing lights and black figures, I am having a high urge to meditate , like a push to do it , but I am naturally scared, because of all these events .

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Recently i have been going through all NDEs and OBEs , quantum physics , religious views

and im very much convinced that it exists for sure.

I am 28 years old ,

I also tried 3-4 times astral projecting by listening to binaural beats 7hz and concentrating on central

forehead but all the time

i only reach numbness(paralyses kind of feeling of hands and legs) and sometimes little vibration in arms

but immediately i wake up even if i am not scared and try to continue.

and also i am restless at times i.e i cant be in steady position for long time

Can you advice me where i am going wrong?

I am doing it for a purpose and to seek some answers from spirit world and to experience it myslef.

Also is revelations or any other pyshich phenomenon possible while astral projection?

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Then one night I decided to meditate and see if anything was on my plain . I put a protective shield over me ( i tried it previously to prevent the non sleeping attacks, but it failed against it) . When I went to my plain I saw nothing . Well other then my guides , they always stand guard so it seems ... Well I decided to try to open my eyes while I was meditating , that is when I seen the black portal on my wall . I got up off my bed to walk towards it and it shoved me backwards, the force of it did . I immediately closed my eyes to go back to my plain to make sure I was alone, because I had no idea what this was . Then I just made myself wake up , I have not meditated, nor did anything like astral projects , energy manipulation, nothing since that experience which was in 2010.. Now I am seeing things in my fully waking state like flashing lights in dark areas and black figures .

Ok not everyone sees this stuff. But some do and those that do includ' myself, tend to be energy workers. The portal on your wall existed on a certain dimension btw, which is why you could not see it on what you say was your "plane" --- it's very possible your plane is a sacared place outside of this which is a good thing, because your own plane should be a safe haven, your own space to go to and recuperate. This shows the profile of multi dimensions and how they work. Sometimes dimensions multi lap /criss cross, and i am shown this often in my dream scape/ astral projections. The astral world spans seven dimensions and what access you have is detriment to your 'frequency' ...

Ok so the flashing lights i can tell you are very prominent right now. I have been seeing them a lot lately. They are nothing to worry about. The dark figures are just normal as far as im concerned, get used to them they exist and just ignore them if they bother you. I'm not here to play pretend that nothing dark exists or can ever come through, but i can tell you that you always have the choice to just ignore them rather than close yourself down or fear them. They seriously do nothing, they just exist for what they are and get nosey sometimes like any human would.

The portal on your wall, ok i respect that this is different than what most people ever notice. Since it was 2 years ago since you saw it, can you confirm to me if its still there or not ? portals are weird things in that they can be open for a matter of hours or days - to months of years, there is no telling. But one can always be opened or shut down with the know how. So in knowing that it should demystify that right away.

Could this be all connected ? I do not know really what to ask, I don't know what portals are so I would like more information on them , as for the flashing lights and black figures, I don't feel threatened by them just uneasy because I haven't a clue onto what they are . I have been looking for help for a week now , and around the time of the flashing lights and black figures, I am having a high urge to meditate , like a push to do it , but I am naturally scared, because of all these events .

Yes it can be all connected, portals are gate ways, passages to other dimensions and locations. Like short cuts for those who can perceive them and know how to astral travel through them. They can be there pumping through astral energies or other energies into your own space and vice versa.

Edited by bLu3 de 3n3rgy
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After a strange period lately, where not much was happening in sleep time, the spell was broken by a really intense astral experience. I thought i would share it. if this reminds anyone of anything please let me know.

I eventually stopped at a settlement to my right hand side and went in. It was a small museum of sorts or tourist centre. In the building was a class of school aged children there on a trip and they were being taken around by a tour guide, educating them on the area. I tagged along behind them to get the tour info and i took note that the children were all Asian looking. I still however did not know where i was.

After the tour finished, I broke away from the group ( I never retained the memory of what the tour guide was saying, but i guess it was enough for my higher self to be educated on the area for whatever the purpose of being there was) and went outside the building.

Above portion is reminicent of a recent dream I had that was on the verge of being fairly lucid.

I arrived at this place by motorbike. I was in a shop/place full of antiquities. Other people were there (south africans by their accent) One of these antiquities was a large stone statue shaped like a sarcophagus that caught my eye. It was incan or myan styled in shape & face/teeth, but in the chest area there it was carved with a shoe, t-shirt, jacket (kind of like inventory setup in computer game) with stone buttons & a few empty carved squares.

Also since I've started a dream journal I've started remembering more of my dreams..

A common theme lately is waking up & knowing that I'd been dreaming of a school & learning something, but I'm never ever able to grasp what it was that I learned.

