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Notta Lotta People Know That!


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A spider can live for 2 years without food.

Humans shed skin faster than snakes.

A spider thread is stronger than its equivalent weight in steel thread and they use their threads as parachutes..

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It is illegal in Texas to shoot a buffalo(bison) from the second floor of a hotel

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I knew that.

You may be the only one. Doesn't come up much these days
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How about this one Marie Curie's notebooks are still radioactive

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Venus is the only planet in the Solar System that rotates clockwise.

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I like this thread but I have nothing to contribute. :cry: But thanks to this thread I now need therapy to get over my fear of spy ducks.

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Despite being a land-locked state, Minnesota has more shoreline than Hawai'i, California and Florida combined.

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The average human adult contains 6 pounds of bacteria and other micro-organisms, mostly beneficial.

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Uranus is the only planet whose rotation is 90% out of phase with it's orbital direction. It is basically lying on it's side compared to the other planets

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All Polar Bears are left-handed.

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Now how did they figure that out? Walk up to a polar bear and say, "Excuse me, Miss/Mr, but can you hold this pen for me?" and they always grab it with the left paw? :P

One ton of grapes makes about 60 cases of wine, or 720 bottles. One bottle of wine contains about 2.8 pounds of grapes.

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There are no words in the English language that rhyme with month, orange, silver or purple.

Now how did they figure that out? Walk up to a polar bear and say, "Excuse me, Miss/Mr, but can you hold this pen for me?" and they always grab it with the left paw? :P

Now you're just being silly! Everybody knows that polar bears only use keyboards!

The best way to check a polar bear's hand preference is to approach the animal quietly, poke it hard with a stick and then check to ascertain which side of your head is still attached to your shoulders.

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Apollo 11 launched a few days after my ninth birthday.I stopped wanting to be a quarterback immediately and wanted to be an astronaut. The speed of sound is almost five times faster in water than air

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It takes 1 tonne of diesel oil to move the Queen Mary 2, one foot from a standing start.

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you don't hear the sound of the gun firing until after the bullet has hit you (if you live).

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8-12 humans are killed by sharks every year.20-100 million sharks are killed by humans every year

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8-12 humans are killed by sharks every year.20-100 million sharks are killed by humans every year

How sad......who is the dangerous species, eh?

An adult human body is made of aproximately (octillions) atoms.

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You have no sense of smell when you sleep.

Hi Aggie, maybe that's not true (in my case at least), I awoke several years ago smelling smoke ,and got everyone out before the fire got a serious hold in a flat in London.
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Hi Aggie, maybe that's not true (in my case at least), I awoke several years ago smelling smoke ,and got everyone out before the fire got a serious hold in a flat in London.

I learned about this in one of my medical training (I work in the health industry). This is a question I raised and apparently something else must have woken you up and that's when you smelt the fire....google it my friend cause I'm just relying on what a lecturer told me.

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The national anthem of Australia is "Advance, Australia Fair", and the national flag of Australia features the Emu and the Kangaroo - not only because they are associated with Australia, but because they are among the few animals which cannot walk backwards.

Edited by Leonardo
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