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Telepathy through Time?


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Lately, I've been exploring the phenomenon of retropsychokinesis, which is basically an area of parapsychology that explores whether the human mind has the ability to influence the past.

The idea is basically that instead of using telepathy to send a message across space, you try to send a message across time.

Has anyone ever tried sending messages across time?


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I've always been fascinated with this idea.

What if the brain could generate tachyon flow?

Don't the theoretical tachyons move faster-than-light (FTL)?

Could they then move backwards in time?

What if we could send information using tachyons (or some other means) to ourselves in the past?

I tried an experiment over several weeks based on this idea.

After the local lottery numbers were drawn each week, I wrote them down and then tried to focus on sending them FTL to myself in the past at a certain time using thoughts (and hopefully some tachyons!).

Then, when that pre-draw time came up each week I tried to focus on thoughts (or tachyons!) that I knew that I would be sending back to myself after the draw was over with the winning numbers.

Unfortunately, I didn't win the lottery, but I really enjoyed the experiment and the attempt to communicate through time this way. :)

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I've always been fascinated with this idea.

What if the brain could generate tachyon flow?

Don't the theoretical tachyons move faster-than-light (FTL)?

Could they then move backwards in time?

What if we could send information using tachyons (or some other means) to ourselves in the past?

I tried an experiment over several weeks based on this idea.

After the local lottery numbers were drawn each week, I wrote them down and then tried to focus on sending them FTL to myself in the past at a certain time using thoughts (and hopefully some tachyons!).

Then, when that pre-draw time came up each week I tried to focus on thoughts (or tachyons!) that I knew that I would be sending back to myself after the draw was over with the winning numbers.

Unfortunately, I didn't win the lottery, but I really enjoyed the experiment and the attempt to communicate through time this way. :)

Thanks for sharing your experiment, Hugh.

On the subject of tachyons...haven't we already made particles exceed the speed of light? Physicists have gotten waves to travel at 300 times the speed of light. And this was achieved in the year 2000 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2000/jul/20/technology2).

Another device that makes radio waves travel faster than light has also been invented (http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2000/jul/20/technology2).

So shouldn't superluminal time travel already be possible?

Maybe it'll be a while before we can send entire humans into the past, since we're complex organisms composed of billions of atoms and there's a risk of the human dying. But sending information into the past might be more doable. The device that allows radio waves to exceed light speed might be able to do that.

It would be really great if we could do this telepathically, though. We could send messages or dreams to ourselves or other people, in the past.

I'm going to try some retropsychokinesis experiments of my own, starting off small and hopefully expanding. I've gotten my hands on some books on the subject, hopefully there's some information I can use.

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Great to hear Threewhens. I'd be interested in hearing about your experiments with this idea.

II truly believe that the human mind has the potential to achieve so much more than we currently think is possible.

I also believe that we are connected to others, and the universe and through time much more closely than we think as well.

With the proper understanding, control and execution, I think that this idea would work, and it wouldn't involve the creation of any paradoxes within the totality of all that exists.

What I mean by that is, from one particular viewpoint it may look like there is a paradox, but in the big picture, all is accounted for and perfectly understandable. :)

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The time travel through meditation thread might be of interest here.


Prayers can also help those in the past and futute.

The universe = space + time.

Outside of it there is no past or future because everything is happening at once.

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^Thanks for showing me the other thread.

The people in the other thread seemed to be focusing on how you could "change" the past by changing your perception of it. But I'm more interested in attempting to actually change the past, not just my perception of it. Even a small change would be a milestone.

Although I'm not exactly sure how, I do have reason to believe that it is possible. Previous retropsychokinesis experiments have shown that the mind may be able to produce small changes to past events. For example, the experiments performed by Helmut Schmidt:

"Schmidt went on to run experiments similar to the original ones (PK effects on electronically generated random data), the only diference being that the data was prerecorded (and, importantly, unobserved), rather than generated in "real time" as the experiments were carred out. Despite being extraordinarily counterintuitive, the results suggested strongly that unobserved random events which occured in the past are subject to psychokinetic influence - in other words, the human mind can in some (limited) sense "influence" or at least "select" the past." (http://www.fourmilab...p/proposal.html).

