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Diana Vicari dismemberment-murder case

Lucas North-justiceseeker

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  • 3 months later...

Working off the fact that the arms had been severed after death, placed in heavy duty trash bags and left in an out of the way dumpster - The first thing I would consider would be who would have the means, and place (out of view of others) and the tools (saw, knifes) and the time to cut up the body? It's gonna make a mess and take a certain amount of time. So if you are out in the desert somewhere, for example, or any remote area, why do that and transport the body back into town. Likely whoever did it was inside somewhere or at least somewhere concealed from the public. They probably went and bought the trash bags after the killing and maybe the saw and/or knife (unless they planned the killing in advance and already were prepared with the bags and the tools). Either way, they probably had the body for 24hrs or so, from somewhere after the time of her last being seen until that second day when her arms were discovered. So again, by who and where could the body be concealed or hidden in that time? Whoever did it likely had to cut up the body, wrap it in the black garbage bags, and probably clean up. Second, why go through all that trouble? If they had the body in a place where they could easily be discovered carrying out a dead body, such as a busy apartment building, that could be one reason for cutting it up, to have the ability to carry it out as "trash." And I wonder if they even had a car or vehicle. Maybe they had to walk to dispose of the body. If they were in a less busy area and had a car, why not load it up and drive the body to a remote location and dump it? More than likely they were trying to hide the body and hide evidence of the killing. (If they wanted to leave something, to say she had been killed, why both arms? Why not just a hand? and why wrap it in heavy duty black plastic?) If a complete stranger killed her they could have left her body and been on their way out of town maybe. But if someone she knew killed her, they probably wanted to hide everything. But for what reason? If it was premeditated, planned, they might have been ready with the garbage bags and the ability to cut up the body, in some "secure" place. Not that I'm an expert, but how many people who plan murders also plan to go through all the trouble to cut up the body in an effort to get rid of it. So likely, it was an "accident" or an act of sick passion, unplanned. And likely it happened in a place and time where the body couldn't be left, but needed to be moved. And so probably the answer for the killer was to cut up the body, in order to transport it away. Who had access to this kind of place, the time to complete it, and the tools and means? How far away was this particular dumpster from anyones, everyones house? Would they have to drive there? Or walk? Piecing together some of this kind of logic could help prioritize who should be looked at more closely as a suspect. Do any of the known statements that any of the suspects made shed light on any of the logic? etc.With more facts present, we could probably narrow down the scenario even a little more. For example, did the trash bag contain only the arms? or was there other items or residue in the bag? If they contained only the arms and were otherwise clean, likely the bags were gotten after the killing for the express purpose of hiding the body. That kind of "little" information can help tell us how "hastily" things were done or not. Did the guys she hung out with have those type of black kitchen bags laying about or were they the kind that instead more often kept their little grocery bags to use for their trash? Again, my guess at this point in time would be that some person or persons, killed her, needed to move her body to hide the evidence of the place and or the act, couldn't carry the entire body all at once for some reason, and so needed to cut it up (especially if two types of knifes or saw were used to cut the arms, that would indicate more of a need, as opposed to a machete carrying guy acting out anger or hatred of a woman and hacking her arm off), had to buy at least the trash bags, and took the body in pieces away, disposing it in different locations perhaps, hoping that it would not be identified.

