bLu3 de 3n3rgy Posted January 3, 2012 Author #51 Share Posted January 3, 2012 (edited) Hi Horne, I have moved your thread and merged it with our pinned Astral Projection FAQs and Techniques thread where we are compiling and dealing with the common Questions and Answers. Thanks. Edited January 3, 2012 by AnVil Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoPsIcLeS-LaDy Posted January 3, 2012 #52 Share Posted January 3, 2012 My, my ! A lot of responces to my questions !! Thank you all and sorry for not being able to view them earlier; life can be messy, and so can I. So Spiritual weaponry does exist....I'll choose a '9mm Love Beretta' and some 'Affection bullet'. xD I do agree with you Felix, Emotions are our Greatest weapon. Not too long ago, I had an anger fit and was surprised, minutes later, that I've broken a glass bottle thus getting me small shards in my palms. I didn't feel it at all while I was anger, however, I had to face the pain and pay the price after my emotional state became much calmer. I also think that your opinions are very good. And Seeker, how can I even thank you for your help ? You have wonderful point of views and your help in this area has been very precious to me. So according to you, and a lot of people who have plently of knowleadge on this, touching a person is Possible. My question is: to what extent ? An advanced thank you since I know your answere is going to prove very useful and rich of informations to me. Anvil, Thank you for your responce. You are one of the few people I know that can get a lot of details into a responce without making sound Boring, Seeker and Felix included too. You guys have been the most helpful to me and the most accurate. Thank You ! Now, for my question, which is one that intrigue me a lot and pick my Curiosity: 1)- We've all heard about spiritual guides ? Is it true you can connect with them on the Astral realm ? Do they actually feel any kind of affection toward you? And how can they connect to you? Ummm...Also, what language do they speak ? I feel like I'm abusing with my question. Thank you in advance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bLu3 de 3n3rgy Posted January 3, 2012 Author #53 Share Posted January 3, 2012 (edited) When you lye down what position do you lye in? A. Whatever is comfortable. To check if you're body is a sleep, Do you try and move your arm to see if you are in sleep paralyse? But if you try and tell if you're paralysed, Will it automatically wake your body up? A. I don't use sleep paralysis to exit or always a full body projection. But others do so see what they say. When you've reached the level of vibration and do the technique, do you open your physical eyes or do you see in your head, Much like lucid dreaming? A. You see through your 3rd eye also known as your mental eye or sight. It helps to keep your eyes closed, but strictly speaking it is possible to see with your 3rd eye with your eyes open and awake. Is astral travel/Projection like Lucid dreaming were vividness varies each time you do it? Or is it always like waking life vividness? A. For me it varies. I find it relates mostly to where my level of consciousness is which btw is how lucid you are too. I experience shifts of this within the experience or projection itself. Sometimes it feels dreamy, sometimes the vividness is so heightened it is more than what we know. Extreme levels of clarity and understanding, simultaneous multi perspective view/vantage points. Is there a time limit on how long you're allowed in the astral realm? Just like lucid dreaming when time varies..? Or does experience dictate the time allocated? A. I don't know. I have never thought about it that way. Sure there is limitations to how long because it takes energy and that can improve with practise. As can holding awareness there. Eating right and leading a healthier lifestyle goes along way too. How long does it take to leave the body from lying down and trying the technique for you? A hour ? Or less? A. One thing to know is anyone no matter how experienced can experience spontaneous projection. So sometimes it doesn't take much time at all to happen. The times i estimate are where i am now after along time of practising and making conscious use of in the things i do. Meditation, healing, mediumship. Mental projection 30 seconds - 5 mins. Full body projection (not in a sleep cycle) 5 mins - 1 hr or maybe not at all. Depends on varying factors and my state of being, reasons for. One thing for sure is if you have a clear purpose/reason to go, then it is almost effortless. I have experienced literally falling out of my body the moment i lay down to sleep. Edited January 3, 2012 by AnVil Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueenyQueen457 Posted January 3, 2012 #54 Share Posted January 3, 2012 (edited) Thanks for answering AnVil! Clears up a lot of misconceptions I have had. I heard people take one hour to project.. I felt my vibrations within 10 mins.. But I forgot what to do, So I stopped there. I was getting scared slightly like something nasty was in my room watching me, I woke up a few hours later to find scratches on my face. :/ No explanation to why I have marks. Maybe it will be easier for me to Astral Project since I have lucid dreamed once before? Also, Every-time I try and imagine the rope technique my mind wonders off