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Oera Linda Book and the Great Flood [Part 2]


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Yes, I gave that link some pages back, Otharus saw it but good to revise it, it should be an important study and I'll be watching for the results.

Ah ok, then I must have missed taht one.

I'm curious too: if there is any archeological proof for the OLB to be found, it must be in that area.

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[Ottema & Sandbach p.85]

De Golen, zoo heetten de zendeling-priesters van Sydon

The Golen, as the missionary priests of Sidon were called

Could there be a link with the Priory of Sion?

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The Golen, as the missionary priests of Sidon were called

Could there be a link with the Priory of Sion?

The etymology of the word Zion (ṣiyôn) is uncertain. Mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Samuel (2 Samuel 5:7) as the name of the jesusite fortress conquered by King David, its origin likely predates the Israelites. If Semitic, it may be derived from the Hebrew root ''ṣiyyôn ("castle") or the Hebrew ṣiyya ("dry land," Jeremiah 51:43). A non-Semitic relationship to the Hurrian word ¨eya ("river" or "brook") has also been suggested.


Sidon (whose name in classical Arabic is: صَيْدونْ (Saydoon)) has been inhabited since very early in prehistory. The archaeological site of Sidon II shows a lithic assemblage dating to the Acheulean, whilst finds at Sidon III include a Heavy Neolithic assemblage suggested to date just prior to the invention of pottery. It was one of the most important Phoenician cities, and may have been the oldest. From here, and other ports, a great Mediterranean commercial empire was founded.


Prior ~ Prester: http://www.etymonline.com

prior (n.) "superior officer of a religious house or order," late Old English, from L. prior "former, superior" (see prior (adj.)).

prior (adj.) 1714, from L. prior "former, superior," comparative of Old L. pri "before" (see prime (adj.)), related to L. præ "before" (see pre-).

pre- prefix meaning "before," from O.Fr. pre- and M.L. pre-, both from L. prae (adv.) "before," from PIE *prai- (cf. Oscan prai, Umbrian pre, Skt. pare "thereupon," Gk. parai "at," Gaul. are- "at, before," Lith. pre "at," O.C.S. pri "at," Goth. faura, O.E. fore "before"), variant of root per- "beyond." The Latin word was active in forming compound verbs.

priest (n.) O.E. preost, shortened from the older Germanic form represented by O.S., O.H.G. prestar, O.Fris. prestere, from V.L. *prester "priest," from L.L. presbyter "presbyter, elder," from Gk. presbyteros (see Presbyterian). In Old Testament sense, a translation of Hebrew kohen, Gk. hiereus, L. sacerdos.


My thoughts on this:

"Zion" may be based on "Sidon", "prior" and "priest" may have same origin and similar meaning.

"Priory of Sion" is a hoax created in 1956 and used in the Davinci Code, but the term is possibly, partly inspired by the OLB term "PRESTERA SÍDON.IS".

It is at least remarkable that both PS were located in France.

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[Ottema & Sandbach p.85]

De Golen, zoo heetten de zendeling-priesters van Sydon

The Golen, as the missionary priests of Sidon were called

Could there be a link with the Priory of Sion?

I don't think so. The Priory of Sion is a 20th century invention, a fake organization.

Why don't you want to go for the most plausible option: the Golar (not Golen) were Jews in exile, the GOLA, as they were called in Hebrew, who lived in Sidon, had adopted the Phoenician creed, and traveled along with them to settle in Marseille, like they settled all along the Mediterranean.

At least it's historically right, the name is right, they did settle in Marseille, they were priests, and so on.

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My thoughts on this:

"Zion" may be based on "Sidon", "prior" and "priest" may have same origin and similar meaning.

"Priory of Sion" is a hoax created in 1956 and used in the Davinci Code, but the term is possibly, partly inspired by the OLB term "PRESTERA SÍDON.IS".

It is at least remarkable that both PS were located in France.

Zion and Sidon are not etymologically related.

