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Because it's hard to tickle a goose.

Why are people so afraid of alligators?

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Because they're known to have contacts within the Mafia!

Why are Hippos so big?

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Because if they were small nobody would play hungry hungry hippos.

Why are board games so much fun?

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Really they're not...we have been hypnotized by advertising into thinking they are!

Why do birds sing so gay, and wake us at the break of day?

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I wish they wouldn't so I could get some damned sleep! :w00t:

Why do birds suddenly appear, every time, you are near?

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They listened to "The Carpenters" all night, and I guess they were hypnotized too!

Why do fools fall in love?

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Because they're fools! (guess that makes me a fool damnit)

Why does love hurt?

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That is one question that is really hard to find a funny answer to...maybe it's the sharp, pointy objects they stab into those voodoo dolls....

Why does Jack have to hit the road in "hit the road, Jack, and don't you come back etc."

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Because the road was talking smack, he didn't want to go back because the road won the fight.

Why did ray charles wear sunglasses?

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Because it was easier to put them on than his contacts!

Why was Little Red Riding Hood visiting her grandma anyway?

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She wasn't really visiting her grandma, she was out hunting wolves.

Why are people so afraid of werewolves?

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The vampires have given them a bad name by kidnapping their PR agents (and drinking their blood, yuck!).

oops! forgot the question:

What makes Godzilla go on the rampage, anyway?

Edited by Gummug
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King Kong was stealing the spotlight so he had to make an appearance.

Why did they have godzilla fighting a giant moth anyways?

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The giant slug that he was supposed to fight had joined the union and was demanding exorbitant wages.

Why did King Kong climb the Empire State building anyway (I think it was the Empire State bldg.)?

Edited by Gummug
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He was going to climb to the top of the golden arches but they wouldn't sustain the weight.

Are there McDonalds in every country??

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In Scotland they don't have McDonalds, they have McMcDonalds.

16. What's that all about?

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I think they have them in every country except the ones that are allergic to yellow arches and/or french fries.

Does Hobbes (Calvin's stuffed tiger toy) really come to life when no one is looking?

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In Scotland they don't have McDonalds, they have McMcDonalds.

16. What's that all about?

Pffft. too late, again. Not sure if this last is a question... :innocent: a silly one, I mean...

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He does, and he's been abducting children since the 70s, it's a shame really.

Does anyone else ever feel like they have super powers?

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Oh my god, yes.

I accidentally exposed myself to gamma rays, now I wake up in the middle of the night reciting the Greek alphabet.

What does 'Jenga' mean?

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Jenga Definition; To immediately jump out of the window of a building following winning any game of any type.

How often do whales deficate?

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For the purposes of this thread I am a whale poop specialist (or a Fecocetaceist, if you will).

So, the answer is yes!

How can I stop talking drivel from my blowhole?

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