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Nurse who put Aussie prank call thru,dead

Simbi Laveau

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Well, gotta laugh or sometimes we cry. Or sometimes laugh as we cry... :unsure2:

It's a bit like that in my house from time to time lol

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I've mentioned that same thing. She gave out the information, did she assume since the call was forwarded that the person forwarding it had verified it was the Queen? Personally, I think their higher ups threw them under the bus. Permission wasn't given by the hospital or the nurses because the radio station did not get through to the hospital ( kinda fishy there too). The station had a press release saying they hadn't done anything wrong...passing the buck.

Indeed, there is more to this than meets the eye. It seems the DJ's are a scapegoat, the connection seems fairly tenuous to be frank.

ETA I love you nick, it's not only heartwarming, it's a great RL Burnside song. ;)(almost)

That's pretty spot on - the potential is now that it could cost 3 lives. As I have said somewhere earlier also - this would not have gone "viral" if the U.K. press had not taken an interest, it should have just been a local spot on a radio station. Where are all the stations and news groups that made this such a huge deal? Why was it so wrong for the DJs to pull the prank but not the rest of the world to play it over and over again making it an international event?

That is a really good point. Easy to point the finger, but Australia seems to be copping a bit of that lately.

Edited by psyche101
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Considering its from years ago,I've never even heard of it,I assume you googled until you found some case of soommmeeething ,so best guess,you already know the answer.

You assume incorrectly. Although I do admit I was surprised that it has already been 5 years, I thought it was more like 2. It even made radio news down here. But not harassing the DJ's, just illustrating the tragedy. And that it was too.

It's also a completely different scenario ,which is much like the guy that ate cockroaches in a CONTEST ,and died .

Every contestant probably gave written legal release to be in the contest ,and I'm not even sure if it was broadcast ,but alll the contestants would know they were on the air .

Yes, it is a different scenario, it is worse IMHO. But did the DJ's cop any flak like the Aussie ones are? All these people had to do was read up. I do not now if you have clicked on the thread here at UM, but if you do, you will see many people say they thought it was common knowledge. I thought so as well.

Who cares if they knew they were going to be on the air, this poor mum, like yourself did not know about water toxicity. The contest organisers did not bother to look up heavy water consumption when they came up with the idea. That is negligence. Resulting in death.

Everyone sues when someone dies ,and I've never heard of water toxicity ,which means she had some pre existing idiosyncratic response .

But people do stupid things to win junk so ....

Well, these DJ's did not cop half the flak these two Aussies are, and they do not deserve bloody death threats. That is just plain crazy. People who go that far need to see a doctor.

And now you know about water toxicity, and that it is not idiosyncratic. Anyone on this board can suffer the same. Combined ignorance cost a life. And people deride skeptics! Gracious!


Indeed it is. Thank you.

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I apologise for nitpicking, but it’s not the body being unable to flush the toxins out because of extreme water intake, it’s the body flushing minerals out at too fast rate. Just because your potassium is technically still inside your body, if it sits in your bladder, it’s useless. And without potassium, to start with, nerves can’t transmit impulses and your muscular contractions cannot be performed. Since heart is the muscle, you’re dead.

One of the reasons why diuretics (unless prescribed by professional for actual conditions) or drastic “water diets” are dangerous.

Sadly, the woman who died could take all that water without throwing up, which is something most of us would naturally and unstoppably do, then give the damn contest up and - live.

Please keep it up. Nitpicking might have saved that Mums life.

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Hanging is such a horrible way to commit suicide... My friends husband offed himself like that, or tried to anyway. his wife found him and called 911. He ended up in the hospital brain dead and on life support.

His family was at his bedside the whole time he was on life support, he had garrote marks around his neck and they were so red like an accusation of blame. I'll never forget it.

I would just take some pills, drink a lot of tequila, then start swimming in the ocean. Hopefully some kind hearted Great White will help speed things up by munching on my head. Leave no way to survive and be a brain dead burden on my family.

