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Diana Vicari dismemberment-murder case

Lucas North-justiceseeker

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On 8/8/2014 at 4:58 AM, D99 said:

Just wanted to throw out there that the bartender/witness, Troy Olson, is not the musician that LucasNorth mentions in his post, but a current Tucson resident and completely decent human being who was certainly not involved in any cover up for the benefit of some creepy co-worker or coke addicted baby rapist. The investigators revisiting this case should have no trouble finding him if they want to re-interview him concerning Prion, Mazure, or anyone else involved in this heinous crime.

I have one question, if anyone might know the answer it would shed some light on a bizarre incident from the weekend of October 23, 1992 - does anyone know what kind of vehicle (if any) any if the potential suspects in this case owned or had regular access to?

A truck was the supposed last vehicle she was seen riding in the night of the disappearance. The driver an unknown male (although I always wondered if it was a girl with her hair pulled back). Honestly,  I thought Troy seemed nervous and unwilling to tell the exact truth of what he knew. That could have been for any number of reasons. When you talk to him, he clearly knows stuff he is not revealing. Initially he wouldnt even admit that he saw Mazur and prion with Diana, but finally admitted he saw Prion and Di together that night. I think maybe he did know something about the case that would have convicted someone else. Maybe even something that would have made him an accessory. Who knows. But somebody knows something. I can almost guarantee it. I think the killer is still right there in Tucson without a care in the world.

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On 4/22/2016 at 9:55 AM, PGSouth said:

Working off the fact that the arms had been severed after death, placed in heavy duty trash bags and left in an out of the way dumpster - The first thing I would consider would be who would have the means, and place (out of view of others) and the tools (saw, knifes) and the time to cut up the body? It's gonna make a mess and take a certain amount of time. So if you are out in the desert somewhere, for example, or any remote area, why do that and transport the body back into town. Likely whoever did it was inside somewhere or at least somewhere concealed from the public. They probably went and bought the trash bags after the killing and maybe the saw and/or knife (unless they planned the killing in advance and already were prepared with the bags and the tools). Either way, they probably had the body for 24hrs or so, from somewhere after the time of her last being seen until that second day when her arms were discovered. So again, by who and where could the body be concealed or hidden in that time? Whoever did it likely had to cut up the body, wrap it in the black garbage bags, and probably clean up. Second, why go through all that trouble? If they had the body in a place where they could easily be discovered carrying out a dead body, such as a busy apartment building, that could be one reason for cutting it up, to have the ability to carry it out as "trash." And I wonder if they even had a car or vehicle. Maybe they had to walk to dispose of the body. If they were in a less busy area and had a car, why not load it up and drive the body to a remote location and dump it? More than likely they were trying to hide the body and hide evidence of the killing. (If they wanted to leave something, to say she had been killed, why both arms? Why not just a hand? and why wrap it in heavy duty black plastic?) If a complete stranger killed her they could have left her body and been on their way out of town maybe. But if someone she knew killed her, they probably wanted to hide everything. But for what reason? If it was premeditated, planned, they might have been ready with the garbage bags and the ability to cut up the body, in some "secure" place. Not that I'm an expert, but how many people who plan murders also plan to go through all the trouble to cut up the body in an effort to get rid of it. So likely, it was an "accident" or an act of sick passion, unplanned. And likely it happened in a place and time where the body couldn't be left, but needed to be moved. And so probably the answer for the killer was to cut up the body, in order to transport it away. Who had access to this kind of place, the time to complete it, and the tools and means? How far away was this particular dumpster from anyones, everyones house? Would they have to drive there? Or walk? Piecing together some of this kind of logic could help prioritize who should be looked at more closely as a suspect. Do any of the known statements that any of the suspects made shed light on any of the logic? etc.With more facts present, we could probably narrow down the scenario even a little more. For example, did the trash bag contain only the arms? or was there other items or residue in the bag? If they contained only the arms and were otherwise clean, likely the bags were gotten after the killing for the express purpose of hiding the body. That kind of "little" information can help tell us how "hastily" things were done or not. Did the guys she hung out with have those type of black kitchen bags laying about or were they the kind that instead more often kept their little grocery bags to use for their trash? Again, my guess at this point in time would be that some person or persons, killed her, needed to move her body to hide the evidence of the place and or the act, couldn't carry the entire body all at once for some reason, and so needed to cut it up (especially if two types of knifes or saw were used to cut the arms, that would indicate more of a need, as opposed to a machete carrying guy acting out anger or hatred of a woman and hacking her arm off), had to buy at least the trash bags, and took the body in pieces away, disposing it in different locations perhaps, hoping that it would not be identified.

Very good points. An interesting footnote is that in my research I came across some claims that several neighbors that week after the disappearance reported a foul decaying smell in the area to the local cops. I always entertained a scenario where Encilas semi fixes the car, then follows her over to the mom's house where supposedly they had already been spending time at romantically. She leaves the car to go to this nearby party with Encilas. Somewhere along the way the fiance catches them together. Somehow Diana is injured/killed. That may have happened at the house. Even the fiance discovering them could have happened at that house. Then she gets hurt and they have to figure out a way to get rid of her. Then they get the bags and try to get rid of her. It is odd that whoever it was left her favorite ring on her finger. To me its a sign she was close to the person who did it. Even in death they wouldnt want to steal that ring. I myself remember how much she loved that ring. I think he dad in Washington gave it to her. Most people who knew her had heard the story. So to me it sure seems like the person who did it was at least a friend. She was a nice girl. But she liked to pretend she was tough, and hang out with ****ty people..She trusted too much. 

