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Astral Projection FAQs & Techniques Thread

bLu3 de 3n3rgy

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The Witch Doctor Projection Technique(My Family Secrets REVEALED)

First off I will have to explain to you, there are MANY different forms and methods of projection. Witch Doctors generally use 2 different kinds.

1) Whole body Projection(least common)

2) Mental Projection(most common)

For the purpose of keeping this thread free of arguments I will not discuss how to do a full body projection. (Theres is plenty of talk about it already and I will not step on other's toes.)

Mental Projection. What is it? How does it work? What can we do?

Mental Projection is when the only thing you are projecting is your MIND, your thoughts, not your soul, or your whole body. In your projection you will not have a body, and you will be in first person view. Mental projection is very similar to Body Projection except that its less draining on your body, takes less effort to perform, and is easier to use.

Using mental projection you can do pretty much go anywhere, meet anyone, speak with anyone and most importantly do it almost instantly.

Getting started

Things you will need:

- Soothing incense or perfume(Dont get anything overwhelming again soothing is the key here)

- Soothing music(same as above, soothing is the keyword)

- A picture of the person/place you want to see.

- All the patience in the world.

Our first mental projection will be from your current state, to that of someone you know.

Lets start with baby steps shall we?

-Stare at your picture and memorize it take your time, however long it takes for this to occur is how long you should stare.

-Turn on your music, and spread your fragrance, sit down and relax.(kick off your shoes, loosen the pants whatever it takes to relax)

-Now that you are relaxed close your eyes and clear your mind. (This means dont think of clearing your mind either just STOP thinking)

-Now that you've cleared your mind and are relaxed, breathe in threw your nose let the incense soothe your senses, while the music relieves your mind.

-Next up you want to slowly bring this picture to your mind and peacefully place your mind wherever the picture depicts. This should not be strenuous, or stressful at all and should not break your deep state of relaxation in the least.

-At this point you should feel as if you have left the building(this may take some time).

-Once your mind has left your body, with all the patience and calmness in the world you slowly want to think of yourself moving towards this place in the picture.

-Once you arrive you may ask questions by thinking them, you may look around as you normally would but because you are only there by way of mind, you cannot touch or alter anything.

-Your view at this point should be as if you're inside your own skull looking out of your own eyelids.

Once you have confirmed that you are where you wanted to be, simply think of being back home, and clear your mind once again.


-After doing this several times you will notice that your mind starts going to these places alot faster, at this point you shouuld be attempting to do it without a picture at all. just think of the person, or place of which you wish to visit.

-Once you start projecting simply by thinking of a person remove the incense and music from the procedure and soothe your mind by simply breathing in threw your nose and out threw your mouth while clearing your mind.

-Once you've noticed that you have cut the need for incense and music, you should start attempting with your eyes open. (this will take loads of patience and time)

NOTE: Full mastery of this progression requires sometimes even years do not expect it to happen overnight.

Now that you've completed this progression you will notice that you can mentally project to anyone or anywhere by simply thinking of them and clearing your mind, and your whole process should be taking under 5 minutes.

PS-The more you use this projection the faster you can project. I have been told I was day dreaming while I was really checking in on a sick family member. (Yes I can project in under a minute poof lights are on but nobody is home.)[And you will be able to do it this fast too!]

Bro what you describe is called Remote Viewing

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Bro what you describe is called Remote Viewing

for me...when I do this...i always feel Im just making stuff up in my head-sometimes when I day dream hard and long enough I almost feel like Im really doing something-till I open my eyes or something....but for me thats all it is is day dreaming because i make happen what I want to happen

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Bro what you describe is called Remote Viewing

This sounds a lot like "Phasing", to me... Phasing actually is a form of AP. What stands out to me is the "diving into a picture". I'm sure I've heard that phrase when someone was talking about phasing. However, I do not know a lot about remote viewing, so maybe they are the same... I guess with both you are still taking your conciousness to a different space/time/etc that is away from your physical body.