However, there may be a relation between Sion and Sidon :

The Seduni or Sedunii were an ancient people in the valley of the Upper Rhone at Roman contact, whom Julius Caesar (B. G. iii. 1, 7) mentions: Nantuates Sedunos Veragrosque. These tribes were conquered by Rome are also mentioned in the Trophy of the Alps (Plin. iii. 20) in the same order. They were east of the Veragri, in the modern Swiss canton of Valais. Their chief town was Sedunum (modern Sion, Switzerland).


Lower-right on the next map:


Or look here: http://maps.thefullwiki.org/Seduni

It's possible they had migrated northwards from the Marseille region, and that there is where Caesar eventually encountered them.


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Take a look at this map with the Rhone river: http://upload.wikime...inage_basin.png

Not saying that is what happened, but they just could have sailed upwards from the Marseille region to what was later to become the Swiss 'Sion', right?

Like I always love to say: if I can imagine it, so could others.



Zion, in the Old Testament, the easternmost of the two hills of ancient Jerusalem. It was the site of the jesusite city captured by David, king of Israel and Judah, in the 10th century bc (2 Samuel 5:6–9) and established by him as his royal capital. Some scholars believe that the name also belonged to the “stronghold of Zion” taken by David (2 Samuel 5:7), which may have been the fortress of the city. The Jewish historian Josephus, in the 1st century ad, identified Zion with the western hill of Jerusalem, where most of the city lay in his day. This incorrect identification of the site was retained until the late 19th or early 20th century, when the site of Zion was identified as the eastern hill (modern Ophel). The site was not included in the walls of Jerusalem’s 16th-century fortifications.



or Saïda (Arabic: صيدا‎, Ṣaydā; Phoenician: צדן, Ṣydwn; Greek: Σιδών; Latin: Sidon; Hebrew: צידון‎, Ṣīḏōn, Turkish: Sayda) is the third-largest city in Lebanon. It is located in the South Governorate of Lebanon, on the Mediterranean coast, about 40 km (25 mi) north of Tyre and 40 km (25 mi) south of the capital Beirut. In Genesis, Sidon is the son of Canaan the grandson of Noah. Its name coincides with the modern Arabic word for fishery.


Sidon never changed into Zion/Sion, or visa versa,

I just want to say this: juggling words and adding and deleting letters from a word to prove a point is kid's play. It has nothing to do with real linguistics and etymology.

You will also have to take history into account, and preferably archeological finds.


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And so do these:

A Grammar of Proto-Germanic

Winfred P. Lehmann

Jonathan Slocum, ed.

Copyright © 2005-2007 by the Linguistics Research Center,

University of Texas at Austin.




University of Sussex


From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic: A Linguistic History of English: Volume I

Donald Ringe

Oxford University Press, 31 aug. 2006 - 368 pagina's


And most certainly this one (!) :

Trends in Linguistics - State of the Art Reports 13

Frisian - Thomas L. Markey


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And most certainly this one (!) :

Trends in Linguistics - State of the Art Reports 13

Frisian - Thomas L. Markey


Yo Abe,

As a supporter of archeological evidence for ultimate proof of theories:

can you summarize the archeological prove for Nijmegen as place where the palace of Carolus the Great has been once he was crowned as king of Franks?

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As far as I know there is no absolute archeological proof of Nijmegen being the place where Charlemagne had his palace.

I know why you ask, but it has no relevance to anything OLB.

You might want to read this:




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As far as I know there is no absolute archeological proof of Nijmegen being the place where Charlemagne had his palace.

I know why you ask, but it has no relevance to anything OLB.

You might want to read this:




Thnx, i just wondered if there might be confusing about this point there might also be confusion about other locations as all kinds of Fresia (or take Fryas land) and others like what we understannd under Danemark. If you look it that way, there is some relevance with OLB because they are mentionned.

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Lisbon's name was written Ulyssippo in Latin by the geographer Pomponius Mela, a native of Hispania. It was later referenced as "Olisippo" by Pliny the Elder, and to the Greeks as Olissipo (Ολισσιπών) and Olissipona (Ολισσιπόνα). According to legend, the location was named for Ulysses, who founded the settlement after he left Troy to escape the Greek coalition. Later, the Greek name appeared in Vulgar Latin in the form Olissipona.