and I can't concentrate nor imagine it. One quick question I forgot to ask. Do you remember the whole ordeal in real time? Or is it much like Lucid dreaming were once awake it feels like a distant memory? Edited January 3, 2012 by Horne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bLu3 de 3n3rgy Posted January 3, 2012 Author #55 Share Posted January 3, 2012 (edited) Thanks for answering AnVil! Clears up a lot of misconceptions I have had. I heard people take one hour to project.. I felt my vibrations within 10 mins.. But I forgot what to do, So I stopped there. I was getting scared slightly like something nasty was in my room watching me, I woke up a few hours later to find scratches on my face. :/ No explanation to why I have marks. If you read through the entire thread, there may be some parts which will help you understand the ominous feelings. Not sure what to say about the scratches though. Also, Every-time I try and imagine the rope technique my mind wonders off and I can't concentrate nor imagine it. Might not be the technique for you. The one cue i look out for is the spinning. Either the visual or sensation of spinning, which is usually more top body/head feeling than 'whole body' for me. But there is a pulling force which grows with the spinning in which i feel my 'astral body' get slowly pulled into and then i have the sensation of suddenly moving incredibly fast forward/ like a rush along a tunnel. This technique does not involve thinking about or trying to move limbs. Or sitting up or climbing ropes. The spinning begins at the vibration stage which is when you are right vibration level to exit. My do's and do not's is i push beyond the vibration stage, push beyond the spinning stage, and when i feel the momentum force/rush i then mentally project to engage my sight and consciousness. I at this stage either suss my whereabouts out or mentally focus on where i want to be. So what I'm saying is i have the end goal and intention in sight and do not stop or get distracted by the sensations and cues. SO many people do! and end up stopping at each stage because they feel accomplished. While that is all good in itself to experience, every projector must keep pushing towards the original intention to exit. Know where you want to go before hand it helps. One quick question I forgot to ask. Do you remember the whole ordeal in real time? Or is it much like Lucid dreaming were once awake it feels like a distant memory? Sometimes, sometimes i wake up and know i was out on the astral level but do not remember much at all. This is normal for various reasons. Some is by design i believe, other times it is down to bad recall. Other times the vividness is so clear it feels more than just a dream and has that real time element. Conscious projection in real time is just that, so is vivid and experienced by your consciousness as a real event. By the way our sub consciousness does not know the difference between what is experienced consciously and unconsciously, it just records non stop everything we experience emotionally, mentally, astrically, physically, spiritually. Edited January 3, 2012 by AnVil Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bLu3 de 3n3rgy Posted January 4, 2012 Author #56 Share Posted January 4, 2012 Now, for my question, which is one that intrigue me a lot and pick my Curiosity: 1)- We've all heard about spiritual guides ? Is it true you can connect with them on the Astral realm ? Do they actually feel any kind of affection toward you? And how can they connect to you? Ummm...Also, what language do they speak ? Yes you can. You need to make your intention known that you ready to connect and build a relationship with them. You will become aware of them when you are ready too but the premise is that your guides are always there with you, but stay in the background until you ask them. This ensures that you meet them when you are ready too, as it is a natural order of thought to know when to invite that into your life. Basically is a way of saying you want to undertake your "true path" in life. I'm still on the fence though as to whether the astral level is the easiest way to meet them. Personally I met mine through meditation "mental projection" and is my prime way of communicating with them. In saying that i have met other guides on the astral level. So it can be done. Connection wise, they already know how to and can help you practise connections, but for a good connection to exist it requires both parties being able to hold the awareness. So at the beginning there is a steep learning curve. I feel like I'm abusing with my question. Thank you in advance. Hey it's what the thread is for Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Crane Feather Posted January 4, 2012 #57 Share Posted January 4, 2012 (edited) I'm not sure if I should be making a thread for asking questions.. But regardless I shall post anyway. I have some questions that are possibly hindering my chances of astral projection.. When you lye down what position do you lye in? I feel uncomfortable lying on my back, Ever since a child I crawl up like a baby in a womb on my side. To check if you're body is a sleep, Do you try and move your arm to see if you are in sleep paralyse? But if you try and tell if you're paralysed, Will it automatically wake your body up? When you've reached