Phasing doesn't require an induced state of SP, in order to exit... like your quoted post talks about, you think of a picture, and dive into it, and can interact with your surroundings from there.

I am a little fuzzy on the details, but I know someone has talked about it in these threads before. I'll do a search, to see what I can find, and let you know what I come up with.

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If you guys would like to read more about this, go into the "Astral Travel, and my Technique", and do a "phasing" search in (this topic)... there is a lot of info that I hadn't remembered.

Alij, check out "Anvil's"(bLu3 de 3n3rgy is the alias, now) post #4463 on page 289. It stood out to me, and feel it's pertinent to your last post.

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I wasn't sure if I should put in the weird dreams thread or not, but I consider it more than a normal dream. but I was dreaming I had called my wife's cell phone and it was on or something but in her purse. Somehow it had answered. I called out to her a few times, but then it became evident that there was something else on the phone.

It was muffled and hard to understand. But it was clearly calling my name. I told it I can't understand, and it said to try harder and that it has a message for me.

A new way of contacting people in astral or dreams perhaps. Like the mirror represents reflection the phone can represent communication.

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If you guys would like to read more about this, go into the "Astral Travel, and my Technique", and do a "phasing" search in (this topic)... there is a lot of info that I hadn't remembered.

Alij, check out "Anvil's"(bLu3 de 3n3rgy is the alias, now) post #4463 on page 289. It stood out to me, and feel it's pertinent to your last post.

Thank you I did check this out. And this is something I have read and tried before...although I always feel its just stuff Im making up in my head-tho I DO want to tell about an experience with meditating.

I wont go through how long before I got to this point or anything though I did read a few books explaining you may begin or feel you are just making stuff up but to just go with it because at somepoint you really wont be making it up.....Now...

Once when I was trying I used a youtube video audio to help-it was basically a voice walking you through breathing and relaxing and up to a point in meditating then the rest was up to you.

It walked you up to a point where you go into the woods to an open medow or open area and then was to turn to see your guide......in my mind, or meditating this is what I saw....

I saw myself walk through an opening in the woods, that closed after I entered. I walked down this limited light path with trees around me till I came to an open area with bright white light shinning through, water in the center, almost like a spring or a hot sring (without the steem) I can't make out all the spirits, or beings I saw-but it was like they were all around this water, facing me. Maybe....7 or so? a handful at least there were many and its was like I was just amazed at so many there I couldn't pin point any certain one. (I do feel like I saw this older lady, one of which who resembled either my great aunt or great grandmother, and they were twins too....with a man Im asuming whom they were married to in this life before they past) There was a rock, big enough to stand on for one person at the front of this water in the center.

When I turned to see my supposed guide, I saw this cat like woman dressed in white-it made me think egyption style clothes. She had a cat ears at the top, curly hair, and her eyes stayed closed-like just a line BUT she smiled the whole time. She walked to water and moved her hand over it. As if signaling for me to come to the water and look. There was no words at all spoken durring this, as if all was mental for me. I walked over and leaned to look at the water and saw what I thought was my reflection. But this woman I saw, had my (natural hair color, and eye color) with a blue veil over her face. Her expressions matched mine like a mirror. I didn't think I just looked and was in kind of an awe state. I stood up and looked at this cat like woman who was still smiling with her eyes closed.

I dont remember if she walked off or what, but another woman appeared. Much like what I saw in the water reflection. Long hair, straight-with a veil..almost like a genie outfit (from I dream of genie) or a belly dancer. She had pants, and it was either pink or red-not blue like my reflection. She had so much energy, so much life. I could tell she was smiling even through her veil. Her eyes told me. She jumped on this rock, in front of me and mid point in front of all the other spirits behind her around the water.

She this motion....with her arms.....this energy of some sort...or light or something came from her as if comming to me. Then she jumped-my eyes followed her. She jumped in a tree and I had to turn my back to the water to see her. My attention was just on her. She bent down, knealing almost and just looked at me-and Im sure smiling to. I got this emidiate sense or feeling that she was saying "Even when you don't see me, I'm still here with you always." then jumped off into the woods deeper. She was so fast it was like just swipes of light or color then I didn't see her anymore.

