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My Supenatural Experiences


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WARNING: This reply shares most of the more bizarre supernatural experience I've ever had, many relating to a specific "house" I used to live in and my conclusions so bare with me if you're interested since it's rather long to relate them all. A few other odd events have happened to me in the car (i.e. a deer disappeared right before I hit it and reappeared on the side of the road and this was recently mentioned/described in another thread) and some of these are also mentioned in a sleep paralysis thread on here. Sorry, if this reads more like a magazine article or something and it's too long for many of you to bother reading, but I think it will benefit some to read it all as I've had a number of experiences that may be relevant to those looking for answers and I'd like to share them. I'm sure the usual crowd won't believe anything more than hallucinations or other explanations, but this isn't really directed towards them since the blind simply cannot see and nothing I say here will change that.

I had a number of experiences at the last house I lived at (I lived there for 11 years). I remember two times that a television turned itself on and the cable box began "surfing" channels on its own (no the remotes weren't sitting on something and I was upstairs when it came on but it was still changing channels when I got downstairs with no remote activity and that TV does not turn itself on with a power loss, etc. In fact, the family member I gave it to still owns it at a different house and it has never done anything like that since).

One night I was just lying down to bed when the strangest thing happened. I slept in a downstairs converted 'bedroom' with no windows since I worked afternoons and it was quieter and cooler for that matter and this room was pitch dark except near the door edge, although this happened late at night (like 3 AM). I did have a small blue-tinted nightlight so I wouldn't trip getting up so the whole room was always dimly lit with a blue hue (just enough to see the contents/shapes of the room, etc.) Anyway, I was just lying there looking towards the one wall when a pair or "red glowing orbs" (for lack of a better term) appeared to move into the room right through the wall. I already had my glasses off so they were blurry and just looked like glowing red 'fuzzballs' maybe 4-6 inches in diameter? I laid there tracking them in total disbelief and one seemed to notice that I was watching it because it suddenly flew over to me right up to my face where I could see clearly (it made no sound) and I could then see what appeared to be a "body" (also just red colored) within the light itself and the 'ball' was more of a halo/glow effect emanating from all parts of its 'body'. It seemed somewhat translucent. It seemed to quickly turn its 'head' to one side a bit almost like it was curious how I was able to see it. After a couple of seconds, it just seemed to lose interest and turned around and flew through the opposite wall from which it came. I assume the other one that didn't come over went through that wall too (oddly this room is partially underground and it was either heading into the ground there or perhaps then moved up a few feet to the backyard).

Now if I thought I was crazy or having some kind of hallucination, the next night, I was lying down to bed again and within a few minutes of just laying there another one of these things flew through the same wall and went straight across the room to the other wall and through it without stopping. I never saw one again after that, though. No, I wasn't drinking or using any kind of drug. I have no explanation, but I do now sometimes wonder if the myth of "pixies" or "fairies" is based on some actual supernatural or other-dimensional creature that I happened to see those two nights. The way it looked at me curiously makes me think they aren't normally seen by humans, but perhaps only the occasional person sensitive to such things or the like. I had no red lights in the room (background was blue).

In case anyone is wondering, no, I don't think photos online of "light orbs" are even slightly real. I'm also an advanced amateur photographer and I know an internal lens reflection when I see one (notice most photos show a light off to one side or just beyond the edges of the photo in almost every single case, which causes internal lens effects. I actually have some photos of one such effect that looks like some kind of transparent hour-glass shaped 'space station' or 'ship" in the sky. I was actually photographing the Hale-Bopp comet at the time and the neighbor across the street's porch light obviously created the effect as it was always in fixed proportion to the thing in the sky in every photo even when the camera was at different zoom levels or pans. When this happened, there was no other lights in the room except the blue tinted night light and a green alarm clock. Nothing can explain the red balls of light there.

I once woke up in the middle of the night (or at least thought I did; I suppose I could have been dreaming, but if so it was different from most dreams since I normally don't see my house accurately at all and this appeared to be my real room. And unlike sleep paralysis episodes that I have had before and always feel like something weird is happening around my chest area, this didn't feel the same at all and I didn't feel like I couldn't move, but did suddenly get sleepy and appear to fall back to sleep) and saw a 'hole' missing the wall those lights had flown through and the rest of the room looked normal. There appeared to be someone sitting by candle-light at an old fashioned desk and he was just sitting there on a stool writing in a book or something. I just stared for a few seconds in disbelief and then suddenly I felt extremely sleepy and couldn't keep my eyes open. I fell back asleep and appeared to wake up what felt like a few minutes later and the room was normal again. I only mention it because it was SO weird and felt so real. Admittedly, this one could have been some odd waking dream, though.

From the first night I moved into that house I started getting episodes of "sleep paralysis" as well. I had never had such an episode before moving to this house but the first time happened the first night I stayed there on an air mattress but later again in the same room with my new bed. It also happened when I tried sleeping upstairs in the guest bedroom at which point I figured it was not room dependent and just went back to my regular bedroom. Anyway, at first, I would just wake up and it would feel like someone was giving me a foot massage. This was VERY pleasant feeling and so while I thought it was a strange thing to experience, I just assumed that either I was having some kind of circulation oddity or if there was something supernatural in the room, I wasn't going to get too worried about a ghost giving me a foot massage. After all, it felt really good.

Keep in mind that I never "saw" anything in the room throughout all of this (no hags or demons or ghosts) but a few times I did see a cloud of 'red dots' seeming to hover over me, but then it looked a lot like when you press on your eyes and the disturbance of circulation creates such effects (although those are normally blue or green with me, but I used to be able to create red and green dots 'at will' when I was a kid and concentrated at night without touching my eyes (strange sounding I know, but I just assumed it was some kind of brain/vision thing) so it didn't look all that odd to me and I don't assume what I saw was actually there. And no, I didn't hear of sleep paralysis until almost 5 years after moving there when I looked up what I was experiencing on Google around 1996 or 1997 or thereabouts (I first moved there in 1993).

Anyway, whatever that feeling was down at my feet appeared to start there one night and then oddly moved upward towards my chest, but stopped around my solar plexus area. I think it was at this point that I realized I couldn't actually move (up until then I don't think I even tried to move since it was just a weird 'feel good' thing going on). Yes, that kind of frightened me a little bit, but on the other hand, whatever this was appeared to do for my solar plexus what it was doing for my feet. It felt intensely GOOD, very much like some kind of sexual feeling except it was over my solar plexus, just above my stomach instead. Whatever it was and however much not being able to move frightened me, the fact it felt tremendously pleasurable kept me from worrying too much and I still didn't tell anyone. During this time frame, I never saw or heard anything, though.

I think that went on for over two years like that, on and off. I might go weeks, even a month or two between episodes in some cases, but other times it would happen a couple of times a night even or many nights in a row. Then one night something different happened. The invisible feeling started at my solar plexus for awhile (a few minutes?) and then suddenly moved upward (I could feel this "presence" moving in a linear fashion) and went into my head. It's THEN that the weirdness started. I suddenly heard a 'voice' in my head (like I had headphones on" and it said "Heidi Heidi Ho! Heidi Heidi Ho!) in this distorted voice like some demented leprechaun voice from a movie or something, slightly distorted and whiny/high pitched. My Lhasa Apso dog I had since 3rd grade into into college (she died in 1998 at around 16 years old) was named Heidi and we sometimes called her Heidi Ho. The dog was still alive during this period (I was in college and commuting to school until 1999) and usually slept in the room with me. She never budged or acted weird once. I shared the house for some time with my brother and mother (my brother moved out when he got married and he was a few years older than I and graduated college in 1995) and that became the guest bedroom upstairs and my mother lived there until she got remarried and moved out shortly after I graduated. I rented the house from her until I bought my own house where my new job was around 2005. It was then sold. Neither of them experienced ANY of this except my mother did hear the TV turn on and change channels that one time. The second time I was sitting there when it happened and I was alone.

So if you're still with me, this would then go on quite a bit on/off for the next 9 years or so. It would usually start at my chest (more traditional I suppose if you believe sleep paralysis is related to partial lung paralyzing and trying to breathe hard with the voluntary muscles partially disabled, creating a feeling of "pressure"), but that doesn't explain how it started at my feet or moved up my body and moved into my head. I would often hear weird noises like machinery coming from some distant place, scrambled sounding voices in my head, sin wave like tones and what not when it would move to my head and nothing before that but that somewhat pleasant (but increasingly scary) feeling near my chest.

Believe what you want from others on these forums (e.g. many say praying helps stop their sleep paralysis), but praying did not stop it even once and I was very active reading the Bible for several of these years. What I did find would stop a single episode in progress was putting all my effort into moving one of my arms. It feels paralyzed at first and then slowly moves as if in slow motion and then suddenly comes to life and moves normally at which point everything would just stop and the room would become normal as if I was coming out of some kind of anesthetic. Laying on my side didn't stop it. I had it happen on my stomach, back and side. It feels particularly weird on your side and stomach like something is pushing on your back instead of your chest, but the same oddly pleasant feelings show up followed by oddness and not being able to move properly without intense effort.

One day I looked this up on Google after I got the Internet and I was RELIEVED to find out this was some kind of medical phenomena (this was before the TV turning on/off and red orb events). I didn't feel like it was some "thing" trying to get me anymore and I tried real hard to not be frightened and either jump into a waking dream thing (never happened) or at least see if something was trying to contact me instead of trying to wake up. I was never successful at either. It was always a little bit scary and I never achieved any dialogue with any entity either. But nor did anything bad happen to me. I always felt like something was trying to possess me the way it seemed to try to move inside me (or at least felt that way). I always wondered it something was trying to communicate.

Well, one day around late November of 2004 (not sure when precisely; it could have been the 25th for all I know) something different happened. I woke up in a half foggy state, but I don't think I was paralyzed (no chest feeling) and I could easily open my eyes (always took at least a little effort before, but was always doable). I heard a voice in the room and instead of "in my head" like headphones, I heard this one appearing to walk around the outside of the walls of the room and sounded 100% real. It was kind of low like Charlton Heston's voice and said something about, "The storms are coming" and I saw a map appear in the room in front of me (kind of like that Billy Joel video for "Pressure") and proceeded to list dates and/or locations, but was quickly fading out and I didn't recall a single date once I got out of bed. However, two things stuck in my mind after this.

1> A freak snow storm hit Texas on Christmas Eve December 24th, 2004 going into December 25th (immediately I was alarmed because of the 'waking dream' map of Texas I saw and the warning about storms coming.) I think this was the first snow in Texas in some time.

2> A massive tsunami hit Indonesia almost exactly 24 hours later at 9AM (their time; it was very close to midnight in Texas).

This is ridiculously coincidental if not prophetic, despite the lack of knowledge on my part of exactly when/where since I couldn't make it out. But I did know Texas was involved and there was more than one storm. Since it had never happened to me before, I had no idea what to make of this.

