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Diana Vicari dismemberment-murder case

Lucas North-justiceseeker

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On 1/25/2022 at 5:20 PM, Tamster said:

Hey all. It's been awhile. 

The Pima County Attorney sent the scrapings's from Diana's nails to the FBI for testing back when the case was set for the second trial. The FBI sent them back without testing them, because TPD had their own DNA testing capabilities. Then poof... Rick Unklesbay of the County Attoney's office said they never received the DNA back from the FBI. Lemuel's case was dismissed about the same time, so no one ever pushed to find the DNA. I met with the cold case detective for about 2 hours when they reopened the case, so they know about the missing DNA.

 John Mazur disappeared.  We had a detective try to find him with no luck. He is at the top of my list as being the one who murdered Diana. We had a witness who said he lured her into his apartment and attacked her, but she got away. The main thing is, he moved apartments during the time Diana was missing. The police never searched his old apartment.  They did search his car.  The judge refused to let us put on all the evidence we had on Mazur. That's part of the reason Lemuel got a new trial. However,  because the prosecution lied and withheld evidence from us, they dismissed the case. And,  by the way,  Lemuel is not a pedophile,  or a convicted murderer.  He was in prison for hitting his father when they got into an argument. 

Hatton worked at the gas station on Broadway and Kolb.


Tamster, thank you for confirming the location of the gas station. That 100% is the one that I was thinking of where I used to buy cigarettes and malt liquor when I was very much underaged. 
I have a question for you if you see this, I was told by a witness that there was a place out in the desert (NW side) where Prion had taken at least one victim (possibly Tabitha?) that looked as though he had taken people out there before to assault them due to the fact that there were discarded ladies undergarments and feminine hygiene products strewn about, do you recall anything like that from the trial? Please feel free to message me if you’re more comfortable.

 I can’t believe it’s been 30 years without justice.

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Yes.  It was an Exxon at Broadway and Kolb.  Greg Hatton sold cigarettes and beer to minors so all the teens went there to buy from him.  

Edited by Just a young girl
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I have perplexed with this case now for years. I first heard about this around 2016 while I was a student of encila’s. First, the fiancé judi isn’t his current wife (divorced in early 90’s according to court records) . Secondly, when we all found this at school he had quit shortly after (may have finished out the school year I can’t remember) and had moved to the Philippines. He moved around a bit after that but I believe he is back in the Tucson area. Not sure how much of a suspect he still is but thought I’d share what I know. 

Edited by ruem528
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  • 9 months later...

With the case as it stands being developed through suspicion and circumstance, I honestly feel compelled to speak about what I have found, regardless of the fact there are completely different narratives here that all seem to fall short of hard evidence. 

I am a cryptographer that has discovered the information behind the killing of Diana Vicari, and I am working on the case as much as possible with the intention of bringing about a search for the remains in a location near Tuscon where the killer had stated in a letter, ecrypted with a series of other letters, the exact location where her remains were said to be found.

I want to assert that I am using a specific series of letters that all were found from other cases that related to the same trained member of the Military that was part of a group of people that were responsible for the notorious Phoenix Project in Vietnam.  Seeing this background as the initial profile mentioned in the Canal Killings, and also possibly being tied to the Brandy Meyer disappearance, there was a specific mention of all 4 of these women with the ciphers that were found to be tied to this very same individual.  The manners in which they were massacred and dismemered were also made to hold a specific reference to his associations that were govt sponsored, as there was an interest in taking advantage of these locations in order to propagate a sort of elusive trail that he also made references to in his letter.  Mentioning that this situation is something that investigators were aware of before but never suspected from the evidence found, the information I located also pointed at the situation behind a number of other murders that all relied on the use of a series of ciphers to describe his planning for the killings made throughout a 50+ year window.  Each of them hold their own position in the cold case realm, and numbers of suspicions were used to try to form a profile of his affairs, but until now the ciphers remained unbroken.

With these ciphers now seen in detail on a number of pages the affairs of this person, named Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, and his alias Forrest Fenn, I have compiled enough evidence for investigators to reopen the case and am appealing both for the search for the remains in Tuscon with the detective on the case, as well as the movement to exonnerate the accused Bryan Patrick Miller through appeals to the Governor's Clemency Board, inviting them to a telephone meeting to discuss creating a special task force to handle these types of crimes.

With this new information found here : Ciphers from Letters Compiled there is a new direction taken with a number of cases that include the investigations of murders of others from the Department of Justice, with a case file submitted to the FBI and discussions with the Detective in Tuscon.  I hope to be able to also bring on the discussions of these types of ciphers with others here that are interested in learning more about these type of crimes and help bring about recognition of this line of inquiry with peer reviews of my work.

