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40th anniversary of Pascagoula abduction


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Where did you find this out. I was sure it was a month or two later than that.

look up the history of episodes and it is there November 2nd 1973 episode. With Hynek and Sagan also. Or did you mean the hypnosis?

anyow a little way off from your initial comment that it was a year after the event.

It's embellishing a story which shows that you intend to deceive. When you are on the witness stand and an attorney asks you why you didn't mention a interesting detail in your original statement to the police officer, the jury will assume that you made up this detail some time after your statement to the police. Once it's clear to the jury that you have added details, they will assume that your story was a deception from the start. That's why it's important to stick to one story even if it's a lie.

It looks especially bad when over a decade later you admit that you had been lying the whole time and start telling a much more exciting and marketable story like Parker is doing now.

no I dont agree, at least you have brought it down a notch to 'interesting detail' rather than 'critical detail' you were firstly trying to pass it off as. When you are being asked questions you answer them. If the questions scope would not make certain details required in the answer then I dont see why he would add them during the first interviews.....i.e. asked what did teh beings look like...his answer shouldnt be 'they looked like lobsters oh and by the way I have mild welders flash from the lights'

as for a decade later by someone who has been traumatised enough to send him into institutions for long periods....if you want to listen to what he now claims go for it, for me its worthless. Although it does give us something, that thing being that he must have had a serious traumatic experience to end up where he is....another thing working strongly against hoax.

edit to add: hometime so will try and respond to any further points tomorrow, cheers :tu:

Edited by quillius
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you originally claimed Parker fainted and could therefore not corroborate anything Charlie said. I then proved he did actually corroborate the craft/light, the opening and the beings prior to fainting.

Parker's story changed. At first he said he fainted and couldn't corroborate anything. Later on he said that he saw "them sons of b****es" if I remember his terminology. The most consistent thing in Parker's story is that it constantly changed even to this day.

As for his recent claims, I assume you know he was so severly traumatised that he ended up in hospitals, right? so I think it safe to ignore anything said after the first few days, he clearly lost the plot.

Then by all means believe absolutely everything he said before that then and absolute discount everything he said afterwards!

have you ever had welders flash? mild to severe, often comes on after a few hours, the cornea repairs itself within a day.......

Back in the 80's I was using a clumsy system that used a powerful carbon arc light to create a one-off PC board (the ultraviolet light reacts with a chemical to dissolve copper that isn't covered by a photographic process). Someone turned the light on while I still had the box open and I got an intense shot of light that blinded me (the arc was just two feet from my face). My sight was dim in the center of my vision for a day and I had to go to the hospital. I still had a dim spot for at least three days afterwards that prevented me from going back to work. I also got a slight sunburn.

So YES, I have experienced this and it was NOT a trivial thing I would have forgotten.

the medics checked him out the next afternoon, by which time welders flash could potentially not be diagnosed, and if it was hardly constitutes solid evidence. oh and please ease of the word 'conveniently'..its way too suggestive :)

We know that Charlie was in the hospital terrified that he had been exposed to radiation. Now why would he think of radiation? Maybe because of the intensely bright lights that had damaged his vision? If that's the case he totally forgot to mention that trivial detail to the doctors because his medical report did not mention anything about his vision.

moot point in IMO as to what he may or may not have dreamed up. Just speculation. As for the 'greys' that are seen regularly....I thought this made them more believable according to your previosu multiple choice scenario....cant have it both ways.

Having it just one way: the descriptions of aliens in popular culture at any given time regularly match the aliens that abductees describe. Back in the 50's and 60's we saw a much wider variety of aliens in movies and television shows. Now that movies and television shows rarely show any alien that doesn't look like a "grey" all descriptions by abductees are pretty much the same.

Interesting that you "moot" any speculation but hold inconsistent anecdotes as indisputable. Are you telling me that people never never never lie.

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Parker's story changed. At first he said he fainted and couldn't corroborate anything. Later on he said that he saw "them sons of b****es" if I remember his terminology. The most consistent thing in Parker's story is that it constantly changed even to this day.

this is not true, he said he fainted but from all the initial interviews he also is able to corroborate the craft/lights, the opening, the sound of the beings, the look fo the beings and the craft. Not sure why you are struggling with this part??? So basically prior to fainting he can corroborate all the above, the only thing of Charlies story he cannot corroborate is his time inside the craft.