On April 28th, 2005, the same thing happened to me again, except this time I was listening more closely and hopped immediately out of bed (no paralysis what-so-ever) and wrote it down. I heard, "In 1686 days, prepare for the worst." The voice was saying more, but it was fading out and I simply could not make out what else it was saying. The next month, my job got excessed over an hour away and I eventually got sick of driving it and moved to where I live now (oddly enough I'm facing a possible similar event in the next 6 months) and I had absolutely no more paranormal events in that house after that point including any sleep paralysis. Twice in over 5 years since moving here, I felt the 'beginnings' of sleep paralysis coming on, but then it just disappears a moment later. I have had dreams of when my grandmother would die shortly after my step-dad died (he looked young and seemed to communicate without saying anything; I just knew the message and a week later she died exactly as the dream foretold with my mom not being there with her at the time and got the message on the phone despite her being down at the hospital that weekend; she was out to lunch when my brother called her at the hospital). She was only there for a problem with coughing/lungs and they had her under anesthesia until they could clear the condition up. She wasn't supposed to die by the doctors accounts. She just suddenly died. It was very freaky.

The 1686 days took some time, but they have come and gone (December 8th or 9th, 2009 depending on how you take "Prepare" to mean, the time zone and leap year) should have been the day and I can't say I've noticed anything in particular happen that day. Two weeks later, however, I developed a severe pain in my shoulder and ended up getting surgery six months later to remove a bone growth/deposit. Admittedly, my life has been particularly crappy the past couple of years, but if I was expecting some earth shattering event to occur, it hasn't so I don't know what to make of the 2nd waking dream experience. Maybe I missed something and maybe it was all just a dream. It's hard to say.

Oh, one other thing that used to happen regularly at that old house is that I would wake up in the morning or afternoon and just be lying there debating whether I wanted to get up or not (often on a weekend) and I would hear what sounded like voices talking upstairs (all muffled and just beyond being able to tell what they were actually saying). A few times it actually was visitors (my grandparents had come up to visit and they were talking with my mom upstairs and were trying to not be too loud so they would wake me up). But MOST times there was NO ONE up in the house or upstairs. It was just plain weird and I've mentioned this one to other family members and friends and unlike the other occurrences, this one seems to be fairly commonplace. It's almost like you're tuning into another dimension or a radio station or something. I know a lot of people that have experienced something similar. I used to hear my name called 'on the wind' so-to-speak several when I was a kid (I would look around to see who was calling my name and no one was there).

What makes it especially weird is one time I appeared to wake up (I assume it was a dream, but it was much more real than most) and I was in what looked like a hospital room or something strapped down in a bed hooked up to a machine. I saw a nurse or someone that I assume was a nurse nearby and I asked her to help me get up and she came over and said she could not and proceeded to press some nearby buttons and like with the guy writing at a desk by the wall the one time, I immediately got so sleepy that my eyes fell shut and then I woke up in bed. Which is the dream? Which is the real world? I sometimes wonder if life here is the dream and those voices I can hear in that early morning wake-up state in the distance are from the "real world" and I really am hooked up to some kind of virtual reality machine. One of my first dreams when I was a kid that I can remember vividly was being taken to a room in what looked like a mall or office building and put in a machine on a conveyor belt like apparatus which then connected tubes or something to parts of my body. When I came out the other end, a bottle of baby shampoo or what looked like it was there along with my mother. It was very strange for that age. I think back to that sometimes and wonder if there was some hidden meaning there or something and it's probably why seeing the movie "The Matrix" had such a massive impact on me (I actually saw it at the theater over a dozen times and I have never gone to see any other movie more than a few times in my entire life and 99% just once).

I can also remember memories extremely far back to being a baby. I was born almost two months premature and I have the distinct and verified accurate memory of being brought home from the hospital two weeks after I was born, well before the day I was supposed to be born. I could speak in full sentences before I was one year old, could read at the 9th grade level in 2nd grade, was writing 20+ page short stories by 3rd grade, completed 36.5 credit hours of college with a 3.91 average (without studying) instead of going to my senior year in high school, play 3 instruments, have two engineering degrees, never had a C in my life (again almost without studying until I got to electronic engineering where I did have to practice doing circuit analysis a bit), have a minor in English, write music, used to make video games and speak the better part of three languages.

I mention this because I had another bizarre dream one time a week before my niece was born. They thought they were having a boy for reasons I won't go into here and that night I dreamed I met her as she looked at about 10 years old (she's 14 now) and how she turned out to look was accurate! We seemed to be floating in some kind of dark setting and she was telling me that most people that are born with seemingly genius abilities (like being able to play piano at age 3 with no difficulty like Tori Amos, for example) are not actually more intelligent than other people in a physical sense. They are simply good at various skills because they've lived lives on Earth before and while their conscious minds remember little to nothing of those lives, their subconscious does remember those skills and picks them up VERY quickly when exposed to them again in another life, making them appear to be very smart or even a prodigy at those things and the more skills you seem naturally gifted at, the more lives you've probably lived. Given she has no memory of this and doesn't appear terribly bright, I now assume the message was directed at me. I did tell my brother about the dream, but let's face it, guessing a gender is about 50/50 normally and so it's not exactly proof and I cannot prove that what I saw her look like was what she actually did years later, but I know what I saw.

Reincarnation, however, goes contrary to my Christian based upbringing (I mostly went to a Baptist church growing up until a certain age), but having studied the Bible and all the books left out of it and rediscovered since then (including Gnostic texts, etc.) along with most of the major other religions on Earth, I'm convinced the Catholic Church selectively removed most of the obvious references to reincarnation from the so-called canonical books of the Bible. All the gnostic versions (and several references they missed in the Bible) along with most other Earth religions (save perhaps Islam) all believe in some form of reincarnation. Even Plato's Republic references a wheel of life and many lives to experience. It is only fundamentalism in Christianity that denies such things and also thwarts all personal responsibility for "sin" by offering simple confession and belief in an all-forgiving deity that apparently doesn't require much actual change (if any in some denominations) to save your soul while condemning the ignorant to hell "just because". It's illogical and absurd. If you read any number of NDEs (near death experiences), reincarnation is mentioned often. No one is condemned to "hell" for eternity (in most cases they simply need to recognize their mistakes and therefore learn from them and they are then allowed to move on to another level to learn or come back to earth to try again (we apparently learn much faster here due to the negative events that are permitted to occur here, but such events are commonplace among souls that are here for the first time since being material is overwhelming in some senses). Older souls are less excitable as children, generally better behaved and learn quickly and in turn are expected to contribute more as they progress, some as teachers, some as both student and teacher in some respects). I cannot verify this, of course, but it makes more sense to me than a simple "you didn't hear so you're going to hell" kind of absurdity. No God of "love" could do such a thing and one doesn't have to look hard to find the evidence the early Catholic church used religion as a political and power weapon. Torturing and killing people in the era of inquisition is all the proof I need. The man known as "Jesus" would never have approved of any such thing. That I am certain of.

In any case, if you actually search for the truth, you tend to find it, as long as you can accept it, at least until a certain point. And I believe it is this search, whether conscious or in your subconscious desires to know that starts to open the doors to supernatural type experiences. As long as you are firmly rooted in materialism, you tend to only see things at the material level. OTOH, I think you're only given as much as you need to know for a given purpose in order to complete that purpose as you could become easily distracted away from your "mission" (whatever it might be) here on Earth if you spend all your time pondering the unknown. I think some are more gifted than others in these areas depending on what they're here to do (e.g. If you ever watch Psychic Children and hear what some of these kids are seeing and ignore the extraneous overblown style of the show, you'll see what I mean). It certainly matches up with what I've read in NDEs about souls that haven't moved on after death, etc. I think some people are here as volunteers to be in low places like some of the more 'seemingly' disturbed homeless, etc. and are actually here to test people, etc. Some may know the full truth, but cannot reveal it as it defeats God's purpose.

Most of those that think this is all there is and ever will be are rooted in pure materialism and live in spiritual darkness, using science as their crutch for disbelief even though true science is silent on the unknown. I have two engineering degrees, but science does not keep my spirit down. There is logic and there is a world beyond simple logic. To quote Spock from Star Trek VI, "Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end."

In conclusion, I don't really know why I've had these experiences and I don't know what to make of some of them and I can't be 100% sure of the conclusions I've reached in any of the cases. But I figure maybe I'm supposed to share them so others might find some solace or answers to their own experiences. At least know you're not alone and not crazy just because you've experienced something that goes beyond what everyday ordinary reality would know how to explain. Just because others live in darkness, it doesn't mean you have to. I think attitude has a lot to do with many things. I almost never have "bad" dreams and when I occasionally do (if you can call them that), they don't bother me in the slightest. It's like watching a movie. I've died and changed perspectives in dreams and I never even wake up with a racing heart. I never get headaches. I don't even get hangovers when I drink too much. Stress does make my neck/shoulders/arms/legs get tension and finally pain (I believe some call this kind of symptom fibromyalgia, but I think it's just tension as it goes away when the stress does, but tends to perpetuate itself indefinitely if you worry about the pain itself a lot), however and that's a story for another forum. I don't think sleep paralysis is anything to worry about, in any case. It may often be a symptom of stress, as well in many cases since the normal sleep cycle is often interrupted. Even after years of sleep paralysis I was never "possessed" or physically injured in any way. Even if there is a supernatural explanation, I doubt anyone is in danger. Of all the cases I've ever read about, none were actually harmed beyond simple fear of what was happening. I tend to wonder if someone was simply trying to communicate. Some say the dream state is really just a connection to a spiritual plane, anyway. Perhaps the spirit within needs to rest from being connected to this physical body and that is the real reason for sleep (if anything the brain itself is MORE active during sleep, not less so "rest" doesn't quite make sense in that regard as compared to say a normal muscle).

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WARNING: This reply shares most of the more bizarre supernatural experience I've ever had, many relating to a specific "house" I used to live in and my conclusions so bare with me if you're interested since it's rather long to relate them all. A few other odd events have happened to me in the car (i.e. a deer disappeared right before I hit it and reappeared on the side of the road and this was recently mentioned/described in another thread) and some of these are also mentioned in a sleep paralysis thread on here. Sorry, if this reads more like a magazine article or something and it's too long for many of you to bother reading, but I think it will benefit some to read it all as I've had a number of experiences that may be relevant to those looking for answers and I'd like to share them. I'm sure the usual crowd won't believe anything more than hallucinations or other explanations, but this isn't really directed towards them since the blind simply cannot see and nothing I say here will change that.

began "surfing" channels on its own (no the remotes weren't sitting on something and I was upstairs when it came on but it was still changing channels whe

I had a number of experiences at the last house I lived at (I lived there for 11 years). I remember two times that a television turned itself on and the cable box n I got downstairs with no remote activity and that TV does not turn itself on with a power loss, etc. In fact, the family member I gave it to still owns it at a different house and it has never done anything like that since). ... *Snip*

wow!! In a lot of ways you sound like me. Have you tried to journey ( astral projection) on purpose. I think things will come together for you if you do. You are already talented at altered states. You should consider it. By the way, you would have been trained as a shaman in aboiginal cultures.