I mentioned Lisbon in one of my more 'inspirational' posts, lol:


And I can imagine Charles De Grave (1806) did what I did, and suggested Ulysses settled in Vlissingen (a city in the Dutch province Zeeland) :

from that post:

Ulyssippo/ Olissipona.... U=V (in Latin) >>> Vlyssipona >>> P>>B >>> Vlyssibona >>> V>>F >> Flyssibona >> L>> R >> Frisiibona.

(my present avatar is a part of the Lisbon coat of arms)



Just in case someone reads this in the future, and has no idea what avatar I am talking about (I change it frequently):




This is crazy: I just made up that 'etymology', but look what I found in an Old Frisian document:

Tha Freesen wonnen een stad in Hispania, dyo hiete Flixibama, fanden Sarracenen ende tha Heydene. Al deer ward litika Popka daed schetten fan Freesland.

De Friezen veroverden een stad in Spanje, die heet Lissabon, op de Saracenen en de heidenen. Daar werd de kleine Popka van Friesland doodgeschoten.


The Frisians conquered a city in Spain, which is called Lisbon, from the Saracens and pagans. That's where little Popka of Friesland was shot.


As we know, the -X- often changed into -KS- and -SS- and visa versa (Texel/Tessel Kadix-Kadiks/Cadiz).

My 'Old Frisian' fabrication for Lisbon was FLYSSIBONA and the real Old Frisian word is FLIXIBAMA.

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Thnx, i just wondered if there might be confusing about this point there might also be confusion about other locations as all kinds of Fresia (or take Fryas land) and others like what we understannd under Danemark. If you look it that way, there is some relevance with OLB because they are mentionned.

Van Gorp, I did like Delahaye's theory, I was once one of his 'followers'.

But his theory about the non-existent history of the Netherlands between 200-1000 AD dates from 50 years ago.

Things have been discovered during that time. Yep, there were transgressions of the North Sea (Dunkirk Transgressions), but not like were known during his time.

Like I posted before, scientists have dropped that theory for a better one.

As you may know, I prefer to use the latest findings, and not just stick to an old theory.

You should do that too.

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Okke min svn.

Thissa boka mot i mith lif aend sêle wârja.

Se vmbifattath thju skêdnise fon vs êle folk âk fon vsa êthlum.

Vrlêden jêr haeb ik tham ut-er flod hred tolik mith thi aend thinra moder.

Tha hja wêron wet wrden; thêr thrvch gvngon hja aefternei vrdarva.

Vmbe hja navt to vrlysa haeb ik-ra vp wrlandisk pampyer wrskrêven.

Okke mijn zoon,

Deze boeken moet je met lijf ende ziel (be)waren.

Ze omvatten de (ge)schiedenis van ons hele volk, ook van onze edelen/ouders.

Verleden jaar heb ik hen uit 'r vloed gered te(ge)lijk met jou (GER: du) ende jouw (GER: deiner) moeder.

Daar zij waren nat (ge)worden; daar-door gingen zij daarna verderven (should be 'bederven' in modern Dutch).

Om ze niet te verliezen heb ik 'r op overlandsch papier over(ge)schreven.

Okke my sun,

You must preserve these books with body and soul.

They contain the history of all our people, as well as of our forefathers.

Last year I saved them in the flood, as well as you and your mother;

But they got wet, and therefore began to perish.

In order not to lose them, I copied them on foreign paper.

Now I'd like to know what "Ireland" or "Irish" ("Irelandish") is in Old Frisian.

wrlandisk? Ierlandisk? Could that be 'jerlandisk' in Old Frisian? And from 'wr' to 'jer' is not a big step in etymology (-J- is pronounced like -Y- in YES).

The WR part is often translated as "OER" in Dutch, 'UR' in German, or 'overly old'.... or...'on the other side'.


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What we need is ancient manuscripts written by the Druids and the Helvetians:

Druid srcipt:


Runes and Helvetii:


Caesar, in his "Bello Gallico", talked about the Druids and the Helvetians using 'Greek' script.

