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For readers and those requesting readings

bLu3 de 3n3rgy

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Readers are always very welcome to start a reading thread here. However to make things as cohesive as possible for all involved, ie the readers, the requesters and the moderators who look after your threads; here listed will be some formalities that we would appreciate everyone paying attention to.

Readers Etiquette

If you start a reading thread and know you are going to be away from the site for a period of time, please do one of the following:

  • Leave a message in your readings thread to let us and your requesters know that you are not currently taking readings. We will then close your thread until further notice. When you are ready to reopen your thread just let one of the moderators know.
  • PM one of the Moderators and we will close your thread until you ask for it to be reopened.

It is just a small thing that we ask that you do, as it is not fair to the people who continue to request or wait in a thread that has been inactive for weeks / months on end.

If your thread has become inactive for at least 1 month and we have not heard anything from you, we will go ahead and lock the thread as we understand life sometimes gets busy or the ability to read wavers. To have your thread reopened please send a PM to a moderator indicating to do so.

Requesters Etiquette

If you are requesting a reading, there are various ways to go about it. Here will be explained how to properly request a reading, with the best chance of receiving one.

  • Search for a readers thread (if it is active/open) and leave a request there. Many readers have their own little rules about what they expect from you; make sure you read their opening post first as it is important to respect how they operate. For example some readers like no up front information at all, while others require some information.
  • Conversely, you can begin your own thread asking for a reading. If you do this then you will be waiting for a reader to approach you. There is no guarantee that one will as readers tend to respond only to what they feel pulled to. It is just the nature of how it works and if no one responds to your request do not take it personally. Please do not harass or PM a reader if you feel you are not getting their attention.
  • Do not enter another person’s request thread and request a reading there. This is heavily frowned upon and considered derailment.
  • Do leave feedback to the reader who read you. If you do not, you will not likely get another reading again as your reputation for not giving feedback will put others off. Feedback is a fair exchange if someone has given their free time and energy to you, please respect that and be courteous.
  • Deliberate attempts to set readers up or use them in experiments with the express purpose to disprove the existence of, fail, slander or humiliate will not be tolerated. Our general rules about abusive conduct will still apply.

To All

  • This site deals only with free readings. Paid readings are forbidden so please do not try to solicit on the boards or in PM. If anyone approaches you in PM or in a thread asking or hinting for money please report them to site staff ASAP. This includes attempts to direct you offsite to get the ‘rest of the reading in full’ for a fee. The bottom line is no reader here has the authority or legal contract to charge money for their services here.
  • If you are not a reader or in the psychic forum to give advice mainly from a psychic/medium point of view then please keep out of other peoples request threads. You are not permitted to disrupt, derail or come into other people’s threads to monitor them, or pass judgements. We have moderators whose role is to take care of that in a professional manner and it is not your responsibility.
  • Threads work differently in the psychic forum and as such are not debate/discussion threads. Request threads exist as an personal exchange between reader and requester only. It is not acceptable to enter peoples request threads to debate them or humour them. This is considered trolling and derailment and such exchanges will be removed. It is in our interest to provide a safe, respectful and friendly environment here, productive for both readers and requesters.
  • Abusive or disruptive conduct towards any reader, requester, thread or moderator will not be tolerated. For example any response or feedback which contains personal or derogatory insults or is considered threatening / disruptive / interfering behaviour will be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Please make yourself aware of the guidelines for this forum, which can be found printed on the top page of the forum. The guidelines can also be reviewed here.

'Psychic Readings' board guidelines

In the interests of privacy please do not post personally identifiable information such as your full name, e-mail address, home address or telephone number; similarly please do not request private details of other members if you are the one doing the readings. If a reading involves a photograph of someone then please make sure you have their permission to post it before doing so


Also, this section of the boards is intended for the giving and receiving of psychic readings and as such we ask that members restrict unrelated comments or skeptic vs believer style discussions on the topic of psychic abilities to the Metaphysics and Psychic Phenomena section.

Be aware that Posts which have nothing to do with the reading it self, or which are posted with the intention to quiz, scrutinize and question another member for asking for a reading will be removed. Respect that if a member has come to this section to request a reading, then it is a reader they want to hear from. Not you, or your scepticism and judgements over whether a reading can help them or not. Respect that this is what they have chosen to do. Attempts to derail, control or convert a person from asking for a reading is not tolerated behaviour on these boards.

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