Edited by Karlis
Edited for brevity
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I'm not sure how to astral project. When I was regularly having sleep paralysis, I made some attempts to move into waking dreams, but nothing happened. Now I don't get SP anymore, so I wouldn't know where to begin, really.

I do remember when I was a teenager reading something on an old BBS called "The Underground Kingdom of Shadows" (mostly a Wicca BBS with some online dungeons and dragons and what not and I was mostly there for the latter, etc. Plus before the Net, visiting ANYTHING 'online' was cool. Anyway, a thread there described how to leave your body (OBE) while in a state near wake/sleep. It said when you find yourself in that barely asleep mode (I figured how often does THAT happen at the time), imagine a cord/string running up through the center of your head and then imagine it vibrating and follow that vibration out of your body and that cord will lead you back to your body when it's over. I'm like, OK, like that's going to happen. Anyway, that very evening I fell asleep on the couch and woke up like 1AM pretty groggy and maybe because I had just read that, it popped into my mind. Immediately, I felt this bizarre sensation shoot through me like electricity (not totally unlike the beginnings of sleep paralysis sometimes, really) and I swear I thought I felt myself lifting up off the couch into the air a few inches, but this scared me so much (like what if I get lost and I'm in a coma forever?) that I suddenly fell back down into myself and woke up fully. That was the ONLY time I ever felt like I was leaving my body. I've attempted to duplicate it since then, but nothing so far.

I do sometimes realize I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming and this allows me to take over my dream to a greater or lesser extent. If I try to do anything too exciting (e.g. make hot girls appear, for example), I tend to wake up within a minute or so (yes they DO appear, but I get too excited, it seems). Instead, I mostly go to my 2nd favorite option and that would be to fly. THIS does work every time and it's just plain awesome for as long as it lasts. It's not as 'real' as a waking dream type thing, I'm sure, but it is pretty exciting and does appear more real than a regular dream, probably because my mind is somewhat conscious and I soon wake up and thus remember it all. I remember one time I decided to fly straight up and see if I could see if I was on a planet or some astral realm or whatever and I could see these almost medieval looking houses beyond the street I was on and it was SO beautiful! I flew higher and higher into the sky and clouds kept passing by me, but I never got high enough to see a planet view or something. I eventually woke up. For some reason, I don't ever know when I'm going to recognize I'm dreaming. Some things are so absurd (way people are behaving or the location I'm at, you think it would always register, but for some reason I just play along like I"m watching a movie). I have noticed that I am THINKING and responding as I would in real life more and more often, though. I analyze the dream when I wake up and 95% of the time it's believable actions on my part. I'm not behaving or thinking in ways contrary to my ethics, etc. I find that odd. It's like I'm reacting like in real life. I know what I"m thinking about when someone talks to me, etc. The only thing making it less real is that several senses are usually (although not always) missing or so light they don't feel real and I can't remember things well enough when I wake up for it to seem real.

Anyway, whatever altered states I'm finding, I'm not really in control of them. I can't do it while meditating, for example. It either happens on its own (seemingly) or I'm in a semi-conscious state when it kicks in. Of course, in the case of the old house, some events would happen beyond my control (like the TV coming on). Lately, if anything, I'm getting a LOT of incidents where I seem to know what's going to happen within the next 5-10 seconds before it happens. It's freaking out my friend at work. I'll say something about "What if so and so walked up right now while you're talking about him" and BAM, he's behind us within 7 seconds. It's BIZARRE. If only I could extend that to an hour and lottery numbers... ;)

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I'm not sure how to astral project. When I was regularly having sleep paralysis, I made some attempts to move into waking dreams, but nothing happened. Now I don't get SP anymore, so I wouldn't know where to begin, really.

I do remember when I was a teenager reading something on an old BBS called "The Underground Kingdom of Shadows" (mostly a Wicca BBS with some online dungeons and dragons and what not and I was mostly there for the latter, etc. Plus before the Net, visiting ANYTHING 'online' was cool. Anyway, a thread there described how to leave your body (OBE) while in a state near wake/sleep. It said when you find yourself in that barely asleep mode (I figured how often does THAT happen at the time), imagine a cord/string running up through the center of your head and then imagine it vibrating and follow that vibration out of your body and that cord will lead you back to your body when it's over. I'm like, OK, like that's going to happen. Anyway, that very evening I fell asleep on the couch and woke up like 1AM pretty groggy and maybe because I had just read that, it popped into my mind. Immediately, I felt this bizarre sensation shoot through me like electricity (not totally unlike the beginnings of sleep paralysis sometimes, really) and I swear I thought I felt myself lifting up off the couch into the air a few inches, but this scared me so much (like what if I get lost and I'm in a coma forever?) that I suddenly fell back down into myself and woke up fully. That was the ONLY time I ever felt like I was leaving my body. I've attempted to duplicate it since then, but nothing so far.

I do sometimes realize I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming and this allows me to take over my dream to a greater or lesser extent. If I try to do anything too exciting (e.g. make hot girls appear, for example), I tend to wake up within a minute or so (yes they DO appear, but I get too excited, it seems). Instead, I mostly go to my 2nd favorite option and that would be to fly. THIS does work every time and it's just plain awesome for as long as it lasts. It's not as 'real' as a waking dream type thing, I'm sure, but it is pretty exciting and does appear more real than a regular dream, probably because my mind is somewhat conscious and I soon wake up and thus remember it all. I remember one time I decided to fly straight up and see if I could see if I was on a planet or some astral realm or whatever and I could see these almost medieval looking houses beyond the street I was on and it was SO beautiful! I flew higher and higher into the sky and clouds kept passing by me, but I never got high enough to see a planet view or something. I eventually woke up. For some reason, I don't ever know when I'm going to recognize I'm dreaming. Some things are so absurd (way people are behaving or the location I'm at, you think it would always register, but for some reason I just play along like I"m watching a movie). I have noticed that I am THINKING and responding as I would in real life more and more often, though. I analyze the dream when I wake up and 95% of the time it's believable actions on my part. I'm not behaving or thinking in ways contrary to my ethics, etc. I find that odd. It's like I'm reacting like in real life. I know what I"m thinking about when someone talks to me, etc. The only thing making it less real is that several senses are usually (although not always) missing or so light they don't feel real and I can't remember things well enough when I wake up for it to seem real.

Anyway, whatever altered states I'm finding, I'm not really in control of them. I can't do it while meditating, for example. It either happens on its own (seemingly) or I'm in a semi-conscious state when it kicks in. Of course, in the case of the old house, some events would happen beyond my control (like the TV coming on). Lately, if anything, I'm getting a LOT of incidents where I seem to know what's going to happen within the next 5-10 seconds before it happens. It's freaking out my friend at work. I'll say something about "What if so and so walked up right now while you're talking about him" and BAM, he's behind us within 7 seconds. It's BIZARRE. If only I could extend that to an hour and lottery numbers... ;)

You seem to be haveing what's known as a transpersonal crisis or emergency. If you do learn to control you'd OBEs, self healing will start. Go to this thread.


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You seem to be haveing what's known as a transpersonal crisis or emergency. If you do learn to control you'd OBEs, self healing will start. Go to this thread.


I'm reading up on it, but there's one other thing that comes to mind that I forgot about but seems incredibly strange to me because I cannot tell the experience from normal reality and yet "history" doesn't show what I remember AT ALL. I'm incredibly puzzled by this and I simply cannot explain it because what I remember seeing apparently never happened....

I was watching TV and specifically the news one day. I don't recall when exactly which frustrates it, I realize, but at the time it didn't seem important as I simply thought, "Wow, they made real medical progress!" I do know this was a LONG time ago like 10 years ago (maybe longer since it seems like I saw it in the house I grew up in and I moved out of there right after high school so that would put it more like 1990-92 or so with the 2nd episode around 1992-1993) and that would mean it was before all these other strange events that started in the summer of 1993 when I moved into a new house. Maybe I'm not remembering the surroundings right or maybe that's the key to indicate this isn't a real memory since for years I dreamed I was living in the old house (even today I sometimes dream that as the setting despite people being in the dream I never knew back then).

Anyway, what I'm referring to is that I saw a story on TV about the common cold virus. The news story claimed that researchers had linked the common cold viruses (all of them; there are over 400 known to cause 'cold' symptoms) in a familial sense to several other viruses including all forms of Hepatitis. In other words, these viruses are all related to each other somehow and that the vaccine they had developed prevented ALL of them in one dose. The newscast said that this worked in the lab and animals, but they hoped to start human trials soon. I was amazed and thrilled, but obviously we had to wait and see what happened.

Fast forward over a year later and I was starting to wonder why I didn't see any more mention of this given how remarkable a cure for the cold would be. Then one day I saw another newscast and it said they were doing vaccine trials at the Cleveland Clinic. It supposedly even worked if you had already started to get the first stages of a cold (similar to Zicam/oral zinc, I suppose), but if you had gone with symptoms beyond 2-3 days, it wouldn't stop the symptoms of the current cold, but it would prevent all others and hepatitis from occurring in the future. They showed an interview with a test subject and he said his cold disappeared within like two hours of getting a shot of this stuff. I thought this was great, I soon wouldn't have to worry about getting a cold ever again!

Time went by.... I heard nothing. I started looking this story up on the Internet. I couldn't find a THING. At first I thought some drug company that makes cold medication (who would be greatly hurt by this vaccine for sales) simply bought the cure and shelved it, but once it was on the news, they can't just stifle a story right? I asked other people if they saw this story. No one had ever heard of it! There was literally NO TRACE of it on the Internet. I knew the trials were supposedly at the Cleveland Clinic. They didn't know anything about it.

Now I've had dreams before and I've heard voices twice waking up in the morning like some supernatural being ("God" or an angel or something) was talking as described above and I've had dreams that have come true, but ALL of them were experiences I knew were "strange" or supernatural or came out of dreams. THIS is 100% identical in nature to my "past life memories" in the sense they are 100% just as real to me as any other daily memory I can recall that actually physically happened, but unlike an intense dream, I have no association of the memory with a dream state. In other words, I can always tell a dream from reality and this was just like a real memory. It's like that movie "Total Recall" with Arnold Schwarzenegger where Rekall guarantees you cannot tell their implanted memory from the real thing. That's what it feels like because I could not believe that what I saw on two different occasions (across two years no less!) never happened!

Was this just a dream and for some reason I cannot tell the difference in this instance for some reason? How is it I can remember all these details about it, then? I cannot normally recall such detail in most dreams because the dream usually has a LOT more going on than just a news cast and the ones I can remember that clearly I tend to wake up from shortly thereafter (making it clear it was a dream) or else I forget the dream entirely. This is just like a normal day to day memory and I cannot differentiate it.