Well, the OLB script looks a lot like Greek script.

No surprise to me (I think it's fake), but hey: if the OLB is a true account of ancient European history, then what Caesar thought was Greek script might have been Fryan script.

And that is what we need: some ancient scroll with Druidian or Helvetian script.

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And this monstrous thread started with one South African (Riaan) promoting the book of some other South African (Alewyn).

OK, Riaan is excused, but how about Alewyn?

He sure must be busy writing the third edition of his book.

He must have thought he had nailed it, but from what I and all the others here have found out in all these years, he wasn't even close.

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Van Gorp, I did like Delahaye's theory, I was once one of his 'followers'.

But his theory about the non-existent history of the Netherlands between 200-1000 AD dates from 50 years ago.

Things have been discovered during that time. Yep, there were transgressions of the North Sea (Dunkirk Transgressions), but not like were known during his time.

Like I posted before, scientists have dropped that theory for a better one.

As you may know, I prefer to use the latest findings, and not just stick to an old theory.

You should do that too.

But the conclusions about the Franks having resided in Nijmegen and environment is not backed sufficiently by any findings, leaving out the discussion on transgressions.

If it might be the case that the Franks were eventually not really in that area, then also all tales of war against 'Frisians' come into another daylight.

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But the conclusions about the Franks having resided in Nijmegen and environment is not backed sufficiently by any findings, leaving out the discussion on transgressions.

If it might be the case that the Franks were eventually not really in that area, then also all tales of war against 'Frisians' come into another daylight.

But that is a story of many centuries AFTER the OLB.

You better start a new thread about that, because it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

The OLB was - if we have to believe it - first put on paper around 600 BC. The last notes in the OLB (not he introductory letters from Liko and Hidde) were from around the beginning of our era, the Black Adel story.

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This is crazy: I just made up that 'etymology', but look what I found in an Old Frisian document:

Tha Freesen wonnen een stad in Hispania, dyo hiete Flixibama, fanden Sarracenen ende tha Heydene. Al deer ward litika Popka daed schetten fan Freesland.

De Friezen veroverden een stad in Spanje, die heet Lissabon, op de Saracenen en de heidenen. Daar werd de kleine Popka van Friesland doodgeschoten.


The Frisians conquered a city in Spain, which is called Lisbon, from the Saracens and pagans. That's where little Popka of Friesland was shot.


As we know, the -X- often changed into -KS- and -SS- and visa versa (Texel/Tessel Kadix-Kadiks/Cadiz).

My 'Old Frisian' fabrication for Lisbon was FLYSSIBONA and the real Old Frisian word is FLIXIBAMA.

You think that is crazy... how about sleeping on this one........I cant speak Dutch or Frisian or whatever that last link was written in , but i can make out quite a bit of it , it sounds like it is describing a massive attempted takover of Frisian lands , by European Aristocracy , and High born Archbishops, bishops etc.

i think i have mentioned before about the first Brahmins organising themselves at a place called Goudha in India , for some reason they fell foul of the Khashatriya (the noble warrior caste ) and were expelled from the country.

Having read Higgins Celtic Druids recently he thinks these goude brahmins that were expelled were g'oude or joude and became judeh , or judah , a whole nation of priests (or brahmins ).........i have noticed you have also had threads on jesus and the poss India connection........and also that jews have been mentioned a few times on this thread

we all know that somehow the IE language got spread pretty much worldwide , could it have been spread by descendants of these goude Brahmins ?

your link the other day was all about the Og-Eig-Eis or ogyges , which sounded like they were jews escaping from Egypt on through to spain, and then on to Britain and Ireland, it makes perfect sense that many would have kept on going up to friesia

again Higgins made a connection between the name Brahmins and Abraham, and Sara and Saras-vati

in line 5 of your above link it mentions Bremen ???? poss Brehman or Brahman.....what is the Etymology of Breman i wonder??

also line 17 Lamberth had an army with him and killed 2000 men.......It says " Lamberth dy was fan Katrijp are these the katti (chatti ) we are looking for , and is the word Katrij a short version of Khashatri or Khashatri-ya

Ok i am mad , but sleep on it ! and dont forget i cant understand most of the text, i have NO-ID-EA what it says. LOL.

i was reading a history of the Sami yesterday and noticed that after ww1 some of their territory got taken away from them.. they were re-settled "between Nellim, and Ivalo and Raja Jooseppi.......Raja and Joseph.. HMMM does that sound a bit Indian/jewish to you ???

