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Thank's … I really didn't know.

Back to the questions…….

…..Rabbits and their twitchy noses…….It's all the grass they smoke, it gives them allergies.

Why do foxes have bushy tails?

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They use them as dusters to clean the cobwebs from their caravans.

Why do dogs sniff other dogs bottoms?

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Because it is considered very rude to sniff their bank accounts.

When does the hole in the wall money dispenser make tea?

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When a customer orders twentea, thirtea, fortea or fiftea pounds.

Does this dress make me look fat?

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Yes. I think you've put weight on your earlobes.

What is this so-called 'rice' all about?

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Of course not. It wouldn't dare!

Why do leaves fall from trees in the fall, the traitors!?

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Pfffft too late again.

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They invented rice so they would have a word to rhyme with nice.

Same question, q.v. :P

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Why do leaves fall from trees in the fall, the traitors!?

Leaves are curious creatures, equally happy ground-dwelling in the autumn as they are photosynthesising in the forest canopy.

Should I get a Brazilian?

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If you mean nut, why, soitenly.

How come centipedes have so many legs?

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How-else would they dance the light fantastic...

Why are there seven days in a week?

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Because that's how many Gods the people who made the calendar thought there were. One day for each God, so they wouldn't fight over 'em. Sometimes the ancients weren't too bright.

Why do lady bugs fly away when you say:

"Lady bug, lady bug, fly away home...

Your house is on fire, your children alone."?

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Well, once this peasant was mad at the King of France but he couldn't do anything, so he took a potato and pretended it was the King. He chopped it up and dropped it in hot grease. Then he ate some, and to his surprise, it was good! Voila! French fries!

Why are babies so cute?

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Because they don't taste very good with ketchup

Why do toilets flush?

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Wouldn't you blush, if someone pee'd on you….or worse.

When was the first indoor tap plumbed in?

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When the first plumpy plumber came knockin! on the door.

How many times a day does a cat blink?

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Enough times to keep from going blind.

How often do you shave your chest?
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Whenever the hair gets so long that I start looking like Godzilla...er...I mean King Kong.

Why do they make so many different hard drinks, like rum, whiskey, bourbon, vodka, etc.? Gets confusing...

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So that you when you vomit from one you can move to the next.

Why does milk come in so many different varieties?

Edited by CuriousRey
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Because cows are very fickle...they can't make up their minds what they want to produce.

Why did they choose the eagle to be on the old "double eagle" coin?

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Because there weren't enough votes to put a ferret on the coin

Why is it so hard for me to wake up in the morning?

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That's a tough one...because you didn't drink enough whiskey the night before, perhaps?

Why do roosters crow at the crack of dawn?

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Because they're a bunch of cocks! :whistle:

Why are roosters called cocks?

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They were going to call them fimblegooblejazzers but it just didn't have a certain ring.

Why isn't it a giggle of geese (instead of a gaggle of geese)?

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