Perhaps it was a vision that occurred while I was actually watching the news and reality separated from what I thought I was seeing because some higher power sent this information to me? If so, does that mean such a vaccine really does exist but perhaps a company did get it early on and shelved it before what "should" have happened (that I saw) occurred and someone wanted me to know about it?

I really don't know, but it's just as strange to me looking back as the deer I should have hit but disappeared. Was it even really there or did I suddenly see a flash of what "could" have happened if someone hadn't intervened somehow? They are definitely two of the strangest events in my entire life because they are as real as everything else, but don't match what actually happened. It's a "Matrix Deja Vu" moment where you feel like someone changed history time-travel style but for some reason I'm the only one that can remember the original event. At least that's how it feels.

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I read your guide, Seeker79. The vibration thing is definitely what I felt that one night when I seemed to be floating out of my body. But the only thing that has come close to that since is when I feel sleep paralysis starting. It actually feels like a vibration is coming 'at' me...it grabs me slightly at first and then stronger and then my hold chest is vibrating and I'm paralyzed. I never really thought of this as the same vibration I felt that one night since it was centered differently (that was more from my neck up through my head and this is more back through chest), but I admit they do feel similar. Perhaps this is why so many say you can exit during sleep paralysis because it's really the same thing.

You're in a vibratory (perhaps spiritual) state where thought becomes reality. Since the natural reaction to something so strange is 'fear' the thoughts of fear often then manifest as 'seeing' dark beings or hags or demons or whatever scary thing that is coming into your consciousness. If you imagine something more pleasant (as some seem to be able to do), something more positive happens. Perhaps those last two times where I had SP and instead heard 'prophesy' instead meant I had dropped my fear and was tuned into a more positive channel and someone was able to communicate effectively to me as opposed to the 'distorted voices' I heard when I was afraid early on. Really, I kind of had the feeling that someone wanted to communicate since the voice wasn't saying anything evil, just distorted sounding (I mean calling my dog's name? How is that evil? How is a foot massage or other pleasant feelings evil? It's the right wing fundamentalists (my brother is one) that want you to believe any contact with the spirit realm is bad news. I think because dreaming is just another layer of the spirit world (where your own thoughts/subconscious partially drive the content along with perhaps others directing some things at time), it all feels 'fake'. Some OBE things clearly were not 'accurate' to reality when they went around their house, but your own mind can distort it just like a dream (seems to be common in NDEs as well where people can create their own little worlds to fly around in just by thinking about it, but there are other more advanced beings there as well that are able to break through the barrier and communicate in spite of the false reality. Likewise, guilt/negativity can create a 'hell' like environment in just as fear can create something similarly scary during a sleep paralysis event. After all, we are spiritual beings regardless of whether we are 'wearing a body' at any given moment, which seems to be a mere vehicle through the lower energy (material) realm).

I think I can bring on those vibrations when I think about them in that groggy type state. It happened that way the first time and twice in the past six months, I started feeling them again, but without any associated episode... that is until a couple of weeks ago. I forgot about that one until just now for some reason. I felt the 'vibrations' of sleep paralysis and decided to let it go without forcing my way out of it and I did hear a voice and it was bizarre because it was a whisper in my ear (sounded like the snake Voldemort had talking in the Harry Potter movies). It just said "Thaaaaaaaaank You. (pause) Thaaaaaank You for (can't make out). Thaaank You) and then stopped and the SP disappeared. It was so odd and unlike the other ones I had. I don't know why I forgot about it since it does break the "it doesn't happen at my new house" rule as I told above. This happened right after I finished my first song in nine months and the song was about anti-materialism and greed and the so-called end of the world. It's an oddly beautiful up-beat song but with rather disturbing lyrics meant to wake people up to what's wrong with society. If someone was communicating, maybe they liked the song? The whisper thing was really creepy sounding, though. It didn't really bother me, unlike previous experiences, though. I think I simply don't worry about it anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After reading a PM, I thought I'd share a really strange dream I had that felt extremely symbolic and yet it's not the easiest thing to figure out in terms of meaning. Maybe someone on here will have some ideas. I can't normally remember most dreams from start to finish, especially in such detail and the end was just so freaky I woke up feeling like someone sent me this dream for a reason. I feel I should give a little bit of background on my religious upbringing and current state since I feel it has something to do with this dream and the reason I had it. I was raised with a Baptist upbringing, but have since branched out into searching on my own and ended up with a lot of Gnostic and NDE reading, etc. I now consider myself more spiritual than religious as I feel man has created much of the dogmatism that plagues religions world-wide. I feel there is more symbolic or spiritual truth in texts like the Bible than literal meanings. My brother has gone the other direction for reasons I'm unsure of and is more literal/fundamentalist in nature. After our first decade or so, we didn't even go to church any longer, so I'm really perplexed what suddenly drove him in that direction. I know what drove me but that's a topic for another thread. As mentioned above, I've had some other strange dreams like the one about my then yet unborn niece telling me about reincarnation and prodigies, etc. so if anything my own personal experiences feel in line with what I've found searching over the years. I'm not aware of my brother having any supernatural experiences per se.

My grandmother's house is where the dream started with me coming out onto the back porch and I was told I was on a mission (a girl was there with me that I don't remember if I recognized her at all or not) and this lady was telling us this mission that that looked like the Bajoran religious leader from Star Trek DS9...the annoying one that works with the evil one towards the end and she tells me and this woman that's with me that we are to find my brother and our friend that lives near my grandmother's house since they were late coming back. The woman then says a prayer with the girl that's with me, but excludes me from it like I'm not important or not of the chosen people or something odd like that (the sense I got anyway) and I pray anyway in the background regardless and then me and this girl start to head down into the backyard (they are on several acres in the back that lead to woods) and the girl suddenly heads off without me into the neighboring house (the grandmother of the friend of my brother and I) and just ignores what she's told to do. I thought well I'm going to look for them like I was told and head off down over the hill and into a field where some bushes tend to obscure the remaining distance to the woods and as soon as I get there I see my brother and our friend coming up towards me from the woods. I wait for them and when they get there I tell them how I was sent to look for them and how the lady up there treated me poorly which irked me and so instead of going back immediately, why don't we make her sweat a few hours first. They didn't react at all to this idea either way as far as I could tell (or remember), but the friend said he had a phone call to make at his house and left down over the hill perpendicular to the way I went (you can only see the top of it from my grandmother's house since it's down closer to the woods with one heck of a long driveway back to the main road). I seem to recall talking with my brother a bit and then he tells me that he forgot to tell our friend something and so we should go down and tell him before returning home.

So we then headed down to his house, but he had already gone in. My brother starts to open their back door and I say, "Shouldn't we knock, first?" He said they knew us and wouldn't mind, but I had this odd feeling our friend's parents wouldn't be thrilled with us just walking in, but I followed my brother anyway. We get to the staircase that goes up to our friend's bedroom but this is where the house doesn't match reality any longer. It bends around to a small wading pool at the top of a landing (in reality it just goes straight upstairs) and then the stairs go up from there. This is where things get really weird. My brother says that I forgot my swimsuit back at the house and I would pollute the pool if I came with him up the stairs so I should wait down here for him and then we would return home together. I'm thinking in the dream that's a weird thing to say but I do as I'm told, but he doesn't come back down and I don't want to pollute this crystal clear pool sitting there with my 'dirtyness". I start thinking about what our friends parents would think/say if they found me just standing around in their hallway and it makes me uncomfortable so I decide to go outside and wait on the back porch instead. I start heading back but in the hallway there's this little doorway and I hear a voice call me over by name and there's his parents in this indoor pool room (that doesn't exist for real in their house) and they seem very happy to see me (to my immediate relief) and ask how I am and if I'd like to go for a swim in the pool. I remark that I forgot my swimsuit back at the house and they tell me that it's OK, just swim in my underwear (oddly a similar remark really did occur in real life in his real life backyard pool when we went for a bike ride up to get some model rocket equipment at the hobby store and it was like 95 out and I was near heat exhaustion by the time we got back). Anyway, I say OK, and I get into the pool. I start to look around this pool room I've never seen before and it's HUGE pool and there's hundreds, maybe thousands of people in this pool, many really attractive girls, etc. and some not so attractive ones and I see this girl I REALLY liked from college and while I'm looking his parents are talking to each other and discussing how they can get me to sin. I start listening in while pretending to look the other way and they're picking out an Asian girl they want me to fornicate with and I'm thinking I want that girl from school I knew with the red hair but meanwhile thinking "WTF" at the same time, because it's just TOO WEIRD to even be in this situation. They invite me to play a pool game of "Blind Man's Bluff" or "Marco Polo" but insist that in this pool they play it naked and I somehow knew they were going to set me up to magically bump into this naked Asian girl. I ignore them for the moment and look behind them at the pool deck and I see some people I know like my mom's boyfriend sitting at the side dangling his feet in the water and my grandfather sitting in a lawn chair on the side of the pool. I then notice that the water in this pool is all CLOUDY, but white (kind of like you get when you shock a pool until it clears) and I immediately think about the clear pool by the stairs going up and the warning up polluting a pool, etc. I then look up at this giant window I hadn't really noticed before and the sun was flying around across the sky like day/night was going by in seconds just like in the H.G. Wells Time Machine movie. I then woke up.

That freaked me out. It was like there was some kind of odd religious motif going on between the "home house", the religious leader there, the "mission", the girl that was supposed to come with me and didn't do what she was told, but was a chosen one while I was purposely excluded as if I wasn't important or something, yet I did do what I was told, but was a bit put off about the way I was treated. Then going to this other "house" that had both crystal clear and cloudy pools in it, a staircase heading up from the crystal one and people fornicating and what not in the cloudy pool, yet our friend (who was upstairs and whom my brother was able to go up and talk to) seemed to have parents that were running this dirty pool business. Meanwhile, I'm standing in 4 feet of cloudy water, not playing their game like they want me to and apparently time is flying by like it's going out of style while I just stand there in this cloudy pool doing neither what the schemers want me to do and yet I'm not standing at the staircase waiting for someone like I was told to and it wasn't clear how long I was supposed to just stand there either. Throw in the second dream where my brother and I are apparently back 'home' and discussing our different interpretations on things while all these 'other' people are playing in the backyard and the clouds just keep spinning.

It's like if that's supposed to make sense, I don't quite get it. I have this feeling that my brother is not my brother in the dream, our friend is not our friend and his parents aren't his parents. They're symbolizing something or someone. Maybe it's just a "get out of the dirty pool" message or "stop wasting time in the dirty pool, especially if you aren't going to swim in it" kind of thing, referring to wasting time in my life (I assume the dirty pool is along the lines of either pointless wastes of time or perhaps even more literal immoral things or people around me (I don't get that; I'm not around thugs or anything of the sort; I'm a mechanic and electronic engineer by trade) and get on with fulfilling my real mission (which was to bring my brother back home or at least word of him). Throw in the sleep paralysis 'warnings' about "storms coming" and "prepare for the worst" I've had and I can't help but think someone is trying to tell me something without actually telling me (like that would affect free will or the like). It's very frustrating. This happened during the period I was studying all these things, so I can't help but think there's a connection somewhere.