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On 4/24/2016 at 9:08 AM, PGSouth said:

Let me try to be more concise with a line of thinking - The killer had Diana, he killed her and after the fact cut off both her arms using two different cutting instruments - through flesh and bone, wrapped or placed her arms in heavy plastic garbage bag(s), and left them in a dumpster in an alleyway. The disposal (of part) of her body was in the dumpster wrapped in plastic, but we do not know how or where she was killed, and/or where her body was when her arms were cut off. If physical evidence was collected from her arms or the plastic, i.e. fibers or residue or plant material or marks on her arm, etc, then it might give us some idea as to where those events took place. One person said she saw Diana leaving the concert from the community center around midnight with a man in a truck, having stated that her own car had broken down earlier in the evening. If she were killed in this truck, either by “accident” or by opportunity killing, it’s unlikely that the killer would have then cut her arms off in this truck as well, as that would be too messy (bloody) and create problems, evidence etc. He ( I am assuming it was a man) would have had to remove her body from the truck, and place it in a secure,remote, hidden or concealed area to cut off the arms. Also, he would need to have the two cutting instruments with him along with the heavy plastic bags, or else he would have had to have driven to retrieve or to buy these items. After cutting off the arms he would have had to additionally drive at least to the dumpster to dispose of her arms. If he barely knew or just met Diana, why go through all that trouble. He could have just left her body in a remote area. If Diana was killed inside, in a home, an apartment or a warehouse for example, we still have to consider the fact that her arms were cut off. Before trying to answer why though, I want to consider the use of two cutting instruments. If two were used, then I’m going to say that it is likely that the killer had not cut through a body before and/or was unprepared for doing so after killing Diana. He probably started with the first instrument, knife or saw, and cut through the flesh, but on encountering the bone, was not able to cut it. At that point, the killer would have needed to have another knife/saw on hand or would have had to buy or find another one that was capable of cutting through the bone. If she were killed at an inside location, it is possible that the area was too busy with people coming and going to take a chance of carrying an entire body out. Perhaps it was becoming daylight by then. The option then may have been to cut the body into smaller pieces, wrap them in plastic and take them out for disposal. What would have been the killers schedule? Was he to be at work that morning? Could he have left/stored the body for a few hours until he could come back and cut it? If rigor mortis had already set in by the time the arms were cut, that suggests that the body could have been left for a time period while the killer either decided what to do, went to work, or went to buy materials (plastic bags or knifes/saw).

The murder definitely didnt happen in the truck. And something not mentioned is that Diana was formidable. She would fk you up if she needed to do it. Even a grown man would have had to either catch her off guard, or been more than one person or been someone she trusted. I am almost 100% sure she was killed in the same location she was dissected. She was about 135-45 and semi muscular.  She wouldnt be fun for even a couple of adult men to carry around. I think dismembering her was about disposing of her, although its odd they wouldnt just go over to the desert and toss her out. Everyone knows how fast animals eat dead animals out in the desert. I suppose intelligence plays a role in some of these choices. A side note, about the tools. It seems like a hunting knife could serve the purpose of both tools. You can easily get through flesh and bone with most average survival knifes. That being said, i think it was like you said and they were totally unprepared for the event. I feel like her body laid dormant for some days while they dealt with it entirely . Also your assumption of the dismembering being used as a method of taking her out a small trip at a time seems super likely to me. So I heard that mother's house was actually up for sale, which would have been a reason the body might have been safe unguarded for hours. In regards to the rigor mortis it begins 2 hours after death, and remains for about 24 hours, then the body goes back to its limber state.I am going to say the killer didnt carve on her until that next day or so, because its super unlikely that the person would have been ready to dissect her within 2 hours of her death. And if they were, then it was a somewhat planned event. I like you feel like it was an accident to a certain extent. But the person knew that no one would believe them, so they broke her into pieces and placed her around town. Although its odd that nothing else was discovered, even down at the processing plant. So she was obviously dealt with after that first 24 hours of death. Maybe in that house. Who knows.

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On 9/15/2018 at 12:56 AM, D99 said:

Also, the gas station Greg worked at that was across from the Eegees - was it at Craycroft and 22nd?


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On 5/25/2020 at 11:41 AM, TashaMarie said:

It seems that there are many potential suspects in this case, the lover, the lovers fiancee, or a host of people with questionable Morales.  I have a few questions regarding the case.

  1. Were other dumpsters checked for her other body parts was the landfill ever checked
  2. Was Diana's car checked for blood and finger prints and or the homes of anyone mentioned in previous posts
  3. Diana was interested in Greg, is it possible she ended her affair with Encillas?  Could he have gotten angry and killed her?
  4. If they have Greg's DNA from the case regarding the child then surely they checked it against the DNA they had, would this not have been the same with Prion?
  5. Also if there was DNA found on Diana's arms/hand/under her nails then why has there not been a mass DNA collection of those who knew her at the very least.
  6. Did the bag they found her arms in not have any finger prints?
  7. Did they determine what was used  severe her arms?

I hope this or another thread like this, provides clues or other avenues to look at that will one day break the case.

I never considered 3.

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On 6/16/2020 at 2:45 AM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

So I wanted to update everyone. I have recently confirmed through police records that John Mazure's name is actually spelled Mazur. John S. Mazur is the man who worked with Troy Olson at the New Orleans Lounge where Diana visited that night shortly before she disappeared. Now Nathan Storm was the one user who claimed Mazur and Hatton knew each other. I was curious if anyone else could confirm this? Did Troy Olson also know Greg Hatton? Does anyone know if John or Greg knew Lemuel Prion or Robert Encila? 

pretty sure they knew each other from New Orleans Lounge.

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On 6/16/2020 at 1:22 PM, Regi said:

Well, it isn't clear to me whether the center sighting was before or after the bar sighting, but Olson said Diana was at the bar with a man he didn't know and that they were going to a party, and so if there actually was a party that night on the same block as where her car was found, I'd find that to be too much of a coincidence to ignore.

before , she was seen right after the show let out. below is that message she posted about her interaction with Di.


