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Time travel app for iphone.

is April Fools Day actually April 2nd, and we've actually just been April Fooled by the government every year?

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Yes!...The one behind it all is a government agent named April. The conspiracy deepens.........

What happens if you go on a survival course and you don't pass?

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It is a very very sad day for your friends and relatives :cry: (and they will probably sue).

In early Roman times when naked people wore figleaves, how did they keep them on? All the statues I've seen show no signs of string, clips, etc.?

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This is a trick question isn't it. The Romans didn't wear figleaves.

If they had, they would almost certainly be secured with a paste made from egg white and donkey semen.

Archeologists dig to find Roman remains, so.... did the Romans live underground?


Edited by acute alan
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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes. That is what brought about the downfall of Rome, too many of them were moles.

Can we increase the speed of light?

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Yes, we can. It involves a trebuchet, a collander, and a croquet mallet. I can't say any more... I've already said too much.

Has anyone ever been even more as much as half inclined to be much more than ever was?

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Every day! Every moment of every day! That is the motto I live my life by(I know, I know! it's kind of a long motto, but we Ouijas always like to do things on a grand scale :D ).

The 'Shoop-shoop' song: what exactly is 'in his kiss'?

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Typo? American Idle?

Another song lyric I'm confused about: Bob Dylan 'Lay, lady lay, lay across my big brass bed'; now, unless the pair of them are under average height that's not going to be comfortable for anybody, is it? Plus, pillows will fall on the floor because of lack of headboard ...... does Bobby need some lessons in bedroom etiquette?

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'Big brass bed' is an alternate euphemism for 'pink oboe' — a phrase invented by British satirist Peter Cook.

In the Faces hit 'Stay With Me', Rod Stewart sings "Cause tonight you better stay with me. Sit down, get up, get down."

Does he want her to sit down or stand up?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I couldn't care less to be honest.

Do you have those metal bar retaining type things across the carpet on your stairs?

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No, but I got metal retaining pieces hammered into my wood stairs.

Why is the word dictionary in the dictionary?

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Because they(men) are cuddley, smell nice, strong, simple(in a good way), brave, pugilistic, willing, kind, thoughtful, helpful, excellent drivers and navigators, never wrong, love celebrating anniversaries, generous ........ shall I go on?

Why do cowboys shout 'Yeee-har!'?

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To irritate the women in our lives.

Do cannibals think clowns taste funny?

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Only if they had the last laugh.

What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

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Nothing...let the rules of nature take it's course: survival of the fittest.

Would you go all...the...way to save money by shopping at a 99-cent or dollar-only item store?

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Only if I could get everything half off.

Why didn't the ASPCA ever try to protect Sylvester from Granny?

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Granny did all the ASPCA guys "favors".

Why does anyone watch an Adam Sandler movie ? *shudders*

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We want to show our support to encourage "special" artists.

What, exactly, did the doormouse say?

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  • 3 weeks later...

"I didn't say I was a doormouse, I said I was a dormouse. Hmmph...we don't even like doors."

If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?

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Words in the dictionary are never misspelled because they are all copied directly from stone tablets that Moses(?) brought down from the mountin at the same time as The Ten Commandments.

Was Moses the strongest man that ever lived?

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Nope, his neighbor Jerry from down the street lifted 2 pounds more than he did.

If a bear is crapping in the woods and a tree falls on him, does the ASPCA still care?

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