His experiment is described briefly here (from article "Martial Arts Students Influence the Past"):

"Schmidt's experiments are described briefly. They involved a group of martial arts students as subjects, being shown prerecorded random numbers via an electronic display. The numbers had been generated some months earlier by an apparatus involving a radioactive source and a decay counter (radioactive decay timings being as "truly random" as anything one can find in nature). The students attempted to exert a mental "influence" on the visual display, whose behaviour was determined by the prerecorded numbers. In this way, they would be supposedly influencing the statistical distributions of the numbers themselves. "Remarkably", the article claims, a significant bias was found in the numbers, "one that had a less than 1 in 1000 probability of occuring by chance". It is claimed that "elaborate precautions were taken to prevent any cheating". Precise descriptions of experimental procedures in many similar experiments carried out by Schmidt can be found in the numerous articles available in the RPKP archive." (http://www.fourmilab...kp/martial.html).

Although his experiments have been replicated, I do wish that there were different retropsychokinesis experiments to look at as well.

I'm not sure if anybody here is keeping up with Dr. John Cramer's experiments, but he is a physicist that is actually trying to send a signal backward in time. Last time I checked, progress had slowed due to financial problems, but it will be fantastic if he's able to do it (http://www.messageto...mmunication.php).

Edited by Threewhens
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Interesting links! I like the tachyon visualization picture. It would be cool if they actually do exist and can be controlled, although for every great use there are evil ones too unfortunately...

Threewhens, what kind of experiments were you thinking of trying?

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I honestly think that time displaced psychokinesis is possible (like having a person with psychokinetic abilities manipulate the probability of such and such phenomenon happening on a certain day and at a certain time, though this would have to do with probability manipulation and chronokinesis, the latter of which I believe would only affect future time, for reasons I will explain below). Other than that, I believe it would more or less be impossible for a future self to effect a past self because, well~~~the future you doesn't exist yet; the future is directly dependent on outcomes and factors pertaining to its past (our present). I believe that the reason that precognitive people can see into the future is because (assuming they are genuinely accurate), what they see is a glimpse of what is going to happen, kind of like a preview. Some might argue that if they see an event in the future(I use "see" assuming that the individual is a clairvoyant precog) then it must already be happening in the future. Not so. n some ways it is kind of like meteorology; the meteorologists gives you a forecast about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow's weather even though the weather hasn't happened yet. It doesn't mean it's happening in the future, you are just being told what probably will happen.

Anyway, my point is, and I truly believe, that a non-existent entity has no way of affecting a past event. That is analogous to saying that a rose can affect the seed it was planted to be. Since the rose depends on the planting of the seed to exist, it is, as of that point in time when planting is about to comment, a non-existing, and thus a (physically) non-influential entity.

As for test itself, something that seemingly conclusive, if it fulfilled all scientific parameters and was peer-reviewed, would be the talk of the town. Since it's not, I have to assume there were some issues with it.

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Interesting links! I like the tachyon visualization picture. It would be cool if they actually do exist and can be controlled, although for every great use there are evil ones too unfortunately...

Threewhens, what kind of experiments were you thinking of trying?

I'll probably start with something somewhat similar to what Schmidt did, attempting to influence random numbers. I'll start out with something very basic. I can't replicate his experiment exactly, since I don't have access to the same equipment that he used, but I'll make do with what I have access to.

I'll try using the random generators from here (http://www.random.org/), most likely I'll try them all, but first only the ones dealing with numbers (such as the dice roller); I'll have a friend generate the numbers (so that I can't see them), and then afterward I can begin trying to influence the outcome retroactively.

I'll do this at least 5 times.

So the numbers will already have been generated by a friend in the past, and it'll be my job to attempt to influence them from the present.

As the control group, I'll also have a friend produce a set of numbers that I don't influence.

Unfortunately...I know nothing about analyzing probability in data. I guess if I tried something basic, such as focusing on one number (4?) throughout, and comparing how many times 4 appears versus other numbers, that would be a start. But I'll try to get in touch with one of my math professors and ask if one of them could assess the probability more accurately. I can report the results back here afterward, whether I'm successful or not.

