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Yes.. it would put it in a zoo

why is Barny purple?

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Because he is sponsored by Cadbury's, and purple is their corporate color.

In fact, in 1982, he changed his name from Barney to Bournville as part of a publicity stunt.

What is the best way to prevent earthquake damage?

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Move everyone and any buildings off of and away from the major tectonic plate fault lines... :)

Why do they still not believe in ghosts?

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Because if they were cubes then they couldn't roll very well...

Did the Dalai Lama ever get the pizza joke?

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Yes, after he took a bite of some pizza, he had a major epiphany. To be one with everything, you must eat it.

Are there any unguided missiles?

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Well, i could say…… Most, are actually ill guided but hey…..whaaaaat….. Everrrrrr's…That's never stopped them.

Why is an elephant in the middle of the room, any ways?

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He's waiting for someone to give him a peanut.

Why count your chickens before they cross the road?

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(too easy!) so that you can check them again on the other side and know if you've lost any on the way or not :P

Why do some people say they were 'born in the wrong body'? How does that work?

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Well, before you are born you get to choose which body you would like, but sometimes the order gets mixed up and you get the wrong one...

What does a 1,000 year old Twinkie look like?

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Is that a trick question…..Aren't those things the last thing to go…………Even after the cockroaches?

When do pigs fly?

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So you can count the number of times your face shrivels up when you devour them.

Who let the dogs out?

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It must have been….

Deputy dawg, huckleberry hound, droopy dog, snoopy snoop dog, and those pesky hounds of the Baskervilles……Man, those hound dogs ain't nothing but a pack of hound dogs, cry in all the time….

Ups too no good.

When they get together over a game of pool or poker…..Boy, oh boy…. Just has them running wild, doing all sorts of unspeakable things.

What makes a willow weep?

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Knowing that One Direction have a 3D movie in the cinema that I might have to go watch cause my 9 year old daughter wants to.......oh wait....that's what makes me cry!


Why does the Earth spins clockwise?

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If the Earth spun the other way, we would have to redraw all the time-zones.

Instead of 'Piri Piri' is it not easier and quicker to write Piri² ?

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Because she's their role model.

If you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, what happens if you get someone else to do it?

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Then you've possibly achieved a rare thing. You found somebody who can take a damn and give a damn.

Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?

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Fire your photon torpedos at the Klingon ship.

Washing is only called 'washing' before it is washed, so why is it called 'ironing' both before and after the ironing process?

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In prehistoric times, it rained sabre-toothed cats and snorkasauri.*

What kind of pasta is pastrami?

*Source: The Flintstones.

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