If you have any questions about the research found on this page or the others that were linked to it, feel free to get in touch with me.  It would be nice to be able to bring this information to the sister of the victim in order to bring clarity to the confusion caused by so many avenues of investigation that were probed and were debunked from the trials that took place and the research that was presented to counter it.  There is a lot of suspicion generated from these sites and its important to be able to present more than just a coincidence when forming this type of discussion to not influence or misdirect the case, but that the technical examinations of these cases are able to be used as physical evidence of admission of the person responsible for the crimes.

I hope to speak more about this new discovery with the members here.

Pic attached is the examination of the text of the letter with the application of a blocking technique used to arrange the letters in a specific template, where smaller blocks are basically able to deliver short phrases and descriptions of details behind the killings.  This includes the names of the suspect framed and the names of the victims, with the other information behind the case shown in full.  The other breaks in this series of letters are shown on the pinned posts on the link provided.

BRYAN PATRICK MILLER Angela Brosso & Melanie Bernas & Brandy Myers & Tuscon SIKIKEY.jpg

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/25/2023 at 5:36 AM, EldoradoEnterprises said:

With the case as it stands being developed through suspicion and circumstance, I honestly feel compelled to speak about what I have found, regardless of the fact there are completely different narratives here that all seem to fall short of hard evidence. 

I am a cryptographer that has discovered the information behind the killing of Diana Vicari, and I am working on the case as much as possible with the intention of bringing about a search for the remains in a location near Tuscon where the killer had stated in a letter, ecrypted with a series of other letters, the exact location where her remains were said to be found.

I want to assert that I am using a specific series of letters that all were found from other cases that related to the same trained member of the Military that was part of a group of people that were responsible for the notorious Phoenix Project in Vietnam.  Seeing this background as the initial profile mentioned in the Canal Killings, and also possibly being tied to the Brandy Meyer disappearance, there was a specific mention of all 4 of these women with the ciphers that were found to be tied to this very same individual.  The manners in which they were massacred and dismemered were also made to hold a specific reference to his associations that were govt sponsored, as there was an interest in taking advantage of these locations in order to propagate a sort of elusive trail that he also made references to in his letter.  Mentioning that this situation is something that investigators were aware of before but never suspected from the evidence found, the information I located also pointed at the situation behind a number of other murders that all relied on the use of a series of ciphers to describe his planning for the killings made throughout a 50+ year window.  Each of them hold their own position in the cold case realm, and numbers of suspicions were used to try to form a profile of his affairs, but until now the ciphers remained unbroken.

With these ciphers now seen in detail on a number of pages the affairs of this person, named Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, and his alias Forrest Fenn, I have compiled enough evidence for investigators to reopen the case and am appealing both for the search for the remains in Tuscon with the detective on the case, as well as the movement to exonnerate the accused Bryan Patrick Miller through appeals to the Governor's Clemency Board, inviting them to a telephone meeting to discuss creating a special task force to handle these types of crimes.

With this new information found here : Ciphers from Letters Compiled there is a new direction taken with a number of cases that include the investigations of murders of others from the Department of Justice, with a case file submitted to the FBI and discussions with the Detective in Tuscon.  I hope to be able to also bring on the discussions of these types of ciphers with others here that are interested in learning more about these type of crimes and help bring about recognition of this line of inquiry with peer reviews of my work.

If you have any questions about the research found on this page or the others that were linked to it, feel free to get in touch with me.  It would be nice to be able to bring this information to the sister of the victim in order to bring clarity to the confusion caused by so many avenues of investigation that were probed and were debunked from the trials that took place and the research that was presented to counter it.  There is a lot of suspicion generated from these sites and its important to be able to present more than just a coincidence when forming this type of discussion to not influence or misdirect the case, but that the technical examinations of these cases are able to be used as physical evidence of admission of the person responsible for the crimes.

I hope to speak more about this new discovery with the members here.

Pic attached is the examination of the text of the letter with the application of a blocking technique used to arrange the letters in a specific template, where smaller blocks are basically able to deliver short phrases and descriptions of details behind the killings.  This includes the names of the suspect framed and the names of the victims, with the other information behind the case shown in full.  The other breaks in this series of letters are shown on the pinned posts on the link provided.

BRYAN PATRICK MILLER Angela Brosso & Melanie Bernas & Brandy Myers & Tuscon SIKIKEY.jpg


Tuscon and Phoenix PD already have said there is no link to this case and Bryan Patrick Miller. The suspects in the Vicari case have no known connection to BPM and BPM never lived in Tuscon. 

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So the 31st anniversary of this case past and one of the major suspects Lemuel Prion was recently shot to death in Utah. He was 61 years old and has lived in Utah with his family since his exoneration 20 years ago. Lemuel was still on the registered sex offender list at the time of his death and allegedly had threatened a man who came to his home with a pitchfork. The man in that case who claimed to shoot Lemuel in self defense is facing charges. 

What I always found interesting was the fact that one of the other suspects John Mazur also moved to Utah and Mazur still lives there.