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Recently i have been going through all NDEs and OBEs , quantum physics , religious views

and im very much convinced that it exists for sure.

I am 28 years old ,

I also tried 3-4 times astral projecting by listening to binaural beats 7hz and concentrating on central

forehead but all the time

i only reach numbness(paralyses kind of feeling of hands and legs) and sometimes little vibration in arms

but immediately i wake up even if i am not scared and try to continue.

and also i am restless at times i.e i cant be in steady position for long time

Can you advice me where i am going wrong?

I am doing it for a purpose and to seek some answers from spirit world and to experience it myslef.

Also is revelations or any other pyshich phenomenon possible while astral projection?

Hi manz,

How long have you been practising for with your specific intention ? and are you keeping a dream journal ?

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Above portion is reminicent of a recent dream I had that was on the verge of being fairly lucid.

I arrived at this place by motorbike. I was in a shop/place full of antiquities. Other people were there (south africans by their accent) One of these antiquities was a large stone statue shaped like a sarcophagus that caught my eye. It was incan or myan styled in shape & face/teeth, but in the chest area there it was carved with a shoe, t-shirt, jacket (kind of like inventory setup in computer game) with stone buttons & a few empty carved squares.

Also since I've started a dream journal I've started remembering more of my dreams..

A common theme lately is waking up & knowing that I'd been dreaming of a school & learning something, but I'm never ever able to grasp what it was that I learned.

wow that is very similar, I have to say, thanks for sharing. And yep the school theme is common for many of us. Still get a continuation on never leaving school really lol and at other times going to these school camps in other worlds / scenarios. I think we never get rid of school or teachers on our backs ever :passifier:

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hey blue ,

i just started a week ago , i havnt been maintaining journal but i remember what been happening in my previous attempts , i would

keep tracking it in journal if you say its needed.

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hey blue ,

i just started a week ago , i havnt been maintaining journal but i remember what been happening in my previous attempts , i would

keep tracking it in journal if you say its needed.

Yes start a journal because i think sometimes we can slip into the astral world via our sleep time, and like the experience i just posted for example, where iw as aware of a mulit perspective projection, i felt myself project within the dream. It's just a reminder that it can happen that way and dreams can be of an astral source. Until we take the discipline to write them down only does our recall rate begin to improve.

It's all good signs that you are feeling these things just after a week. Keep up the good work.

Edited by bLu3 de 3n3rgy
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Yes start a journal because i think sometimes we can slip into the astral world via our sleep time, and like the experience i just posted for example, where iw as aware of a mulit perspective projection, i felt myself project within the dream. It's just a reminder that it can happen that way and dreams can be of an astral source. Until we take the discipline to write them down only does our recall rate begin to improve.

It's all good signs that you are feeling these things just after a week. Keep up the good work.

ok will start recording it from now on, i am just concerned that i am stuck at same point (till little vibrations in arms and legs after feeling numbness for a while) always in my last attempts and after that i simply doze off.

Also is it possible to experience communicating with spirits or any kind of revelations once in astral world?

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Ok not everyone sees this stuff. But some do and those that do includ' myself, tend to be energy workers. The portal on your wall existed on a certain dimension btw, which is why you could not see it on what you say was your "plane" --- it's very possible your plane is a sacared place outside of this which is a good thing, because your own plane should be a safe haven, your own space to go to and recuperate. This shows the profile of multi dimensions and how they work. Sometimes dimensions multi lap /criss cross, and i am shown this often in my dream scape/ astral projections. The astral world spans seven dimensions and what access you have is detriment to your 'frequency' ...

Ok so the flashing lights i can tell you are very prominent right now. I have been seeing them a lot lately. They are nothing to worry about. The dark figures are just normal as far as im concerned, get used to them they exist and just ignore them if they bother you. I'm not here to play pretend that nothing dark exists or can ever come through, but i can tell you that you always have the choice to just ignore them rather than close yourself down or fear them. They seriously do nothing, they just exist for what they are and get nosey sometimes like any human would.

The portal on your wall, ok i respect that this is different than what most people ever notice. Since it was 2 years ago since you saw it, can you confirm to me if its still there or not ? portals are weird things in that they can be open for a matter of hours or days - to months of years, there is no telling. But one can always be opened or shut down with the know how. So in knowing that it should demystify that right away.

I kind of knew I was an energy worker, I ground myself because I seem to have more energy then I know what to do with , metals like to shock me often. I usually send my energy to nature whenever I ground . I have tried teaching my self other energy things to do on the astral plane when I realized I can manipulate it . I just never knew portals was something that came with it .