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Let me try to be more concise with a line of thinking - The killer had Diana, he killed her and after the fact cut off both her arms using two different cutting instruments - through flesh and bone, wrapped or placed her arms in heavy plastic garbage bag(s), and left them in a dumpster in an alleyway. The disposal (of part) of her body was in the dumpster wrapped in plastic, but we do not know how or where she was killed, and/or where her body was when her arms were cut off. If physical evidence was collected from her arms or the plastic, i.e. fibers or residue or plant material or marks on her arm, etc, then it might give us some idea as to where those events took place. One person said she saw Diana leaving the concert from the community center around midnight with a man in a truck, having stated that her own car had broken down earlier in the evening. If she were killed in this truck, either by “accident” or by opportunity killing, it’s unlikely that the killer would have then cut her arms off in this truck as well, as that would be too messy (bloody) and create problems, evidence etc. He ( I am assuming it was a man) would have had to remove her body from the truck, and place it in a secure,remote, hidden or concealed area to cut off the arms. Also, he would need to have the two cutting instruments with him along with the heavy plastic bags, or else he would have had to have driven to retrieve or to buy these items. After cutting off the arms he would have had to additionally drive at least to the dumpster to dispose of her arms. If he barely knew or just met Diana, why go through all that trouble. He could have just left her body in a remote area. If Diana was killed inside, in a home, an apartment or a warehouse for example, we still have to consider the fact that her arms were cut off. Before trying to answer why though, I want to consider the use of two cutting instruments. If two were used, then I’m going to say that it is likely that the killer had not cut through a body before and/or was unprepared for doing so after killing Diana. He probably started with the first instrument, knife or saw, and cut through the flesh, but on encountering the bone, was not able to cut it. At that point, the killer would have needed to have another knife/saw on hand or would have had to buy or find another one that was capable of cutting through the bone. If she were killed at an inside location, it is possible that the area was too busy with people coming and going to take a chance of carrying an entire body out. Perhaps it was becoming daylight by then. The option then may have been to cut the body into smaller pieces, wrap them in plastic and take them out for disposal. What would have been the killers schedule? Was he to be at work that morning? Could he have left/stored the body for a few hours until he could come back and cut it? If rigor mortis had already set in by the time the arms were cut, that suggests that the body could have been left for a time period while the killer either decided what to do, went to work, or went to buy materials (plastic bags or knifes/saw).

Edited by PGSouth
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  • 2 months later...
On 9/28/2015 at 6:13 AM, La Verdad said:

To: Lucas North-justiceseeker - - (I 'thought' I'd replied - but maybe my verification of registration didn't take) To advise you that I know who Robert Encila is. He used to be the Music/Drama Director at the church I belong to in Tucson, AZ. (Also had his business, Studio Connections, there.) A few months ago he left his current jobs in Tucson and went, supposedly, on a sabbatical with his teenage daughter - to the Manila in the Philippines where he is from. His wife, Ginny, remained in Tucson. - - Robert was engaged to Judi Hartley at the time of Diana's death. It doesn't appear that Robert had any children with Judi. ( Aliases: Judi S Spencer Judi S Hartley Encila - middle name Sue) It appears Judi still lives in Tucson. - - Robert Encila's Website can be found here - - http://www.robertencila.com/#!

Looks like he's active in that country. Wundrin' if the Filipino-Jap dude Vince Tanada knows of this


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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎6‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 10:15 AM, thoroughdetective said:

Looks like he's active in that country. Wundrin' if the Filipino-Jap dude Vince Tanada knows of this


Yes there is something really creepy about this skinhead! The fact that it was his fiancé's mothers house that Diana's car was found. The fact that Diana was supposedly having an affair with him makes me wonder. At least one of Prion and Hatton and Mazur must have been involved. Were they hired by Encilla or the fiancé or the fiancé's mother? Like her sister and friends have said what makes this case so difficult to solve is that Diana got involved with a really bad crowd at the time of her death. Multiple people she knew had plausible motive to kill her for different reasons: sex/rape/revenge/jealousy/need to let out sadistic tendencies etc.

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  • 3 months later...
On 7/6/2016 at 10:08 AM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

Yes there is something really creepy about this skinhead! The fact that it was his fiancé's mothers house that Diana's car was found. The fact that Diana was supposedly having an affair with him makes me wonder. At least one of Prion and Hatton and Mazur must have been involved. Were they hired by Encilla or the fiancé or the fiancé's mother? Like her sister and friends have said what makes this case so difficult to solve is that Diana got involved with a really bad crowd at the time of her death. Multiple people she knew had plausible motive to kill her for different reasons: sex/rape/revenge/jealousy/need to let out sadistic tendencies etc.

I'm Robert Encila. Let me help you sift through the forest of conspiracies. I have been aware of these forums for a few years now and have done my best to ignore them because I deemed it a huge waste of my time. 

But I do think you deserve some input from someone privy to this case, albeit someone acutely mistreated and wrongly accused.

Diana Vicari was a theater student of mine in the fall of 1991. She was an upbeat and positive member of a college acting class blessed with fun and talented students. One evening (it was a Pima College night class held at Palo Verde High School), Diana stayed a few minutes  after class to consult me on a scene project I had assigned. I gave her a short scene from my anthology to borrow, asking for it back once she got her own copy. She left the room with a male student, who was going to accompany her to the copy center a block away.