Of the 4 suspects in this case 2 went down different paths. Diana's drama teacher at Pima CC Robert Encila and her ex coworker at Eegee's Mazur both went on to be successful professionals.

Lemuel Prion and Greg Hatton ended up in prison for sexual crimes. 

Diana's case still has never been solved. 


Article link https://kjzz.com/news/local/utah-san-juan-county-sage-daves-lemuel-prion-caren-melancon-monticello-southeastern-shooting-murder-charge-seventh-district-court

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 3.04.05 PM.png

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On 11/28/2022 at 3:35 AM, ruem528 said:

Hello, I have perplexed with this case now for years. I first heard about this around 2016 while I was a student of encila’s. First, the fiancé judi isn’t his current wife (divorced in early 90’s according to court records) . Secondly, when we all found this at school he had quit shortly after (may have finished out the school year I can’t remember) and had moved to the Philippines. He moved around a bit after that but I believe he is back in the Tucson area. Not sure how much of a suspect he still is but thought I’d share what I know. 

Did Encila discuss this case in class with you? Or did you hear about it second hand like a rumor on campus?

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On 5/19/2013 at 9:51 PM, Nathan Storm said:

I don't know why that seems like it would be a better reality, to have some stranger have done it. But, I think it does somehow feel "better" to think that was a stranger. Sadly, in cases like this it's usually an acquaintance or even close friend.

Close to the time of her murder, Diana was hanging out with a lot of sleazy characters. She always wanted to be part of the crowd, sometimes even if it wasn't a crowd you want to associate with. Ask yourself why she would have even been with a sleazy guy like Lemual Prion.

I know she had been hanging out with a hooker who lived on miracle mile(now Oracle Mile). Tabitha was said to have suggested prostitution to her as a way of making money. I also heard rumors of her possibly trying to sell some pot to make money. She was working at Bazils and at Eegee's, where John Mazure worked. John had been reprimanded recently for attempting to bite a workers nose off. I tried to contact Eegees about the records but was told the files had long since been destroyed.

John Mazure was friends with Greg Hatton aka Greg Hall. who were both heavily into cocaine and other drugs and know from my own experiences that the crowd of guys were very violent and sadistic for the most part. I even at one point remember them all standing in a room with a sword talking about what it would be like to cut someones arms off. I don't know if it was connected, but definitely a strange coincidence. DNA evidence will solve this case. We just need to test the arms and the potential suspects.

The other possible reality could have been Encillas and his fiance murdering Diana by accident after an argument at that house. I think Encillas used to take Diana to that house his mom owned to have sex with her. Maybe the fiance got wise and chaos ensued.

I could see them murdering her accidentally, then desperate to get rid of the body cut it into pieces. However the arms resembled something you would see out of a horror movie. They were riddled with cactus quills and cuts. A condition that iterated a possible escape attempt or something in the desert.

Dianas car broke down at the Moshtoberfest that night, and her "friends" left her and went to the party, near where he car was found.

I could see her possibly calling this "person" for help, not realizing the danger she was putting herself into, or maybe this person had been stalking her, dismantled a part of her car, they would be able to easily fix; then conveniently showing up when she was broke down.

But it does seem unlikely in some ways that she was being stalked, because he would have no way of knowing that her friends wouldn't help her with her car. They just happened to blow her off, and leave for the party. Unless Lemual had been stalking her. He was said to have threatened Tabitha with a survival knife. Maybe Lemual had become obsessed with Diana. I am going to look into finding out exactly what it would take to have the case reopened and the arms tested. I pray to G-d, the arms haven't somehow been lost.

That is one of the other main problems with this case. I think there was a prostitution ring being covered up by our police force, and the murder of Diana was diverted away from that so that the police force wouldn't be held responsible. That does seem crazy, but amazingly enough there was tons of lose ends the police disregarded. And with no concrete answers, you have to turn over every possible rock.

This is an old post but I wanted to bump this because I feel it was the best post of this whole thread. The insight of someone close to Diana and the fact that Hatton and Mazur said they wanted to cut someones arms off .... And also for clarification for new people getting into this case... Prion's defense team incorrectly spelled Mazur as Mazure and that spelling got published in the press. Its actually John S. Mazur and Gregory Scott Hatton who are the living suspects. Last I checked Hatton is scheduled to be released from prison in 2038 and Mazur still lives in Utah and Lemuel Prion is now deceased.


My own theory....Years ago I used to think Encila might have been involved but as the years go on in my personal opinion Diana's murder was done by Mazur and Hatton with possible help with Lemuel. Hatton and Mazur buddies into cocaine with at least Greg dealing. Prion was a schizophrenic sexual predator who very well could have been into drugs. If the story of Diana wanting to sell weed is true...might have been an idea she got from Hatton and Mazur. It feels like this could have either been premeditated murder or spontaneous murder. However I feel the root of it was either she refused to sleep with them, maybe Greg or John found out about her affair with Encila and got jealous or their was an issue over money. Prion would have confessed to it up in Utah and got arrested and convicted of it because he was either present to the murder as a witness or participant or Greg and John told it to him and he took credit. This is the theory that makes the most sense to me.

