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The mass of the sun is 96.8 % of all the rest of the Solar System.

Did he really go there? Nice.

Cause they don't want their customers killing themselves over prices.

How much wood does a woodchuck actually chuck?

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None if you can catch the little pests and chuck the woodchuck!

How do I set my laser printer on stun?

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Remove the ink, set the contrast all the way up then stick a fork in the outlet.

When I shock my bag and my brain with this thing, will I actually go back in time?

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Only if you swallow them.

How does a sadomasochist win an argument?

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As a sore winner?

Why do you always find something in the last place you look?

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Other creatures who act like they got birdbrains for brains.

Who killed the Dead Sea?

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Lotts wife when she turned into a pillar of salt and fell in.

Why don't penguins and Polar Bears live in Antarctica

Edited by spud the mackem
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84 days to santa time.

why are wrong phone numbers never engaged.

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if a lady empties her handbag,she never gets all the stuff back in again......why ?

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(Wait! Holdup! Spud! One silly question at a time, please. Let someone else answer your first question. Lol) - I'll answer your last question to get us back on track.....

Because her bag deflated and shrunk back down to it's normal size.

Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?

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because when they are only half built,they are building sites.

Do you check behind your shower curtain for a Murderer every night, if you find one, whats your plan ?

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No, they are mimicking parrots mimicking trees.

Is it true, the Queen is a shape-shifting lizard?

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no she is a friendly old Dragon

How long would it take to count to 1 million

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Not long if you count by millions.

If crime fighters fight crime what do freedom fighters fight?

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Freedom Fighters fight Crime fighters because they want to stay free after having committed their crimes.

Can an adult ever take baby steps?

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They don't. They're just practicing bovine surgical techniques.

Why does combining yellow and blue make green?

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The astrophysical equation for the color spectrum causes, yeah I have no idea.

Why are streets named park place when we drive on them? And for that matter why do we park on driveways?

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Because callign them "driving thingy" or "parkiemabob" sounded silly.

Who's the sadistic b*st*rd who put saurkraut on a reuben?

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That one guy who, oh wait.

Why is it called a pair on panties when women only get one?

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Because it takes a pair of hands to put them on.

Why do we call them computers if they can do more than just math?

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