That was the last time I saw Diana Vicari.

Because police had to trace her whereabouts, it made sense to question me first. Perhaps I was, after all, one of the last people to see her before she disappeared.

The following week I showed up at the police station along with a few other people who had contact with her that day. I agreed to a polygraph exam with the others. All of us passed. That was the end of it.

We know the details of Preon's trials, etc. so I won't repeat those. Plenty of stories to immerse your minds in. I want to offer my assurance that you can save your energy by counting me out. I implore you to access critical thinking and to research material  beyond tabloid information. 

If you are among those guilty of falling prey to pure gossip and haven't made the slightest effort to confirm or corroborate, I suggest you check out of this site because I'm here to tell you a libel suit is about to commence so I can clear my name once and for all.

Come to think of it, I've been quiet for so long that I'll actually enjoy taking this to court.

I am so sorry that Debbie passed away before she saw any kind of resolution to her sister's gruesome murder. I had tried reaching out to confront her about her absurd allegations of my involvement, but alas, she was gone. I tried so hard to find her potential motive for accusing me. I just couldn't understand her keen interest in a non-issue. Here's my only theory:

In 2004 I ran into her at a karaoke contest (she was a very good singer). I happened to beat her in that competition. I don't believe she was upset about my victory, but she did manage to come up to me and start a conversation about her sister's violent death. I found the conversation inappropriate in that setting so I deflected the subject. Rehashing a painful and gory experience in front of dozens of people was inappropriate, though I'm sure she had every right to talk about her sister anytime she damm well pleased. I'll give her that.

So the timing of her blog was more than interesting. Was I now suddenly a suspect because I didn't engage in a public conversation about her sister's death? Seriously?!?

An affair with Diana? You better have proof when I take your ass to court.

This borders on insanity. If I was all she had, I feel really sorry for her family. It must have been a terrible investigation team.

If you all must limit your research to this forum, let me at least share with you that I am an acknowledged community leader with three decades of advocacy for children and youth. I value my career as a school teacher and as a church music minister. Feel free to interview any of my colleagues and family members. I believe you would even appreciate my daughter's humorous anecdotes of her dad's awkward attempt to catch a cockroach with a dust pan because he couldn't even get himself to kill a bug.

I am disgusted by this thread. This is my one and only commentary and will refuse to read any comments henceforth. I shall let my lawyer handle this from here. 

I pray for Diana. I pray for Debbie and her mother. I pray for you. May you find clarity and peace. And may you find better ways to spend your time.


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What about DNA evidence from the car? Would they still have it that long? Someone had to drive it to where it ended up and people didn't know or worry about DNA in those days.

Also, I'm thinking that the reason the arms were found in a dumpster was because it happened to be the one someone looked in that day. Could her other parts have been distributed around the city or further in other dumpsters in a effort to dispose of them without notice? The one with her arms just happened to be looked in by a person that was gathering aluminum cans. Maybe the other dumpsters were picked up and the contents disposed of without the other parts being discovered.

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/21/2016 at 11:08 PM, Rencila said:

I'm Robert Encila. Let me help you sift through the forest of conspiracies. I have been aware of these forums for a few years now and have done my best to ignore them because I deemed it a huge waste of my time. 

But I do think you deserve some input from someone privy to this case, albeit someone acutely mistreated and wrongly accused.

Diana Vicari was a theater student of mine in the fall of 1991. She was an upbeat and positive member of a college acting class blessed with fun and talented students. One evening (it was a Pima College night class held at Palo Verde High School), Diana stayed a few minutes  after class to consult me on a scene project I had assigned. I gave her a short scene from my anthology to borrow, asking for it back once she got her own copy. She left the room with a male student, who was going to accompany her to the copy center a block away.

That was the last time I saw Diana Vicari.

Because police had to trace her whereabouts, it made sense to question me first. Perhaps I was, after all, one of the last people to see her before she disappeared.

The following week I showed up at the police station along with a few other people who had contact with her that day. I agreed to a polygraph exam with the others. All of us passed. That was the end of it.

We know the details of Preon's trials, etc. so I won't repeat those. Plenty of stories to immerse your minds in. I want to offer my assurance that you can save your energy by counting me out. I implore you to access critical thinking and to research material  beyond tabloid information. 