I looked at the catlike woman once more, still smiling with her eyes closed and saw all the spirits. Some were looking at me, some were having conversations with each other (tho again I never heard any audio thorugh all this, I could just tell) I dont remember how I left but I remember when I was done, I had tears. It felt so great....

I had friends who knew my brother, who had been doing meditation years before me and more into AP and so much other stuff and simply looked at me and said ":You and your brother both are such visual people" I havn't had a meditation like that sinse.

After and even now when I think on it I wonder if I was just 'making it up' or sorta day dreaming and not really in a meditating state (tho while I was doing this i had no thought about sitting, or about anything...my mind..my everything was into these images I was seeing as if I was really there) I don't know what to make of it.

The woman who jumped intriqued me the most..so did the cat like woman....but Ive had some people say you dont have guides unless you are a medium or something and others say everyone has one and some have more then one....I just feel so confused over this. I would greatly much some insite or opinions from others over this. What does anyone else think on this?

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so....any comments? Was it just a dream?

Over the last six months I've kind of learned, for me anyway, that there's no such thing as "just a dream"

There's always a message thats often obscured by fanciful imagry or ludicrous actions that our 3-d minds don't compute. The way I figure it, we are walking talking commodore 64 computers on a dos operating system. (old style pc) But when we dream and often enter 4th or 5th dimentional worlds the required operating system we are running there is Windows 5000, and as such the programs we're being run though are interpreted as dream-like dribble by our commodore 64 minds when we wakeup. Sometimes dreams stand out as important, sometimes not.. The ones that are being backed up or supported by emotions are very important imo.

I also have this fear(which i know fear will keep from doing so)-after reading about how there are so many beings, spirits, ghosts, etc I'm just afraid that as soon as I leave my body I'll see something...like smething will be waiting for me to attack me. Not my physical body, but my astral self.

I can safely say the beings I've seen havn't seemed unfriendly, actually they've seemed either benign or supportive, but I've not been able to conciously AP yet.. Have a good read though this thread.. Lot's of people have these same fears, and Ironically it seems that the fear it's self manefests these beings. Trying to AP if you are a fearfull person is probably a bad mistake.. I would try and conquer your fear first.. The way I figure it, thoughts become things in the borderlands/hypnogagic and astral, so, if you think your going to be attacked by a giant purple people eater then the chances are good that you will.

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yeah Ive had visions when I begin (or fear creaps in) of a white looking face, a man or being of some sort that attempts to scare me, either screaming in my face or chasing me or something with this....aweful look. BUT one time I kept thinking about it, I quit trying to AP and think i slept into medidation of some sort-I started thinking that whatever would try to scare me is not actually bad or evil...or even I would talk to it or ask questions and later it would be nice to me. As if it started out evil or cruel or wanting to scare only to stop to me and become more of a friend level who talks to me and such then I eventually become more secure with. Just someting thats happened, but haven't experienced a true AP yet that I can recall so ...until then lol

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•Hold on to your hat!! With practice and a little luck at first, what happens next might blow you away. Your body is going to start vibrating. It feels like a mild electric shock running through your body. It's not painful, but at first it can startle you. You will also begin to hear a massivly Loud noise. It will sound like a jet engine or a water fall. It could have a buzzing quality to it or a wooshing helicopter like sound. These are your exit signs.