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On 8/3/2020 at 8:33 PM, D99 said:

I’m wondering how sure you are that Hatton worked at that gas station? Confirmed via an old newspaper article that Diana worked at the Eegees on the opposite corner, so Greg Hatton would have worked at the Exxon in front of the Kmart? Addresses for Hatton include an apartment nearby at Pima/Tanque Verde and Wilmot, and also Speedway and Rosemont, so it would make sense.

Also, if you knew him, do you know what kind of car (if any) he drove?

 Thank you!

no it was a chevron at 22nd and craycroft across from the eeggees Di worked at. and the jack in the box.

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On 8/3/2020 at 9:10 PM, D99 said:

I’m still having trouble locating ANYTHING on John Mazur/Mazure. However, I did find some info on the townhome supposedly owned or being purchased by Encila’s mother-in-law, although it may not actually link them to the case. The problem is, there’s La Osa DRIVE and La Osa STREET. It is a little hard to explain, but the 1200 block of West La Osa Drive is near Wetmore and Flowing Wells, as stated in numerous articles/court documents - this is where Diana’s car was found. La Osa STREET is 1800 West, although it comes up in Google maps as 1200 West, and there’s really no good reason for this. I will say, though, that Encila’s reported partner at the time, Judi Hartley/Spencer/Encila can be found in public records as having lived at the corner of La Osa STREET and Pocito Place. So. A simple photo of where the car was found or report containing the exact cross streets and location of Diana’s car would clear this up. It is also worth noting that the 1200 block of west La Osa DRIVE is a two minute drive or five minute walk from an address that Lemuel Prion was living at in 1993 (1089 W. Schafer Dr.).

Additionally, a search of public records confirms that Virginia Buckrop-Chewning and Robert Encila filed their marriage license 22 years ago, when she was 42. Still looking through other records, but I am inclined to believe that Encila was with Judi at the time of Diana’s murder, not Virginia, as others have also implied or stated. I will update if further record searches reveal more information.

*I was unable to load screenshots of the maps because the files are too big. I would be happy to e-mail them if anyone wants them, feel free to message me.

really amazing information

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On 10/22/2020 at 12:05 PM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

I found some stuff on John Stephen Mazur. He hasn't lived in Tuscon area or Arizona since at least the mid 90's. I was able to buy many police records on him. The ones I found from Pima County Sherriff's office were traffic and the Tuscon ones were of petty theft. Stealing a guys wallet and stealing money from a cash register at a tile shop he worked at. The correct spelling is Mazur it was Prion's lawyers who spelled in Mazure in the court arguments they used to appeal for Prions release. I could not find any police record of the sexual assault or the biting the nose of a coworker at Eegee's the court documents mentioned. But I only requested or ask for records from Tuscon PD and PCSO not surrounding suburbs. The Eegee's Diana worked at was in Tuscon city limits so the nose biting incident might not have been reported to police. John Mazur seems to have traveled around the country and lived in many places since he left Tuscon. He now is working at a car dealership in a different state. I can't reveal too many personal details of his on a public forum because it might get the entire thread taken down. I don't want to cross the line into doxing territory.

As far as Mazur goes I believe he could have been involved but its possible Prion's defense team falsely accused him to get Prion off death row. Like Nathan Storm brought up a long time ago Diana did hang out with many shady characters and this is a problem in the case because there are a lot of good suspects. Mazur, Hatton, Prion and Encila all could have done it by themselves or they could of teamed up. Two of them could have done it together. Or maybe it wasn't any of them. Maybe it was Bryan Patrick Miller taking a road trip down to Tuscon. After all he was probably into the type of grunge rock music show that was at the convention center and wanted to see that concert. His favorite song was Creep by Radiohead.  Or it could have been someone else Diana did not know.

I believe Encila was involved only because of where Diana's car was found and I think he enlisted the help of either Prion, Mazur or Hatton. Likely Hatton but Hatton was buddied with Mazur and he could have tagged along. 

I also requested police records for Gregory Scott Hatton and found the horrific case of child abuse as well as a case of domestic violence against a former girlfriend. These records were of course before he was arrested in 1993 for child abuse. 

I also got the case file for Diana's murder but it is heavily redacted and all the names are blacked out. I would still recommend anyone in this case purchase these records. Tuscon PD sends you digital files and PCSO will mail them to you. I am so busy with my career that I have not had the time to fully read Diana's redacted file but when I went through it and flashed forward to the end I did see some recent entries were made on the case. I did reach out to the detective by leaving him a voicemail but he never got back to me. Unfortunately due to file size limits I cannot send you the files through private message or attach them to this forum post. So you are gonna have to pay if you want your own copies. 

I feel this case is close and we need to get it out there on social media. Post about it on other forums. Tweet it out on Twitter and post it on Facebook and Instagram and Tik Tok etc. Lets get more attention on this case. Lets make 2020 the year Diana's murder is finally solved. 

I dont really think that there was a cabal. If so Prion would have ratted them out. He was going to jail for life, he had nothing to lose. To me its only the type of secret that two people who were not indicted yet could keep, like two people in a relationship or that were in a relationship like the Encila situation.

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On 9/15/2018 at 12:56 AM, D99 said:

Also, the gas station Greg worked at that was across from the Eegees - was it at Craycroft and 22nd?

I thought for the longest it was 22nd and craycroft but it does seem like it may have been broadway and Kolb at the exxon.

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6 hours ago, Justice for the Dead said:

I thought for the longest it was 22nd and craycroft but it does seem like it may have been broadway and Kolb at the exxon.

The body was separated from the arms/hands, as this is a tell-tale mark of a man that had committed these same types of crimes in the past.

