zenfahr Posted March 6, 2012 #26 Share Posted March 6, 2012 How did you come up with that one? Explain how it relates to - Do not go making edits on my word given? yeah I was wondering about that myself... what a jump, tho shall not edit nor hem thy skirt, shirt or shorts? The United Kingdom has become soft and overly accommodating. Hard truths are hard. Unfortunately, the soft lemmings forget it. Sadly, most of the Western world is slowly turning into weaklings. The West will fail. I really hope you are not a motivational speaker. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beckys_Mom Posted March 6, 2012 #27 Share Posted March 6, 2012 yeah I was wondering about that myself... what a jump, tho shall not edit nor hem thy skirt, shirt or shorts? I sat scratched my head and thought .. ....eh? lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spud the mackem Posted March 6, 2012 #28 Share Posted March 6, 2012 I thought that the 10 C's were written in stone and SACROSANCT,Dont mess with the unknown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheSpoonyOne Posted March 6, 2012 #29 Share Posted March 6, 2012 (edited) Christianity in Britain has long been a dying religion, those that do still practice it are often, sometimes unknowingly, being taught a religion that isn't Christianity at all, but instead it's a '21st century' Christianity that completely ignores much of what the bible says. I'm an Athiest, but if there's one thing I can't stand it's seeing Reverends saying things such as that homosexuality is fine, it's not that I don't think it is, it's that if they're going to call themselves Christian, then at least follow the fricking Bible! You can't just make stuff up as you go along...oh wait this is Britain in 2012 we're talking about... "What he's trying to do is offer a modern take on the original to explain it to a modern audience, I didn't realise 'Thou shalt not kill' and 'Thou shalt not steal' were that hard to comprehend... Edited March 6, 2012 by TheSpoonyOne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imaginarynumber1 Posted March 6, 2012 #30 Share Posted March 6, 2012 How did you come up with that one? Explain how it relates to - Do not go making edits on my word given? I'm assuming that it was just a reference to Levetical law. You know, the rest of the crazy laws that the christain/jewish god imposed upon his people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beckys_Mom Posted March 7, 2012 #31 Share Posted March 7, 2012 (edited) I'm assuming that it was just a reference to Levetical law. You know, the rest of the crazy laws that the christain/jewish god imposed upon his people. I still do not see the comparison or logic in blues post... I said - Thou shalt not edit thy word written and Thou shalt not make excuses for making edits on thy word ( to that effect ) and he comes out with - The clothes on women thing.. It didn't add up.. Edited March 7, 2012 by Beckys_Mom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
highdesert50 Posted March 7, 2012 #32 Share Posted March 7, 2012 If we are to believe in the historical Jesus, we get a brief glimpse of an incredibly enlightened and caring individual. He spoke to all using parables, citations, and plain common speak to save our souls and to help us ultimately become a more evolved people. From what I now read, I think the commandment rewrite is brilliant, inspired, and again directed at the common person. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imaginarynumber1 Posted March 7, 2012 #33 Share Posted March 7, 2012 I still do not see the comparison or logic in blues post... I said - Thou shalt not edit thy word written and Thou shalt not make excuses for making edits on thy word ( to that effect ) and he comes out with - The clothes on women thing.. It didn't add up.. I don't see how it applies, either. That's the internet for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beckys_Mom Posted March 7, 2012 #34 Share Posted March 7, 2012 (edited) I don't see how it applies, either. That's the internet for you. It's not the internet.. its peoples minds ..all sorts just flood out Edited March 7, 2012 by Beckys_Mom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imaginarynumber1 Posted March 7, 2012 #35 Share Posted March 7, 2012 It's not the internet.. its peoples minds ..Sometimes weird things enter and off it goes Yeah. Can't really fault you there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beckys_Mom Posted March 7, 2012 #36 Share Posted March 7, 2012 Yeah. Can't really fault you there. You cheeky git Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sundew Posted March 7, 2012 #37 Share Posted March 7, 2012 It's hard to imagine that the language of the 10 Commandments can be adulterated so badly. The language in most modern translations is close to the original thought; we humans may or may not like what we are reading but in general it's pretty clear about what is being said, but just in case, here is what is said in a modern translation (NIV) and what many believe are the meanings of the Commandments, based on what I have heard pastors and Bible teachers teach over several decades. What follow is predicated on the fact that God exist and is capable of passing on his laws and decrees to mankind. If you disagree with the previous statement then what follows is probably meaningless other than what you will consider some manmade laws by ancient tribesmen, to be kept or ignored as you see fit. Exodus 20 3Thou shalt have no other gods before me. [Why? Because there is only one God according to Scripture, therefore it follows that anything else is a false god and no god at all. The worship of a false god would be useless if not harmful.] 4Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. [That is, do not make images (for purposes of worship) of stars, or moons, or the sun, or birds, or of men, or animals (cattle, lions, reptiles, whatever) or sea creatures. Why? because these are parts of the creation, NOT the Creator, and therefore this commandment reiterates the fist commandment of making a false God. This is what the pagan nations that lived around Israel were doing, they worshiped the sun, moon and stars (astrology), crocodiles, the Nile River (nature gods), etc and God did not want them copying those nations.] 7Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. [This can mean using God's name as a curse word, or even the flippant careless use of His name. Why? Because God's name (and He has many in the OT and NT which describe various aspects of his being) is representative of His character, His holiness, His nature. Even among men the Bible says that a good name is to be valued above great riches. To use someone's name as a curse is to attack their very being and reputation.] 8Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. [Jesus said that the Sabbath day was made for man, not man for the Sabbath, it was given to man so he could have one day out of seven to rest from his labor and to consider and contemplate God and his attributes, the particular day, whether Saturday in the OT and in modern Judaism and the Seventh Day Adventist or Sunday in the majority of Christian faiths is not the issue, as long as a day is set aside to honor God and rest the body and soul. But just in case you wonder why most Christians worship on Sunday, that is the day Christ rose from the dead.] 12Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. [Why? because our earthly parents are God's representatives, however because we live in a fallen world not everyone's parents are ideal by any stretch. But by honor, we are to show the respect due them as your elders who gave you birth and took care of you (some no doubt better than others). It does not mean obey their every desire no matter how wrong, or being a slave to them.] 13Thou shalt not kill. [The original Hebrew conveys the idea "Thou shall do no murder". You are not to pre-meditatively take a human life, to plot and plan the death of another. This is what King David unfortunately did. This is vastly different from defending your self or your loved ones resulting in the death of another, or an accidental death or even war and warfare. This is plotting in your mind to do evil to another resulting in death. Of course I understand not all wars are just or even fought for the right reasons, but assuming we are taking about a just war, such as an enemy attacking your country, killing of the enemy is not what this command refers to.] 14Thou shalt not commit adultery. [Don't sleep with someone else's spouse, don't sleep around if you are married. Generally thought to cover any sex outside of marriage as well.] 15Thou shalt not steal. [No comment needed, other than there are many ways to steal.] 16Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. [Lying against your neighbor by accusing him of things he has not done, either to others, or perhaps to the law. You can destroy a man's reputation, and the Bible says gossip is the same as murder; it is character assassination. Also probably a commandment against lying in general as Jesus expanded the definition of who a neighbor is.] 17Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. [That is to lust after that which belongs to another, which can lead to hatred of another, even murder. The modern equivalent of "ox" and "ass" might be that shiny new Mercedes or Yacht. Paul said that he had learned to be satisfied both with little or with much. Wanting what others have whether on a personal or even a national level has lead to much trouble the world over.] I have heard many pastors says that Scripture says these Commandments are not given to save us, but so we might realize how we are incapable of keeping God's law and therefore need a Savior. You may have heard a slightly different explanation of the Commandments but what this new British "translation" seeks to do seems to confuse the issue not clarify it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3.0 Posted March 7, 2012 #38 Share Posted March 7, 2012 Didn't Nostradamus predict England sinking into the Atlantic, or getting flooded out in some future event? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OiVey Posted March 7, 2012 #39 Share Posted March 7, 2012 Christianity in Britain has long been a dying religion, those that do still practice it are often, sometimes unknowingly, being taught a religion that isn't Christianity at all, but instead it's a '21st century' Christianity that completely ignores much of what the bible says. I'm an Athiest, but if there's one thing I can't stand it's seeing Reverends saying things such as that homosexuality is fine, it's not that I don't think it is, it's that if they're going to call themselves Christian, then at least follow the fricking Bible! You can't just make stuff up as you go along...oh wait this is Britain in 2012 we're talking about... I didn't realise 'Thou shalt not kill' and 'Thou shalt not steal' were that hard to comprehend... Oh I see you’re an atheist that likes to pass judgement?? (so much for being neutral!!) You clearly just an ordinary run of the day homophobe who likes to pick out parts of the bible to condemn behaviour which YOU (not God) find offensive – PS I thought Atheists don’t read or believe in the Bible – so why do you ‘assume’ in your warped opinion that homosexuals are condemned in the Bible?? This article is about the Ten Commandments (Which by the way does not condemn homosexuals) – why take a dig at homosexuals?? The Bible needs to be read in context as a whole, and not to be fragmented to suit your own judgemental needs. If you ask me, being an Atheist is in direct violation to the ten Commandments - so don’t point fingers!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnderOTD Posted March 7, 2012 #40 Share Posted March 7, 2012 Is this pastor selling the new ten commandments on DVD to other churches, or were they completely funded through the donations by church members and special interest groups. Either way how hard was it to interpret them on your own to begin with, I find this as another example if people needing someone to tell them what their coveted text means, sorry I just dislike organized religion. I believe finding God is a personal experience that is often time marred by an officials interp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Taun Posted March 7, 2012 #41 Share Posted March 7, 2012 (edited) I'm a bit confused why a modern Protestant church would be fiddling around with the 10 Commandments... They are for the most part excellent guidelines - but don't the churches still teach that Jesus' message "The Golden Rule - Love thy neighbor as you love yourself" more or less replaced the 10 Commandments? Unless I am remembering wrong... Edited March 7, 2012 by Taun Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Just Dave Posted March 7, 2012 #42 Share Posted March 7, 2012 Naturally every man is a god making up rules, so therefor man created god by HES image... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emma_Acid Posted March 7, 2012 #43 Share Posted March 7, 2012 "Prosper with a clear conscience" Sociopaths can do anything with a clear conscience. So much for religious guidance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emma_Acid Posted March 7, 2012 #44 Share Posted March 7, 2012 Oh I see you’re an atheist that likes to pass judgement?? (so much for being neutral!!) You clearly just an ordinary run of the day homophobe who likes to pick out parts of the bible to condemn behaviour which YOU (not God) find offensive – PS I thought Atheists don’t read or believe in the Bible – so why do you ‘assume’ in your warped opinion that homosexuals are condemned in the Bible?? This article is about the Ten Commandments (Which by the way does not condemn homosexuals) – why take a dig at homosexuals?? The Bible needs to be read in context as a whole, and not to be fragmented to suit your own judgemental needs. If you ask me, being an Atheist is in direct violation to the ten Commandments - so don’t point fingers!! He didn't take a dig at homosexuals. He was taking a dig at people who make up religious guidelines as they go along. And actually there are several references in the bible to homosexuality being an act against god, a perversion and punishable by death. Saying "the Bible needs to be read in context as a whole, and not to be fragmented to suit your own judgemental needs" means you're actually in agreement with his post. As as for the last bit about being in "violation to the ten Commandments", to paraphrase Ricky Gervais, you can't cheat on a god you don't believe in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
karmakazi Posted March 7, 2012 #45 Share Posted March 7, 2012 I'm a bit confused why a modern Protestant church would be fiddling around with the 10 Commandments... They are for the most part excellent guidelines - but don't the churches still teach that Jesus' message "The Golden Rule - Love thy neighbor as you love yourself" more or less replaced the 10 Commandments? Unless I am remembering wrong... I think that may depend on which church you're talking to. Jesus said a couple of things, one was that he hadn't come to abolish the law but he also talked about different commandments and "his" specific commandments, it's not terribly clear. It's like Dogma is coming true. Next we'll see statues of the Buddy Christ. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chucky333 Posted March 7, 2012 #46 Share Posted March 7, 2012 In all honesty.. The 10 commandments can be narrowed down to 2...As George Carlin add - Moses could have came down with them in his back pocket !! and they would be.....?. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky7 Posted March 7, 2012 #47 Share Posted March 7, 2012 and they would be.....?. My link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beckys_Mom Posted March 7, 2012 #48 Share Posted March 7, 2012 (edited) My link Exactly... Good ole George.. Tells it like it is lol... I loved his views on the commandment about coveting thy neighbors goods.. He is right, if we didn't covet the goods,it wouldn't be good for the economy and a lot of jobs at stake Edited March 7, 2012 by Beckys_Mom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sergeantflynn Posted March 7, 2012 #49 Share Posted March 7, 2012 Be honest . The christian church has no direction . It needs all the publicity it can get . Whoever came up with these 10 one-liners should be fed to the lions . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OiVey Posted March 8, 2012 #50 Share Posted March 8, 2012 He didn't take a dig at homosexuals. He was taking a dig at people who make up religious guidelines as they go along. And actually there are several references in the bible to homosexuality being an act against god, a perversion and punishable by death. Saying "the Bible needs to be read in context as a whole, and not to be fragmented to suit your own judgemental needs" means you're actually in agreement with his post. As as for the last bit about being in "violation to the ten Commandments", to paraphrase Ricky Gervais, you can't cheat on a god you don't believe in. Whatever!! No point arguing with uneducated people - who does not possess the mental capacity to see beyond their own single-minded views and deems themselves greater that God to pass Judgement. Oh and you obviously do not understand English – in all that I have said, in no way or form was I in agreement with what he said. For heaven’s sake, if you want to argue Bible verses, make sure you know them and the context they should be taken in. If you have to take the Bible literally then we would live in chaos, for example -every person that was divorced should not be allowed to remarry for as long as they live; Women who lose their virginity before marriage should be stoned to death - and Voila there alone half the population is in trouble…but I guess narrow-minded people conveniently skip over these passages and aim straight for the ones they can use as ammunition against others, because let’s face it, deep down they are all miserable lonely pathetic little human beings with nothing better to do than disapprove if anyone and anything that does not follow their ‘approved’ way of living. Or maybe you are just jealous that there are people out there who is comfortable enough to be at peace with themselves and live their lives as who they are, and not who Society wants them to be. So enough said, have a good life, and may it be as colourful and fun as a 10 drag queen parades in spring! (You’d be surprised how many straight men you’d find among them – ha ha) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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