Hey this happened to me before and I thought it was the strangest thing. I didnt have the vibrations but I did hear the very loud sound and felt crackling coming out of my head. It was like fireworks coming out of my head.. this happened in the bay area the thankgiving before last so a little over a year ago. This was right after I had a two week stretch of phychic dreams.. this is the first time I looked at this thread.. I had questions so why didnt I look here first? Ding dong... lol ok but thanks! I have a longer story about vibrations, vertigo, and rattling in my head in my waking life that lasted for almost two years... this was before I ever tried to astral travel and I came across a book about it and started reading it and tried it but it never worked. But I always tried before I went to sleep and end up just sleeping. I never ended up reading the whole book or following any suggestions and just tried to jump out of my body, or like dance out actually. It was still fun even though it didnt work. But yeah the crackling noises and light shooting out of my head was very strange and I didnt want to tell anybody because I thought they would think I was crazy... now I see its normal! Im gonna try again.. thanks. :)

Edited by SpiritWriter
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Hmmmmmm, this is difficult..

I think we're running the risk of carrying the same subject over two threads.. lol..

I guess though, from a Metaphysical sense, one's Ego should be identified and understood, & through identification and understanding comes the power to eliminate or control. Not sure about dissolution because that would create a gap for subtle ego to creep in..

That false humbleness.. lol, Yeah, I think I can relate to that too. I'd call it the subtle ego, the worse kind.. It portrays a false sense of self that thinks it comes from the true self but it's a product of self desire.. (at least that's how I perceive it) :lol: My subtle Ego is a know it all..

Loved blue's perspective on Ego btw, made a hell of a lot of sense and my Ego went "woo hoo!" because it confirmed I'm on the right track or mind-space with this thing..

False humbleness is inevitable because as soon as you identify yourself as humble you are no longer humble. You have to check yourself and start from scratch... if we were truly humble we couldn't even talk about it, but we must because its imporant. Fail/fail... now you can be humble again.. lol

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Can being super duper tired increase chances of Astral Projection? Because When I'm tired my mind relaxed. And I even heard talking from my ears and cars when I tried it this afternoon.

Plus I live out the way and a large forest is behind my house.. And you can never hear cars where I live.

Yes I have found when i am completely exhausted and about to fall asleep is when i experience the Vibration stage of Astral Projection a lot of the time. And then that Electric Shock wakes me up :cry: if im not trying to do it Naturally cause it startles you. Which then ruins me Separating from my Physical Body.

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Yes I have found when i am completely exhausted and about to fall asleep is when i experience the Vibration stage of Astral Projection a lot of the time. And then that Electric Shock wakes me up :cry: if im not trying to do it Naturally cause it startles you. Which then ruins me Separating from my Physical Body.

What other then natural is there? Unless u mean drugs?

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Ok so I have experienced one true asral projection ive mentioned it several times on this site but not on this thread.. I was fully awake and transported out of my body into deep space. I was accompanied by a guide who did not appear to be an angel. I cannot say for certain if he was human but I was not so concentrated on him but rather what he was showing me in space... I was fully aware of where my body was the whole time... now I have a question... I have had other experiences of "visions" (also occuring while wide awake) where I did not seperate from my body but rather I was transported into the spirit realm.. I was in my same body there was no seperation... are these similar in nature or completely different? To me they seem different..

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I vibrated for the first time last night... It was crazy. I was even able to change the speed of the vibration

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I have been having off and on weird dreams lately. The weirdest one was my grandmother calling me in my dream. I picked up the phone and said "Hey gram, how are ya" she said "I don't have long to talk, can you tell (my nephew/her great grandson) something for me?

At this point I say "Sure" and my husband walks in the room and asks who I am talking to. I shrug and say "oh its just gram" then it dawns on me in the dream that she is dead. "Gram, aren't you dead?" I say.

"Yes, of course I am, now tell (grandson) that I am very proud of him because of the two fennel seeds."

Then she hung up and I realized the phone I was holding was one of those with a spiral cord connecting it to the phone base, and it wasn't plugged in. So I was just standing there holding a red phone dangling a cord.


At this point I semi woke enough to wonder what the heck she could possibly mean and I had some vibrations. One of the other times I have had vibrations, it was when my dead cat tried to tell me something in a dream and I woke up and drowsily contemplated it for a few minutes.

