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Viking apocalypse will be February 22, 2014

Still Waters

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  • 2 weeks later...

Inhabitable by humans you mean?

Since there are creatures living on the sea floor at hydrothermal vents, I hardly think that climate change will affect them much. Or the bacteria that live miles down in solid rock that live off the energy of radioactive decay.
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The way the human race is ruining the environment we may have only 100 years or less before its no longer inhabitable.

Nice first post. :td:

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I found this

This year’s Festival incorporates a countdown to the Norse apocalypse, with a dazzling finale event on the evening of Saturday 22nd February recreating Ragnarok, the fall of the Gods! Incorporating thrilling live battle action, sound and light effects as well as terrific pyrotechnics this ultimate spectacle will be like nothing ever seen before!


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Amon Amarth better be opening for this Apocalypse.

I know how to windmill-headbang, so I'm safe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Inhabitable by humans you mean?

Since there are creatures living on the sea floor at hydrothermal vents, I hardly think that climate change will affect them much. Or the bacteria that live miles down in solid rock that live off the energy of radioactive decay.

Climate change is a normal thing and has happened all through out this planets history. It is most likely due to changes in the suns output and has little or nothing to do with humanity. The real concern is the plastic waste, contamination of ground water by industrial waste and now fracking and probaly the greatest man made ecological diasater of all time which is this Fukashima catastrophe with the radiation that is ever increasing day by day leaking into the atmosphere and into the ocean even the hydrothermal vent living bacteria may be no more in some places.

Edited by Pinche Gringo
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Climate change is a normal thing and has happened all through out this planets history. It is most likely due to changes in the suns output and has little or nothing to do with humanity. The real concern is the plastic waste, contamination of ground water by industrial waste and now fracking and probaly the greatest man made ecological diasater of all time which is this Fukashima catastrophe with the radiation that is ever increasing day by day leaking into the atmosphere and into the ocean even the hydrothermal vent living bacteria may be no more in some places.

Fukashima alone couldn't even kill all the animals living around Japan, much less the whole ocean. I mean... The USA dropped 105 nukes into the South Pacific and there are no dead zones there. The animals came back to the area quickly.
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February 22nd I will drink a nice cup of coffee like I do almost every morning, enjoy myself a delicious breakfast, and continue on with the day as if nothing were to happen... because let's be realistic, it's most likely that nothing will happen, just like all other predicted end dates.

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Everytime I party like it's the last day on Earth I wake up the next day wishing the crazies had been right.

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Or at least Friday (Frey's day)

Or Monday...Modi's day...

Or Tuesday...Tyr's day...

5 out of 7 days of the week are named after pagan Norse deities

Coincidence?....I say nay...


NOOO! It can't be Feb 22! I pre-ordered Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 due out Feb 25th....

Edited by Jeremiah65
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Isn't there any End of the World events coming before 22 Feburary??

I'm getting tired of waiting...

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Im just glad i get to have my 40th birthday party before the end .....all that planning ive done .

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Ok, if I hear some sh|t like this on February 22 I will freak out. ;)


[/media] Edited by EllJay
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Sky quakes....nice.

I am not sure what people are hearing...in fact, I have no clue. I do think people hear and see things they cannot explain but they generally attribute to something they prob shouldn't.

Maybe the sound in the skies people are hearing is the Herald's trumpet...letting us know that "something" is coming...

Just kidding...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fukashima alone couldn't even kill all the animals living around Japan, much less the whole ocean. I mean... The USA dropped 105 nukes into the South Pacific and there are no dead zones there. The animals came back to the area quickly.

Yeah, the ocean around Bikini atoll has recovered. I wouldn't recommend eating the coconuts on the island though
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I can perceive a small risk of mankind setting off a runaway greenhouse effect turning the earth into another Venus. This is theoretically possible and therefore should be on the list of things for governments to watch.

However, there are so many natural feedback loops that would almost certainly stop such a process, and if not human intervention would probably happen, so this is pretty far down my list of fears.

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  • 3 weeks later...

11 day's to find out if they were right or wrong.Im not in a hurry...Just sayin'...

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No wait Arkitecht. There was zero chance for this to be correct.

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Because Norse Gods aren't real and a big wolf isn't really going to eat the sun

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I'm close to ground zero, since Marvel placed Asgard in Oklahoma, so I think I'll have a Ragnarok Party...

Lots of snacks, mead, swords, axes, (hopefully a shield maiden or three)...

Y'all are invited! BYOB (Bring your own blades!)

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