DONTEATUS Posted February 21, 2013 #101 Share Posted February 21, 2013 We have lots of Bat men planes in Texas,under the 6th Street Bridge in Austin texas ! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimbomer Posted February 23, 2013 #102 Share Posted February 23, 2013 It is real, and appears to be a heavily modified f-18 airframe. Why do it? Who knows--- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimbomer Posted February 23, 2013 #103 Share Posted February 23, 2013 It is real, and appears to be a heavily modified f-18 airframe. Why do it? Who knows--- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DONTEATUS Posted February 23, 2013 #104 Share Posted February 23, 2013 All in the Imagination of the beholders ! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kludge808 Posted February 23, 2013 #105 Share Posted February 23, 2013 All in the Imagination of the beholders ! Doncha love it? Also gotta love newbies who jump right in without actually paying a lot of attention to the thread. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chooky88 Posted February 23, 2013 #106 Share Posted February 23, 2013 RC toy 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lone wolf2 Posted February 25, 2013 #107 Share Posted February 25, 2013 That's a day time pic. Come on you don't fly your top secret aircraft during the day for all to see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DONTEATUS Posted February 25, 2013 #108 Share Posted February 25, 2013 Doncha love it? Also gotta love newbies who jump right in without actually paying a lot of attention to the thread. Its like this in most Forums Kludge808, But it gives us endless food for thought ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kludge808 Posted February 25, 2013 #109 Share Posted February 25, 2013 Its like this in most Forums Kludge808, But it gives us endless food for thought ! Oh, yeah. I've noticed this in my lurking elsewhere. But it also gives an excuse to point 'n laugh. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DONTEATUS Posted February 25, 2013 #110 Share Posted February 25, 2013 Oh, yeah. I've noticed this in my lurking elsewhere. But it also gives an excuse to point 'n laugh. Points and Laugh`s ! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starseed hybrid 1111 Posted February 25, 2013 #111 Share Posted February 25, 2013 (edited) i already replied to this one and i do it again!!! lol:) i have some questions for the skeptics why are you so quick to say its a hoax???,2)also this one is about aliens and UFOs you guys say there fake or a hoax and etc but how would you know if you haven't see one or more than likely don't even know how one looks like in the 1st ignorant and small minded you skeptics guys wouldn't know the truth about aliens even if one or more alien(s) kicked you skeptics in the back of the head!!! lol you guys want proof let me ask you this.we could throw and show you all the proof in the whole world but what's the use if you guys throw every piece of evidence away or dismiss it.yeah i know some pictures are fake,videos and etc but all of them really???and are you really telling that everyone on the planet is a liar and there's not even one person telling the truth.that's not healthy skepticism you guys have that's the bad and unhealthy skepticism you guys have!!!i think i know what's going on here with you guys you guys are either trying to help cover up the truth or just simply you guy discourage people of finding proof and etc.but we will not go away so you mind as well adapt and get used to it or finally just do us a favor go away and let the real experts do their thing.or perhaps you guys could invite them to a BBQ in your backyard lol.and the plane its more than possible guys strange things have happen in the whole planet for ages its nothing new but believe or not mysteries,parnormal and etc events and many other things exist!!!believe ir not it won't change a thing and its like its going to stop just because you skeptics don't believe. Edited February 25, 2013 by King Cobra 1408 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kludge808 Posted February 25, 2013 #112 Share Posted February 25, 2013 why are you so quick to say its a hoax??? Ummm ... because it is? Anyone who knows even a little about aerodynamics can see that it's a hoax. 2)also this one is about aliens and UFOs you guys say there fake or a hoax and etc but how would you know if you haven't see one or more than likely don't even know how one looks like in the 1st pplace. How do you know we haven't seen something we can't explain in the sky? Here's the difference. We don't automatically make the "unknown" to "aliens" leap of faith FTBs (Flaming True Believers) like you make. how ignorant and small minded you skeptics are. Ad hominem. you guys wouldn't know the truth about aliens even if one or more alien(s) kicked you skeptics in the back of the head!!! I don't know what to call this except a totally idiotic statement. Might one ask what drugs you're using? lol you guys want proof let me ask you this.we could throw and show you all the proof in the whole world but what's the use if you guys throw every piece of evidence away or dismiss it. Maybe because it's not definitive evidence. If it's falsifiable, it's not real. If it can be debunked, it's not real. Now - and here's the important one - if it can't be debunked, it is real. yeah i know some pictures are fake,videos and etc but all of them really??? Let's say that out of all of them, one is real. How would you prove it's not just a well done fake? and are you really telling that everyone on the planet is a liar and there's not even one person telling the truth. Nope, you're the one saying that. We're quite aware of the fact that every day people see something that they can't explain. It's a common occurrence. But we - and most of the folks who see these things - also know that "unknown" != "alien". Do you? that's not healthy skepticism you guys have that's the bad and unhealthy skepticism you guys have!!! ROFL! That's just down right funny! i think i