I have no idea what that means. Apparently I can only have vibrations after dreaming I talk to the dead lol.

Edited by SpectralEdge
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Hey Spectral..

I had two very similar dreams last week followed by vribrations at waking..

Just wondering, was the feel of this dream any different from your other more normalish dreams?

Reason why I ask was the two dreams I had weren't normal dreams. There was a different feel about them..

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id like to say you were very clearly hearing your spirit guide, and she was very clearly giving you instructions. they will always say things literally and matter of fact like. but if you are aware of your spirit guide, and this was not he or she, then i would say it's possible another secondary guide, or a past loved one, or simply a spirit you came into contact with. did you see a light source of any kind? possibly while mediating? sometimes the answer wont come to you until long after...so dont think about it too much, it'll come and you'll be like "thats what she meant!!!"

Here's an odd one that I can't make any sense of. Hope someone can point me in the right direction with this.

Last night I was teetering about the hypoganic state and getting flash glimpses of this and that for near 15 minutes..

Then out of the blue I got a very clear Clairaudient voice that said "Turn the light off Professor T"

It wasn't my inner voice. This voice was telling me what to do in a matter-of-factly or advisory way.

She sounded female, Etheral...

I was in the dark, so there was no light on to turn off?

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Edited by VicshousLove
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so as far as projecting goes, ive still only succeeded twice. But i must say, quite amazing! i had sort of a question about the Chakra's though, i know if you can open them up and allign them all, your chances of AP are higher. So for me, i kind of just visualixe each one opening, and projecting a pure white light up and outward from each. I dont know if this atually alligns or open them, so thats my question...does it matter how we do it, so long as we "believe" we're doing it?

i layed down surring the day and tried projecting, after about an hour i started to vibrate and sink like, and then i just "poof" darted up and slammed into my celing, the bounced along the tile floor, until i made it outside, and i shot "{flew" straight up into the stars, and within a blink of the eye, i was with the person id meant to see and visit with. it didnt last as long as id like, and i wish i knew what i did exactly right that i was successful, becasue i havent been since. so the chakras, just wondering if theres a special way to open and align them, or visualizing and believing it are enough.

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id like to say you were very clearly hearing your spirit guide, and she was very clearly giving you instructions. they will always say things literally and matter of fact like. but if you are aware of your spirit guide, and this was not he or she, then i would say it's possible another secondary guide, or a past loved one, or simply a spirit you came into contact with. did you see a light source of any kind? possibly while mediating? sometimes the answer wont come to you until long after...so dont think about it too much, it'll come and you'll be like "thats what she meant!!!"

I think you are right, it was information given to me by a Spirit for sure.. The whole etheral voice and matter of fact delivery of "Turn the light off (Then my real name)" in hindsight, was from a source beyond my higher self. This message was given to me on the 13th december. I thought that it might have been a cryptic way of telling me to have a rest, go to sleep, so I took a few days holiday from meditating.. as it was, this wasn't the case..

sometimes the answer wont come to you until long after...so dont think about it too much, it'll come and you'll be like "thats what she meant!!!"

I think you are bang on with this..

The Answer came to me on the 20th of December. It's kind of raw and very personal.. But my Father passed away in Hospital a little over a week after the Spirit had told me to "Turn the light off".. So, Okay, Background.. When Mum died a few years ago an important gesture or ceremony for me was to open the Windows to allow her sprit to escape. I couldn't do that with Dad because he was in HDU which mean't the windows were unopenable.. So as it was a few minutes after he passed I felt the need to let him go, let him escape.. The answer came as I noticed the headlamp which had been left on since he'd arrived the day before was still turned on.. So I turned the light off.. Vwalla... That's what she meant..

This is my current interpretation to the event anyway.. There's another few hidden messages here as well that I'm still working through.. One being the importance of ceremony and gestures.. Another being intention..

Edited to add: You know, re-reading this post, the words don't seem to give the event much justice.. It was a powerful thing to light off..