If you are among those guilty of falling prey to pure gossip and haven't made the slightest effort to confirm or corroborate, I suggest you check out of this site because I'm here to tell you a libel suit is about to commence so I can clear my name once and for all.

Come to think of it, I've been quiet for so long that I'll actually enjoy taking this to court.

I am so sorry that Debbie passed away before she saw any kind of resolution to her sister's gruesome murder. I had tried reaching out to confront her about her absurd allegations of my involvement, but alas, she was gone. I tried so hard to find her potential motive for accusing me. I just couldn't understand her keen interest in a non-issue. Here's my only theory:

In 2004 I ran into her at a karaoke contest (she was a very good singer). I happened to beat her in that competition. I don't believe she was upset about my victory, but she did manage to come up to me and start a conversation about her sister's violent death. I found the conversation inappropriate in that setting so I deflected the subject. Rehashing a painful and gory experience in front of dozens of people was inappropriate, though I'm sure she had every right to talk about her sister anytime she damm well pleased. I'll give her that.

So the timing of her blog was more than interesting. Was I now suddenly a suspect because I didn't engage in a public conversation about her sister's death? Seriously?!?

An affair with Diana? You better have proof when I take your ass to court.

This borders on insanity. If I was all she had, I feel really sorry for her family. It must have been a terrible investigation team.

If you all must limit your research to this forum, let me at least share with you that I am an acknowledged community leader with three decades of advocacy for children and youth. I value my career as a school teacher and as a church music minister. Feel free to interview any of my colleagues and family members. I believe you would even appreciate my daughter's humorous anecdotes of her dad's awkward attempt to catch a cockroach with a dust pan because he couldn't even get himself to kill a bug.

I am disgusted by this thread. This is my one and only commentary and will refuse to read any comments henceforth. I shall let my lawyer handle this from here. 

I pray for Diana. I pray for Debbie and her mother. I pray for you. May you find clarity and peace. And may you find better ways to spend your time.


Mr Enclina I do understand you wont respond to this but I hope you will at least see and read this. You cannot sue someone for alleging based off evidence that someone might think you are involved in a crime. People like me that comment on this board and ones like it elsewhere online are all about trying to solve these cold cases. Multiple people, not just me, agree that you make a credible suspect. That isn't slander nor libel. I know a lawyer who is currently active in Arizona and he tells me none of what was posted by anyone on this forum qualifies as what he says the state of Arizona refers to as "criminal libel".  It is suspicious that you deny the affair you had with Diana that multiple people confirm. You also forget to address the fact that Diana's car was found in front of your fiance's mothers house. So if you are innocent at the very least you probably would have a good idea of who are the people involved. Libel would be something like actually knowingly falsely saying I knew you did it. Speculation of a suspect of a cold case does not qualify as libel. I never once claimed you murdered Diana just that you might have been involved. "Might" not "were".

Edited by Lucas North-justiceseeker
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  • 5 months later...

Sorry, this is funny. Only because you pick one of many deaths in Tucson. Let's start with Tucson is a Sanctuary City. Let's also put out there that between Nogales and Phoenix, Tucson and Casa Grande are perfect stop areas for Coyotes. Not only for Coyotes but for the Mexican Cartel. The mountainous areas between the border to the Valley have many (proven and found) hidey holes where spotters for said Cartels and Coyotes use. Death is common in Tucson, most of Tucson isn't a place to live, and they are trying to revive themselves again and hopefully this time it'll work. That place was "stuck" in the 80's for so long then all of a sudden mid 2000's you see streets and buildings getting renovated to look nicer. Hell, there was a time traveling on the I-10 you only have two stops to get off if you wanted to be in Tucson. All the ramps were getting renovated at the same time. I use to go to Tombstone every few months (it's quite fun to dress up and hang out there for the weekend) and hated driving past that part of the 10, and if I had to pick someone up in Tucson I gave them grief. 

The recognition that city is getting now is new and refreshing. Growing up in AZ (especially in the Valley) if you weren't going to UofA then you're going out there for the desert parties (in the 90's it was desert raves). You never really thought of moving to Tucson, it's up there with Glendale, Casa Grande, Buckeye, South Phoenix, Nogales, and Yuma. And again, it was the 90's and that's how those towns (most still are) was like then. 