I'm really sorry Jacintha felt bad enough to hang herself. I hope no one I know ever feels that way. :(

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The DJ's are not to blame. This woman obviously had issues before this.

In all likelihood she did have other issues going on that played a role in what she decided to do. The DJ's aren't to blame for that, but it does appear as though the prank they pulled on her may have been what triggered her act upon suicidal thoughts she had previously been struggling with.

If you're going to kill yourself over something like a harmless radio joke, you've already been teetering on the edge.

She may have been "teetering on the edge," but the joke was obviously not harmless. The fact that it apparently sent her "over the edge" is a clear indication of how harmful the joke actually was.

It's this belief that "harmless jokes" and other kinds of negative actions towards people are no big deal that causes a lot of people so much distraught about their life to begin with (especially young children and teenagers, but it applies to adults as well).

I've had the misfortune of knowing 6 people who've killed themselves. Trust me, if it wasn't this to set her off it would've been something else.

That is an awfully gaudy assumption for you to make about this person (or anyone else who has committed suicide - whether you knew them or not).

The DJ's are not responsible for the actions this woman chose to take. Ultimatley the only person responsible for killing themselves is the person who decided to do so. That said, people should be more aware of how the "harmless" actions they take against others could possibly affect the targeted individual.

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Kate royal hoax: Australian watchdog launches inquiry

The Australian media watchdog has launched a formal inquiry into the hoax call to the London hospital where the Duchess of Cambridge was being treated.

Nurse Jacintha Saldanha was found dead on Friday, three days after taking the call from an Australian radio station.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) will focus on the 2DayFM licence holder and not directly on the presenters who made the call.


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No, no pre-existing idiosyncratic response there. It is a matter of the body not being able to flush the toxins out. We learned this in biology in highschhol here in BC. Also, a nurse called into the show to warn them that it was dangerous and someone could severly sick or die. So, yeah, they were liable.

Well ,I meant it was idiosyncratic in that,everyone in the contest was doing what she did.

Taking into account,size,weight ,and metabolism ,anyone can die in such a situation ,but she was the only one that did.

She had to have been approximately the same size as someone else in the contest ,but only she had the issue.

It's an extremely dumb type of competition if you ask me .

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do we have any more news on the woman's cause of death? i may have missed a post since my last visit

She hung herself with a scarf,and left three suicide notes,one of which noted her despair at how badly the hospital treated her because of the incident .

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DJs and radio station staff getting death threats .

A dozen radio station staff members have been moved to safe houses .

Oh god.


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She hung herself with a scarf,and left three suicide notes,one of which noted her despair at how badly the hospital treated her because of the incident .

thanks for the info.

hanged herself with a scarf? wow. that's awful

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She hung herself with a scarf,and left three suicide notes,one of which noted her despair at how badly the hospital treated her because of the incident .

But of course the hospital said they did not reprimand her. I wonder how the other nurse is doing. Anyone news have news on her?

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She hung herself with a scarf,and left three suicide notes,one of which noted her despair at how badly the hospital treated her because of the incident .

Hi Simbi,

The British press haven't released the contents of the suicide notes over here. I wondered if maybe the hospital had given her a hard time... is this in the American news Simbi?

Edited by Star of the Sea
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Hi Simbi,

The British press haven't released the contents of the suicide notes over here. I wondered if maybe the hospital had given her a hard time... is this in the American news Simbi?


And in this one,it adds that not only wasn't she found in an alleyway ,she hung herself IN the hospitals nurses quarters .

Smells like cover up to a degree .


The hospital is back peddling .


Edited by Simbi Laveau
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And in this one,it adds that not only wasn't she found in an alleyway ,she hung herself IN the hospitals nurses quarters .

Smells like cover up to a degree .


The hospital is back peddling .