The man's name was Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, who's involvement in the Diana Vicari murder was known to investigators for some time now, as my reports were sent to the new Detective on the case in Tuscon, and is being ignored and covered up.

The information I found leads to the uncovering of the identity of the man responsible for her death, but also exposed the involvement with the murders of the two Canal Killings of Brosso and Bernas, with the Brandi Myers abduction included in the affair.  I will explain the timeline of the murders that were committed in Arizona by this same person, who was the founder of the Temple of Set and member of the Church of Satan, employed by the CIA in the Drug Running and Laundering Operations that were once known as the "Zodiac" killings.

A man was known to have come through the valley as a part of the targeted killing of Bob Crane in Scottsdale, in which he was working to try to leave evidence behind that would implicate another in his crimes.  He created letters and sent them with cards to the media and police, in which he detailed his killings, and left behind encrypted information inside of the ciphers he added to the notes.  In the Bob Crane murder case, no leads were generated other than basic accusations that were used to generate suspicions, of which the Police were eager to follow up on and close the case on their accusations of his best buddy and wingman.  The case was made into a sensation in Arizona as Bob Crane is a well known "star" that was murdered for the expressed interest of using him as a tool for their affairs in the Valley at the time, which related to Cocaine Trafficking and political ends that they had orchestrated through their affiliations internally.

There were a number of signs that this was a "ritual" or "Satanic" murder with the extraction of a part of Bob Crane's pineal gland, with a piece of it left as evidence in his friend's rental car outside Crane's apartment.

I had a meeting with the Arizona Republic reporter about the case, and the Editors had met over the case evidence I obtained and escalated it to a Features Level, handled in part by a man named Michael Braga (sp?).  They never published, and due to their previous involvement in spreading lies about the case, I feel they backburnered the publication of the new evidence.

Now the ties of all of the previous cases I mentioned were made after the Bob Crane discovery, and there were a number of killings that made headlines, as they were very ruthless, and included the dumping of body parts and corpses in different locations, as if they were moved around from their original sites, and left to be found by random people.

The Canal Killings were seen to have been somewhat dressed up as well, with a number of suspicions that were made by media, and causing a "Satanic Panic" behind them as well from the endless attention that they created.  Regardless of the fact they had no evidence, the police planned to arrange for an entrapment scenario that would lead to accusations of a man that they coined the "Zombie Killer", who was basically nothing more than a goth costume-wearing guy that drove around in a decorated car with a few artistic mods added to it as if he was a horror film afficianado.  The police had dressed him as if he was the man responsible for the murder of a woman left in a field who was carved with marks on her body with symbolic meaning as well as for the case of the other woman that was found in the canal headless.  Her head was found later in another place close by. 

The police were after a quick closure of the case, and DNA from the man was obtained during an illegally arranged entrapment scenario where the detective posed as if an employer offering him a job and collected samples of his saliva.

They tried to match the DNA to the evidence from the sexually assaulted women from the Canal Killings, but had made a mistake when announcing that it was a match to the woman that was actually found floating, as there is little to no forensic evidence available to their resources to use when someone was in the water, as the samples would have been diluted, according to actual research on this type of scenario.  There were other issues with the case as well, as they were threatening him with the Death Penalty and were being pushed by the media and a witch hunt that it started.  All the while they ignored the case of the missing child Brandy Myers and just tried to accuse him of killing the two women.  They were both on bicycles at the times of their abductions.

The case closed with the Judge accusing him of murdering them both, after the defense had arranged a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity.  The defense had arranged the whole thing without his ability to be able to properly cross examine evidence or testify as to his alibi.

The issue with the Vicari case is the same situation.....they are looking for locals that they feel would possibly become easy scapegoats for the fall, and had a bunch lined up, but all seemed to fall short of the evidence needed to implicate them.  One was later exonnerated after being accused.  The person that was responsible was from another part of the country, and there was no way that they could find them, until the ciphers were decoded.

As I had found the evidence of statements that were made by the killer of Bob Crane, and that they were also used for the two killings of Bernas and Brosso, I decided to look around for more evidence, and came to the conclusions that the woman in Tuscon was another of the victims of the same person, with the intention of leaving behind the declarations in the ciphers that were mailed in other parts of the country.

I documented these cases in web pages that I made about the letters that were found, and had made leaps in the Vicari case, as I discovered that the killer had made mention of the location where he dumped her body, as well as the mention of the other details and his motives behind deceiving the police and investigators, in order to actually arrange for the targeting of Bryan Patrick Miller by name as a scapegoat.

The letter maps directly to a location near an old A-10 target acquisition site that is used to tune their bomb sights, and was also able to reveal the name of Miller, with the exact details about him being selected as a fall guy.  The letter was also used to railroad the man named Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey, who are still both in prison for the accusations that were brought from the same exact scenario, where police are being accused of fabricating evidence..

Page Examining Fallen Angel, Tinsley, Sikikey, and Gidget Letters, exposing Cult Operations

I am a professional cryptographer with a number of peer reviewed works and am being featured in a Popular Mechanics article this month for some codes that I broke leading to unknown historical sites in Arizona, following the instructions that were left inside of them.  I have over a dozen pages with ciphers that were broken from some of the most well known cases that are featured all over the internet and in film documentaries.

Below are links to copies of the worksheets from the ciphers that were found.

Bob Crane Cipher

Bernas - Brosso - Myers - Vicari - Use of same cipher from Bob Crane to encrypt names of later victims in AZ

SIKIKEY Letter - Details about railroading Bryan Patrick Miller in the murders of AZ victims


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On 10/25/2023 at 3:01 PM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:


Tuscon and Phoenix PD already have said there is no link to this case and Bryan Patrick Miller. The suspects in the Vicari case have no known connection to BPM and BPM never lived in Tuscon. 

