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Ask A Silly Question And Get A Silly Answer


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People tend to stop at what's in front of them...Generally speaking, few look further than their own nose.

How should I improve my walking backwards technique?

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Just do it like you are walking forward, only in reverse.

Why can't I think of a question to ask?

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Could be that it has all been asked????...Now, for the answers...Are you really ready to receive the answers to all those silly questions?

Why do I still have so many more silly questions to ask?

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hold your breath every other minute for a minute see if that works

has this thread turned into the answer a question with a question thread or a mix of bad advise? how can we get back on topic or are we on topic?

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If the topic of the thread is "what topic are we on" then, yes, we are on topic.

Do you know where you are?

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No, but I know where I'm not.

with all the meat you've eaten in your life, how many animals do you think you've eaten?

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Not more than two or three cows, but a hell of alot of fish and shrimp.

What's the capitol of Latvia?

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Riga I think :cry:

What time is it in Madagascar?

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Several...... I likes spam, I do...... Spam, Spam, Spam. A lot.

Do you have a tin opener...I seem to have mislaid my in all the excitement?

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No sorry, but I do have a cutting torch. I like to take things to unnecessary extremes.

If everything is coming your way, does that mean your in the wrong lane?

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Not sure...it could mean you have a large magnet strapped to your head with neon lights flashing above, saying COME HERE NOW!...But thats just a guess.

If there is always a right way to do things, how come it is so easy to get so much of it wrong?

Edited by Blue Star
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because you still haven't figured out the right way

why does nail polish chip?

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It needs the fat, that it just doesn't get from a baked potato.

When is the sell by date on food products to be ignored?

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Whenever you feel reckless and hedonistic and have lost the will to live :P

'Love makes the world go round' ....... how does that work then?

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  • 1 month later...

Everyone in love pushes the earth around....quite simple really.

Why do they say that: There is no such thing as a stupid question. Just stupid answers.

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Because stupid answers are intelligent to a certain degree in that they answer the stupid question does that answer your question

why is water transparent

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when UN urge nations to increase government expenditure on education because education is the key to teenage depression

Has "a life for a life" really served its justice for people?

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Yeah, since "a death for a death" didn't play out so well.

Is the sun really going up in the morning, or is it just us going down?

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When it gets tired

it will eventually

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How come the mosquitoes crave for human blood?

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because they have run out of un-human blood.

Why is yellow not blue, or vice versa?

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Because they are different, i guess?

Why do atheist celebrate Christmas?

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