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Churches adopt new Ten Commandments

Still Waters

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Whatever!! No point arguing with uneducated people - who does not possess the mental capacity to see beyond their own single-minded views and deems themselves greater that God to pass Judgement. Oh and you obviously do not understand English in all that I have said, in no way or form was I in agreement with what he said. For heavens sake, if you want to argue Bible verses, make sure you know them and the context they should be taken in. If you have to take the Bible literally then we would live in chaos, for example -every person that was divorced should not be allowed to remarry for as long as they live; Women who lose their virginity before marriage should be stoned to death - and Voila there alone half the population is in trouble…but I guess narrow-minded people conveniently skip over these passages and aim straight for the ones they can use as ammunition against others, because lets face it, deep down they are all miserable lonely pathetic little human beings with nothing better to do than disapprove if anyone and anything that does not follow their approved way of living. Or maybe you are just jealous that there are people out there who is comfortable enough to be at peace with themselves and live their lives as who they are, and not who Society wants them to be.

So enough said, have a good life, and may it be as colourful and fun as a 10 drag queen parades in spring! (Youd be surprised how many straight men youd find among them ha ha)

There's no point in arguing this at all. If you read what Spoony said, it's pretty clear he wasn't bashing homosexuals but rather was saying that if someone claims to believe in the bible then they shouldn't pick and choose from the bible what they do or do not believe.

The language was pretty clear and you've been arguing as if you didn't understand what was said and then you suggest that other people here are uneducated or illiterate.

I'm an Athiest, but if there's one thing I can't stand it's seeing Reverends saying things such as that homosexuality is fine, it's not that I don't think it is, it's that if they're going to call themselves Christian, then at least follow the fricking Bible!

Read the bold ... you've misunderstood what Spoony was saying. It seems like this struck a chord with you and you're taking it personally.

Edited by karmakazi
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If God really did write the 10 commandments, and knowing man will edit like crazy... He would have written - Thou shalt not edit my word.. AND Thou shalt not make up excuses for editing my word..innocent.gif

well he kinda did, which makes it even odder any priest will go and do just the thing hes told very clearly, NOT to do:

Christians love their Holy Scriptures and would never let anyone change them. The Bible warns that those who try to change God’s Word will be severely punished. A long time ago God spoke through Moses (in the Tawrat) commanding, “You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you” (Deuteronomy 4:2).

and revelations:

Even when the last book of the Bible was written, God said through the apostle John, “I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book. And If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the book of life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book” (Revelation 22:18-19).

These warnings are clear. No believer would dare to change God’s Word.


having said that, King James version was edited to the kings preference, we have no way of knowing whats going on unless serious study is made from 'original versions'...if there is suich a thing!

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RE: beckys mom--though the commandments themselves did not include a no-edit clause, the bible they are in does begin with a no-edit policy. Unfortunately, this has been edited out of most modern "translations".

So which translation do you use? Unless you read the original languages that were used by the original authors, you have cannot claim to be reading an unedited translation, even if it was from 1611

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Exodus 20

7Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. [This can mean using God's name as a curse word, or even the flippant careless use of His name. Why? Because God's name (and He has many in the OT and NT which describe various aspects of his being) is representative of His character, His holiness, His nature. Even among men the Bible says that a good name is to be valued above great riches. To use someone's name as a curse is to attack their very being and reputation.]

This has nothing to do with cursing or saying the name of god in a disrespectful manner. Many so-called god followers do not live up to the faith they claim to believe in. If you take on the name of god as one of his/her/its followers, but then do not live up to the standards for being one of those followers, you are taking the name of your god in vain.

8Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. [Jesus said that the Sabbath day was made for man, not man for the Sabbath, it was given to man so he could have one day out of seven to rest from his labor and to consider and contemplate God and his attributes, the particular day, whether Saturday in the OT and in modern Judaism and the Seventh Day Adventist or Sunday in the majority of Christian faiths is not the issue, as long as a day is set aside to honor God and rest the body and soul. But just in case you wonder why most Christians worship on Sunday, that is the day Christ rose from the dead.]

We need time to rest from a life pursuing riches, time to be recreated (or recreation time). Not just going to church, but taking time away from your normal day to day activities to spend time with family. I know that when I was in the church, Sunday mornings were anything but holy, it was a frantic mad race to bundle up 5 kids and get to church before all the parking spaces were taken. Hardly preparation for worship

12Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. [Why? because our earthly parents are God's representatives, however because we live in a fallen world not everyone's parents are ideal by any stretch. But by honor, we are to show the respect due them as your elders who gave you birth and took care of you (some no doubt better than others). It does not mean obey their every desire no matter how wrong, or being a slave to them.]

Instead of just respecting them because they gave birth and took care of us, how about if we feel we give back to them like they gave to us. We owe them our lives, so we should be willing to take care of them. American culture prides itself in its independence, not needing help from anyone, and we have fractured the family unit in doing so.

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Exodus 20

7Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. [This can mean using God's name as a curse word, or even the flippant careless use of His name. Why? Because God's name (and He has many in the OT and NT which describe various aspects of his being) is representative of His character, His holiness, His nature. Even among men the Bible says that a good name is to be valued above great riches. To use someone's name as a curse is to attack their very being and reputation.]

This has nothing to do with cursing or saying the name of god in a disrespectful manner. Many so-called god followers do not live up to the faith they claim to believe in. If you take on the name of god as one of his/her/its followers, but then do not live up to the standards for being one of those followers, you are taking the name of your god in vain.

8Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. [Jesus said that the Sabbath day was made for man, not man for the Sabbath, it was given to man so he could have one day out of seven to rest from his labor and to consider and contemplate God and his attributes, the particular day, whether Saturday in the OT and in modern Judaism and the Seventh Day Adventist or Sunday in the majority of Christian faiths is not the issue, as long as a day is set aside to honor God and rest the body and soul. But just in case you wonder why most Christians worship on Sunday, that is the day Christ rose from the dead.]

We need time to rest from a life pursuing riches, time to be recreated (or recreation time). Not just going to church, but taking time away from your normal day to day activities to spend time with family. I know that when I was in the church, Sunday mornings were anything but holy, it was a frantic mad race to bundle up 5 kids and get to church before all the parking spaces were taken. Hardly preparation for worship

12Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. [Why? because our earthly parents are God's representatives, however because we live in a fallen world not everyone's parents are ideal by any stretch. But by honor, we are to show the respect due them as your elders who gave you birth and took care of you (some no doubt better than others). It does not mean obey their every desire no matter how wrong, or being a slave to them.]

Instead of just respecting them because they gave birth and took care of us, how about if we feel we give back to them like they gave to us. We owe them our lives, so we should be willing to take care of them. American culture prides itself in its independence, not needing help from anyone, and we have fractured the family unit in doing so.

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Religion is dying, this is just another sad attempt to validate something that CAN NOT BE VALIDATED, it's called a belief for a reason...

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