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Why are you breaking up with the person

ouija ouija

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I’m breaking up with you because it was supposed to be our psychosis.

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I'm breaking up with you because even though your sig is inspiring, I have to stop and think to remember what it says.

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I'm breaking up with you because you have the memory span of a goldfish.

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I'm breaking up with you because you live your life in monochrome.

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I'm breaking up with you because all that green just goes to show how jealous you are.

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I'm breaking up with you because you look grumpy.

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I'm breaking up with you because your avatar is probably a pregnant male! :unsure2:

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Oh :unsure2:

In that case, I'm breaking up with you for implying my avatar has had a sex change.

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I'm breaking up with everybody on here who doesn't know the reproductive system of the genus Hippocampus!

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I am breaking up with you because you spend waaaay too much time thinking about the sex life of seahorses :P

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I'm breaking up with you because you aren't into a threesome with an apple.

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  • 3 weeks later...

He refuses to use wrinkle-cream ...... look at that forehead!!

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I'm breaking up with you because my cats would pop your waterbed anyway!

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I'm breaking up with Rockie because he left me for Adrian!


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I'm breaking up with Mistress of Shadows because she thinks I'm a dude!

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I'm breaking up with Rockie because she is pointing out my failure to look at a person's gender.

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Breaking up with El because he has no sense of adventure. *Snaps teeth.*

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am breaking up with Mistress cuz she's always dressing me up in these really tight corsets! I can't breathe! :cry:

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