I have already asserted that there is a connection between all the killings, and added another in AZ from before that pre-dated them all.

Regardless of the statements made by the police, the suspect in the case is a well known founder of a cult with ties to the CIA/DoD so your argument in this case is as moot as the other ramblings you presented as "possible leads" to the locals or people that knew Vicari. 

Basically YOUR assumptions have no known connection to the cases, but mine differ as to the evidence that was presented.

As far as what I have presented for discussion you seem to be pretty quick to deny any relation to them without saying anythign, even though I have multiple letters presented that scream "I did it".  You even took my statements out of context and acted as if I am accusing BPM for the whole lot of killings.

I am saying that the same person responsible for the Myers, Brosso, and Bernas killings was responsible for the Bob Crane and Diani Vicari killings, and IT IS NOT BRYAN PATRICK MILLER.

Did you even read a single bit of what was presented?  I had to weed through your "sleuthing" for 9 pages to realize that this was all just chatter and conjecture that led absolutely nowhere.

Great job doing absolutely nothing.....you must have studied how to derail investigations, cause you just naturally veer off course in every assumption you have made abuot this case.

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5 hours ago, EldoradoEnterprises said:

The body was separated from the arms/hands, as this is a tell-tale mark of a man that had committed these same types of crimes in the past.

The man's name was Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, who's involvement in the Diana Vicari murder was known to investigators for some time now, as my reports were sent to the new Detective on the case in Tuscon, and is being ignored and covered up.

The information I found leads to the uncovering of the identity of the man responsible for her death, but also exposed the involvement with the murders of the two Canal Killings of Brosso and Bernas, with the Brandi Myers abduction included in the affair.  I will explain the timeline of the murders that were committed in Arizona by this same person, who was the founder of the Temple of Set and member of the Church of Satan, employed by the CIA in the Drug Running and Laundering Operations that were once known as the "Zodiac" killings.

A man was known to have come through the valley as a part of the targeted killing of Bob Crane in Scottsdale, in which he was working to try to leave evidence behind that would implicate another in his crimes.  He created letters and sent them with cards to the media and police, in which he detailed his killings, and left behind encrypted information inside of the ciphers he added to the notes.  In the Bob Crane murder case, no leads were generated other than basic accusations that were used to generate suspicions, of which the Police were eager to follow up on and close the case on their accusations of his best buddy and wingman.  The case was made into a sensation in Arizona as Bob Crane is a well known "star" that was murdered for the expressed interest of using him as a tool for their affairs in the Valley at the time, which related to Cocaine Trafficking and political ends that they had orchestrated through their affiliations internally.

There were a number of signs that this was a "ritual" or "Satanic" murder with the extraction of a part of Bob Crane's pineal gland, with a piece of it left as evidence in his friend's rental car outside Crane's apartment.

I had a meeting with the Arizona Republic reporter about the case, and the Editors had met over the case evidence I obtained and escalated it to a Features Level, handled in part by a man named Michael Braga (sp?).  They never published, and due to their previous involvement in spreading lies about the case, I feel they backburnered the publication of the new evidence.

Now the ties of all of the previous cases I mentioned were made after the Bob Crane discovery, and there were a number of killings that made headlines, as they were very ruthless, and included the dumping of body parts and corpses in different locations, as if they were moved around from their original sites, and left to be found by random people.

The Canal Killings were seen to have been somewhat dressed up as well, with a number of suspicions that were made by media, and causing a "Satanic Panic" behind them as well from the endless attention that they created.  Regardless of the fact they had no evidence, the police planned to arrange for an entrapment scenario that would lead to accusations of a man that they coined the "Zombie Killer", who was basically nothing more than a goth costume-wearing guy that drove around in a decorated car with a few artistic mods added to it as if he was a horror film afficianado.  The police had dressed him as if he was the man responsible for the murder of a woman left in a field who was carved with marks on her body with symbolic meaning as well as for the case of the other woman that was found in the canal headless.  Her head was found later in another place close by. 

The police were after a quick closure of the case, and DNA from the man was obtained during an illegally arranged entrapment scenario where the detective posed as if an employer offering him a job and collected samples of his saliva.

They tried to match the DNA to the evidence from the sexually assaulted women from the Canal Killings, but had made a mistake when announcing that it was a match to the woman that was actually found floating, as there is little to no forensic evidence available to their resources to use when someone was in the water, as the samples would have been diluted, according to actual research on this type of scenario.  There were other issues with the case as well, as they were threatening him with the Death Penalty and were being pushed by the media and a witch hunt that it started.  All the while they ignored the case of the missing child Brandy Myers and just tried to accuse him of killing the two women.  They were both on bicycles at the times of their abductions.

The case closed with the Judge accusing him of murdering them both, after the defense had arranged a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity.  The defense had arranged the whole thing without his ability to be able to properly cross examine evidence or testify as to his alibi.

The issue with the Vicari case is the same situation.....they are looking for locals that they feel would possibly become easy scapegoats for the fall, and had a bunch lined up, but all seemed to fall short of the evidence needed to implicate them.  One was later exonnerated after being accused.  The person that was responsible was from another part of the country, and there was no way that they could find them, until the ciphers were decoded.

As I had found the evidence of statements that were made by the killer of Bob Crane, and that they were also used for the two killings of Bernas and Brosso, I decided to look around for more evidence, and came to the conclusions that the woman in Tuscon was another of the victims of the same person, with the intention of leaving behind the declarations in the ciphers that were mailed in other parts of the country.

I documented these cases in web pages that I made about the letters that were found, and had made leaps in the Vicari case, as I discovered that the killer had made mention of the location where he dumped her body, as well as the mention of the other details and his motives behind deceiving the police and investigators, in order to actually arrange for the targeting of Bryan Patrick Miller by name as a scapegoat.

