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Because it's where the dominate side of their brain is. No really, let any man show you.

How many weeks are there in a light year?

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However many they have, its still empty calories…. No matter what the advertises try to call it.

How do you know when you are in love?

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When you can't think of anything else.

Why does James Bond insist that his vodka martinis be shaken and not stirred?

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That way, he can read the bubbles that float to the surface and divine inspiration.

Why, when people can't think of anything intelligent to say, do they carry on talkin' a load of s**t?

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Same reason that when you win an argument with a girl they end it with "whatever"

Do you know the muffin man?

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No, but I have eaten his muffins and I feel guilty for not having paid for them.

If we get up, what exactly are we getting?

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It does, after it gets threw ringing. It's called the "Shake n' Dry" method.

If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?

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Well that's because its actually 2B that is the most popular and she prefers being the 2B…. That way, she can enjoy what she does without the hassle from one-ists….. Who are a fickle crowd and have a very questionable value system.

If a clock ticked backwards, would time fly upside down?

Edited by Blue Star
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No. It means that damn clock is broke! Fix it already!

Do gun manuals have trouble shooting sections?

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Only with the automatics.

Why do i seem to effect/ stop clocks…it's very odd, i go through clocks like most go through toilet paper??????

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It's the magnetics of your body. You must be a very polarizing person...

When Mexican Muslims pray...do they begin with, Hola Alah?

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  • 1 month later...

Congratulations on your thread-killing prowess :nw: . Two months(almost), is a long time.

What part of a chicken's anatomy is it's 'nugget'?

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Congratulations on your thread-killing prowess :nw: . Two months(almost), is a long time.

What part of a chicken's anatomy is it's 'nugget'?

The nugget is between the chicken's finger and it's buffalo wing.

If you live in zero gravity in the space station for three months, will you ever gain or lose weight?

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You'll gain if your diet is like a comet, a little meteor (say it outloud).

How do blind people know when to stop wiping?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Microsoft with their knock off version of an ibrick.

Who invented stupidity?

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Men, I think ;)

Since a black box can survive a plane crash, why aren't planes made of the same strong stuff?

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May be still it remain Plain.


Why she stand behind?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Because the woman is the mastermind behind the scenes.

Why do dogs bark?

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Because cats meow.

Why do motorcyclists rev their engines so much before driving away?

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Because they need time to ready their heart for a wild ride on the bike.

Why is my friend angry when I stole her cookie?

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Because you're a MONSTER!

(a cookie monster)

Why don't we all save valuable time by only counting on one hand?

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Because one hand isn't enough to count all our money. B)

Why does heat cause matter to expand?

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Matter only expands if the heat is consistently high in calories.

hat do you think ould happen if e all removed the letter from our keyboards?

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