Thanks Simbi for the links. I don't know if they will ever release the message in the suicide notes to the press over here in the UK. It makes me think things must of been totally unbearable for this nurse and that she may have been under immense pressure.She was Roman Catholic and it goes against the grain being Catholic to commit suicide. Very sad situation for all.

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And in this one,it adds that not only wasn't she found in an alleyway ,she hung herself IN the hospitals nurses quarters .

Smells like cover up to a degree .


The hospital is back peddling .


Just as I thought all along. The hospital administration is a disgrace, first they try to publically claim they provided her with all their support, then they go on a public tirade against the DJs, including a letter from them holding the DJs station responsible for the nurse's suicide and finally it turns out the suicide note from the nurse directly blames the hospital's treatment of her for her act.

Not only has that now caused the nurse's suicide it has villified to DJs (albeit dumb but they sure as heck don't deserve the death threats or the public condemnation as the cause of the suicide) and they have the bleeding nerve to want an explanation as though they themselves (the hospital) are completely innocent of any wrong doing.

The worst part of it all is they were setting the whole thing about to absolve themselves of responsibility and legal liability - covering their butts for their own self serving purposes.

I am more than a little outraged right now.

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The British press haven't released the contents of the suicide notes over here. I wondered if maybe the hospital had given her a hard time... is this in the American news Simbi?

They have now -

Mrs Saldhana expressed "deep anger" at the Australian pair, the Mail on Sunday said. She wrote in one of three suicide notes that she held the DJs responsible for her death.

A second note criticised two members of staff at the hospital, it has been reported.


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They have now -

Mrs Saldanha expressed "deep anger" at the Australian pair, the Mail on Sunday said. She wrote in one of three suicide notes that she held the DJs responsible for her death.

A second note criticised two members of staff at the hospital, it has been reported.


Thanks Stillwaters! So it appears she was criticised by two members of staff and I wonder how they feel now that she is gone. :no: Also the radio station calling back and saying they had just recorded the prank and that it was going to be aired. Can you imagine how she must of felt... what a terrible chain of events :cry:

Edit to add: I wonder if she pleaded with the DJ's not to air it? I bet she did! No wonder she holds them responsible and what hogwash that these DJs couldn't foresee what this would do to her? (Psychologically)

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Thanks Stillwaters! So it appears she was criticised by two members of staff and I wonder how they feel now that she is gone. :no: Also the radio station calling back and saying they had just recorded the prank and that it was going to be aired. Can you imagine how she must of felt... what a terrible chain of events :cry:

Edit to add: I wonder if she pleaded with the DJ's not to air it? I bet she did! No wonder she holds them responsible and what hogwash that these DJs couldn't foresee what this would do to her? (Psychologically)

I bet she did too and they just carried on regardless. They must have known it would upset her, but they didn't expect her to take it quite so badly.

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I find it very telling ,that there is even a media black out ,from the USA ,to the UK .

Theyd not have said a word,if it hadn't gotten out,is my guess.

It was not these nurses faults .

They put most of the blame on Saldanah ,because she put the call thru .

The second nurse wouldn't be held as accountable ,given she thought the call ,in good faith,was legit .

....god help us all .

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Thanks Stillwaters! So it appears she was criticised by two members of staff and I wonder how they feel now that she is gone. :no:Also the radio station calling back and saying they had just recorded the prank and that it was going to be aired. Can you imagine how she must of felt... what a terrible chain of events :cry:

Edit to add: I wonder if she pleaded with the DJ's not to air it? I bet she did! No wonder she holds them responsible and what hogwash that these DJs couldn't foresee what this would do to her? (Psychologically)

I knew that there was more to this story. I had commented on a previous posting that I wondered if she was blamed by the other staff. Just because she put the call through didn't mean she was to blame, the one who gave out the info should have verified who was calling and not assumed that the person on the phone was the Queen or Prince Charles. And to the station/DJs telling her that it was going to be aired and not getting permission? That says a lot right there. They were callous and didn't care who they hurt.

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