And it's not exactly a time travel experiment, but it is something interesting and relevant that I found, just for fun. It's called the "Time twisting tool": http://www.timetwist...ndsintothepast/

I honestly think that time displaced psychokinesis is possible (like having a person with psychokinetic abilities manipulate the probability of such and such phenomenon happening on a certain day and at a certain time, though this would have to do with probability manipulation and chronokinesis, the latter of which I believe would only affect future time, for reasons I will explain below). Other than that, I believe it would more or less be impossible for a future self to effect a past self because, well~~~the future you doesn't exist yet; the future is directly dependent on outcomes and factors pertaining to its past (our present). I believe that the reason that precognitive people can see into the future is because (assuming they are genuinely accurate), what they see is a glimpse of what is going to happen, kind of like a preview. Some might argue that if they see an event in the future(I use "see" assuming that the individual is a clairvoyant precog) then it must already be happening in the future. Not so. n some ways it is kind of like meteorology; the meteorologists gives you a forecast about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow's weather even though the weather hasn't happened yet. It doesn't mean it's happening in the future, you are just being told what probably will happen.

Anyway, my point is, and I truly believe, that a non-existent entity has no way of affecting a past event. That is analogous to saying that a rose can affect the seed it was planted to be. Since the rose depends on the planting of the seed to exist, it is, as of that point in time when planting is about to comment, a non-existing, and thus a (physically) non-influential entity.

As for test itself, something that seemingly conclusive, if it fulfilled all scientific parameters and was peer-reviewed, would be the talk of the town. Since it's not, I have to assume there were some issues with it.

It seems like you're basically saying that the future does not exist yet, and therefore it cannot influence anything yet. Unless they believe in simultaneous time (or something similar to that), most people won't argue on that idea, so I see your point.

I have read a little bit about chronokinesis - isn't that basically where one attempts to speed up or slow down time? Or is there more to it?

I haven't been able to find a debunking of Schmidt, but if you're able to find any, then it would be very good if you'd let us know - the truth is important. I did a Google search to try to see if anyone had debunked him, but didn't really find anything. Since my experiments will be more for personal enjoyment, and I lack access to sophisticated equipment, they won't be as carefully controlled as his were.

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I'll probably start with something somewhat similar to what Schmidt did, attempting to influence random numbers. I'll start out with something very basic. I can't replicate his experiment exactly, since I don't have access to the same equipment that he used, but I'll make do with what I have access to.

I'll try using the random generators from here (http://www.random.org/), most likely I'll try them all, but first only the ones dealing with numbers (such as the dice roller); I'll have a friend generate the numbers (so that I can't see them), and then afterward I can begin trying to influence the outcome retroactively.

I'll do this at least 5 times.

So the numbers will already have been generated by a friend in the past, and it'll be my job to attempt to influence them from the present.

As the control group, I'll also have a friend produce a set of numbers that I don't influence.

Unfortunately...I know nothing about analyzing probability in data. I guess if I tried something basic, such as focusing on one number (4?) throughout, and comparing how many times 4 appears versus other numbers, that would be a start. But I'll try to get in touch with one of my math professors and ask if one of them could assess the probability more accurately. I can report the results back here afterward, whether I'm successful or not.

And it's not exactly a time travel experiment, but it is something interesting and relevant that I found, just for fun. It's called the "Time twisting tool": http://www.timetwist...ndsintothepast/

It seems like you're basically saying that the future does not exist yet, and therefore it cannot influence anything yet. Unless they believe in simultaneous time (or something similar to that), most people won't argue on that idea, so I see your point.

I have read a little bit about chronokinesis - isn't that basically where one attempts to speed up or slow down time? Or is there more to it?

I haven't been able to find a debunking of Schmidt, but if you're able to find any, then it would be very good if you'd let us know - the truth is important. I did a Google search to try to see if anyone had debunked him, but didn't really find anything. Since my experiments will be more for personal enjoyment, and I lack access to sophisticated equipment, they won't be as carefully controlled as his were.

From http://www.skepdic.com/essays/psihistory.html

Look for the words Helmut Schmidt with the "Find" cache thingamabob. Basically, as seems to be the case with MANY parapsychologists, there doesn't seem to be a very reproducible effect going on.