I had a "sequel" to this dream where I was discussing religion with my brother (again he's very right-wing; I'm much more inquisitive and spent years reading everything I could get my hands on from Gnosticism to Buddhism) and we go down from my grandmother's house into the backyard and there's all these people there just talking and playing kickball and what not and I turn around and look back towards the house and the sky is moving at high speed once again (just the clouds this time) and I had this distinct feeling that these people were waiting for something or someone there and that something was about to happen, although I don't know what. It felt odd, but the connection was unmistakeable to the first dream.

Again, I have no idea what drove my brother towards right-wing fundamentalist (it seemed to happen while he was in college but I know most of his friends and while a few are fairly religious, they're not over-zealous or anything as far as I can tell), but I know what drove me away from traditional religion and searching for answers (perhaps symbolized by the irritation of being excluded in the dream). The dream implies I found what I was looking for and did as I was told (to a point at least) unlike this other person that said they were going to do it and then didn't (can't help but think of parallels in a certain Bible parable about two sons where one said he would do something and the other said he wouldn't and in the end the one that said he wouldn't did it and the other one who said he would did not and went off to do their own thing). But then it's like someone lead me to this other house (wasn't my idea) and then took off too but with a reason while I'm left wondering if I arrive at this pool on purpose (i.e. our friend's parents are behind it all but supposedly they're on the same side and I think of Willy Wonka and the "Slugworth" character pretending to be something he's not for testing purposes).

I'm certain this dream means something. I've never had such a 'strange' feeling about a dream in my life and I almost never remember a dream in such precision/detail and retain it ALL like I was meant to remember everything. Is there's some guiding forces on this planet hiding out of our vision range? Seeing those 'pixie' like red orbs the two nights and hearing voices predicting events that happen and then the ones about my brother's kid who wasn't born yet discussing reincarnation and its relationship to prodigies and the like, it's all kind of overwhelming so maybe I turned it off or tuned it out one day. It was just too much and yet too little information all at the same time.

Throw in the sudden sleep paralysis episode I had a few weeks ago (out of nowhere since I hadn't really had a full blown one since 2005 and the final message of "In 1686 days, prepare for the worst") where some whispering voice just said "Thank You" three times (if they said what for, I couldn't make it out) and I'm feeling pretty strange about it all once again.

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I read your guide, Seeker79. The vibration thing is definitely what I felt that one night when I seemed to be floating out of my body. But the only thing that has come close to that since is when I feel sleep paralysis starting. It actually feels like a vibration is coming 'at' me...it grabs me slightly at first and then stronger and then my hold chest is vibrating and I'm paralyzed. I never really thought of this as the same vibration I felt that one night since it was centered differently (that was more from my neck up through my head and this is more back through chest), but I admit they do feel similar. Perhaps this is why so many say you can exit during sleep paralysis because it's really the same thing.

You're in a vibratory (perhaps spiritual) state where thought becomes reality. Since the natural reaction to something so strange is 'fear' the thoughts of fear often then manifest as 'seeing' dark beings or hags or demons or whatever scary thing that is coming into your consciousness. If you imagine something more pleasant (as some seem to be able to do), something more positive happens. Perhaps those last two times where I had SP and instead heard 'prophesy' instead meant I had dropped my fear and was tuned into a more positive channel and someone was able to communicate effectively to me as opposed to the 'distorted voices' I heard when I was afraid early on. Really, I kind of had the feeling that someone wanted to communicate since the voice wasn't saying anything evil, just distorted sounding (I mean calling my dog's name? How is that evil? How is a foot massage or other pleasant feelings evil? It's the right wing fundamentalists (my brother is one) that want you to believe any contact with the spirit realm is bad news. I think because dreaming is just another layer of the spirit world (where your own thoughts/subconscious partially drive the content along with perhaps others directing some things at time), it all feels 'fake'. Some OBE things clearly were not 'accurate' to reality when they went around their house, but your own mind can distort it just like a dream (seems to be common in NDEs as well where people can create their own little worlds to fly around in just by thinking about it, but there are other more advanced beings there as well that are able to break through the barrier and communicate in spite of the false reality. Likewise, guilt/negativity can create a 'hell' like environment in just as fear can create something similarly scary during a sleep paralysis event. After all, we are spiritual beings regardless of whether we are 'wearing a body' at any given moment, which seems to be a mere vehicle through the lower energy (material) realm).

I think I can bring on those vibrations when I think about them in that groggy type state. It happened that way the first time and twice in the past six months, I started feeling them again, but without any associated episode... that is until a couple of weeks ago. I forgot about that one until just now for some reason. I felt the 'vibrations' of sleep paralysis and decided to let it go without forcing my way out of it and I did hear a voice and it was bizarre because it was a whisper in my ear (sounded like the snake Voldemort had talking in the Harry Potter movies). It just said "Thaaaaaaaaank You. (pause) Thaaaaaank You for (can't make out). Thaaank You) and then stopped and the SP disappeared. It was so odd and unlike the other ones I had. I don't know why I forgot about it since it does break the "it doesn't happen at my new house" rule as I told above. This happened right after I finished my first song in nine months and the song was about anti-materialism and greed and the so-called end of the world. It's an oddly beautiful up-beat song but with rather disturbing lyrics meant to wake people up to what's wrong with society. If someone was communicating, maybe they liked the song? The whisper thing was really creepy sounding, though. It didn't really bother me, unlike previous experiences, though. I think I simply don't worry about it anymore.

You are doing a good job. I can see your brain working on your altered states. And I can see your intelligence and depth of thought in these matters. This is how awakening is supposed to be. I wish everyone could have the depth of thought you do. I look forward to hearing about your journeys and discoveries.

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  • 1 month later...

I had another lucid state experience this morning similar to the one from a few weeks ago where I awoke to hear music and then static/crackling from what seemed like another place/dimension. I felt the same "grab/pressure" around me as then, similar to what I feel during sleep paralysis, but 'lighter' like a light hug instead of something pressing hard against me. Like all times since the waking dream 'end' to sleep paralysis experiences seven years ago, I was not paralyzed at all so I cannot call it sleep paralysis, but more like an altered state upon waking up (or not quite fully waking up). In other words, I can think normally as if I was fully awake, but the moment I start moving physically I appear to wake up entirely and whereas this is HARD to do during sleep paralysis, this is way too easy to do in this state (i.e. if you choose to move, you exit the state).

This time instead of music, as soon as I felt the "hug" I heard voices instead, the majority of which were off in the distance and couldn't be made out. It felt like the sounds came from beyond the physical room dimensions as the music did the last time, although this time it was in the opposite relative direction to my body position and in a different house, although in terms of relative direction to each other (i.e. North of my mother's house is West of my own and therefore they could have been from the same origin point, if you believe such sounds could be heard across many miles in this dimension somehow).

Anyway, the voices in the distance appeared to be talking to each other and however far off they were, they didn't appear to be interested in me. However, like with the previous time in my house, there appeared to be someone talking right into my right ear. The last time the voice sounded 'hissy' and said "Thank You" 3 times. This time, the voice sounded more like normal male talking voice, but I had a hard time understanding what was being said as if the volume knob were too low (similar to how the voices in the 'waking dream prophesies" faded out over time, but they seemed to walk away as they faded. This seemed like someone was desperately trying to tell me something, but the air cleaner with fan device I have in my bedroom (which I purposely keep running because it's a bit loud to mask a tinnitus problem I have in my left ear that can be annoying in a dead quiet room) seemed to be just loud enough to keep me from understanding what the voice was saying. I heard some words, though and it seemed like the voice was talking about someone/people looking for evidence of the spiritual world and perhaps how to find it? Like the waking dream prophesies, the voice seemed like it was reading a news cast, not talking to me in a personal "can you hear me?" sort of way, like I tuned into a library record but for some reason it was being read into my ear at an annoyingly low volume.

Oddly, as much as I wanted to understand what was being said, I didn't really care that much. What I wanted was to use this moment to exit my body and have an OBE like many have described. The last time I got frightened a little bit and woke myself up. I was determined not to do that this time and I wasn't afraid so I thought I was golden. The thing is that I was trying so hard to understand what that voice was saying in my right ear that I realized in order to hear it better, I had started to hold my breath (with your ear against a pillow, even breathing can sound loud if you're trying to hear some low level talking that's already too low) and while that helped me pick out some of the conversation, I soon realized I needed to breathe. Unfortunately, making the conscious decision to breathe resulted in me taking a deep breath through my nose. This wasn't anything huge, but it was enough for me to feel my chest diaphragm move an inch or so and that motion/physical sensation was enough to wake me out of this brain state. Robbed again! I think this is why they say you should always breathe through your mouth while attempting these states because you need to be able to breathe very lightly and easy and I have terrible sinus problems and usually one nostril is clogged by morning making me have to breathe that much harder through my nose (and making that much more noise).

I don't know what this state is, but it's got me frustrated. When I was in sleep paralysis, I had to work hard to get out of it. Now that I want the state to 'springboard' off of into an OBE or something, I can't stay in it long enough to do so and there's zero paralysis so I have to literally be aware I'm lying in bed (and probably haven't turned over in some time and therefore my body's desire is to move a bit to be more comfortable) and not move a muscle! It's kind of funny, actually and perhaps a bit ironic.

One thing is clear. IF this isn't a hallucination/dream, this other 'place' I'm hearing into is populated by multiple beings, many of which seem to enjoy talking to each other as I've heard that state before many times at the other house I used to live in in the early morning but without any feeling around me (the key difference here is that someone was right at my ear which might explain why I felt a "hug/pressure" sensation whereas when I just hear something out in the distance, there is no pressure sensation. The last time when I heard music, I felt nothing at first while listening to the music and then it felt like someone noticed me somehow and entered the room and came over near me, although they 'felt' like they were just standing there watching me when I heard the static/vibration feeling associated with OBE. Whenever I had sleep paralysis or hear a voice close to me talking, I 'feel' a presence touching me or standing near me (like they somehow disrupt a 'field' around me like when you place to polar opposite magnets near each other and they press against each other, which is near as I can describe how the "hug" or "pressure/pushing" feels, although it usually feels pretty good to me (like I want them to push harder because harder feels orgasmic for lack of a better term), and certainly not like the strangling or other unpleasant feeling type experiences I've read some people have during sleep paralysis. Either these are friendly beings that emanate positive auras or for whatever or my brain interprets whatever effect (real or imagined) it is as pleasant for some reason.