the level of vibration and do the technique, do you open your physical eyes or do you see in your head, Much like lucid dreaming? Is astral travel/Projection like Lucid dreaming were vividness varies each time you do it? Or is it always like waking life vividness? Is there a time limit on how long you're allowed in the astral realm? Just like lucid dreaming when time varies..? Or does experience dictate the time allocated? How long does it take to leave the body from lying down and trying the technique for you? A hour ? Or less? Thank You For Reading! Any position is fine. Comfort and relaxation is key. Vividness. Well there is a trick. Astral experiences are very clear but for most people there is a memory problem. At this point I'm convinced that astral experiences are downloaded straight to long term memory. This has the haziness of a dream. But while you are out of body you can stop to look around and take note of how wonderfully crisp and clear everything is. When you are back to normal reality. The haziness encroaches, but the memory of clarity remaines. So the answer ( for me) is both. Astral experiences can degrade into dream like quality, but so can experiences from last week. The trick is to remember how clear it was, and the is meaningless. This is also why you journal IMEADIATLY!!! Time out? I have journeyed out of body practically all night on rare occasions. Played a full game of chess once. if you want to remaine out, the trick is to stay buisy and dont get overly excited. I'm forever kicking myself for getting excited at some new increadible thing but end up back in body because I let it get me overly emotional. Time to get out. I have meditated for hours only to be skunked. Other times I can get out nearly instantly. For me, it depends on pre sleep and circumstances. Ocasionslly I can feel a visitor in my home. And as enlightened as I try to be, I'm a bit territorial. On these occasion I can usually find a quite spot and create vibrations nearly instantly, exit, and investigate. Instant exits are usually when I have a very strong intention. Eyes: I just can see. The eyes are still in my body. I just call it my awareness. Something I have learned to do is to ..... Sort of program my awareness and send it out on it's own. I'll go do something else while this robot awareness goes out and does the task I designated ( usually looking for someone). In these cases I'm just aware of what the "robot" does. I don't nescesserilly see. I dont have to. Other times i have spread my awareness out into objects or people to literally feel the insides of things. Yes people are very squishy. I think I earned this from studying how blind people perceive OBEs. Edited January 4, 2012 by Seeker79 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueenyQueen457 Posted January 4, 2012 #58 Share Posted January 4, 2012 Why thank you for both of your replies! I appreciate them Slightly off topic, I remember people telling me before lucid dreaming that they had only a few seconds until they got excited. As for me on my first try it was around 40 mins. People were shocked to find out I lasted so long, My answer was we're all different, Just because there experiences were short, I didn't have to make mine short. Otherwise you're limiting yourself because of other people's experiences. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemfred Posted January 5, 2012 #59 Share Posted January 5, 2012 I have been a member of this site for a while but this is the first thread on which I have posted. Briefly the preliminary facts of my experience were;- My 5 year old son had been diagnosed one morning by both the local doctor and the resident Medical Health Officer as having Encephalitis. We lived on a small island with a permanent population of about 5000 people. My son was medi-vaced to the mainland hospital by air for treatment accompanied by my wife while I remained for work commitments. The hospital specialists also confirmed the initial diagnosis. At about 4:00PM I felt unusually drowsy so lay down for a nap. Within a short while, (I think, as I was unaware of time passing) i found myself floating above the bed. I had on several occasions previously had spontaneous out of body experiences so decided to check how my son's treatment was progressing. I was then above his hospital bed looking down on him and remember thinking how ill he looked. For some reason I decided that I could cure him and astrally entered his bloodstream and destroyed the virus cells. My next awareness was at 7:00 AM the next morning. An hour or so later my wife telephoned saying that the hospital had contacted her to advise that our son was well and ready to be picked up. Their explanation - "A mistaken diagnosis. His records had been mixed-up with another child." This in spite of 3 separate initial confirmations. Not sure to this day how the first 2 diagnoses got onto someone else's record. Anyhow we were pleased that he was now okay. I have never mentioned this experience to either my son or my wife but I know it happened. And NO this happened about 43 years ago, so was well before the sci-fi story on a similar theme. I have had no spontaneous OOB experiences since and have not deliberately tried. Seems as if it happens when the need arises and the bond is strong enough. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Crane Feather Posted January 5, 2012 #60 Share Posted January 5, 2012 (edited) I have been a member of this site for a while but this is the first thread on which I have posted. Briefly the preliminary facts of my experience were;- My 5 year old son had been diagnosed one morning by both the local doctor and the resident Medical Health Officer as having Encephalitis. We lived on a small island with a permanent population of about 5000 people. My son was medi-vaced to the mainland hospital by air for treatment accompanied by my wife while I remained for work commitments. The hospital specialists also confirmed the initial diagnosis. At about 4:00PM I felt unusually drowsy so lay down for a nap. Within a short while, (I think, as I was unaware of time passing) i found myself floating above the bed. I had on several occasions previously had spontaneous out of body experiences so decided to check how my son's treatment was progressing. I was then above his hospital bed looking down on him and remember thinking how ill he looked. For some reason I decided that I could cure him and astrally entered his bloodstream and destroyed the virus cells. My next awareness was at 7:00 AM the next morning. An hour or so later my wife telephoned saying that the hospital had contacted her to advise that our son was well and ready to be picked up. Their explanation - "A mistaken diagnosis. His records had been mixed-up with another child." This in spite of 3 separate initial confirmations. Not sure to this day how the first 2 diagnoses got onto someone else's record. Anyhow we were pleased that he was now okay. I have never mentioned this experience to either my son or my wife but I know it happened. And NO this happened about 43 years ago, so was well before the sci-fi story on a similar theme. I have had no spontaneous OOB experiences since and have not deliberately tried. Seems as if it happens when the need arises and the bond is strong enough. Nice job. As anvil has pointed out. Astral... Maneuvers... I guess are not necessarilly Linier. Spirits, even us out of body affect the world in synchronistic ways. I have done this exact same thing. I journeyed out of body to fix my acl that by all accounts was completely torn. According to the doctor & detailed MRIs. Upon surgery to go to repair the doctors where shocked to find it was not gone, and quite healthy. In fact it was strong and the reconstruction was unnesscesary. I looked up the incidence of false positives of complete acl tears with an MRI. It's less than 1%. I still have the images that show I had no ACL, and I'm not 100% but recovering nicely. I also chase away flu viruses from my house. To me, They look like old men with no eyes. Careful if there in Somone they put up a hell of a fight. ( yes even viruses have an astral component) This is why our ancestors called sicknesses evil spirits. When shaman saw them they inturpret them as such. Edited January 5, 2012 by Seeker79 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ajay R Posted January 5, 2012 #61 Share Posted January 5, 2012 Nice job. As anvil has pointed out. Astral... Maneuvers... I guess are not necessarilly Linier. Spirits, even us out of body affect the world in synchronistic ways. I have done this exact same thing. I journeyed out of body to fix my acl that by all accounts was completely torn. According to the doctor & detailed MRIs. Upon surgery to go to repair the doctors where shocked to find it was not gone, and quite healthy. In fact it was strong and the reconstruction was unnesscesary. I looked up the incidence of false positives of complete acl tears with an MRI. It's less than 1%. I still have the images that show I had no ACL, and I'm not 100% but recovering nicely. I also chase away flu viruses from my house. To me, They look like old men with no eyes. Careful if there in Somone they put up a hell of a fight. ( yes even viruses have an astral component) This is why our ancestors called sicknesses evil spirits. When shaman saw them they inturpret them as such. Wow!! Something new every day.... Love this post... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kedane Posted January 5, 2012 #62 Share Posted January 5, 2012 I have a question that I would love to hear you guys opinion on. After reading about the stories where injuries/illnesses was cured or significantly improved after allowing your astral body to help - it got me thinking. My mother is suffering from a mix of Multiple sclerosis and Fibromyalgia. Combined, these diseases are pretty much a living hell, causing constant pain in the entire body, being tired and barely having any energy to do anything. The doctors can't do anything and it's not getting better. Do you think, that by entering the body in astral form - with an absolute intent and belief in removing these diseases, she could be cured or at least eased from the pain? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Crane Feather Posted January 5, 2012 #63 Share Posted January 5, 2012 I have a question that I would love to hear you guys opinion on. After reading about the stories where injuries/illnesses was cured or significantly improved after allowing your astral body to help - it got me thinking. My mother is suffering from a mix of Multiple sclerosis and Fibromyalgia. Combined, these diseases are pretty much a living hell, causing constant pain in the entire body, being tired and barely having any energy to do anything. The doctors can't do anything and it's not getting better. Do you think, that by entering the body in astral form - with an absolute intent and belief in removing these diseases, she could be cured or at least eased from the pain? Im certain of it. Especially if she could do it herself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Crane Feather Posted January 5, 2012 #64 Share Posted January 5, 2012 Wow!! Something new every day.... Love this post... Just to clarify. Like the story before mine. I don't Necsserily think I put my acl back together physically ( though I don't rule it out) I think in the spiritworld i slightly tweak reality by makeing an observation of health so that my acl was never completely torn in the first place. And the MRIs were wrong. There by affecting the future of my injury but not messing with the observed history of the incident itself. You see if we are not observing what actually happened technically it remained in a state of superposition. The injury is in a range of possibilities. One of those possabilities is that I was not hurt as bad as I thought and the doctors were wrong. By makeing the observation of health and strength in a place were thoughts are realities I snapped reality into focues in ocordence with my directed observation. The time line is unaffected, we can't change the past... But the observed future is guided. You do it every day. If this is confusing. Look up the delayed choice experiments in particle physics. Here. Background Wave particle Follow up. If it gets to technical skip to minute ten for the punchline. You see not being bound temporily has it's advantages. The key however is that it's is very personal observations. If to many minds are in the mix there becomes to many elements that are collapsing to make a difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ajay R Posted January 6, 2012 #65 Share Posted January 6, 2012 Just to clarify. Like the story before mine. I don't Necsserily think I put my acl back together physically ( though I don't rule it out) I think in the spiritworld i slightly tweak reality by makeing an observation of health so that my acl was never completely torn in the first place. And the MRIs were wrong. There by affecting the future of my injury but not messing with the observed history of the incident itself. You see if we are not observing what actually happened technically it remained in a state of superposition. The injury is in a range of possibilities. One of those possabilities is that I was not hurt as bad as I thought and the doctors were wrong. By makeing the observation of health and strength in a place were thoughts are realities I snapped reality into focues in ocordence with my directed observation. The time line is unaffected, we can't change the past... But the observed future is guided. You do it every day. If this is confusing. Look up the delayed choice experiments in particle physics. Here. Background Wave particle Follow up. If it gets to technical skip to minute ten for the punchline. You see not being bound temporily has it's advantages. The key however is that it's is very personal observations. If to many minds are in the mix there becomes to many elements that are collapsing to make a difference. Thanks... Those videos were great... How about we discuss a little about it... There`s a probability I might have not completely understood the technicalities... But thats been my issue since the beginning... I just HAVE to understand things before accepting it whole heartedly... Dont get me wrong... I do accept it... I do believe in that ...Its just that it feels great when i understand the hows and why.... So...Right now I`m of the opinion that its just detecting of the southern photons pattern which varies ( observation??) ... And whether or not there IS an observation, the Northern patterns remain the same ( the events of a timeline cannot be changed ).... Completely understood this.... The difference between experiment 1 and experiment 2 is the presence of a system that identifies "which slit".... And... Depending on the setup the behaviour of the photons varies ( the end result being the same-apparently )..... So when we observe something that has already occured, the energy mechanics varies.... And although the result is the same, the nature of the end result varies...Am I right?? So are you saying... In the Astral Planes where time as a dimension ceases to exist, when we observe an event that has occured already, the future with respect to the event although the same (apparently) may in fact have a different path than the one that has been seen in the real world? Also... I was wondering... In the astral planes... Where the whole plane is energy based, direct interactions between energy forms has an effect right?? So there is a possibility that your energy form interacted with that of the ACL to result in a change.... Its just my opinion... I can`t really defend it strongly enough given that I havent been too experienced when it comes to Astral projection Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Crane Feather Posted January 6, 2012 #66 Share Posted January 6, 2012 Thanks... Those videos were great... How about we discuss a little about it... There`s a