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From http://www.skepdic.c...psihistory.html

Look for the words Helmut Schmidt with the "Find" cache thingamabob. Basically, as seems to be the case with MANY parapsychologists, there doesn't seem to be a very reproducible effect going on.

Thank you for the link, Simatong.

The only part I saw about Schmidt was the following:

"In the 1960s, physicist Helmut Schmidt started using random event generators to do micro-PK (MPK) experiments. According to Radin, over the years Schmidt provided solid scientific support for the PK hypothesis and the people involved in the PEAR group replicated Schmidt's work in 258 experimental studies and 127 control studies. C.E.M. Hansel, however, claims that regarding all the studies done after 1969 and before 1987 that attempted to replicate Schmidt’s work: “The main fact that emerges from this data is that 71 experiments gave a result supporting Schmidt’s findings and 261 experiments failed to do so” (Hansel 1989: 185). Radin says that between 1959 and 1987 there were 832 RNG studies by 68 investigators: 597 experimental studies and 235 control studies. The best of these studies are those done by Robert Jahn and his group at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory (PEAR), which closed down at the end of February, 2007, having convinced hardly anyone that they had discovered anything of any interest."

The problem seems to have been that most replications of the experiment failed to produce the same effect.

From this sentence (“The main fact that emerges from this data is that 71 experiments gave a result supporting Schmidt’s findings and 261 experiments failed to do so”), I wonder what was the difference between the 71 successful ones and the 261 unsuccessful ones? No problems were expressed concerning his randomization method, and the data's integrity was not called into question, either. I'll still carry out my own experiment(s), and we'll see whether they fall into the successful or the unsuccessful camp. One problem is that there was no mention of a control group in any of them (neither the original experiments nor the replications); controls would have helped a lot. Because if those 71/261 were different by chance rather than by any influence, then the control groups would have reflected some chance-related degree of difference as well. My methods aren't as accurate as theirs, but I am at least having a control group. I wonder why they didn't?

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First does telepathy travel faster than the speed of light? If no then telepathy into the past can't even be considered.

Second, Telepathy into the past has the same problem as physical travel into the past. Time travel is not space travel and the Earth moves millions of miles each day with it's movement around the sun and the solar systems movement around the galactic core. The problem becomes for telepathy , does it have the range and can you target the one location in the universe where the Earth was then? The possibility is so astronomically high that failure is pretty much a given.

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The problem becomes for telepathy , does it have the range and can you target the one location in the universe where the Earth was then?

Enter "spooky action at a distance". ;)

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I'm still reading and looking at different methods people have used to attempt to achieve a retropsychokinetic effect, and came across this:


I can't find anything else on it except for the link within the article, though. I have no idea whether these people were successful ot not...I'm guessing not, since they were trying to do a very big task (stop someone on the Titanic from dying?), but it was an interesting thing to attempt.

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Just popping in to say that I'm still in the process of exploring what is the best method of retroactive influence. So far, I've found two people (on other websites) who claim that they have successfully altered the past multiple times. I have no way of verifying their claims, but they are the only leads I have, so I'll keep looking into their methods.

One claims to use some method of conscience projection that he invented, and the other claims to be able to delete events from the timeline using some other mental technique. The latter reminds me of "temporal cloaking".

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I've always been fascinated with this idea.

What if the brain could generate tachyon flow?

Don't the theoretical tachyons move faster-than-light (FTL)?

Could they then move backwards in time?

What if we could send information using tachyons (or some other means) to ourselves in the past?

Isn't this from the plot of Prince of Darkness??

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Isn't this from the plot of Prince of Darkness??

I haven't seen the movie but after reading a summary of the plot of it, yup a similar idea...

I had first read of the idea in a book back in the '80s, I can't remember the title... it has always appealed to me. :)

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I haven't seen the movie but after reading a summary of the plot of it, yup a similar idea...

I had first read of the idea in a book back in the '80s, I can't remember the title... it has always appealed to me. :)

If you like the idea of Alice Cooper killing someone with a bicycle frame, watch it. Its brilliant.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Lately, I've been exploring the phenomenon of retropsychokinesis, which is basically an area of parapsychology that explores whether the human mind has the ability to influence the past.