Then by all means believe absolutely everything he said before that then and absolute discount everything he said afterwards!

please dont put words into my mouth, the bottom line is that it would be highly stupid to give any credence to the ramblings of someone who is proven to be mentally ill. If you choose to compare the initial interviews with Calvins rants 20 years on to enable you to find inconsitencies then it is your perogative, i would question your sincerity in a achieving a balanced view/opinion of the case.

Back in the 80's I was using a clumsy system that used a powerful carbon arc light to create a one-off PC board (the ultraviolet light reacts with a chemical to dissolve copper that isn't covered by a photographic process). Someone turned the light on while I still had the box open and I got an intense shot of light that blinded me (the arc was just two feet from my face). My sight was dim in the center of my vision for a day and I had to go to the hospital. I still had a dim spot for at least three days afterwards that prevented me from going back to work. I also got a slight sunburn.

So YES, I have experienced this and it was NOT a trivial thing I would have forgotten.

again you are missing the point, firstly you cannot compare one welders flash to another as they vary in severity, secondly the context of the occurance coupled with the severity means you are trying to compare an apple with an orange.

We know that Charlie was in the hospital terrified that he had been exposed to radiation. Now why would he think of radiation? Maybe because of the intensely bright lights that had damaged his vision? If that's the case he totally forgot to mention that trivial detail to the doctors because his medical report did not mention anything about his vision.

have you seen the medical record? how do you know he was terrified of radiation? anyhow, lots of assumptions there to arrive at a conclusion that is still 'trivial' in the scheme of things......

Having it just one way: the descriptions of aliens in popular culture at any given time regularly match the aliens that abductees describe. Back in the 50's and 60's we saw a much wider variety of aliens in movies and television shows. Now that movies and television shows rarely show any alien that doesn't look like a "grey" all descriptions by abductees are pretty much the same.

no its having it both ways.

you claim that movies of the era determine the aliens that are reported, yet you cannot find many more descriptions of the pascagoula beings during that time frame, this kind of makes the theory fall down straight away at least as far as this case is concerned. I would say that the theory has potential merit in a majority of reports though.

you also claim that if a report within a few weeks describes the same being then it is more believable. ? see how this contradicts the previous claim you made?

Interesting that you "moot" any speculation but hold inconsistent anecdotes as indisputable. Are you telling me that people never never never lie.

first show me where I claim them to be indisputable (assuming you are not putting words into my mouth again) then show me where there are inconsitancies in the story.....I bet you need to either introduce the ramblings of a sick person 20 years after the event OR you will choose to show how the story has been elaborated on, but I say try and show me a direct inconsistancy...i.e. the being had six legs then it changes to just 3 legs....etc

am I telling you people never never lie.......hardly that would be very stupid of me now wouldnt it. Where have I suggested that people never lie?

Edited by quillius
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  • 2 weeks later...

I really don't care if the skeptics believe or not....that's why they are skeptics. Some people lack Faith and if they don't want to believe then that's on them. To me, life is more interesting when you believe in things you cant see. A good example....ever seen 100 million dollars? Nope! Doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Are we really so arrogant to think we have discovered everything that God put on this Earth...or as the Nay sayers say...everything single thing that has evolved over billions of years this planet has been here?

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I really don't care if the skeptics believe or not....that's why they are skeptics. Some people lack Faith and if they don't want to believe then that's on them. To me, life is more interesting when you believe in things you cant see. A good example....ever seen 100 million dollars? Nope! Doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Yes, it does exist. How much do you think skyscrapers cost to build?

Are we really so arrogant to think we have discovered everything that God put on this Earth...or as the Nay sayers say...everything single thing that has evolved over billions of years this planet has been here?

We are arrogant enough to say that aliens flying around and abducting people is something we would have found some evidence for. Instead all we have testimony from liars and people with mental disorders, the same kind of people who not so long ago claimed their neighbors were witches.

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Are we really so arrogant to think we have discovered everything that God put on this Earth

Only idiots believe that.

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maybe we have evidence and some people don't want to see. Then again, if there were aliens flying around...obviously they would be completely alien and we would have no idea of what they were capable of...maybe the government knows and the aliens don't want the general public to know...