Edited by Professor T
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I think you are right, it was information given to me by a Spirit for sure.. The whole etheral voice and matter of fact delivery of "Turn the light off (Then my real name)" in hindsight, was from a source beyond my higher self. This message was given to me on the 13th december. I thought that it might have been a cryptic way of telling me to have a rest, go to sleep, so I took a few days holiday from meditating.. as it was, this wasn't the case..

I think you are bang on with this..

The Answer came to me on the 20th of December. It's kind of raw and very personal.. But my Father passed away in Hospital a little over a week after the Spirit had told me to "Turn the light off".. So, Okay, Background.. When Mum died a few years ago an important gesture or ceremony for me was to open the Windows to allow her sprit to escape. I couldn't do that with Dad because he was in HDU which mean't the windows were unopenable.. So as it was a few minutes after he passed I felt the need to let him go, let him escape.. The answer came as I noticed the headlamp which had been left on since he'd arrived the day before was still turned on.. So I turned the light off.. Vwalla... That's what she meant..

This is my current interpretation to the event anyway.. There's another few hidden messages here as well that I'm still working through.. One being the importance of ceremony and gestures.. Another being intention..

Edited to add: You know, re-reading this post, the words don't seem to give the event much justice.. It was a powerful thing to light off..

I think what you intepret the meaning to be, is the most important, even if it isnt correct in the way that your guide intended it to be. Becasue as long as you take comfort in the message, and it heals or enlightens you, then the interpretation doesn't matter. you were still able to make use of or find solace in the message. In your case, the answer did indeed come to you, and from reading your story, id like to add that i think your guide wasnt giving you instructions at all, she was trying to tell you that you did exactly the right thing by turning off that light. Did you think back on this? did you wonder " i wonder if that worked, did my dad really get out? is his spirit free? since i wasnt able to open the windows?" and your guide, being the closest friend to you you'll ever have wether you know it or not, knew that this ritual of opening the window was an important one to you, and to the process of grieving and letting go. So her message was simple in it's delivery, but the implications go much farther in providing you with comfort and the knowledge that by simply turning the light on or off, you were able to continue with a tradition or ritual that means something to you, and that it worked and your father is free and happy.

and i find that when i recieve a sign, or have a dream, anything really that i know came from a higher presence then myself, if i sit around and force myself to figure it out, i get absolutely nowhere. It's when i relax, and let my thoughts flow freely, and just in general forget about it, that the meaning pops into my mind like einstein and the theory of relativity! I think that's becasue when we are thinking so hard, we dont have our subconscious open enough to allow thoughts or ideas to me implanted, but when we relax and allow them to come to us we're much more open to outside sources of information. So the answer may come from the very source that left the sign to begin with, but by thinking about it too much and too hard, we exhaust ourselves anbd block out any help we may get from our guides or loved ones. It's always for me, sometime after that i finally understand the meaning of whatever message i recieved, in some cases even years. But then in those cases i just accept that i wasnt ready for the answer, or would not believed it or couldnt handle it at the time of recieving. Trust in your insticts and gut, becasue our guides and the spirit world in general influence us in more mays then we know.

im really glad you were able to find meaning in what your guide spoke, and that it meant as much as it did to you. Her intentions were clearly to reassure and comfort you ;-) they only come to us with pure love, so there will never be a message intended to upset you.

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does anyone have a simple and fast Chakra meditation? one in which to open them up and align them? has to be a quick one though, theproblem for me seems to be i fall asleep before i finish my meditation becasue all the chakra meditations i know of are way too long. i just need a simple yet effective grouding/alignment technique or meditation for readying myself to astral project. thanks.

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Hey Spectral..

I had two very similar dreams last week followed by vribrations at waking..

Just wondering, was the feel of this dream any different from your other more normalish dreams?

Reason why I ask was the two dreams I had weren't normal dreams. There was a different feel about them..

Normally I kinda fade out and in my dreams, they were different in that both jerked me awake but not totally awake, so they felt different at that point. My dreams the last two nights have been like that (weird enough to wake me) but I did not get vibrations immediately after them.