As for the portal I do not live in the apartment any more , my mother does, its about 6 hours away from me. I never tried meditating again to notice it after I seen it the first time . I just never felt confident enough . Why do portals just appear out of nowhere . Do they know when they are around an energy worker ?

As for the flashing lights and shadows , A person once told me it could be people Im seeing on another dimension coming through for a few moments into this one . Could that be possible as well ? I just do not understand why more things are awakening in me ,..

As for being called to meditate can guides put an unbearable urge in you to meditate if they need to speak with you ? I know I am askign a lot, but I have never met anyone that could answer me, so for me to find someone now is a secret blessing .

Edited by bLu3 de 3n3rgy
fixing quote length
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ok will start recording it from now on, i am just concerned that i am stuck at same point (till little vibrations in arms and legs after feeling numbness for a while) always in my last attempts and after that i simply doze off.

Also is it possible to experience communicating with spirits or any kind of revelations once in astral world?

Yes it is, if you want to make that your intention. For revelations, I'm warning you now, you won't get true revelations from spirits, only their agendas... the truth that matters to you and only you comes from your own higher-self. Too many people find a way to project and start spouting nonsense from supposed channelled entities telling them the breaking news. It's addictive.

There is a reason why there is a big FAIL over this method. Nothing should be channelled until you know your guides, and know your own stream of consciousness from everything else. ie Higher self. Everything then should be channelled through your higher self- like a safety filter. Seriously there is too many beings out there looking to make the naive their biatch.

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Yes it is, if you want to make that your intention. For revelations, I'm warning you now, you won't get true revelations from spirits, only their agendas... the truth that matters to you and only you comes from your own higher-self. Too many people find a way to project and start spouting nonsense from supposed channelled entities telling them the breaking news. It's addictive.

There is a reason why there is a big FAIL over this method. Nothing should be channelled until you know your guides, and know your own stream of consciousness from everything else. ie Higher self. Everything then should be channelled through your higher self- like a safety filter. Seriously there is too many beings out there looking to make the naive their biatch.

ohh ok , then there again is a problem of finding a spirit guide as well , does it come naturally to you once you project ? and besides that i am not much bothered about revelations , i just want to know some answers/outcomes from spirit / higher self or guide if its possible
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As for the portal I do not live in the apartment any more , my mother does, its about 6 hours away from me. I never tried meditating again to notice it after I seen it the first time . I just never felt confident enough . Why do portals just appear out of nowhere . Do they know when they are around an energy worker ?

They are opened by intention and will of any being who wants to project. That is the basic answer. Why one should appear on your wall could be completely unrelated to you, but more to do with your location. Most energy issues are to do with location and not the person. Whatever being's pass through that portal may be completely oblivious they are entering another beings personal home, for they wouldn't perceive it that way. much is the same when you or someone astral projects and enters a lucid/dream scape - all you know in your recall is you suddenly enter a scene and xyz story unfolds from there. You don't have any memory or knowledge of the portal you used or the beings shared living space that you walked through in order to be projected to where you were. Right?

It's the much the same for us. sometimes the portals open and the energies criss cross because of things merging/over laying dimensionally. It's only if we are sensitive enough to perceive the traffic coming through that one would even notice or actually see the energetic force of it in the wall. That is just one of many to explain spontaneous portals opening up.

As for the flashing lights and shadows , A person once told me it could be people Im seeing on another dimension coming through for a few moments into this one . Could that be possible as well ? I just do not understand why more things are awakening in me ,..

yea it could be or just energy flashing from other dimensions but the gist is right. Think layers of tracing paper when it comes to dimensions. what happens on layer seven bleeds through to all the layers in differing proportions. But to differing degrees. That's just merely a metaphor.

As for being called to meditate can guides put an unbearable urge in you to meditate if they need to speak with you ? I know I am askign a lot, but I have never met anyone that could answer me, so for me to find someone now is a secret blessing .

They sure can, and mine do that to me. Basically if you don;t give that aspect of you time, they will make you feel the pressure to meditate. Try putting at least an hour a side just for yourself and guides to meditate.

Edited by bLu3 de 3n3rgy
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Is this thread not moving a little off topic ?

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Is this thread not moving a little off topic ?

What makes you say that?

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Is this thread not moving a little off topic ?

No, but remember what is not relevant to you may be relevant to the next person and so on. We can all relate to astral projection and travel in different ways as well as the same. This subject has many many avenues and to an extent as people add their own experiences and ask their own questions here, only then do the many avenues start become obvious through what people bring to the table.

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