The letter maps directly to a location near an old A-10 target acquisition site that is used to tune their bomb sights, and was also able to reveal the name of Miller, with the exact details about him being selected as a fall guy.  The letter was also used to railroad the man named Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey, who are still both in prison for the accusations that were brought from the same exact scenario, where police are being accused of fabricating evidence..

Page Examining Fallen Angel, Tinsley, Sikikey, and Gidget Letters, exposing Cult Operations

I am a professional cryptographer with a number of peer reviewed works and am being featured in a Popular Mechanics article this month for some codes that I broke leading to unknown historical sites in Arizona, following the instructions that were left inside of them.  I have over a dozen pages with ciphers that were broken from some of the most well known cases that are featured all over the internet and in film documentaries.

Below are links to copies of the worksheets from the ciphers that were found.

Bob Crane Cipher

Bernas - Brosso - Myers - Vicari - Use of same cipher from Bob Crane to encrypt names of later victims in AZ

SIKIKEY Letter - Details about railroading Bryan Patrick Miller in the murders of AZ victims


So Lt. Col. Michael Aquino happened upon Diana just as her car broke down? Then drove her away in a truck? Was he just waiting there to grab up a girl? A girl he had no connection to? Then moved her car to the street where her and the drama teacher bf used to hook up, down the block from where Prion lived? I just feel like the Vicari murder was someone she trusted. Who ever it was didnt even take her ring. Id have to see some really compelling info to suspect it was some random person(s) she never met that happened to run into her at a concert just as her car broke down. Some person in a truck drove her away from the TCC. Her car with her personal belongings ended up on a street connected to Prion and Encila. Someone wrote b**** on the door of the apt she was renting with those other girls. She was dating a engaged man, who had a taste for the dramatic. Im open to checking out anything that gets us closer to the killer. Or even finding the body. It just feels too much like a person with which she had a relationship. God bless you for your effort.

Edited by Justice for the Dead
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16 hours ago, Justice for the Dead said:

So Lt. Col. Michael Aquino happened upon Diana just as her car broke down? Then drove her away in a truck? Was he just waiting there to grab up a girl? A girl he had no connection to? Then moved her car to the street where her and the drama teacher bf used to hook up, down the block from where Prion lived? I just feel like the Vicari murder was someone she trusted. Who ever it was didnt even take her ring. Id have to see some really compelling info to suspect it was some random person(s) she never met that happened to run into her at a concert just as her car broke down. Some person in a truck drove her away from the TCC. Her car with her personal belongings ended up on a street connected to Prion and Encila. Someone wrote b**** on the door of the apt she was renting with those other girls. She was dating a engaged man, who had a taste for the dramatic. Im open to checking out anything that gets us closer to the killer. Or even finding the body. It just feels too much like a person with which she had a relationship. God bless you for your effort.

From what is presented as a timeline of events with the suspicions added, it shows that each will present a different person of interest in the case as a suspect having been near her during her last known sightings, or associated with her, but leaves the entire case as a mystery. 

You are right about the suspicions generated from the man in the truck, so I will try to reason with your questions as far as how this could all happen with another suspect that is trailing her and watching her movements, with miltary training and a plan hatched ahead of time.

1) "So Lt. Col. Michael Aquino happened upon Diana just as her car broke down? Then drove her away in a truck?" -
The answer would be that he would either have been the person offering her a ride to fix her car, or followed them until she was alone after she had her car fixed and then abducted her.  These are not unreasonable suspicions as Aquino and his Agents in the past were known to disable cars and then offer them rides to be able to abduct them, and having not been from around the area, would leave no trace as he disappeared afterwards.

2) "Was he just waiting there to grab up a girl? A girl he had no connection to? Then moved her car to the street where her and the drama teacher bf used to hook up, down the block from where Prion lived?" -

The answer would be that it is possible that he was even stalking her before from a distance and moved to disable her car, without anyone seeing him, and that after abducting her, she was moved to the location where she was murdered, dismembered, and then her parts dumped in a bag in the trash bin.

The other oddity is that in the parking lot nearest where her hands were found, there is a very strange image that is seen edited into the maps on Google Earth, of which others are also edited in the area.  Now this is highly speculative, but that with Aquino's clearance and DoD assistance, it appears that someone has presented landmarks that are coordinated with the use of ciphers, leading to things that just do not appear normally on other maps.  This only adds to the suspicion that there is an actual map somewhere that leads to the remains from the suspect, as they are in reality known for doing this same exact thing wherever they had killed in the past.  In fact there is such a consistent patterned use of this system of ciphers and mapping of landmarks that they can be traced back to their ciphers and help to locate a number of missing people's remains.

The first image shows the parking lot screenshot I took when searching the region for the alley, to see what the road/street names were, as in the past there were coincidental themes seen in these locations of murders that were attributed to others.  When I looked closely, there seemed to be an image that was painted on the asphalt and stood out as out of place.  I zoomed into find the image took the shape of a man carrying a body without hands.

The second image was found from scanning the region for other oddities and when zooming into a lower level of view, the image of the crashed plane was seen to have been highlighted with a resonate rainbow of colors in the spectrum to make it stand out more.  Other metallic objects in the region on the same map are void of these resonant elements and they are completely deadened of this shine effect, seen on the Google Earth maps as clear as day from the photo screenshot

The third is a pic of the overall area surrounding the point of reference from the parking lot with the name of a city called Three Points, and another named Anegam.  An anagram is the rearrangement of letters to spell or encrypt a word from a series of letters.  Three Points is obviously interpreted a triangulation of a location, using the cross references from all of the locations to locate a final point with measurements.  Seeing that these locations held themes related to both Cryptography, and Cartography in military format, I moved to examine the ciphers I was looking into and found the list of measurements and the details of the ciphers that read out the instructions to located them with measurements.