The idea is basically that instead of using telepathy to send a message across space, you try to send a message across time.

Has anyone ever tried sending messages across time?


When Einstein's relativistic time-dilation equation is solved for velocities greater than the speed of light, it produces what are called "imaginary numbers." Although these numbers make no physical or intuitive sense, they are used to describe all electromagnetic wave propagation--- for example, radio and TV signals. An imaginary number also appears in the arcane "Schrodinger Wave Equation" that describes the behavior of atomic matter. So although the numbers are called "imaginary," they describe the real world.

Interpreting relativistic equations for velocities greater than light speed yields the possibility that information sent at a velocity greater than light speed will travel backwards in time. Anyone receiving this information will find, eventually, that it came from the future.

Einstein's equations state that matter cannot reach or exceed light-speed. Embedded within them is the axiomatic belief that light, or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, cannot be transmitted at any other velocity than light-speed-- neither faster nor slower. But these equations do not necessarily apply to telepathic information. Because conventional physics does not incorporate telepathy into its paradigms (i.e. blows off the entire notion) it cannot have any formal opinions about the physical mechanisms behind telepathy.

Conventional physics does not know what "telepathic information" is, or how it might be transmitted. The paper on faster-than-light information transmisstion from which I learned about these ideas got into a 1960's copy of "Science" entirely by mistake. With luck there are enough people posting or lurking here who have experienced the receipt of precogitive information.

Information transmitted faster than light-speed might explain precognitive experiences. I have experienced two such events, the first being the Apollo 13 glitch, and the second an airplane crash. These experiences, plus lots of reading time in the area of paranormal phenomena are enough to convince me that the precognitive experiences of others are every bit as real as mine.

Both personal and objective evidence suggests that information transfers from the future require considerable focus and energy. The energy seems to come from the emotional level of mind.

The significant precognitive events that I and others have "forseen" were significant enough to have evoked strong feelings from those who participated in the event (i.e. died or were badly frightened), or observers shocked by their observations. Emotions seem to provide the level, or the kind of energy needed to effect a reverse-time transmission strong enough to be perceived.

Years ago I tried the lottery-winning ploy of transmitting winning numbers back in time to myself. Didn't work. I also engaged a friend who would supposedly transmit the numbers. Didn't work. My current opinion is that an effective way to transmit winning lottery numbers back to yourself might be to recite the numbers while strapped down to a table, while an angry Chicago Bears linebacker whacks the naked soles of your feet with a bastinado to generate the necessary emotive force.

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While it is impossible to alter the past because it is now fixed in our linear time line, it is possible to use a form of telepathy to" hook into" and investigate the past. I do this by connecting to the cosmic consciousness which "stores" all memories of the past.By projecting my consciousness into the past, and/ or, by entering the stored consciousness of a past sentient being, I can research past events and times and hold conversations with "people" in the pas.t

PAst consciousness no longer exists in an ongoing or interactive sense so you cant send yourself lottery numbers etc in the past, but you can communicate with the stored consciousness of past beings as they existed. You could tell them the lottry numbers but because they no longer exist interactivley withtat past time they canot acces it to do anything about it. (and it really confuses the stored consciousness, so i avoid letting on who i am or where i am from. I'ts like being in a virtual reality chamber with those stored memories personalities and experiences. You can also make a close study of past architecture, social habits, clothing, furniture even dance forms, in this way.

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Feynman, and earlier Stueckelberg, proposed an interpretation of the positron as an electron moving backward in time,[15] reinterpreting the negative-energy solutions of the Dirac equation. Electrons moving backward in time would have a positive electric charge. Wheeler invoked this concept to explain the identical properties shared by all electrons, suggesting that "they are all the same electron" with a complex, self-intersecting worldline.[16] Yoichiro Nambu later applied it to all production and annihilation of particle-antiparticle pairs, stating that "the eventual creation and annihilation of pairs that may occur now and then is no creation or annihilation, but only a change of direction of moving particles, from past to future, or from future to past."[17] The backwards in time point of view is nowadays accepted as completely equivalent to other pictures[citation needed], but it doesn't have anything to do with the macroscopic terms "cause" and "effect", which do not appear in a microscopic physical description.