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Really? I know 100 million exists...that was my whole point...that it DOES exist but just because you have never seen it Doesn't mean it doesn't exist

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I know this...that was my whole point....just because you don't see something that does not mean it doesn't exist

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maybe we have evidence and some people don't want to see. Then again, if there were aliens flying around...obviously they would be completely alien and we would have no idea of what they were capable of...maybe the government knows and the aliens don't want the general public to know...

Or, maybe this is how people react when faced with something they cant identify or explain,... they conclude that the events were the result of some cosmic, spiritual or supernatural forces beyond our current understanding.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, people of all levels of education like to believe in “weird things,” says Michael Shermer of the Skeptical Inquirer. Shermer wrote that people tend to seek or interpret evidence favorable to existing beliefs and ignore or misinterpret evidence unfavorable to those beliefs.


I’d say that UFO beliefs are fueled by a “secular theology” where people look for greater meaning to the universe and our relationship with it. The theme is that the aliens flying the UFOs pay attention to us, worry about our misdeeds (as evident in alleged sighting of UFOs hanging around nuclear power plants) and want to help raise us to a higher level of existence. This is simply a post-industrial age version of ages old stores of visitation by angels, demons, and other imaginary spirits.

Edited by Hazzard
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I didn't ever say these things happened...I said maybe....just because I have a mind that it open to everything doesn't mean I don't have the right to share these ideas with other people and not have people try and make me sound like a complete idiot...im sorry, science cant explain everything...can science explain love or compassion? I'm not saying these things are facts...its just an idea...a thought

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I didn't ever say these things happened...I said maybe...

So did I,...

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but you are making it sound like its a bad thing to have an open mind...and I'm merely stating that I don't care if people believe what I do....people can believe what they want...I'm just putting it out there

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but you are making it sound like its a bad thing to have an open mind...and I'm merely stating that I don't care if people believe what I do....people can believe what they want...I'm just putting it out there

Just playing Devils Advocate, nothing to get upset about.

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not upset...everyone has a right to their own thoughts....it is good to hear different opinions...like I said...I have an open mind :)

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not upset...everyone has a right to their own thoughts....it is good to hear different opinions...like I said...I have an open mind :)

As the old saying goes - An open mind is like an open window without a good screen you get all sorts of weird bugs.

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spoken like a true closed minded person

What happened to "not upset...everyone has a right to their own thoughts" ?

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well...you wouldn't want those "weird bugs" to get in, would you?

Not if I can help it.

Trust me, I'm far from upset.

Good for you..

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Certainly an iconic story, and one that has appeared in many articles and books I have read over the years and this one still endures. Did they actually experience it? Who knows, but it is one of the more believable stories out there compared to some...

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maybe we have evidence and some people don't want to see.

Nope, sorry that does not even make sense, of some people can see evidence they can record evdence, no matter how harcore a skeptic one is, empirical evidence is the holy grail of skepticism. If you had a small group of people denying some real evidence, and I mean evidence, not tall tales, the evidence should be as readily available as a tub of butter, but it is not. We have anecdotes, guesses and tall tales. Not to mention every aspect of the UFO phenomena that has been resolved to date has concluded in very terrestrial events. Why would that trend change?

Then again, if there were aliens flying around...obviously they would be completely alien and we would have no idea of what they were capable of...

We have some idea, physics are Universal, no point in saying "maybe they are not" they are, simple as that.

maybe the government knows and the aliens don't want the general public to know...

That's even crazier than the first assumption, the Governments all hate each other, and will not keep secrets, yet all are capable of detecting interstellar traffic. ETH Government conspiracies are just tall tales, and the world around us shows they are nothing more. The entire might of the UN cannot even get that band f pirates the Sea Shepherd of International Waters. Global conspiracies are a dead set joke.

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So psyche 101 ? You dont think the Sea Shepherd `s New Ride isnt Alien tech ? Looks purty Kool to me ! Albeit E.T wouldnt even stop off here in my book now ! I think what I saw all those years ago now was My Left brain telling my right brain to turn back to the airport and stop flying for that day !

But then again we mat someday Get an Eye Full !

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So psyche 101 ? You dont think the Sea Shepherd `s New Ride isnt Alien tech ? Looks purty Kool to me ! Albeit E.T wouldnt even stop off here in my book now ! I think what I saw all those years ago now was My Left brain telling my right brain to turn back to the airport and stop flying for that day !

But then again we mat someday Get an Eye Full !

They will probably use it as a publicity stunt knowing Watson. Nothing about those numpties is advanced.

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