probability I might have not completely understood the technicalities... But thats been my issue since the beginning... I just HAVE to understand things before accepting it whole heartedly... Dont get me wrong... I do accept it... I do believe in that ...Its just that it feels great when i understand the hows and why.... So...Right now I`m of the opinion that its just detecting of the southern photons pattern which varies ( observation??) ... And whether or not there IS an observation, the Northern patterns remain the same ( the events of a timeline cannot be changed ).... Completely understood this.... The difference between experiment 1 and experiment 2 is the presence of a system that identifies "which slit".... And... Depending on the setup the behaviour of the photons varies ( the end result being the same-apparently )..... So when we observe something that has already occured, the energy mechanics varies.... And although the result is the same, the nature of the end result varies...Am I right?? So are you saying... In the Astral Planes where time as a dimension ceases to exist, when we observe an event that has occured already, the future with respect to the event although the same (apparently) may in fact have a different path than the one that has been seen in the real world? Also... I was wondering... In the astral planes... Where the whole plane is energy based, direct interactions between energy forms has an effect right?? So there is a possibility that your energy form interacted with that of the ACL to result in a change.... Its just my opinion... I can`t really defend it strongly enough given that I havent been too experienced when it comes to Astral projection The astral energies are not energy as we know it. Energy is just word we use. Awareness and information can ride on energy but they are not energy themselves. Energy subtle or known is a medium for awareness and information. I have not seen spirits move things or affect dense bodies directly, though im sure some have the abilities to exist here just like we do. As to affecting reality. It's about observation not change. You cant change what has happened but you have all the ability in the world to observe what has not happened yet. Here is the deal... It hasnt happened yet!!!!!! You can direct it to an extent.... Just like you do everyday with choices. However. When you enter a reality with no time dinention your observations/choices are in the future and the past simultaneously. Things that are not fully focused into reality yet (the future) are still in a state of superposition. By makeing observations in a timeless environment, you are starting to collapse the wave functions of possibilities... Basically before other minds get a chance to collapse it. Of course it would be a dicy game if lots of minds are involved in the event. As prooven by the experiments, the future affects the present. Choices years from now can affect what happens now ( I know it sounds crazy but it's well known in quantum mechanics). Of course so can choices from years ago. The punchline is that the future does not exist except in a range of possibilities. When you observe outside of a time dimention you are getting the jump on collapsing the future, a collapsing future turns into the present. Using thought forms and intent your astral actions are powerful indeed. Becarfull what you focus on. You usually end up dreaming about it. Fantastical? Not really. It's always been this way... We are just finally becoming aware of it. I have a feeling this is exactly how spirits and angles help us. Ever be around children. They are constantly averting disaster. Their head just misses the corner. They just miss getting hit by that car.... They barely pulled through. Of course any ER doctor will tell you that kids do get hurt. Even die. But if one takes into account how frail our bodies are and in a city of millions of people. The amount of children hitting that corner or falling down that staircase should be huge. My guess is for our protectors it's a warzone out there. But then again life itself is a synchronistic event itself isn't it. Maybe the observations of we make of our own awareness now actually is what helped form life in the first place. Chew on that one for a while 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Crane Feather Posted January 6, 2012 #67 Share Posted January 6, 2012 (edited) As to my acl. I journeyed out right after the injury. I created a thought form of earth and mud and i packed it around my knee for stability and healing. If all this is true then by doing so I was observing health and stability in my knee in a timeless environment. I was collapsing my future. Now the injury already happened. That wave function was already collapsed but the circumstances were still up in the air. In superposition, because they had not been observed yet. There was a range of possible out comes. It's not so much about changing reality as it is directing it. The trick is to give up linier thinking, after all quantum mechanics has prooven that reality is not linier, so linier logic is a fallacy. Edited January 6, 2012 by Seeker79 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ajay R Posted January 6, 2012 #68 Share Posted January 6, 2012 The astral energies are not energy as we know it. Energy is just word we use. Awareness