BRYAN PATRICK MILLER Angela Brosso & Melanie Bernas SIKIKEY Letter Block Stennos Diana Vicari Map 1 Carrying Body.jpg

BRYAN PATRICK MILLER Angela Brosso & Melanie Bernas SIKIKEY Letter Block Stennos Diana Vicari Map zoom 1.7 mi Large Map 31.13m El Tiro Pit to A10 red lion 8mi Downed Airplane 31.17.jpg

BRYAN PATRICK MILLER Angela Brosso & Melanie Bernas SIKIKEY Block Stennos Mapping Diana Vicari.jpg

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On 9/12/2024 at 8:37 AM, EldoradoEnterprises said:

From what is presented as a timeline of events with the suspicions added, it shows that each will present a different person of interest in the case as a suspect having been near her during her last known sightings, or associated with her, but leaves the entire case as a mystery. 

You are right about the suspicions generated from the man in the truck, so I will try to reason with your questions as far as how this could all happen with another suspect that is trailing her and watching her movements, with miltary training and a plan hatched ahead of time.

1) "So Lt. Col. Michael Aquino happened upon Diana just as her car broke down? Then drove her away in a truck?" -
The answer would be that he would either have been the person offering her a ride to fix her car, or followed them until she was alone after she had her car fixed and then abducted her.  These are not unreasonable suspicions as Aquino and his Agents in the past were known to disable cars and then offer them rides to be able to abduct them, and having not been from around the area, would leave no trace as he disappeared afterwards.

2) "Was he just waiting there to grab up a girl? A girl he had no connection to? Then moved her car to the street where her and the drama teacher bf used to hook up, down the block from where Prion lived?" -

The answer would be that it is possible that he was even stalking her before from a distance and moved to disable her car, without anyone seeing him, and that after abducting her, she was moved to the location where she was murdered, dismembered, and then her parts dumped in a bag in the trash bin.

The other oddity is that in the parking lot nearest where her hands were found, there is a very strange image that is seen edited into the maps on Google Earth, of which others are also edited in the area.  Now this is highly speculative, but that with Aquino's clearance and DoD assistance, it appears that someone has presented landmarks that are coordinated with the use of ciphers, leading to things that just do not appear normally on other maps.  This only adds to the suspicion that there is an actual map somewhere that leads to the remains from the suspect, as they are in reality known for doing this same exact thing wherever they had killed in the past.  In fact there is such a consistent patterned use of this system of ciphers and mapping of landmarks that they can be traced back to their ciphers and help to locate a number of missing people's remains.

The first image shows the parking lot screenshot I took when searching the region for the alley, to see what the road/street names were, as in the past there were coincidental themes seen in these locations of murders that were attributed to others.  When I looked closely, there seemed to be an image that was painted on the asphalt and stood out as out of place.  I zoomed into find the image took the shape of a man carrying a body without hands.

The second image was found from scanning the region for other oddities and when zooming into a lower level of view, the image of the crashed plane was seen to have been highlighted with a resonate rainbow of colors in the spectrum to make it stand out more.  Other metallic objects in the region on the same map are void of these resonant elements and they are completely deadened of this shine effect, seen on the Google Earth maps as clear as day from the photo screenshot

The third is a pic of the overall area surrounding the point of reference from the parking lot with the name of a city called Three Points, and another named Anegam.  An anagram is the rearrangement of letters to spell or encrypt a word from a series of letters.  Three Points is obviously interpreted a triangulation of a location, using the cross references from all of the locations to locate a final point with measurements.  Seeing that these locations held themes related to both Cryptography, and Cartography in military format, I moved to examine the ciphers I was looking into and found the list of measurements and the details of the ciphers that read out the instructions to located them with measurements.

BRYAN PATRICK MILLER Angela Brosso & Melanie Bernas SIKIKEY Letter Block Stennos Diana Vicari Map 1 Carrying Body.jpg

BRYAN PATRICK MILLER Angela Brosso & Melanie Bernas SIKIKEY Letter Block Stennos Diana Vicari Map zoom 1.7 mi Large Map 31.13m El Tiro Pit to A10 red lion 8mi Downed Airplane 31.17.jpg

BRYAN PATRICK MILLER Angela Brosso & Melanie Bernas SIKIKEY Block Stennos Mapping Diana Vicari.jpg

The claim is all over the place but I could at very least see a guy going to a concert to find a girl and she just happened to just get unlucky.

Personally I feel like it was the teacher and fiance or just the teacher. Even the car being located at the house the fiance's mom owned seems super coincidental. Too coincidental in my opinion.

cant you take your information and go to the area and search for the remains?

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14 hours ago, Justice for the Dead said:

cant you take your information and go to the area and search for the remains?

The evidence I found would lead to a crime scene, of which a Forensic Examination of the site would be the official procedure used when discovering something of this nature from ciphers.  I reported this already to the cold case detective on the case in Tuscon, and had a convo with him about the ciphers and the people behind them.

The actual site remains unknown, but the general area would need to be explored, as there are certain landmark areas surrounding the mapped out area that would stand out as part of the break which is described in the layout of the movements through his descriptions.

If this is made out to be a real map and there were edits made online on Google Earth to attract attention to them, it would seem that there was some degree of planning of an internal cover-up so finding it would cause a stir of some proportion.

Its just best to not corrupt the crime scene in any manner, not even adding footprints of your own.  Imagine getting asked directly how you found it, and they try to invent some excuse about how you made the discovery.

I just wait for an official investigation to be hatched if they are willing, and if anything to inform the family of the discovery so they can inquire if they are inspired by what they found.