The other theory of Encila or his fiance doing this feels like it would have had to involve Hatton, Prion and Mazur because there is way too much smoke around those 3 for them to not be involved. I also feel like 5 different people being involved is a little too much. The more people who witnessed this murder the more likely someone would have talked. And in most of these cold cases we usually see a lone wolf suspect or two at most. But everything is still possible.

I would like to see Tuscon PD do new DNA testing using the genealogy databases to track a potential suspect via DNA as well as new interviews with everyone interviewed in the case and interviews with people who may have not been interviewed yet. I would also like to see this case take off in pop culture/social media like the Zombie Hunter case did. I feel this is one cold case that actually does still have a chance of being solved as all but 1 of the suspects is still alive. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

The TPD Cold Case unit did reopen this case about 10 years ago. They must have been unable to come up with anything new. The Pima County Attorney's office lost the nail scraping from Diana's nails. So whatever DNA may have been there is gone. That to me is the big question. Where in the hell is the nail scraping's?

Lemuel was not a scitzophrenic sexuel predator. He had a drug problem and a big mouth, but he was not involved with Diana's murder.  You all have a whole lot of partial and even more totally WRONG information. Now Lemuel is dead, murdered. Oh the irony of that.

I spent years working this case at the Public Defender's.  It's never far from my mind.

An entire family was destroyed with Diana's murder. The Vicari family suffered so much. 

My hope is that eventually someone or something will surface and this mystery will be solved. 

Edited by Tamster1
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And, by the way. There were partial fingerprints pulled off of the trash bags Diana's arm's were in.  The prints didn't match Lemuel or Ms. Harrell, the lady who found the arms. I can't remember if they were compared to Hatton, nor can I remember if they even had Mazure's prints. 

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On 11/25/2023 at 1:23 PM, Tamster1 said:

The TPD Cold Case unit did reopen this case about 10 years ago. They must have been unable to come up with anything new. The Pima County Attorney's office lost the nail scraping from Diana's nails. So whatever DNA may have been there is gone. That to me is the big question. Where in the hell is the nail scraping's?

Lemuel was not a scitzophrenic sexuel predator. He had a drug problem and a big mouth, but he was not involved with Diana's murder.  You all have a whole lot of partial and even more totally WRONG information. Now Lemuel is dead, murdered. Oh the irony of that.

I spent years working this case at the Public Defender's.  It's never far from my mind.

An entire family was destroyed with Diana's murder. The Vicari family suffered so much. 

My hope is that eventually someone or something will surface and this mystery will be solved. 


On 11/25/2023 at 1:40 PM, Tamster1 said:

And, by the way. There were partial fingerprints pulled off of the trash bags Diana's arm's were in.  The prints didn't match Lemuel or Ms. Harrell, the lady who found the arms. I can't remember if they were compared to Hatton, nor can I remember if they even had Mazure's prints. 

Thank you for responding to the thread with this new information. When I did order Diana's cold case murder record from Tuscon PD a few years ago. BTW If anyone is interested case number was 9210240588 and you can order it from Tuscon PD by filling out a form and referencing that case number... but be warned it will be heavily redacted because its not solved. It cost me like $60. It was very hard to follow along because the way it was redacted all the names of suspects and witnesses were blacked out. So I couldn't see where or even if guys like Hatton and Mazur were mentioned. I am going to include a screenshot where it talks about the fingerprints. 

As far as Gregory Scott Hatton and John Stephen Mazur are concerned...both must have been in the national fingerprint database because they both have been arrested. Same with Prion. I don't know if Encila was ever arrested but if he is a teacher he would need to obtain a fingerprint clearance card with the AZ department of public safety. I found in my research Mazur was arrested in Tuscon for stealing from his employer while living in Tuscon in 1993 but I could not find the alleged rape case or nose biting incident at Eegees that Wes Nathan/Nathan Storm mentioned in his post. Mazur has since moved to Utah. 

Lemuel Prion was a sexual predator. If you google his name he was listed on a sex offender list for a 1986 sexual assault in Utah. And we know about the 1992 incident with Tabitha Armenta the prostitute who was Diana's friend where he picked her up and pulled a knife on her. I don't believe he was murdered. Prion came at that guy with a pitchfork. It sounds like self defense to me from what i have read but its a mute point in regards to Diana. Whatever Prion knew died with him. 

I do believe it is very plausible that Prion, Mazur, Hatton or even Encila or someone else could have committed this crime on there own. I also believe its possible it could have been a combination of some or all of them.