and information can ride on energy but they are not energy themselves. Energy subtle or known is a medium for awareness and information. I have not seen spirits move things or affect dense bodies directly, though im sure some have the abilities to exist here just like we do. As to affecting reality. It's about observation not change. You cant change what has happened but you have all the ability in the world to observe what has not happened yet. Here is the deal... It hasnt happened yet!!!!!! You can direct it to an extent.... Just like you do everyday with choices. However. When you enter a reality with no time dinention your observations/choices are in the future and the past simultaneously. Things that are not fully focused into reality yet (the future) are still in a state of superposition. By makeing observations in a timeless environment, you are starting to collapse the wave functions of possibilities... Basically before other minds get a chance to collapse it. Of course it would be a dicy game if lots of minds are involved in the event. As prooven by the experiments, the future affects the present. Choices years from now can affect what happens now ( I know it sounds crazy but it's well known in quantum mechanics). Of course so can choices from years ago. The punchline is that the future does not exist except in a range of possibilities. When you observe outside of a time dimention you are getting the jump on collapsing the future, a collapsing future turns into the present. Using thought forms and intent your astral actions are powerful indeed. Becarfull what you focus on. You usually end up dreaming about it. Fantastical? Not really. It's always been this way... We are just finally becoming aware of it. I have a feeling this is exactly how spirits and angles help us. Ever be around children. They are constantly averting disaster. Their head just misses the corner. They just miss getting hit by that car.... They barely pulled through. Of course any ER doctor will tell you that kids do get hurt. Even die. But if one takes into account how frail our bodies are and in a city of millions of people. The amount of children hitting that corner or falling down that staircase should be huge. My guess is for our protectors it's a warzone out there. But then again life itself is a synchronistic event itself isn't it. Maybe the observations of we make of our own awareness now actually is what helped form life in the first place. Chew on that one for a while Wow.... Yeah... Sounds good... But also looks like a lot of caution is to be used while observing something in the future.... We dont want to be messing around with stuff that is to come our way... Now I know for a fact that I have never looked into the future... Never made any observations in the future... But there are a lot of times where something I really work towards gets me thinking ( or imagining ) about it so much that i may drift off into imagining a scenario where I`ve achieved the goal I`m focussing on... But in the end it never happens... Moreover, its the things which i dont give too much thought about that manifests... Somehow it even contradicts my thoughts regarding positive thinking and affirmations... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Crane Feather Posted January 6, 2012 #69 Share Posted January 6, 2012 (edited) Wow.... Yeah... Sounds good... But also looks like a lot of caution is to be used while observing something in the future.... We dont want to be messing around with stuff that is to come our way... Now I know for a fact that I have never looked into the future... Never made any observations in the future... But there are a lot of times where something I really work towards gets me thinking ( or imagining ) about it so much that i may drift off into imagining a scenario where I`ve achieved the goal I`m focussing on... But in the end it never happens... Moreover, its the things which i dont give too much thought about that manifests... Somehow it even contradicts my thoughts regarding positive thinking and affirmations... Yes be very careful. Your sponsoring emotions for doing things is the real collapse of reality. If it's fear based or scarcity based you could design the oposite of what you intended. But don't worry. As we have discussed Fear dosn't do so well out of body. Infact there are mechanism to Keep us from doing that. Remember it is not by any means looking into the future. It's more like directing the present from the future. Not unlike how the present is a derivative of the past in most cases. No it should confirm it. Positive thinking and affirmation is this in action. When you are focused on the positive you are observing it. Remember the future affects the present. Your future self is affecting your reality now and you are collapsing positive time lines. Not only that when you are out of body when you dream you are in the habit of strong thoughts. It's very powerful. Keep it up. Never stop. Unfortunately opposite can be the same. Edited January 6, 2012 by Seeker79 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ajay R Posted January 6, 2012 #70 Share Posted January 6, 2012 No it should confirm it. Positive thinking and affirmation is this in action. When you are focused on the positive you are observing it. Remember the future affects the present. Your future self is affecting your reality now and you are collapsing positive time lines. Not only that when you are out of body when you dream you are in the habit of strong thoughts. It's very powerful. Keep it up. Never stop. Unfortunately opposite can be the same. Havent completely understood what you were trying to say with these words.... Could you please elaborate...?