In other words, a positron (an electron with a positive charge) can be considered a normal electron (negative charge) traveling backward in time, which is equivalent to the consideration of these two being separate particles.

I'm not sure what this has to do with telepathy backward in time, but if information could be sent at superluminal speeds, the information would travel backward in time, negating causality. I don't know how fast telepathy travels, but for me, if telepathy can travel forward in time, why not backward in time, especially as telepathy may behave like Feynman's electrons.

I don't visit here very often, so I don't know much about telepathy and such things.

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In other words, a positron (an electron with a positive charge) can be considered a normal electron (negative charge) traveling backward in time, which is equivalent to the consideration of these two being separate particles.

I'm not sure what this has to do with telepathy backward in time, but if information could be sent at superluminal speeds, the information would travel backward in time, negating causality. I don't know how fast telepathy travels, but for me, if telepathy can travel forward in time, why not backward in time, especially as telepathy may behave like Feynman's electrons.

I don't visit here very often, so I don't know much about telepathy and such things.

One eminent australian scientist explianed this concept on national radio the other day like this. Even if you could travel at faster than light speed, you could not travel back in time. What you could do (perhaps) would be to "observe" the past, as indeed we observe the past of distant stars as their light reaches us. But we would remain in the present, and only be able to view, and not interact with, the images of the past, as they "came forward" to us
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  • 1 year later...

Well, I am actually did it several years ago. One big caution - I was crazy at the time. Not a permanent state - You can leave it behind for a time.

Subject matter is empathy and telepathy. Actually, telepathy is just higher energy face of empathy. If you can project emotions while you sane there is a good chance you could transmit telepathically words (and ideas) through space and time while you dopamine level rises and you slowly (or relatively fast ) reach level of insanity. I put chance about one third to one half for the telepathy. ( arbitrary somewhat ).


To raise level of dopamine you could use injection(almost pure neurotransmitter, used to treat Parkinson, I think), beer plus resperdol (resperdol common drug to treat bipolar or schizophrenic disorders, normally lowers level of dopamine.) and some drugs such as marijuana and speed.

To lower level of dopamine you could use resperdol and/or halidol (perfectly legal drugs, but you need psychiatrist to prescribe it.)

Telepathy was communication through time. It is rediscovery worthy of Albert Einstein.

In my experience, it is amazing enough. It redefines structure of time to spiral.

I have proven to myself, beyond the shadow of doubt, that I could reach into a past 1.5 years. That was interval between two crazy episodes, during or just before which most of my experiments were accomplished. I expect, it could be repeated by another near crazed person. Concept of communication through time will win because it will be usefull.

Telepathy is space-time and probably, wormhole phenomenon.

Telepathy should be of interest to physicist because brain in abnormal state could do it.

Means energy-cheap wormholes, power of the mind been on the order of 60 W.

Of course, it means wormholes involved pretty small and not very stable. I am sure ways around it would be found.

It started, for me, as game, "Who want to be millionaire". I yelled answer when I knew correct answer or thought to know correct answer. And, at least once, I got a feedback on it. And the girl knew answer anyway. Meredith Viera heard my hint too. So as a proof you might ask her if she was bothered by telepathy during her show. I do not guaranty that she will be positive because she did not particularly enjoy experience. I tried many more times, of course. Bound to be successful at least couple more times, according to quantum mechanic. To justify such blatant disregard of rules I must say I was slowly approaching craziness due to rising level of dopamine in my brain and I enjoyed process (not craziness), of course.

That was starting point - because that show was not live and I think, in New York. It means you could do it with tape of your friend or even without tape as in case with contacting future.

Time and multiple dimensions fascinate me.

A transmission through time could be key for absolutely precise prediction of earthquakes and tsunamis, lottery numbers and stock market ups and downs.

Actually, long-term predictions are possible. Last time I went crazy I were able to reach 1.5 years into the past… I got glimpse of the future too – more like phone call to the wrong number. Just 3-D picture of laughing boy with background somewhat pixilated.