The challenges in this case is now that its over 31 years later suspects and key witnesses are dying off. Diana's immediate family other than her little sister are gone. Prion gone. Mazur and Hatton approaching their 60's with one of them in prison. Tabbitha the prostitute was 35 in 1992 so she'd be 66 today if still alive. I think Robert Encila is 63. Diana would be 50 if still alive today.

There is allegedly no extractable DNA from her fingernails, fingerprints on the trashbags dont match any of the 4 known/obvious suspects and the rest of her body was never found. All we know is that the mutilation of the arms was post mortem. 

This can only be solved by people coming forward and talking at this point. We need to keep this case alive. I see other cold cases blow up on social media and people making podcasts and Youtube documentaries. We need that for this case. 



Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 5.24.47 AM.png

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/29/2023 at 7:48 AM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:


Thank you for responding to the thread with this new information. When I did order Diana's cold case murder record from Tuscon PD a few years ago. BTW If anyone is interested case number was 9210240588 and you can order it from Tuscon PD by filling out a form and referencing that case number... but be warned it will be heavily redacted because its not solved. It cost me like $60. It was very hard to follow along because the way it was redacted all the names of suspects and witnesses were blacked out. So I couldn't see where or even if guys like Hatton and Mazur were mentioned. I am going to include a screenshot where it talks about the fingerprints. 

As far as Gregory Scott Hatton and John Stephen Mazur are concerned...both must have been in the national fingerprint database because they both have been arrested. Same with Prion. I don't know if Encila was ever arrested but if he is a teacher he would need to obtain a fingerprint clearance card with the AZ department of public safety. I found in my research Mazur was arrested in Tuscon for stealing from his employer while living in Tuscon in 1993 but I could not find the alleged rape case or nose biting incident at Eegees that Wes Nathan/Nathan Storm mentioned in his post. Mazur has since moved to Utah. 

Lemuel Prion was a sexual predator. If you google his name he was listed on a sex offender list for a 1986 sexual assault in Utah. And we know about the 1992 incident with Tabitha Armenta the prostitute who was Diana's friend where he picked her up and pulled a knife on her. I don't believe he was murdered. Prion came at that guy with a pitchfork. It sounds like self defense to me from what i have read but its a mute point in regards to Diana. Whatever Prion knew died with him. 

I do believe it is very plausible that Prion, Mazur, Hatton or even Encila or someone else could have committed this crime on there own. I also believe its possible it could have been a combination of some or all of them.

The challenges in this case is now that its over 31 years later suspects and key witnesses are dying off. Diana's immediate family other than her little sister are gone. Prion gone. Mazur and Hatton approaching their 60's with one of them in prison. Tabbitha the prostitute was 35 in 1992 so she'd be 66 today if still alive. I think Robert Encila is 63. Diana would be 50 if still alive today.

There is allegedly no extractable DNA from her fingernails, fingerprints on the trashbags dont match any of the 4 known/obvious suspects and the rest of her body was never found. All we know is that the mutilation of the arms was post mortem. 

This can only be solved by people coming forward and talking at this point. We need to keep this case alive. I see other cold cases blow up on social media and people making podcasts and Youtube documentaries. We need that for this case. 



Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 5.24.47 AM.png

Last Seen Alive is doing an episode on Diana’s case - tentative release date is 2/26. The creator responded to my email request this morning and confirmed that they are researching.

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  • 6 months later...
On 5/25/2013 at 1:26 PM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

I guess Nathan Storm was a troll.

Anyway I did some reseach and found out Greg Hatton is in jail for life because he abused and sodomized his girlfriends baby. This happened back in 1993 and he was scentenced to 90 years. They said in the atricle that he was into coke, meth and marijuana and was dealing it out of that Chevron.

The question is what about Mazure, where is he now?

No, I just never knew someone messaged me. the messages were going to my junk box..

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On 10/26/2023 at 1:05 PM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

This is an old post but I wanted to bump this because I feel it was the best post of this whole thread. The insight of someone close to Diana and the fact that Hatton and Mazur said they wanted to cut someones arms off .... And also for clarification for new people getting into this case... Prion's defense team incorrectly spelled Mazur as Mazure and that spelling got published in the press. Its actually John S. Mazur and Gregory Scott Hatton who are the living suspects. Last I checked Hatton is scheduled to be released from prison in 2038 and Mazur still lives in Utah and Lemuel Prion is now deceased.


My own theory....Years ago I used to think Encila might have been involved but as the years go on in my personal opinion Diana's murder was done by Mazur and Hatton with possible help with Lemuel. Hatton and Mazur buddies into cocaine with at least Greg dealing. Prion was a schizophrenic sexual predator who very well could have been into drugs. If the story of Diana wanting to sell weed is true...might have been an idea she got from Hatton and Mazur. It feels like this could have either been premeditated murder or spontaneous murder. However I feel the root of it was either she refused to sleep with them, maybe Greg or John found out about her affair with Encila and got jealous or their was an issue over money. Prion would have confessed to it up in Utah and got arrested and convicted of it because he was either present to the murder as a witness or participant or Greg and John told it to him and he took credit. This is the theory that makes the most sense to me.