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Crane Feather Posted January 6, 2012 #71 Share Posted January 6, 2012 Havent completely understood what you were trying to say with these words.... Could you please elaborate...?? Well.... Positive thinking is an observation. An obervation of life being positive. Remember both the future and the past affect the present. Go back to the videos. It's like stacking the dice. Superpsitions will collapse in harmony with your state of mind as you observe. Just a little bit at first, but a butterfly flaps it's wings in Africa and It can cause a huricane in north America ( chaos theory). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ajay R Posted January 7, 2012 #72 Share Posted January 7, 2012 Well.... Positive thinking is an observation. An obervation of life being positive. Remember both the future and the past affect the present. Go back to the videos. It's like stacking the dice. Superpsitions will collapse in harmony with your state of mind as you observe. Just a little bit at first, but a butterfly flaps it's wings in Africa and It can cause a huricane in north America ( chaos theory). Could be terribly mistaken here... But are you saying positive thinking could have a collapsing effect on the positive effects yet to occur?? Which would mean thinking positive would be not so good to do... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White Crane Feather Posted January 7, 2012 #73 Share Posted January 7, 2012 (edited) Could be terribly mistaken here... But are you saying positive thinking could have a collapsing effect on the positive effects yet to occur?? Which would mean thinking positive would be not so good to do... No yu are mistaken. Positive thinking as an observation would be beneficial, but let's say you are trying be positive to say avoid being sick. The sponsoring emotion is one of fear to avoid sickness. So the true collapse is one observing fear. focus on how wonderful things are and don't try to avoid anything. This is why I encourage people to not pray or meditate for deliverance and always pray and meditate toward confidence and strength. Acts of fear are always damaging ( other than running from the lion about to eat you). The more you act in fear the more it is drawn to you. Especially if you do a physical action in fear. Or a fear based thought form out of body. Example. Recently I was visited by an interesting friend. I got to excited lost the OBE, but was able to reinitiate and find her. When I found her again, It was such an incredible experience that I had this though of. "what would other people think of this". I couldn't help myself from all the interactions I have trying to dispell a lot of misunderstandings... I thought " succubus". a smidge of doubt creeped in and ruined the entire event and confidence of the whole meeting. I had to go back angry for myself for letting my confidence and convictions slip like that. Thoughts are extremely powerful. Edited January 7, 2012 by Seeker79 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bLu3 de 3n3rgy Posted January 7, 2012 Author #74 Share Posted January 7, 2012 No yu are mistaken. Positive thinking as an observation would be beneficial, but let's say you are trying be positive to say avoid being sick. The sponsoring emotion is one of fear to avoid sickness. I want to add our more logical mindset is set to anaylise everything, over analysing reaches the same thing. It kinda destroys. Intuitive thought and flow is easy and just is, accepting experience as it unfolds and reflecting on it later. My idea of of positive thinking is when you truly feel inspired to start something, not because you 'need' to and are thinking of xzy reasons why it has to be accomplished, but when the inspiration propels you into the zone of knowing you can do this and that it feels right. That feeling is unique and to me is precious as it has no strings attached or conditions on what might happen if it fails etc. So in other words it is not formed out a fear to accomplish something but knowing you just can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueenyQueen457 Posted January 7, 2012 #75 Share Posted January 7, 2012 Question: If a being created us.. Could it just one day stop? Like we no longer exist? Kinda worries me, Mind boggling. Or is it that when the Universe is too crowed it ends and restarts? Example: I use my computer and there is artificial intelligent beings in a Earth game and I'm there God. I eventually get bored of the game and I turn it off never to play it again, They no longer exist or can move nor think because I turned them off. What if we're just a experiment in a divine beings computer system? I would hate the thought that we no longer exist. All things come to a end. What a worrying thought. Okay, Night! Or morning rather. D: I'm off to do some Astral travelling techniques! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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