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  • 4 months later...
On 4/27/2017 at 1:20 PM, D99 said:

I can't post a fb link on here per forum rules but I did find John Mazure on Facebook he is in Idaho and no I did not message him. 

Last I checked Prion was still on a registered sex offender list in Utah. 

Hatton is still in prison for life in Florence az

Encila is still alive and in Tucson

don't know about Troy Olsen or Julie Encila or her mom 

People are still alive who know something and it's possible we can solve this case. That's why I'm bumpin' it up. I don't come on here often but when I do I like to visit all the threads I created. Remember if it wasn't for me starting the Brosso thread BPM would be a free man right now. This internet sleuthing thing works. 





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  • 3 months later...
On ‎9‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 1:30 AM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

I can't post a fb link on here per forum rules but I did find John Mazure on Facebook he is in Idaho and no I did not message him. 

Last I checked Prion was still on a registered sex offender list in Utah. 

Hatton is still in prison for life in Florence az

Encila is still alive and in Tucson

don't know about Troy Olsen or Julie Encila or her mom 

People are still alive who know something and it's possible we can solve this case. That's why I'm bumpin' it up. I don't come on here often but when I do I like to visit all the threads I created. Remember if it wasn't for me starting the Brosso thread BPM would be a free man right now. This internet sleuthing thing works. 





Troy Olson still lives in Tucson, but there is no doubt to me he didn't commit this crime. He is one of the nicest, most harmless people I know. From what I can find, Prion is the one that the evidence points to most, thinking that Encila or Troy are involved in this brutal and senseless murder is illogical. Troy testified in every trial that was held, and was always compliant in this regard. Believe me when I say, if you investigate him for this murder, all you'll find is dead ends, an affinity for punk music, and work at a local radio station.

Edited by Calvillo248
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  • 3 months later...
On 1/9/2018 at 11:37 PM, Calvillo248 said:

Troy Olson still lives in Tucson, but there is no doubt to me he didn't commit this crime. He is one of the nicest, most harmless people I know. From what I can find, Prion is the one that the evidence points to most, thinking that Encila or Troy are involved in this brutal and senseless murder is illogical. Troy testified in every trial that was held, and was always compliant in this regard. Believe me when I say, if you investigate him for this murder, all you'll find is dead ends, an affinity for punk music, and work at a local radio station.

Did Troy know Prion/Hatton/Mazure? 

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  • 4 months later...

If Mazure worked at the bar (New Orleans), then Troy would have known him. Troy was working there that night, which is why he testified at the trial. 

I concur, he is the nicest person ever. I worked with him when he testified, and he was terrified that he would screw something up and the guy would get off.

On 5/7/2018 at 2:35 PM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

Did Troy know Prion/Hatton/Mazure? 


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  • 1 month later...
On 9/15/2018 at 12:56 AM, D99 said:

Also, the gas station Greg worked at that was across from the Eegees - was it at Craycroft and 22nd?

Not sure but I heard it was a Chevron on Craycroft. Why? 

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On 9/15/2018 at 12:31 AM, D99 said:

If Mazure worked at the bar (New Orleans), then Troy would have known him. Troy was working there that night, which is why he testified at the trial. 

I concur, he is the nicest person ever. I worked with him when he testified, and he was terrified that he would screw something up and the guy would get off.


What does Troy tell you about Mazure or Greg or Encila ? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, I have never asked Troy about the other people. He testified that he saw her with Prion that night, and that’s who he thought was responsible.


I ask about the location of the gas station because there was a major creep working at the one at Craycroft and 22nd who would sell us alcohol when we were 14/15 years old. It’s a Shell station, but I don’t know if it was a Shell back then.

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  • 1 month later...

Just wanted to add, I have filled out a lengthy request for this case to be featured on Cold Justice, but haven’t heard anything back from them. Here’s to hoping!

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  • 6 months later...
7 hours ago, D99 said:

Update concerning Angela Rene Leeman, the mother of the baby who was assaulted by Greg Hatton: 20190329173404732_ARL-2019.03.29%20PWC%2


7 hours ago, D99 said:

More about the child abuse incident: 20190329173451548_ARL-2019.03.29%20PWC%2

Not sure what you are trying to post... but it just looks like a string of jibberish instead of links.