know what's going on here with you guys you guys are either trying to help cover up the truth or just simply you guy discourage people of finding proof and etc.but we will not go away so you mind as well adapt and get used to it or finally just do us a favor go away This is an open forum so going away ain't gonna happen. However, you are more than free to contact a moderator and have us removed if you think you have a case. Lilly? DotNM? Waspy? Are any of you handy for an instant judgment? and let the real experts do their thing. We do let the real experts do their thing. Quillus, whom I've mentioned several times on several threads, is one of the finest UFO/UAP investigators I've had the pleasure of meeting. He's a believer but comes down on the skeptic/debunker side of the fence when claims like yours come up. Or, stated another way, he's a believer but not an FTB. and the plane its more than possible guys Oh, and now you're an Aeronautical Engineer? Wow, impressive. NOT! strange things have happen in the whole planet for ages its nothing new but believe or not mysteries,parnormal and etc events and many other things exist!!!believe ir not it won't change a thing and its like its going to stop just because you skeptics don't believe. We're well aware of this. Not everything has an explanation and we know that most things of that order never will be explained. I happen to believe in the paranormal. Wow, a skeptic who believes in the paranormal! That just ain't right somehow but there it is. You deal with it, although I don't think you can. Let me quote something from another thread: And watch all the Flaming True Believers (aka: the woo woo crowd) come out ... Millions of sightings and witnesses and such. Uh-huh. And of those millions, all except a very, very, very few have been totally shredded. Even among those, there is not one bit of evidence of a verified alien presence. Not one. "Unknown" does not translate to "alien", kiddies. Even your hero Fox Mulder knew that. Y'know, I get a giggle every time a FTB or CTist mentioned being "open minded." To them, it means "My way is the only way and you must agree with me or you're closed minded." This means they're closed minded as well since they refuse to entertain opposing viewpoints. At the same time, their version of "open minded" also means being so open their thought processes fall out. Oddly, the FTDs (Flaming True Debunkers) have the same problem. It's kind of ironic, I think. Who am I? I'm a true skeptic. I don't believe either side has presented overwhelming evidence that it's the correct one regarding alien craft or an alien presence on Earth. I also dislike the phrase Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) since it has taken a connotation of meaning aliens. In its place I prefer Unknown Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) which allows for a broader range of possibilities including atmospheric anomalies. Who am I? I'm a 1000+ hour pilot who has spent many times that watching the sky ... paying attention to the sky, day and night. Have I seen things I couldn't identify? Of course I have and anyone who spends any time in the air has as well. When I was flying, did I call ATC or Approach Control dependent on where I was for some sort of confirmation? Oh, yeah. Most of the time that cleared up the "mystery." When that didn't work, they'd usually ask if I wanted to make a report. My answer was invariably, "No, sir. I wouldn't know what to report." They seemed quite happy with that. Who am I? I'm someone utterly fascinated by the Lonny Zamora case and the Portage County, OH, to Beaver, PA, chase. One or two others but they don't stack up against those two. Let me add to that. I am an Aeronautical Engineer (as well as a licensed pilot, aircraft mechanic and ground instructor) and am quite aware of what can - and can't - fly. Have there been many new developments since I went to school? Oh, yeah. But the basics remain no matter what. The SR-71 flew for the same reason the basic Piper J-3 Cub does as does the B-2 bomber. Basics. Anything that flies has to follow those basic laws of aerodynamics or it ain't gonna fly. And in this case, it's going to become so much scrap metal as soon as any kind of load's put on it. You know, like attempting to leave the ground. Oh, and "X-Files" wasn't a documentary. Just thought I'd mention it. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetpumper Posted February 25, 2013 #113 Share Posted February 25, 2013 Let me add to that. I am an Aeronautical Engineer (as well as a licensed pilot, aircraft mechanic and ground instructor) and am quite aware of what can - and can't - fly. Can this fly? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheSearcher Posted February 25, 2013 #114 Share Posted February 25, 2013 Can this fly? Unless it has some kind of propulsion, no it cannot. Funnily enough it's not even the most aerodynamic shape either. The most aerodynamic shape would be a Sears–Haack body, Kludge probably will be able to confirm that, or correct me if I'm wrong. They look kinda like this : Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zenfahr Posted February 25, 2013 #115 Share Posted February 25, 2013 Ya'll say its fake... its an RC toy, or my fav... if you know anything about aerodynamics you know that it is a hoax. Soooooo RC toy that fly's YET defies the physics of Aerodynamics. Chances are, its what it appears to be... an experimental craft. Probably soon to be declassified if its being flown in day light. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zenfahr Posted February 25, 2013 #116 Share Posted February 25, 2013 Can this fly? of course it can.... pick it up and throw it.... it will fly for awhile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DONTEATUS Posted February 26, 2013 #117 Share Posted February 26, 2013 Can this fly? Looks Like it Would Do quite Well Sweetpumper ! Say 1200 fps and going up to FTL ? It will do Pig.It will Do ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space Commander Travis Posted February 26, 2013 #118 Share Posted February 26, 2013 (edited) Unless it has some kind of propulsion, no it cannot. Funnily enough it's not even the most aerodynamic shape either. The most aerodynamic shape would be a Sears–Haack body, Kludge probably will be able to confirm that, or correct me if I'm wrong. then what does one say if one has seen something like the object illustrated (the metallic sphere) that does look very much as if it is flying? Many people have, Sweetpumper, i believe, among them. Might it be not actually what it looks like, i.e. a metallic sphere, but actually some kind of energy? Edited February 26, 2013 by Lord Vetinari Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DKO Posted February 26, 2013 #119 Share Posted February 26, 2013 Ya'll say its fake... its an RC toy, or my fav... if you know anything about aerodynamics you know that it is a hoax. Soooooo RC toy that fly's YET defies the physics of Aerodynamics. Chances are, its what it appears to be... an experimental craft. Probably soon to be declassified if its being flown in day light. RC planes don't fly at a high speed and weigh barely anything. The basic aerodynamic laws would still ably to RC planes like lift etc. but the force pushing against the forward facing wing-part wouldn't matter as much. Who knows, it could be a new type of aircraft that somehow defies these basic laws, but the RC plane is a fairly good answer IMO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheSearcher Posted February 26, 2013 #120 Share Posted February 26, 2013 (edited) then what does one say if one has seen something like the object illustrated (the metallic sphere) that does look very much as if it is flying? Many people have, Sweetpumper, i believe, among them. Might it be not actually what it looks like, i.e. a metallic sphere, but actually some kind of energy? Then one still should expect some propulsion of some kind. if it is some kind of energy, then the question is moot. It does by no means negate what I said. Edited February 26, 2013 by TheSearcher Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kludge808 Posted February 27, 2013 #121 Share Posted February 27, 2013 Can this fly? A steel ball bearing such as the one pictured can only be launched as a ballistic projectile. I supposed what happens could be considered flight but not by any realistic definition. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kludge808 Posted February 27, 2013 #122 Share Posted February 27, 2013 Unless it has some kind of propulsion, no it cannot. Funnily enough it's not even the most aerodynamic shape either. The most aerodynamic shape would be a Sears–Haack body, Kludge probably will be able to confirm that, or correct me if I'm wrong. They look kinda like this : While what you're showing cylindrical, the shape is correct. Take a projection of the profile and you create an ideal high performance wing section as used on many fighters etc today. The F-104 Starfighter (aka: Missile with a man in it) had leading edges sharp enough that they had to be padded while being serviced or in maintenance to protect people on the ground as well as the surfaces. While not the first airplane to use it, it did use that airfoil to great advantage. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kludge808 Posted February 27, 2013 #123 Share Posted February 27, 2013 Ya'll say its fake... its an RC toy, or my fav... if you know anything about aerodynamics you know that it is a hoax. Soooooo RC toy that fly's YET defies the physics of Aerodynamics. Chances are, its what it appears to be... an experimental craft. Probably soon to be declassified if its being flown in day light. Is it? Do you have definitive proof of that? Or are you looking at the cover and not reading the book? A few pages back, someone checked frames in the video and discovered that there are frames with the sky but no aircraft. That says CGI. A CGI "aircraft" doesn't fly. All it has to do is stand still to be videoed with the camera moving. Even better, it doesn't even have to exist if one's a decent 3D artist. Even if it was done using a green screen (You know how that works, right?), the frames won't sync perfectly unless one has terribly high end software & hardware and there will be dropped frames in one or the other of the videos when they're merged. There are several reasons this happens including the fact that home video equipment and software isn't perfect or even great but rather is "good enough" to work while still remaining competitive in the market. (This is also why I stay with Canon cameras and a mix of software including Adobe. They tend to set the bar a little higher.) So, yes, I call hoax. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kludge808 Posted February 27, 2013 #124 Share Posted February 27, 2013 then what does one say if one has seen something like the object illustrated (the metallic sphere) that does look very much as if it is flying? Many people have, Sweetpumper, i believe, among them. Might it be not actually what it looks like, i.e. a metallic sphere, but actually some kind of energy? Okay, so what you're saying is that if it's not the metal sphere shown but rather a ball of energy or even a silvered mylar balloon then it's a whole new ballgame. You're right, it is. Sooo ... the new question is, what did it actually look like and how did it behave? Actually, there are other questions but that's a good start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetpumper Posted February 27, 2013 #125 Share Posted February 27, 2013 A steel ball bearing such as the one pictured can only be launched as a ballistic projectile. I supposed what happens could be considered flight but not by any realistic definition. Well, it wasn't launched, wasn't 'energy' (it looked just like that pic), certainly flew from a standstill position, was fast enough to break the sound barrier but didn't, and was the size of a mini-van. So, I guess the only question is what it was and what kind of propulsion it used. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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