The other theory of Encila or his fiance doing this feels like it would have had to involve Hatton, Prion and Mazur because there is way too much smoke around those 3 for them to not be involved. I also feel like 5 different people being involved is a little too much. The more people who witnessed this murder the more likely someone would have talked. And in most of these cold cases we usually see a lone wolf suspect or two at most. But everything is still possible.

I would like to see Tuscon PD do new DNA testing using the genealogy databases to track a potential suspect via DNA as well as new interviews with everyone interviewed in the case and interviews with people who may have not been interviewed yet. I would also like to see this case take off in pop culture/social media like the Zombie Hunter case did. I feel this is one cold case that actually does still have a chance of being solved as all but 1 of the suspects is still alive. 

I went back and forth about who it might be for years, but now I think it was probably Encila. Every PI I ever talked to said its usually the most obvious answer. Hall and Mazur and the rest all sure had their definite suspect vibes, but they werent in a relationship with her. Plus in his public testimony on here, he knowingly avoids admitting the fact that Di's car was found adjacent to his fiance's mom's house, and that he also had a secret relationship with Diana for months. I even thought, what if it was just some random satanist crime due to Halloween. But that just seems goofy. Who does a young girl call when her car breaks down? A boyfriend. A father figure? She was dating Encilia so it wouldnt be that strange that he was the one who came to "help" her. The fact that the car was found by his soon to be mother in laws house is super odd in my opinion. Too coincidental. The whole case is so frustrating. She didnt deserve it. And it may be years layer, but my gut still tells me the murderer is still out there. Probably in Tucson. I think I'm going to go back to investigating this, if not for her family, or myself, for Diana.

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On 9/25/2023 at 5:36 AM, EldoradoEnterprises said:

With the case as it stands being developed through suspicion and circumstance, I honestly feel compelled to speak about what I have found, regardless of the fact there are completely different narratives here that all seem to fall short of hard evidence. 

I am a cryptographer that has discovered the information behind the killing of Diana Vicari, and I am working on the case as much as possible with the intention of bringing about a search for the remains in a location near Tuscon where the killer had stated in a letter, ecrypted with a series of other letters, the exact location where her remains were said to be found.

I want to assert that I am using a specific series of letters that all were found from other cases that related to the same trained member of the Military that was part of a group of people that were responsible for the notorious Phoenix Project in Vietnam.  Seeing this background as the initial profile mentioned in the Canal Killings, and also possibly being tied to the Brandy Meyer disappearance, there was a specific mention of all 4 of these women with the ciphers that were found to be tied to this very same individual.  The manners in which they were massacred and dismemered were also made to hold a specific reference to his associations that were govt sponsored, as there was an interest in taking advantage of these locations in order to propagate a sort of elusive trail that he also made references to in his letter.  Mentioning that this situation is something that investigators were aware of before but never suspected from the evidence found, the information I located also pointed at the situation behind a number of other murders that all relied on the use of a series of ciphers to describe his planning for the killings made throughout a 50+ year window.  Each of them hold their own position in the cold case realm, and numbers of suspicions were used to try to form a profile of his affairs, but until now the ciphers remained unbroken.

With these ciphers now seen in detail on a number of pages the affairs of this person, named Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, and his alias Forrest Fenn, I have compiled enough evidence for investigators to reopen the case and am appealing both for the search for the remains in Tuscon with the detective on the case, as well as the movement to exonnerate the accused Bryan Patrick Miller through appeals to the Governor's Clemency Board, inviting them to a telephone meeting to discuss creating a special task force to handle these types of crimes.

With this new information found here : Ciphers from Letters Compiled there is a new direction taken with a number of cases that include the investigations of murders of others from the Department of Justice, with a case file submitted to the FBI and discussions with the Detective in Tuscon.  I hope to be able to also bring on the discussions of these types of ciphers with others here that are interested in learning more about these type of crimes and help bring about recognition of this line of inquiry with peer reviews of my work.

If you have any questions about the research found on this page or the others that were linked to it, feel free to get in touch with me.  It would be nice to be able to bring this information to the sister of the victim in order to bring clarity to the confusion caused by so many avenues of investigation that were probed and were debunked from the trials that took place and the research that was presented to counter it.  There is a lot of suspicion generated from these sites and its important to be able to present more than just a coincidence when forming this type of discussion to not influence or misdirect the case, but that the technical examinations of these cases are able to be used as physical evidence of admission of the person responsible for the crimes.

I hope to speak more about this new discovery with the members here.

Pic attached is the examination of the text of the letter with the application of a blocking technique used to arrange the letters in a specific template, where smaller blocks are basically able to deliver short phrases and descriptions of details behind the killings.  This includes the names of the suspect framed and the names of the victims, with the other information behind the case shown in full.  The other breaks in this series of letters are shown on the pinned posts on the link provided.