Boy was seen clearly. I liked his technology. Total time 30 or 40 seconds.

I lied to him and, I think, he knew it. But at that moment it was truth as I known it and I was slightly tired. I said that I do not care about that stuff anymore. Meaning communications between times.

I think, I was able to do it because of high levels of dopamine in my blood.

Dopamine - because of my illness plus 1mg of respirdol and bottle of beer.

Even partial dominion over time is worthwhile goal. I know that technology to explore time will be invented. Energy cheap wormholes through time, even relatively short lived ones, could be drilled using power of brain in slightly abnormal state. I hope brain could do even better with amplifying "lever". "Artificial eyes" could take output of camera or computer and translate to impulses in visual nerve without direct contact with nerve.

But somebody got to do the work, build machines to communicate through time. I just want it to happen sooner. And, may be having a footnote in history books. I feel like a prophet - I know, what would happen, not how or why. Maybe you know scientist with a lab interested in this kind of research.

Some explanations

My illness - at best bipolar, at worst schizophrenic.

Any communication through time could be machine (electronic) assisted.

It is half-duplex - one transmitter and another receiver only. Most common for now.

duplex - two or more transmitter-receivers. Mostly communications with a future. (upstream of time)

I guess, I could make two or more people have communication through time by raising dopamine level in their bloodstream and brain. Downside is driving them crazy a bit after making them psychic. There is hope – you could make two or three transmit ions and then lower dopamine levels drastically to escape crazy episode. But it is a bit like playing Russian roulette.

Experiences in chronological order

Show “Who want to be millionaire”

See page 1

I have collected some videotape of relatives and one friend to experiment with time.

First time crazy

If you want a prophecy here it is – I saw complex rings around Earth. I think, it will be build to combat global warming.

I think, those who “visited” me in the time of my craziness had different technology and reminded users of amateur radio. (Hams)

Class A. Picture and sound – probably directly machine to mind. You need to speak aloud to be heard on other end. Many instances, there were 5 or 6.

1.Boy and old man facing away from me. Boy turned and just yelled.

2.Old man was just talking to me. At the end I asked, “what could I ask for from future?”

He answered, “Ask for Stars”. I was disappointed. – I was hoping for lottery numbers.

3.Man in his 30th was saying “We are such a b*******.”

Class B. Just sound. Mind to machine to mind.

1. Just one girl, when she was not happy with my ramblings she squeezed my brain. I stopped saying anything. I have a feeling that she could have talked much longer.

2. I asked “What am I? And answer was schizophrenic. At least my voice tells me, that I am crazy.

1.5 years passed in between without much in the way of experiments.

Second Crazy (or just before it)

It was an agreement to try to win lottery. I am projector, he is a receiver and we split money 50/50 in case of win. There was tape made during first Crazy of him staring at the camera. Playing “Prisoners dilemma” across time is easy and heartbreaking at the same time if you are upstream from the moment you trying to change. You could see results already. To make long story short, he either not heard or heard and not sharing. Logical thing to do is to withhold information on lottery. In communication I have told him: who is going to be president (Barack Obama), to hide money under the bed and tons of irrelevant stuff (couple pages worth). Thankfully he confirmed fact of communication even he did not use much good information I have given him. It all must seem crazy to him. He admitted afterwards he would not share even if he won the money.

I got glimpse of the future too – more like phone call to the wrong number. Just 3-D picture of laughing boy with background somewhat pixilated.

Boy was seen clearly. I liked his technology. Total time was 30 or 40 seconds.

I lied to him and, I think, he knew it. But at that moment it was truth as I known it and I was slightly tired. I said that I do not care about that stuff anymore. Meaning communications between times.

It is brand new physics - Physics of the brain.

It may come up once in lifetime and you usually either too young or too old. (quote)

May be some sort of quantum entanglement trough time. – just a hypothesis floating in the air. As much as wormholes are. I do not see much evil coming out of it except disputes over money. And money do not come out easily.

I want to name communication between times a Cassandra effect.

There is some tenuous evidence that time travel to get small sample or even whole body is possible. It probably need more power than brain can master. Otherwise it would be neat to raise dopamine level and step into the future. Obviously, I have not done it yet.

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