I've often wondered why no one from the "other side" seems to communicate with people in this reality after death and if they're simply not allowed to most of the time (I did have those two experiences where I was told my grandmother was going to die by my step-dad who had died a month or so earlier and the other one talking to my not yet born niece, but those were in dream-states and this is some entirely different feeling state at the 95% awake point), but now I wonder if the problem is more on our side of things, being so caught up in this material world/web that we simply forgot how to hear/see in that world. It certainly seems like most of the times I'm 'tuned in', someone is trying to tell me something, but I just really suck at hearing it or wake out of that state too soon to get it all. I also don't generally 'see' anything (other than red dot lights or orbs on a few occasions), just hear it, but then I've always been audio orientated when it comes to learning/thinking and play and write music myself. On the contrary, I'm mostly visually oriented when it comes to dreaming, although occasionally the other senses are present. Sound is usually "thought sound", though not "it's really audible" in nature, although that has occurred a few times including the other night where I dreamed I was looking for the source of some clang sound coming through the pipes at work where the longer I looked for it, the more real it sounded until I woke up.

I've been reading about string theory (which posits many more dimensions than the usual 3 spatial + time) and the more I read and learn, the more ignorant I feel about my own existence. The Universe appears to be so huge with so many interactions on so many levels and yet some say in higher dimensions space/time is an illusion and it all just feels mind boggling. Not being able to really be sure of any of it, whether it's real or perception of something real or we're all just brains in a vat in a virtual reality so-to-speak...I hate that feeling. I want to know the truth, not just believe in something that might be wrong. It's a horrible feeling. Maybe that's why I want to talk to one of these other-worldly voices so badly. Someone somewhere inside or outside of the Universe must know the answers.

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I had another lucid state experience this morning similar to the one from a few weeks ago where I awoke to hear music and then static/crackling from what seemed like another place/dimension. I felt the same "grab/pressure" around me as then, similar to what I feel during sleep paralysis, but 'lighter' like a light hug instead of something pressing hard against me. *Snip*

You are doing a good job sifting. Keep it up. Experience is the mother of all learning.

Edited by Karlis
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VonMagnum - I'm quite fascinated by all you've shared, (you too, Seeker) especially in the dreams where the sky moves fast like time is flying by. The one with the two pools and the mission - I've had a dream before that had that real feeling to it, where only the lack of normal time indicates that it was at all dreamlike. The context of my dream was totally different, but I ended up feeling like I had had a revelation from it.

I won't recount the entire thing as it's long, but the two most interesting parts:

I was staring at the stars, and as I'm staring I go through several realizations. The first is that the stars seem to form a pattern but not one that makes any immediately logical sense (It looks "regular" but not like something I recognize). Then, I realize that the stars seem to form a shape I do recognize - the outline of an airplane and some details within the outline like the placement of the windows. At this point I'm still staring hard trying to figure out what I'm seeing, and suddenly I realize that all this time the plane has been coming towards me, which is why it seemed to become clearer, and now is so close it's as if I'm standing a few hundred yards from it on a runway. Then it looks real, not like it's outlined in stars. It's huge, and right in my face, and I immediately jump to another (less interesting) part of the dream.

The last part of the dream I'm in some place, originally I associated it with a mall but just now I had the thought that it could have been an airport. Anyway, its this big place that's pretty open and airy with somewhat futuristic looking design, there are people in the outskirts of my awareness but I'm with what seems like the boyfriend I was dating at the time. A bunch of people including me end up in some kind of office in the place, being treated for some strange disease. I had no memory of having symptoms, but I accept the shot I'm given that cures the disease. I go back out into the main area where my boyfriend is, he's worried and wants to know what's going on. I tell him I'm fine because they cured it. He asks how, and I tell him they gave me botox. Then he looks confused as if to say "how on earth would botox cure a disease?" and I say "botanical toxin" with a tone of voice and gestures to indicate "duuuuhhhhh this is the most obvious thing in the world, why didn't I know it before" When I woke up, my first thought was to look up what botox actually is, and I found out that it is actually a toxin... technically. It was after this dream that I began to get really disturbed by how vain and concerned about their appearance people can be, before then it wasn't something that bothered me.

I know that I've had OBE's but it's when I'm in a dream state and I never remember any of them, just the slamming back into my body that wakes me up. Once I was still in a bit of an altered state when I woke up, because it felt like I flew in horizontally and that the force of it rocked the bed up on a 45 degree angle for a few minutes then it settled back down. I continued to feel like I was looking at two realities, one was the dark bedroom, with my husband next to me snoring and the dog at the foot of the bed, the other I was also on some kind of bed or table and there was a staircase in front of me with beings walking around and up and down the stairs. After I saw this for a while I got the impression they noticed me watching and started to pay attention to me, which scared me and made me try really hard to focus on falling back to sleep. The 2nd reality was only vaguely in my physical vision and also partly in my mind's eye as well. The place I was seeing had a definite medical or laboratory feel to it and I felt like it was something I should NOT be able to see.

I've had other weird experiences, some that are pretty foggy because of either time or having slept right before or after they happened, others that are clear but happened while I was asleep, but were more real than normal dreams.

I had a few dreams that I only remember the tail end before I woke up, but they felt as if I had been in a place of learning. The clearest one I'm in a cave type of structure, saying good bye and thank you to the "people" I was with (who in recollection I cannot see, almost as if I know they're there but the image is blocked) and the cave had walls like peacock ore, but shimmering as if they were moving or the light source was constantly shifting. Though I know I was asleep, it has the quality of an actual memory rather than a dream.

I've had the experience throughout my life that there's something I'm not quite seeing, something just outside my reach. I vaguely feel the presence of a void or another reality or place, of some other knowledge than what I actually know, further experience beyond that which I remember. I can never quite grasp it, though the semi-awake sensation of being in two realities feels like it's a part of this same "thing". Occasionally I feel like I've gone somewhere else though I've remained entirely conscious of the moment at hand as well, and I have no memory or awareness other than feeling that I've gone somewhere else. It's hard to describe.

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Karmakazi, the part about the medical laboratory sounds so similar to the time I woke up lying in a bed and attached to a machine. Somehow, I knew the machine was generating this Earthly reality (very Matrix-like, I suppose) and I don't think I was supposed to wake up. I didn't see 'aliens' or anything like that like some people seem to see in waking dreams and the like. They looked pretty human to me. The nearest person was a lady nurse (or at least I assumed she was something like that...an assistant or operator maybe?) She looked like a nurse to me, though. I asked her to help me up and out of this bed thing I was lying in and she said she was sorry, but she couldn't as it was not allowed and then she touched some keys on the nearby terminal to the machine and I felt very very sleepy and then what felt like an hour or more later (in sleep time if you can believe such a thing), I woke up in my bedroom. It definitely didn't feel like I immediately woke up out of a dream. It felt like I woke up for real and then was somehow forced back asleep and then later woke up in my bedroom.

Similarly, as mentioned above, I once woke up in my bedroom laying on my right side staring at the wall of my room, but there was a big hole in the wall (keep in mind it's 2/3 underground in this bedroom so that's the strangest place ever for a hole to be unless there's a cave there, which I'm certain there isn't). And just inside the wall is this person sitting at a desk writing by what appears to be candlelight. He never looked my way and didn't appear to be making any noise I could hear, but instead of being shocked and jumping out of bed, I suddenly felt that same 'forced' sleepiness and fell back asleep and woke up in bed what felt like 20-30 minutes later (for some reason I can often tell how long I've been asleep without looking. I even guess sometimes before turning to look at my clock and I'm usually within 40 minutes. I've been as close as 1 minute and often in the 3-10 minute range, although once in awhile I'm pretty far off.

These didn't feel quite 100% like reality to me, but they didn't feel ANYTHING like a dream feels either. It was more like an awake, but drugged with Valium or the like feeling in that machine room. It's odd that the hole appeared in that wall because the red orbs I saw the two different nights while fully awake flew into that same wall. Likewise, when I heard the voice walking around the outside of the walls of the room during my 'prophesy' waking dream state (for lack of a better way of putting it), the voice started on the same left wall relative to my bed lying on my back and walked in a clockwise motion around to that same right wall and then faded out into it. Sleep paralysis occurred most often in this room as well (every time in my life but once, actually, but then I didn't often sleep elsewhere except on vacations, etc., although I purposely started sleeping upstairs for awhile to see if it followed me and it did so I figured there was no point and went back to my regular bedroom. I started wondering if that house and even that room was some kind of nexus. The area used to be a Native American settlement area (the town is an Indian Word) and so I can't help but wonder if this was a burial ground at some point or on a lay line or something that they were drawn to. I have no idea, but activity definitely dropped off like a stone after I moved out and has only recently started to pick up again, which I think is more about me than my location this time and doesn't involve sleep paralysis (i.e. I have no trouble moving when it starts).

Basically, I can't help but wonder if we really are plugged into some kind of virtual environment. I've often watched media and certain concepts come up at times I'm considering such things (including the movie The Matrix, which shocked me when I first saw it since I couldn't tell what it was about from the ads but it looked interesting so I went and saw it and ended up going 13 times to the cinema to watch it over and over again because it got me thinking that much more about it and there seemed to be all kinds of symbolic references in the movie and I noticed more and more over time (including the Gnostic connections). If this IS all virtual and a lot of it is controlled from outside this world, 'they' could easily hide symbolism and other things in any form of media they control, odd daily encounters and frankly, even astrological events (someone got the idea of Astrology from somewhere, crazy as it sounds...it's not necessarily crazy if someone is manipulating it all purposely into patterns or coincidences that aren't so coincidental because they're planned around your 'life' here.) Hell, I feel crazy just saying that now, but I also can't think of a reason it couldn't be true. Just look at the state of our own simulated virtual realities and imagine them a few hundred years from now (or even a few decades). Throw in hologram tvs (one company already makes such displays) and eventually some day brain interfaces and it just isn't far fetched at all. And if we can do it HERE in whatever place this is, imagine how much more so if this is a virtual world to begin with (virtual within virtual).

I remember reading some short story when I was in school about kids being interfaced with some kind of hat thing that taught them all their years of school almost instantly from the outside point-of-view, but not perhaps to the person? I've been trying to find out what this story was and it seems to be the 'brain cap' concept, but I think the story was perhaps "Profession" by Isaac Asimov. The plot doesn't ring a bell specifically (been a long time), but the brain cap concept is what I remembered from it and this idea of simulated schooling through brain interface.