I *did* however get vibrations yesterday morning. The tot got up early and I didn't want to get out of bed. My husband went outside (to throw out the trash) and she apparently went and played with the lock on the front door (our deadbolt is under the knob, so she can reach the deadbolt and not the door handle).

So I was all snug and warm and just kinda...sitting there listening. I started to feel vibrations. First time I have ever felt them with others in the house walking around and making noise. I am getting slightly excited but I instead of removing me from the vibrations it seems to be intensifying them. I am throwing myself in to it and they are getting stronger and stronger and it feels wild and great...and then the doorbell rang.

Yeah, tot had locked my husband outside, so I had to get up and unlock the door. Took me a good twenty minutes to forgive them. I was so horribly annoyed.


All three times I have had vibrations something happened when I was in the right state of mind and I was "looking" not with my eyes but with my other senses for what else was there. In the case of the cat I remember wondering if it was a guide and kinda 'sensing' what was around me while drowsy, same thing with my grandmother, and with the door locking, just before I had heard voices outside and was wondering who it was. So, for me, it seems once I am relaxed and drowsy I don't need to concentrate on anything but just try to look outside myself and sense if there is anything there.

Now what I will do after that, I dono. When the vibrations happened this last time I did try to sit up and it took a lot of effort. Like I weighed a million pounds and eventually my arms and shoulders moved, but I can't say if it was astral or physical body. If it was physical the vibrations would have stopped wouldn't they?

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For obvious reasons I really don't know what sort of exit strategy to employ when you get the vibrations.. I don't even know what to try myself, I'm just glad to get vibrations, and sometimes when I try an exit like rolling or a wild visualisation the vibrations vanish so lately I've been just wallowing in the buzz & trying to accept it. sounds like you had SP too (heavyness) The same has occured to me, the vibrations in 2 of the last 3 occasions has been in the drawsy space 20-30 seconds after waking from a dream.

It occurs to me though, that in your case, each time this has happened you've been communicated to.. first by the cat, then by gran, then by these voices outside your house..

The reason why I asked was that lately there's been a different feel in my dreams, or in particular, locations that don't match my usual, and it's been these type of dreams with that type of feel that wake me with vibrations.. It odd, but I always know here I am in the world in dreams, or in the very least have a clue, but in these new ones, I find that I don't know where I am, or in one in particular, I worked out in the dream that I was on earth but millions of years ago when all the continents were joined together..

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Speaking of dreams, and vibrations, has anyone experienced vibrations within a dream?

A few weeks ago, I had an odd dream that I was helping a doctor in his examination room. I was prepping/interacting with the patient, when the doctor called me over to talk to him. I walked around the corner, and inside his office, and he started talking. At that time, I thought to myself "I should be reading the situation right now" (referring to clairvoyance). As I started to clear my mind, I started to see lights swirling and vibrations immediately started up. I submitted to them, but woke up finding myself saying "wow...wow...wow", over and over again.

Also, Prof T, I definitely have experienced the "different feel" of dreams lately. Can't quite put my finger on it, but I know what you mean... different locations, different people, situations, etc. I feel that it's my dreams coinciding with things that I'm working on, within myself, right now... showing me things to learn, and incorporate. I've had a lot of raw emotions in my dreams lately. Mainly fear, anxiety, shame, etc. These have been prominant ever since my last synchronistic events, that has dealt mainly with ego.. I feel your ego thread had a lot to do with that, as well(thank you)... it prompted me to revisit some old material in this thread that I don't think I was ready for at the time it was being talked about.

SpectralEdge... It does sound like you were OOB. The heaviness is a common theme that I've heard. In the one occasion that I believe I was oob(didn't realize it till after). I had a weird "awkwardness" about my movement. It was similar to how your arms/legs get if you've been sleeping in a weird position, cutting off circulation... without the deadness/pins and needles. It's difficult to control your motor functions.

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