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But that is a story of many centuries AFTER the OLB.

You better start a new thread about that, because it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

The OLB was - if we have to believe it - first put on paper around 600 BC. The last notes in the OLB (not he introductory letters from Liko and Hidde) were from around the beginning of our era, the Black Adel story.

Than this thread can be reduced with a lot of (your) posts too :-)

This fits just fine here, it has to do with Frisian area and location. If Vikings are talked about in this thread related with Frisian history, Franks can be no problem.

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The Vikings did indeed show up many centuries after the OLB narrative.

But to me it is very clear the 19th century creators of the OLB used the KNOWN and ACCEPTED Viking adventures to create the OLB, How? By just transporting their adventures to at least a millenium (and much more than that) before it really happened.

Did the Viking adventures not take place during that time, and in that place?? Who cares? They used what was accepted as proven and accepted history, and then changed dates.

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You better start a new thread about that, because it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

In a way it is most relevant.

When some of official Dutch history is B0LL0CKS,

some of its alternative history may be true.

Time for revision.

Edited by Otharus
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You think that is crazy... how about sleeping on this one........I cant speak Dutch or Frisian or whatever that last link was written in , but i can make out quite a bit of it , it sounds like it is describing a massive attempted takover of Frisian lands , by European Aristocracy , and High born Archbishops, bishops etc.

i think i have mentioned before about the first Brahmins organising themselves at a place called Goudha in India , for some reason they fell foul of the Khashatriya (the noble warrior caste ) and were expelled from the country.

Having read Higgins Celtic Druids recently he thinks these goude brahmins that were expelled were g'oude or joude and became judeh , or judah , a whole nation of priests (or brahmins ).........i have noticed you have also had threads on jesus and the poss India connection........and also that jews have been mentioned a few times on this thread

we all know that somehow the IE language got spread pretty much worldwide , could it have been spread by descendants of these goude Brahmins ?

your link the other day was all about the Og-Eig-Eis or ogyges , which sounded like they were jews escaping from Egypt on through to spain, and then on to Britain and Ireland, it makes perfect sense that many would have kept on going up to friesia

again Higgins made a connection between the name Brahmins and Abraham, and Sara and Saras-vati

in line 5 of your above link it mentions Bremen ???? poss Brehman or Brahman.....what is the Etymology of Breman i wonder??

also line 17 Lamberth had an army with him and killed 2000 men.......It says " Lamberth dy was fan Katrijp are these the katti (chatti ) we are looking for , and is the word Katrij a short version of Khashatri or Khashatri-ya

Ok i am mad , but sleep on it ! and dont forget i cant understand most of the text, i have NO-ID-EA what it says. LOL.

i was reading a history of the Sami yesterday and noticed that after ww1 some of their territory got taken away from them.. they were re-settled "between Nellim, and Ivalo and Raja Jooseppi.......Raja and Joseph.. HMMM does that sound a bit Indian/jewish to you ???

My link was to a hoax, the "Chronicles of Eri".

I posted about it because it could have inspired Frisian hoaxers.

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In a way it is most relevant.

When some of official Dutch history is B0LL0CKS,

some of its alternative history may be true.

Time for revision.

Well, like I said, start a new thread about it.

You are right: SOME of Dutch history is bull, like part of the history of any country,

But those who still think that between 200 and 1000 AD there was NO Netherlands, they live in the Twilight Zone.

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But those who still think that between 200 and 1000 AD there was NO Netherlands, they live in the Twilight Zone.

That is not what Delahaye or Van Gorp suggested.

Straw man fallacy.

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