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  • 3 months later...
On 7/4/2019 at 8:42 AM, rashore said:


Not sure what you are trying to post... but it just looks like a string of jibberish instead of links.

Its basically a court PDF saying she isn't going to get any type of new trial or reduced sentence which is good. Honestly these child abusers need to be locked away for life. Angela chose to put her drugs and scumbag boyfriend Greg above her son and I remember reading an article posted from over ten years ago that this kid because of the abuse grew up crippled as a result of this. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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On 10/21/2016 at 11:08 PM, Rencila said:

I'm Robert Encila. Let me help you sift through the forest of conspiracies. I have been aware of these forums for a few years now and have done my best to ignore them because I deemed it a huge waste of my time. 

But I do think you deserve some input from someone privy to this case, albeit someone acutely mistreated and wrongly accused.

Diana Vicari was a theater student of mine in the fall of 1991. She was an upbeat and positive member of a college acting class blessed with fun and talented students. One evening (it was a Pima College night class held at Palo Verde High School), Diana stayed a few minutes  after class to consult me on a scene project I had assigned. I gave her a short scene from my anthology to borrow, asking for it back once she got her own copy. She left the room with a male student, who was going to accompany her to the copy center a block away.

That was the last time I saw Diana Vicari.

Because police had to trace her whereabouts, it made sense to question me first. Perhaps I was, after all, one of the last people to see her before she disappeared.

The following week I showed up at the police station along with a few other people who had contact with her that day. I agreed to a polygraph exam with the others. All of us passed. That was the end of it.

We know the details of Preon's trials, etc. so I won't repeat those. Plenty of stories to immerse your minds in. I want to offer my assurance that you can save your energy by counting me out. I implore you to access critical thinking and to research material  beyond tabloid information. 

If you are among those guilty of falling prey to pure gossip and haven't made the slightest effort to confirm or corroborate, I suggest you check out of this site because I'm here to tell you a libel suit is about to commence so I can clear my name once and for all.

Come to think of it, I've been quiet for so long that I'll actually enjoy taking this to court.

I am so sorry that Debbie passed away before she saw any kind of resolution to her sister's gruesome murder. I had tried reaching out to confront her about her absurd allegations of my involvement, but alas, she was gone. I tried so hard to find her potential motive for accusing me. I just couldn't understand her keen interest in a non-issue. Here's my only theory:

In 2004 I ran into her at a karaoke contest (she was a very good singer). I happened to beat her in that competition. I don't believe she was upset about my victory, but she did manage to come up to me and start a conversation about her sister's violent death. I found the conversation inappropriate in that setting so I deflected the subject. Rehashing a painful and gory experience in front of dozens of people was inappropriate, though I'm sure she had every right to talk about her sister anytime she damm well pleased. I'll give her that.

So the timing of her blog was more than interesting. Was I now suddenly a suspect because I didn't engage in a public conversation about her sister's death? Seriously?!?

An affair with Diana? You better have proof when I take your ass to court.

This borders on insanity. If I was all she had, I feel really sorry for her family. It must have been a terrible investigation team.

If you all must limit your research to this forum, let me at least share with you that I am an acknowledged community leader with three decades of advocacy for children and youth. I value my career as a school teacher and as a church music minister. Feel free to interview any of my colleagues and family members. I believe you would even appreciate my daughter's humorous anecdotes of her dad's awkward attempt to catch a cockroach with a dust pan because he couldn't even get himself to kill a bug.

I am disgusted by this thread. This is my one and only commentary and will refuse to read any comments henceforth. I shall let my lawyer handle this from here. 

I pray for Diana. I pray for Debbie and her mother. I pray for you. May you find clarity and peace. And may you find better ways to spend your time.


Just for people who are curious Mr Encilla's lawyers have yet to contact me. I am assuming he gave up on the "slander" lawsuit he planned to file against me. He posted this comment on October 21st 2016 almost exactly 3 years ago. I am assuming its because the lawyer told him that he has no case and that it is not against the law to simply speculate and discus theories on what could have possibly happened.

As for this case I am very frustrated it has not had an arrest like the Angela Brosso/Melanie Bernas cases in Phoenix. Possible suspects are still alive including Encila, Hatton, Prion and Mazure. It is even possible Bryan Patrick Miller could be connected to this as it happened just two weeks before the Brosso murder. I hope people out there know something and can report it to Tuscon police.

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