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Raining Spiders In Brazil? Video Appears

Princess Serenity

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Arachnophobes would be wise to steer clear of Santo Antônio da Platina in Brazil.

According to a video uploaded to YouTube on Feb. 7,

from the city's electric lines and other surfaces.

These seem to be fairly large critters, too, plainly visible when the camera is zoomed all the way out, with a rough approximation of size given by nearby transformers on the electric poles.



This is my worst nightmare! I'm never going to Brazil!!

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Eww spiders

Yeah. I feel bad for any arachnophobes living at the locale. Dx

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I don't like spiders anywhere near me.

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I didnt even watch the video. I know my local spiders and we get along very well. I use police tactics and use a high powered hose on them when they unite and march on my homestead each spring and summer.

But it is pretty when you look across the land on a crisp morning and the dew reflects off there thousand of webs across the grass.

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I use police tactics and use a high powered hose on them when they unite and march on my homestead each spring and summer.


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I don't like spiders anywhere near me.

We are never more than six feet from a spider . They are everywhere .

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I'm just surprised we're so far into this thread and there aren't any pictures of spiders yet. Luckily, I'm not feeling mischievous!

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Maybe they're trying to create their own world wide web.

Anyway I love spiders and that was pretty cool to see.

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The right environment for spiders to thrive endlessly without the natural limits spiders encounter in other places of the world. Deserts are thriving with relatively more horrid species of spiders, most notably the Black Widow...and other arachnids such as scorpions and vinegaroons survived 100s of millions of years in warmer climates. I wouldn't want to live close to a huge nested colony of spiders, that's for sure. :whistle:

Edited by Tsa-La-Gie Oyate
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Looks like they're attempting to rival the WWW.

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I live in Florida and there used to be a dirt road just down the road from my house. I remember seeing huge spiderwebs between the power lines created by what we called bananna spiders. There would be hundreds of them. Do not see them any longer except in the woods. You have to be careful because they will spin their webs across the path and they sit directly in the middle. I do not have a problem with spiders but the banana spiders do give me the creeps.

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I bet umbrella-sellers are raking in the cash!

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Half of the video is blurry, it has to be a fake. Set up for ummm..... sellers of umbrellas, yeah that's right.

Well on a serious note this is cool and frightening at the same time. I bet any one around there with arachnophobia could suddenly do a marathon in 1 minute :)

Edited by IBelieveWhatIWant
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I know a cure for the spiders... "The Birds." (Alfred could have combined the two)

I've seen hundreds of black widows congregate on one (5-foot) stack of wood pallets in Georgia.

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Wow, it's like one big super web

Thats exactly what it is, a giant web.

Its actually very clever how they can build those things and they survive the wind. Mind you, if the birds come to roost on those cables they will think its thanksgiving.

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