One other strange dream I had that felt very different (in that I could feel the HEAT from the nuclear explosion for a split second before my POV was changed) involved seeing two cities being nuked from within those cities, near the outskirts of the downtown area. Just as one went off and the heat wave hit, I moved to another city that looked different (didn't recognize either one, really but they resembled modern cities with tall buildings, etc.) and it happened again. I then was shifted to some desert area that I had the impression might be Egypt and there was some kind of dig there with a makeshift mining like elevator installed to drop down to the underground level that had been discovered quite a ways down. Down there it looked kind of like a control room (heck it could have been a missile silo for all I know as it kind of reminded me of the control room shown in Wargames, only very darn and not powered up). But I had the impression the entire dream that it was actually an ancient control room around 10,000+ years old and proved that another advanced society had existed LONG before this one and that they quite possibly blew themselves to oblivion. I was also under the impression some evil people were trying to get access to this place to look for something they could weaponize. Then I woke up. It was a VERY odd dream.

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Karmakazi, the part about the medical laboratory sounds so similar to the time I woke up lying in a bed and attached to a machine.

I thought so too, that's why I wanted to share what I had experienced. I was definitely awake at the time, because I had just been startled awake by "falling" back into my body (I assume from an OBE) and I had my usual reaction to startling awake with my heart rate elevated and a little bit of adrenaline going, when I'm in that state I can't actually fall asleep until I calm down. So I'm laying there in that state and I realize that I'm seeing the two different rooms that I described, overlayed upon one another with my bedroom being the one I'm seeing with my physical eyes, and the other feeling like I can physically see it a little but mostly in my mind's eye.

I just remembered something else that happened, I was in that same room laying on my back, I woke up, looked at the ceiling, and then when I closed my eyes I could see this massive spiraling thing... I guess you could call it a portal but it had a fractal look to it, and I layed there staring at it for a while trying to figure out what it was. As I was staring there was a definite sense that it had dimension to it, like a tunnel. I felt like if I was out of body I could have floated into it.

I didn't see 'aliens' or anything like that like some people seem to see in waking dreams and the like.

My "laboratory" experience I could see that there were beings around, but I couldn't give any kind of description of them. I've no way of knowing if they looked human or non human because I could see them moving but that was about it. Definitely humanoid in shape though.

These didn't feel quite 100% like reality to me, but they didn't feel ANYTHING like a dream feels either. It was more like an awake, but drugged with Valium or the like feeling in that machine room.

I know this feeling. You know you're not in a normal state of waking, but you are completely conscious and aware of what is going on so you know it isn't a dream either. I've had it many times when seeing/hearing odd things.

I started wondering if that house and even that room was some kind of nexus.

Possibly. I've gotten the impression that things outside of the physical world (call it the spirit world, astral plane, or similar ideas) move around and may connect to this world at certain points but can also connect to this world through certain events or people as well. It's possible it could have been tied to you, or to the house, or the location (having been a Native settlement).

Basically, I can't help but wonder if we really are plugged into some kind of virtual environment. I've often watched media and certain concepts come up at times I'm considering such things (including the movie The Matrix, which shocked me when I first saw it since I couldn't tell what it was about from the ads but it looked interesting so I went and saw it

I was shocked by the movie as well, from the advertisements I was expecting something completely different. When I watched it I was completely enthralled though. Then I saw the 2nd one and it was alright, but when I saw the third one I was furious! Most people couldn't understand why when I tried to explain it to them, I'm not quite sure how to explain it even today.

When I saw the first one, I had a strong feeling that the story was going someplace that I wanted to go. When it finally got to movie #3, it stopped me dead in my tracks yelling "hey! this isn't how that was supposed to end! that doesn't make any sense at all! they just fell back on overused cliche's and archetypes!" I can't even say how I thought it was going to end or where the story was going to go, I just know that it wasn't there... almost like they chickened out or something?

I've had the thought before that we may well be in some sort of plugged in reality, and it makes sense with the holographic universe theory (if you've never heard of it, look it up pretty cool reading!). Every moment of our lives is spent inside our head, which is fed electrical signals to tell it what is going on around us. Our entire perception is electrical signals, so there's no way we could know for absolute certain that we're really in a place or if it's signals being fed to our consciousness telling us we're in that place. I also noticed the gnosticism in the Matrix too, years after I saw it when I started looking into the Nag Hammadi texts.

Hmm do you ever get the feeling that a lot of the people around are just shells or programs or NPC's ? (non player characters in video games, for those who don't know)

someone got the idea of Astrology from somewhere, crazy as it sounds...it's not necessarily crazy if someone is manipulating it all purposely into patterns or coincidences that aren't so coincidental because they're planned around your 'life' here.) Hell, I feel crazy just saying that now, but I also can't think of a reason it couldn't be true.

This doesn't sound crazy to me at all :)

I remember reading some short story when I was in school about kids being interfaced with some kind of hat thing that taught them all their years of school almost instantly from the outside point-of-view, but not perhaps to the person? I've been trying to find out what this story was and it seems to be the 'brain cap' concept, but I think the story was perhaps "Profession" by Isaac Asimov. The plot doesn't ring a bell specifically (been a long time), but the brain cap concept is what I remembered from it and this idea of simulated schooling through brain interface.

This reminds me of a book by John Saul called Shadows. It's definitely not the same story, but the merging technolgy directly to the brain theme is there. Most of his books are pretty good and get into mind-bending subjects.

Then I woke up. It was a VERY odd dream.

That is an odd one... I really wish I could remember more of my dreams. I only recall dreams from about 2% of the time I'm in RAM. Usually I have to wake up suddenly to remember any of it at all, or it also happens when I hit the snooze button & fall back to sleep, I'll have a very full dream in those few minutes and remember all of it when I first wake up. Fades quick though :)

I had two very strange ones recently,

The first I was in some sort of village, it seemed like I was with friends and we were going around to a few of the houses to parties. I don't really remember the parties much, but I do remember that as we walked around I kept seeing someone walking around who was all blue (kind of turquoise) in the distance. I kept getting the feeling that this figure was watching me, but it was pretty far away so I wasn't worried about it. Then I'm walking alone and I see it off in the distance, it begins to concern me and then instantaneously it's directly in front of my face as if only a foot away from me, and I can see that it's wearing something like a Japanese Noh mask. The sudden appearance directly in front of me made me leap awake immediately.

I had another dream about a week or two later (i think) that was again in a type of village and my boyfriend & I had just moved in. He knew most of the people there but I didn't know anyone, and I felt strongly like an outsider and they didn't want me there. There was then a huge party for everyone who lived there, I went to it and couldn't find him, and the locals were just staring at me the whole time. So I went back home and layed down (on a counter, who knows why?) and finally he came into the room. He was talking to me but then he walks over with a tool that was skinny and long like an extendable pointer used in meetings and it had an illuminated block of clear amber colored plastic at the tip which he pushed into my eye. Again, I startled awake.

There was also one night I had sleep paralysis, and this is the only time I ever remember it happening. It felt like something poked me hard in the thigh, (like a needle but it could have been one of my cats attacking me) which made me wake up, and I'm laying there feeling like something is standing over me but I can't move at all. I keep trying to move and start to try to talk but I can't do that either, so I kept trying to say "help" until I finally managed to mumble it out. It seemed like a couple of minutes before I could actually move and get up, but after I spoke I didn't feel like there was anything standing over me any longer. That was probably just a bad reaction to being startled awake while still paralysed but it was weird enough that I'm not sure :)

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I thought so too, that's why I wanted to share what I had experienced. I was definitely awake at the time, because I had just been startled awake by "falling" back into my body (I assume from an OBE) and I had my usual reaction to startling awake with my heart rate elevated and a little bit of adrenaline going, when I'm in that state I can't actually fall asleep until I calm down. So I'm laying there in that state and I realize that I'm seeing the two different rooms that I described, overlayed upon one another with my bedroom being the one I'm seeing with my physical eyes, and the other feeling like I can physically see it a little but mostly in my mind's eye.

When I saw the guy writing at the desk, I assume there was some kind of overlay there since there was a gaping hole in my wall with this dude sitting there writing away like I wasn't there, but when I woke in the room with the computer attachment, there was no sign of my bedroom. Somehow, it didn't seem totally unfamiliar, though. It wasn't like I was shocked I was there. It was like, hey get me the heck out of this setup! But that brings me back to a strange dream I had when I was maybe 3 years old or so (possibly 2 or 4, though). I was walking through this big open center (looking back, it seemed like a mall of some kind?) and I don't recall if I was alone or not walking there, but I came into this room (like entering a store-front) and it had machines in it, maybe 4 feet tall (looked bigger to me when I was short at that age, but I think it wasn't that big since they had no problem putting me in this thing without a ladder or anything). Anyway, I remember being put on this conveyor belt like setup at the front of the machine, laying on my back. I moved into the machine like an MRI thing except like an airport x-ray machine, this belt goes all the through the machine and out the other side. As soon as I'm in the covered tunnel part, these two tubes come down out of the ceiling and connect to my nipple area on either side and have like little fan dusters on the end and they start spinning. There maybe have been other tubes. I can't recall distinctly plus it was kind of dark in the tunnel. They then seemed to disappear (not sure what happened to them; I can't recall) and I came out the other side which was open one side and there was my mother standing there. She picks me up and then wait by this dispenser thing and retrieves what looks like a bottle of baby shampoo or something. I then woke up.

What does a 2-4 year old know about machines and malls? Where did this odd dream come from? I was always intrigued by it and remember it for that reason to this day. I can't say I recall too many dreams from my childhood specifically, but this one has always stood out. I am certain it was a dream, though unlike my 'memories' from the Middle Ages which just seem to be there like that memory of seeing a cure for the cold. Was it always there? I don't remember when I first thought about them, so maybe not. But I don't remember waking up at any time, just disjointed bits looking back, but the bits I remember are very clear in my head and I have a lot of emotional attachment to them...so much so I wrote a paper about them in college. I've since learned whose memories they are (Robert Dudley, the Earl of Leicester, circa the 16th Century) as they match history to a scary degree. I can tell you some things missing from the history books about his relationship with Elizabeth, now that I've read their angle and see where they have holes or got it wrong, but I only remember up until a point somewhere just before his imprisonment in the Tower in that regard (not sure where some bits are from relatively speaking as there's no time indicator like my memories just before that point which clearly point to a point weeks/months before that point. It also explains why I'm attracted to red-heads with pale white skin in this life and why when I first saw a Tori Amos' music video that I actually had an emotional breakdown and had to be hospitalized for a few days.