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5 hours ago, EldoradoEnterprises said:

The evidence I found would lead to a crime scene, of which a Forensic Examination of the site would be the official procedure used when discovering something of this nature from ciphers.  I reported this already to the cold case detective on the case in Tuscon, and had a convo with him about the ciphers and the people behind them.

The actual site remains unknown, but the general area would need to be explored, as there are certain landmark areas surrounding the mapped out area that would stand out as part of the break which is described in the layout of the movements through his descriptions.

If this is made out to be a real map and there were edits made online on Google Earth to attract attention to them, it would seem that there was some degree of planning of an internal cover-up so finding it would cause a stir of some proportion.

Its just best to not corrupt the crime scene in any manner, not even adding footprints of your own.  Imagine getting asked directly how you found it, and they try to invent some excuse about how you made the discovery.

I just wait for an official investigation to be hatched if they are willing, and if anything to inform the family of the discovery so they can inquire if they are inspired by what they found.


youre saying its out by points? tell me a location and ill go look.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it possible that Greg Hatton may have worked at both gas stations? The one at Craycroft and 22nd AND the one at Broadway and Kolb? His former address on Calle La Paz is much closer to Broadway and Kolb, but I also believe he lived at the corner of Craycroft and 22nd when he viciously assaulted the baby (the crime for which he is currently imprisoned). Both also happened to be across from Eegee’s locations but I could have sworn the one on Craycroft was a 76 or Shell station back then.

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On 9/11/2024 at 4:16 AM, Justice for the Dead said:

really amazing information

Finally found it - clipping from the newspaper showing her car being towed away. It does say that she worked at the Eegee’s at Broadway and Kolb, but more interesting to me is the car’s location. This is definitely the La Osa that is further east, between Fairview and Flowing Wells. Where Encila’s MIL owned a townhouse was west of Romero. I would think that the cops would have said “Romero and Wetmore” not Flowing Wells when describing the location where the car was found.

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20 hours ago, D99 said:

Finally found it - clipping from the newspaper showing her car being towed away. It does say that she worked at the Eegee’s at Broadway and Kolb, but more interesting to me is the car’s location. This is definitely the La Osa that is further east, between Fairview and Flowing Wells. Where Encila’s MIL owned a townhouse was west of Romero. I would think that the cops would have said “Romero and Wetmore” not Flowing Wells when describing the location where the car was found.

Interesting find. I think Judi Spencer-Hartley's sister was Cindi Brinlee I looked her up on the prison website and it said she was granted a home release in October 1992. She was in prison for theft. Do these La Osa's have same address number? 

Edited by Lucas North-justiceseeker
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On 10/3/2024 at 5:42 PM, D99 said:

Is it possible that Greg Hatton may have worked at both gas stations? The one at Craycroft and 22nd AND the one at Broadway and Kolb? His former address on Calle La Paz is much closer to Broadway and Kolb, but I also believe he lived at the corner of Craycroft and 22nd when he viciously assaulted the baby (the crime for which he is currently imprisoned). Both also happened to be across from Eegee’s locations but I could have sworn the one on Craycroft was a 76 or Shell station back then.

Im not sure. What I have heard was Diana and Mazur worked at both Eegees the one on Craycroft in addition to the one on Broadway/Kolb. Whats interesting is think about how close Greg would have been to that Eegees on Broadway and Kolb? Just across the street. He may have gone there for drinks/food on his break at work. Its very possible Diana and Mazur could have gotten gas there. Mazur, Hatton and Encila/Judi are all such good suspects. So many possible theories. 

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On 10/4/2024 at 6:15 PM, Lucas North-justiceseeker said:

Interesting find. I think Judi Spencer-Hartley's sister was Cindi Brinlee I looked her up on the prison website and it said she was granted a home release in October 1992. She was in prison for theft. Do these La Osa's have same address number? 

The street numbers of the section of La Osa that is around the corner from the Pocito Place address associated with Judi Spencer/Hartley/Encila are 1800’s - specifically, 1837 W La Osa Street backs up to the property on Pocito Pl. Additionally, I was incorrect when I referred to the property as a townhome; it backs up to some townhomes but it is a SFR.

This is a little over a mile from the 1200 block of La Osa where Diana’s car was found. It is NOT even remotely a direct shot, either - this is not a situation where the car could have been driven straight down La Osa and just dumped. You would have to drive out to Romero Road, up to Wetmore and then go a mile east before you hooked back in on a residential street and turned down La Osa again to get the car to the spot where it was found.

Interesting fact: the house on Pocito Pl. is about 6 houses away from where Vicki Lynne Hoskinson’s bicycle was found by her sister the day she was kidnapped in 1984. She was visiting her friend Jennifer SPENCER at her home on Pocito. 

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23 hours ago, D99 said:

The street numbers of the section of La Osa that is around the corner from the Pocito Place address associated with Judi Spencer/Hartley/Encila are 1800’s - specifically, 1837 W La Osa Street backs up to the property on Pocito Pl. Additionally, I was incorrect when I referred to the property as a townhome; it backs up to some townhomes but it is a SFR.

This is a little over a mile from the 1200 block of La Osa where Diana’s car was found. It is NOT even remotely a direct shot, either - this is not a situation where the car could have been driven straight down La Osa and just dumped. You would have to drive out to Romero Road, up to Wetmore and then go a mile east before you hooked back in on a residential street and turned down La Osa again to get the car to the spot where it was found.

Interesting fact: the house on Pocito Pl. is about 6 houses away from where Vicki Lynne Hoskinson’s bicycle was found by her sister the day she was kidnapped in 1984. She was visiting her friend Jennifer SPENCER at her home on Pocito. 

Ive never heard about this case. I did learn that Judi Hartley (I think its her maiden name could be wrong) was married to a Gary L Spencer in the 80's and they divorced before she married Robert Encila in 1993. 

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