BRYAN PATRICK MILLER Angela Brosso & Melanie Bernas & Brandy Myers & Tuscon SIKIKEY.jpg

I am not sure if anything of this means anything, but I would love to see Di's case reopened.

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On 2/11/2024 at 8:48 AM, D99 said:

Last Seen Alive is doing an episode on Diana’s case - tentative release date is 2/26. The creator responded to my email request this morning and confirmed that they are researching.

I too never found any solid legal proof to the Mazur claims other than the girl's who worked there after the fact, but several girls I talked to seemed to remember the biting incident. They called him Joey Dazur. Which seems like some confirmation even if the name is slightly wrong. From what I was told, he tried to steal from work, and then discovered who ratted him out and tried to bite their nose off. I dont know if it really implicates Mazur in her attack, but it is definitely the most violent event I found associated with the case this side of that baby assault, by Hatton/Hall.

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On 5/25/2013 at 1:26 PM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

I guess Nathan Storm was a troll.

Anyway I did some reseach and found out Greg Hatton is in jail for life because he abused and sodomized his girlfriends baby. This happened back in 1993 and he was scentenced to 90 years. They said in the atricle that he was into coke, meth and marijuana and was dealing it out of that Chevron.

The question is what about Mazure, where is he now?

I tried to hit you up at your aol email the l.north, but it didnt go thru. Feel free to message me on here if it allows. I know you have to be 50 messages deep on the site to even be allowed to message. you can use that old email for me, I will be on the look out for your messages.

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On 6/4/2013 at 3:59 PM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

Are you there Nathan? If you are serious then tell me about Mazure and where to find him. There in no record of John Mazure in criminal databases in Arizona. Was he from back east ?

t is interesting how many of the random stories I was told in my sub par investigation ended up being valid. I am trying to remember where I heard about the arms going thru WW3. I feel like it was someone at delgados office or the evidence department. One of those entities said that when the ars were examined they looked as if they had been through a serious event. I think the phrase I remember was "been through ww3 or something"..

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On 7/28/2013 at 9:17 PM, Tyr876 said:

The police should not have been so negligent and dismissive of given evidence. From someone who knew both Greg and Diana, he should have been their main focus.


On 8/11/2013 at 1:31 AM, Kwantum said:

I am afraid that I cannot add much to the actual investigation and research aspect of this case. I can however mention that I worked with Diana at Eegee's for several months prior to and during the time of her apparent murder. Following the news reports, the employees were instructed to not speak to any media at the store.

Shortly after, there were some vigils held in the alley where the dumpster was located. I visited with another girl that worked there. I spray painted some saying of love and remembrance on the wall. I don't even remember what I wrote, I was sobbing uncontrollably.

As the years pass, I remember fewer and fewer details about her. She had a great smile and I always thought she was so cool. I also remember how generous and trusting she was. Many of her coworkers and I felt that this trust had something to do with what happened to her.

I know this doesn't help out a lot. I just wanted to people to know that I think about her occasionally. I am sure I am not the only one.

Shes was a good person. Far too trusting. There are some of us out here still trying to solve the crime. I still have faith it is solvable.

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On 9/4/2013 at 8:27 AM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

Lets analyze this a little deeper....

Prion lived on La Osa street at the time of Diana's murder, same block where her car was left behind.

Mazure shows up to work the morning after Diana's disappearance in a disoriented state exhibiting bizarre behavior and is fired.

Hatton is good friends with Mazure and displayed psychotic tendencies in his girlfriends son's abuse.

Diana's car is left parked in front of Robert Encilla's fiance's mothers' house.

Prion+Mazure+Hatton+Encilla family=???

you would think that if Prion was getting ready to get sent to death row that he would have ratted them out if it was a cabal. He never even said he did it. He always claimed he was innocent. the car being found on the same street as Prion is very very compelling. Maybe it does indicate Prion went to pick her up. I have recently discovered evidence Encila also owned a truck at the time.


Here is the post from the last person to ever talk to her. Her folks owned a music shop where the dumpster was located. As you can read, she verifies it was a guy who took her in a truck..


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On 9/4/2013 at 9:10 AM, avicari said:

I thought it was Encila's mother's house. I need to look back on that info. Regardless, that just fits together somewhat.

it was found at the side of the house owned by encila's fiance's mom. She was at the corner and it was found on the street along the side of her house on the 1200 block of West La Osa.

Strangely the same street Prion stayed on. Seems like an odd coincidence.