Frankly, Tori Amos strikes me as looking a lot like the younger Elizabeth in her early videos and reading her biography (which I felt I had to read for reasons I can't explain) the feeling got worse and worse that I was looking at someone I knew somehow. On the flip side, Tori's video 'Crucify' even has a Anne Boleyn costume theme to it, which then made me wonder if I wasn't crazy to think it, but I assumed it was probably just a coincidence (I love her music too which creates its own emotional connection and so it could easily confuse the two), but a few years ago I read her new auto-biography and she talks about having this nightmare/fixation on Anne Boleyn. Well, if she was her mother that was executed by her father, I imagine that WOULD create a scar that could cross lifetimes. It certainly affected Elizabeth's entire life in that one). Maybe it's not a coincidence, after all? Can you really recognize someone's soul in another body? You don't have emotional breakdowns about strangers. I certainly am not the swooning type. But I felt like I was hit by a thunderbolt reading about her, also in part because I have the same hangups with organized religion, studied the same alternatives (e.g. Gnosticism) and oddly there's a connection in the previous life too of setting up the Church of England so people basically could believe freely what they wanted to (Elizabeth even declared she didn't care what people believed so long as they attended the Church of England). You can just see parallels all over the place and spilling across lifetimes. Maybe it's for a reason. Some of my songs deal with this theme of distortion in religion that puts down and quenches the spirit rather than elevating it. I think I'd feel ridiculous writing her or anything, though. I'd just come across as a fanatical fan or something (while I do buy all her albums because I love her music, I do not follow her life at all other than reading those two biographies and some research when I first had the breakdown. I don't think it's good to obsess over someone (and believe me I did feel a strong emotional attraction to her after reading that book so I didn't want to nurse any obsession that might result). I'd rather let it go. But I do know you can't just approach people outside your own social/economic circles about absurd topics without coming across as crazy (I admit I am curious if she has any memories, etc. she didn't talk about in that book). Anyway, I've gotten side-tracked.

I just remembered something else that happened, I was in that same room laying on my back, I woke up, looked at the ceiling, and then when I closed my eyes I could see this massive spiraling thing... I guess you could call it a portal but it had a fractal look to it, and I layed there staring at it for a while trying to figure out what it was. As I was staring there was a definite sense that it had dimension to it, like a tunnel. I felt like if I was out of body I could have floated into it.

Oddly, I have photos of a vortex/tunnel that showed up on my comet photos from the Hale-Bopp pass-by. I believe it is an internal lens reflection/flare, though given its relationship to a porch light on the house below in each photo, but it is pretty spooky looking (more so than the typical "orb" effect you usually get from internal reflections (one reason I'm skeptical of most 'orb' talk on-line despite having seen two "orbs" that looked pixie-like when they got close up (the 'orb' was just the circular glow coming off these little light beings from a distance). I know that sounds ridiculous, but that's what I saw two nights in a row in that bedroom and I wasn't on drugs/alcohol and I wasn't asleep yet (just got into bed). But this is also why I want to distinguish the real thing from common known fake effects like lens reflections. But you might find these photos interesting anyway:

Vortex in upper left corner:

Click Here

Vortex overhead, bottom just at top:

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I know this feeling. You know you're not in a normal state of waking, but you are completely conscious and aware of what is going on so you know it isn't a dream either. I've had it many times when seeing/hearing odd things.

I was just sitting playing my acoustic guitar tonight and noticed little red sparks where my fingers met the strings on the strumming side once in awhile. Static sparks are blue, not red. Short of that sensory condition where sounds can become lights because the brain confuses them (Synethesia) , I can't explain it. It wouldn't do on any regular basis. I just noticed it every so often, but then I have been getting static shocks today with my shoes off which is unusual (usually only happens when I'm insulated plus I have a humidifier at home to cut down on static in the winter). I don't know if I'm starting to get even odder altered states while fully awake or if it might be a sign of an impending retinal detachment or the like. They did look like single versions of those red angry bee things I saw that time when I sneezed and/or the ones I saw when in sleep paralysis a few times hovering overhead.

I was shocked by the movie as well, from the advertisements I was expecting something completely different. When I watched it I was completely enthralled though. Then I saw the 2nd one and it was alright, but when I saw the third one I was furious! Most people couldn't understand why when I tried to explain it to them, I'm not quite sure how to explain it even today.

I see where they were going with it, but I didn't like it either, but more so from the too much time devoted to that machine war at Zion than a particular problem with the ending itself. It seemed to be a more literal metaphor of a Messiah sacrifice to save the world whereas the first movie was more Gnostic in origin (i.e. "Wake up Neo" and finding the inner knowledge brings power over reality). I think the 2nd and 3rd movie were more an extended re-telling of the first movie from a different angle. However, Agent Smith is a metaphor for the dark side (greed/power) of one-self that balances against the light side of one-self (love/selflessness) and that to achieve a higher state of being one must be willing to sacrifice their life here in the mortal realm to move forward/upward to more important things and perhaps in so doing they can affect the world around them in a positive manner as well. Given how everyone was taken over by Smith, one wonders if Neo was in the real world at all the entire movie. It would have been interesting a a final scene instead to show him wake up again and hear, "Welcome, Neo To The Real World" before the credits rolled as that would have solidified it all, especially if they had made the 'real world' there just another level of virtual reality within a virtual reality which would have explained why his 'powers' worked in the real world as well against the machines).

When I saw the first one, I had a strong feeling that the story was going someplace that I wanted to go. When it finally got to movie #3, it stopped me dead in my tracks yelling "hey! this isn't how that was supposed to end! that doesn't make any sense at all! they just fell back on overused cliche's and archetypes!" I can't even say how I thought it was going to end or where the story was going to go, I just know that it wasn't there... almost like they chickened out or something?

Maybe you're simply not at that stage, yet? Being married and/or having kids or strong connections to personal family anchors you to the world strongly for awhile. You may want to wake up to knowledge, but you have reasons to want to be here as well. Only when the greater good for all outweighs the selfish desire of the ego does sacrifice at that level and severing all ties to this world make true sense. My life situation probably brings me very close to that feeling, being single with only a few strong connections left to this world and even they don't stop my desire to move on. But then that desire could be viewed as a form of selfishness too.

Hmm do you ever get the feeling that a lot of the people around are just shells or programs or NPC's ? (non player characters in video games, for those who don't know)

Odd you should mention that since I've brought that one up in discussion with people I've talked to about all this many times. There's a couple of things that brings me to that. One is that I can't make sense of a world where God lets innocents be tortured, kidnapped, murdered, etc. through no fault of their own or where people like Hitler are allowed to do what they did and God just stands idly by. It makes no logical sense for a God of love to just let his children suffer at the actions of a few evil men, but if the goal is actually education of certain people observing these things, it could easily be a setup to create a reaction. Maybe that trivializes things to some extent, but it would make more logical sense that a reality be tailored around a few real souls with a lot of either volunteers or 'controlled' NPCs in order to make certain situations occur that are needed to move a person forward. This would explain everything from bizarre coincidences (where you realize you learned something to boot) to deja vu (recognition of manipulated or previously experienced events outside of time before you came here...the "you're not here to make a choice; you already made the choice and now you're hear to understand it") kind of mythos. Time/Space are supposedly illusions, after all. That sounds like virtual reality of some kind to me. It would also fit the machine wake/up dreams, make sense of how "hints" are in every form of media from history to fictional movies, etc. and frankly, it just seems more humane to the question of why God allows evil to happen (well if it's not really happening, you can't get too upset when you find out in the end).

Things I've found that support this notion in religion are the Gnostic version of The Apocalypse of Paul where Jesus explains why the people are currently ignoring him instead of coming to get him immediately...that they are just empty vessels...animals that look like humans, following their natural instincts like how we'd view a programmed character and because it's not yet his 'time', they don't come after him yet. They see but don't understand. He tells Paul he is NOT like that and that not everyone is like that but that he will be unable to tell the difference in practice because real people make stupid mistakes/ignorance/ego as well and so there's no true measure to tell which is which and that seems to be for a reason (i.e. you'd behave differently around people if you knew they weren't real souls and just "God the Dungeon Master" making them follow set behavior patterns for his own purposes.

One contradiction I've found against this idea, though is in NDEs. They normally indicate that everyone has God's light in them (although that could be interpreted as simply life as God is in everything and everyone; it doesn't have to imply free will/soul) and that all will be redeemed. So, it could be an interpretation thing or maybe everyone is real and they simply take many lifetimes to change. But that also implies God DOES let people be tortured/murdered with intervention simply for free will's sake and I don't know if I care for that idea much.

I had another dream about a week or two later (i think) that was again in a type of village and my boyfriend & I had just moved in. He knew most of the people there but I didn't know anyone, and I felt strongly like an outsider and they didn't want me there. There was then a huge party for everyone who lived there, I went to it and couldn't find him, and the locals were just staring at me the whole time. So I went back home and layed down (on a counter, who knows why?) and finally he came into the room. He was talking to me but then he walks over with a tool that was skinny and long like an extendable pointer used in meetings and it had an illuminated block of clear amber colored plastic at the tip which he pushed into my eye. Again, I startled awake.

These dreams sound like some kind of symbolism for alienation to the world around you, particularly in light of your comment about NPCs above (I knew the term first from playing Dungeons & Dragons at a very early age, around 8 I think. I seemed to do very well in history when we came to mythology seeing as I already knew about most of the creatures involved in them ;) ). I think you are questioning whether you are being watched by an outsider (blue guy) in the first one who then appears perhaps to be your boyfriend in the second one (i.e. like he's hiding his real agenda by feigning to be something he's not to get close to you). The locals stare at you because you are not one of them (the "Landru" effect from the original Star Trek episode "Return of the Archons"). The "counter" sounds like the slab/thing I was laying on in that computer room when I woke up so maybe it's a common metaphor?

There was also one night I had sleep paralysis, and this is the only time I ever remember it happening. It felt like something poked me hard in the thigh, (like a needle but it could have been one of my cats attacking me) which made me wake up, and I'm laying there feeling like something is standing over me but I can't move at all. I keep trying to move and start to try to talk but I can't do that either, so I kept trying to say "help" until I finally managed to mumble it out. It seemed like a couple of minutes before I could actually move and get up, but after I spoke I didn't feel like there was anything standing over me any longer. That was probably just a bad reaction to being startled awake while still paralyzed but it was weird enough that I'm not sure :)

Maybe someone in the real world was giving you a shot in the leg? ;) It would explain the paralysis and the pain. Although I have to say that the idea makes me wonder what that 'nurse' was doing to me in the real world when I was getting that foot massage effect and the solar plexus orgasmic feelings during sleep paralysis. ;) Really, who knows? Science tells us one thing but if they are largely just NPCs then that is clearly a lying/distraction to keep you from trying to wake up again. Now I feel I'm talking crazy again. I mean I realize much of what I talk about in this thread would sound like madness to most of the "normal" people (I know from just testing some at work with little bits of these stories to see if they had similar experiences at all and I get the "that's crazy; you're making that up as a joke, right?" kind of response maybe 9/10 times. But I get a 'hit' of paranormal encounters sometimes too and clearly from these forums, I'm not alone. I simply try to keep an open mind. Maybe it's all just bio-chemistry. Maybe there really is a higher/real realm being sensed. I find it fascinating either way, although I tend to prefer the idea of the latter. It makes my life feel less pointless rather than a one-shot WTF for kind of deal.

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  • 3 months later...

Interesting story covering many concepts. I liked it... My gut is pretty good to say for myself, and I do believe in paranormal stuff (otherwise I wouldn't be here.) However, I will always rely on my gut. It's been right much too often for me to discount.

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