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Notta Lotta People Know That!


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that President Kennedy, was doing a form of speed while in office.

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During his lifetime, Elvis performed approx 1680 stage shows.

But even not a single one in England.

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London's Gatwick airport is built in part on the sire of a former horse race track, which closed soon after the outbreak of WW2 and never reopened.

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Napoleon Bonaparte wasn't actually short but stood at around 5 ft 8 inches.

I've read that too and that he was noted as small as compared with his personal bodyguards, who were towering scandanavians...

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Adolf Hitlers father was born Alois Schicklgruber, named after his mother, as his father was unknown. Only as an adult did Alois change it to Hitler, which he got from his adopted father. (Who incidentally probably was Alois's real father)

Another little known fact is that Hitler's sister in law, was an Irish woman called Bridget Dowling.

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Adolf Hitlers father was born Alois Schicklgruber, named after his mother, as his father was unknown. Only as an adult did Alois change it to Hitler, which he got from his adopted father. (Who incidentally probably was Alois's real father)

Another little known fact is that Hitler's sister in law, was an Irish woman called Bridget Dowling.

........who became the mother of William Patrick Hitler, Hitler's cousin who served in the US Navy during WWII as a Pharmacist's Mate.

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Now that I mentioned Hitler, I might aswell tell something that not a lot of people knows about his nemesis, Stalin.

In his spare time he enjoyed watching American Westerns and Tarzan movies.

Stalin reputedly ordered John Wayne assasinated, because of his anti communist views . After Stalins death Khrushchev stopped the order from being carried out !

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The last thing that Elvis Presley sang was Unchained Melody, played on the piano to a few friends on the night he died.

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The last thing that Elvis Presley sang was Unchained Melody, played on the piano to a few friends on the night he died.

This shows how unfair life can be:

Elvis is dead, Lennon is dead, Hendrix is dead. Justin Bieber is alive - WHY !!!!

Edited by Noteverythingisaconspiracy
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Elvis is dead, Lennon is dead, Hendrix is dead. Justin Bieber is alive - WHY !!!!

Yeah but he is, and will be, in the minority as there are still Iggy, David, Debbie and Maria (Brink).


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The typical lightning bolt is two to four inches wide and two miles long

What's the furthest point on Earth from the center? Mount Everest? Nope. It's actually the peak of Mount Chimborazo, in Ecuador, near the Equator. Since the Earth bulges at the equator, Mount Chimborazo is even further out there than Everest.

It's impossible to fold a dry piece of paper in half eight times, doubling it each time.

When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour. To photograph the event, a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second.

The placement of a donkey's eyes in its head enables it to see all four feet at all times.

Slugs have 4 noses.

Apples are more efficient than caffeine in keeping people awake in the mornings.

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Apples are more efficient than caffeine in keeping people awake in the mornings.

Yeah I`ve heard about that but they dont fit into my coffee machine.

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Not a lot of people know that - 1 teaspoon of dawn dish soap & 8 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide .

then adding 7 tablespoons of baking soda. Makes a great spot remover!

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or 2 teaspoons of baking soda in water, is a great cold remedy... take it at the first signs of sniffles and sore throat.

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or 2 teaspoons of baking soda in water, is a great cold remedy... take it at the first signs of sniffles and sore throat.

I've tried this! Never again.

Would rather suffer the cold than drink that rank stuff again. Pure nastyness. Yuck yuck and yuck.

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On Venus a year is 224,65 Earth days, while the Venus day is 243 Earth days. Yes a day on Venus lasts longer than a year does !

This is by far the slowest rotation of any planet in the solar system.

A Mercury day (115,8) is longer than its year (87,9) aswell.

On a related note: Did you know that Jupiters mass is 2,5 times larger than the rest of the planets combined ?

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The summit of Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador, is the point that is furthest away from the Earths center.

Similarly the summit of Mount Huascarán in Peru, has the smallest gravitational force on Earth.

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Brazil borders all South American countries with the exception of Ecuador and Chile and occupies 47.3% of South America.

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