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On 2/12/2014 at 9:36 AM, Tamster said:

Hello all,

I was the legal assistant for the Lemuel Prion case. I am now retired and can talk freely about the case, but do not think this is the way to properly do it. Lucas is there anyway to talk either in person, or by phone. Angela, I did reach out to Debbie before her death, but the police advised her not to talk to me. I am 100 percent sure that Lemuel had nothing to do with Diana's death. Hatton and Mazure were better susepcts. Robert Encillas' fiancé at the time of the murder is not currently married to him. The were divorced years ago, but she still was sticking to her alibi of him. I have also called the TPD tip line and offered my assistance after seeing the cold case unit is looking into it. I care about what happened to Diana, and tried my best to figure out who did it, but in the long run, I was told it was my job to help defend Lemuel, not solve the case. But things have changed......

Interesting that she was Encila's alibi. I never knew that before today. Im assuming they were the alibi for each other.. that seems sus.

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On 3/11/2014 at 2:06 PM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

If they wanted the body identified, why put them in trash bags? Then why leave a ring on her fingers? This tells me the motive was not robbery and they were trying to conceal the body. There are countless dumpsters around a big town like Tuscon, they probably disposed of the body in multiple areas. Maybe after Diana's arms were discovered, they returned to other dumpsters and retrieved the rest of her body and buried her, I hope so because that is the only chance of her body ever being recovered. There is no way the Tuscon Police Department would search a landfill for a body that had two decades worth of garbage buried on top of it. Hatton and Mazure know something, that is clear based on their actions. My best theory is the fiance and/or Encilla hired them and maybe Prion to either kill Diana or dispose of her body.

The morning of Friday October 23rd, John Mazure showed up to work freaking out at the New Orleans bar where Diana was last seen alive around midnight several hours before. He was fired for his bizare behavior and has a history of violence towards women, even biting the nose of a female co-worker. While Hatton, according to Diana's sister, acted very suspicious when asked if he knew what happened to Diana. Hatton and Mazure were good friends who shared a love of cocaine. Hatton was a user/dealer, who shortly after Diana's death graduated to meth and was arrested the following June for raping and savagely abusing his girlfriends child. He was later given a life scentence while Mazure went MIA. Both Hatton and Mazure seemed to be part of a circle of friends that included Tabbitha, a prostitute who filed charges against Lemuel Prion, the man who was aquited of Diana's death. Hatton sold drugs out of a Chevron where he worked at Craycroft and 22nd while Mazure had employment at Eegees, where Diana worked and where the nose biting incident happened, in addition to the New Orleans bar where Troy Olsen worked. Olsen was the one who claimed Prion was the man Diana was last seen alive with.

The biggest hurdle in Diana's case is that there are too many lowlifes who she hung around with and these lowlifes all had a credible motive for killing her which confuses the hell out of anyone investigating the case. In addition, without the rest of Diana's body, there is very limited material evidence availible, The most telling, outside the arms, was where her car was found-Encilla's fiance's mothers house, and who she was last seen alive with-Prion, allthough Olsen did not identify him until August of 1993 after initially denying it was Prion in October of 1992. For all you know, Olsen was in on it too. I believe he moved to Nashville and became a country musician. Yes this story keeps getting more bizzare.

So at the end of the day, here is what we know about our suspects current whereabouts...

Lemuel Prion-Psychopathic child molester who currently resides in Utah. Unfortunatly free as a bird, but thankfully on registered sex offender list.

Gregory S. Hatton-In Arizona State prison for life, by the time he is elligible for parole, he will be well over the age of 100.

John Mazure-Unconfirmed match found in Idaho on a Facebook profile with slighly altered name. Debbie Vicari said she was told by investigators that he was missing, that was on her Youtube page in aprex 2007/2008. In 2009, Debbie unfortunatly passed away during a surgical procedure, so she was never able to give us an update on either the search for Mazure or the new DNA tesing she mentioned was being done. I cannot stress the importance to you the reader on finding Mazure as he likely knows everything or at least a hell of a lot that we dont.

Robert Encilla-The king of Tuscon's theatre scene. He is married to Ginny and has several children, allthough Ginny may not be the fiance from 1992. Someone on another site said it was a women named "Judy".

Olsen acted real weird when I talked to him on myspace. At first he was pretty cool, but when my questions became more pointed he basically told me that the police would have to force him to answer my questions.

Judy and Ginny seem very similar.

I wonder if Encilas really passed a polygraph. Maybe Tamster would know. It sounds like his alibi got him out of having to do a polygraph, so the fact that he claims he passed one in his public testimony on here make me wonder. Even discussing this the way we are could be literally tipping the murderer off, but what choice do we have.

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On 3/24/2014 at 2:06 PM, purplepants69 said:

Nathan, Her arms are buried already. At cemetary. I hope you find out what or who did this. Even though she got caught up with the wrong people, she still deserves to be found.

lots of moving parts.

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On 10/14/2014 at 6:26 PM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

Does anyone have the address to that house?

1200 block of West La Osa, I forget the exact address. One of the girls from eegees told me that they went there via what diana had told them. Who knows how accurate these assertions are, although 10 years later it sure seems like some of those assertions were dead on the mark.

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