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Did the Nazis have a school for talking dogs?


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Reports suggest that the Nazis attempted to train an army of talking dogs, but just how true is this ?

One of the stranger stories to come out of World War II, the idea that the Germans were training an army of intelligent dogs is based on the activities of Margarethe Schmidt who in 1930 owned a dog that gave birth to a litter of five puppies.

Read More: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/260485/did-the-nazis-have-a-school-for-talking-dogs

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This is not as ridiculous as it first seems.

Unlike most animals, dogs have all the apparatus necessary for speech.

Everything is present, in the right place, and works as it should, they just don't know how to talk!

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Never seen this mentioned on Feldgrau.com which is a forum for people interested in the military mainly the german armed forces of the past.

I don't think they had any such school. That the german troops might have used dogs in some way,yes but train them to talk no.

Had relatives on my dad's side who were in both the US and German military during both World Wars. Never heard anything from that side of the family in this regards so it's not true. That the dogs could have been trained to carry messages or look for fallen soldiers that I can believe.

Look at the St.Bernard dogs who help rescue people .The Canons of St.Bernard who train them have been doing so for centuries.Surely the good fathers would have trained talking dogs ages ago at their monastery if such a thing were possible.

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Everybody knows that when a dog learns how to talk there's no teaching them anything else. I have 3 at home that do nothing but play online video games and make prank calls to the neighbors.

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I'm suspect at the validity of this story, as pointed-out by the OP.

After all, parrots and such seem to have a much better ability to speak human(whether they understand what they are saying, who knows)

Patrol Parrot 1 to Command: chirp...Intel advisory.

Command: Go ahead Patrol Parrot 1...

Patrol Parrot 1 to Command: I have... chirp... spotted an enemy convoy at sector 6...chirp.

Edited by pallidin
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When I read the title of the thread I thought to myself, well of course they did - it was called the SS Training Camp

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They were too busy training their sphincters to talk to bother with dogs.


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They were too busy training their sphincters to talk to bother with dogs.


I don't think you need to be trained to talk straight out of them..

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Unexplained Mysteries already had this story/subject a year ago.

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I don't know about this talking dog story. It seems like some kind of ruse, guile, PR-trick or whatever.

I can tell you that the translator of dog-thoughts that was claimed to have been developed recently, is most likely a PR-trick by the PR-bureau Studio Total for whatever reason. They have done these kind of scams and false news before.

Here is a google translate of the article where they suspect them of doing yet another scam with this dog-thought-device:

The advertising agency Studio Total has made ​​themselves known to cheat. Now the duo figures in a commercial associated with a dog translation apparatus. The question is whether it is fake or true.

Tomas Mazetti and Per Cromwell at the advertising agency Studio Total is behind several high-profile campaigns , including the alleged teddy bear bombing over Belarus and Gudrun Schyman's campaign in Almedalen when she fired up a hundred thousand crowns.

The duo also created the news that the world's first Sexschool had started in Austria - a scam that several of the world 's major newspapers went on .

Now it 's the duo's name on the website of the company, " The Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery ." The company , whose name can not be found in the companies , claiming to be about to launch a product that will make it possible to translate dogs' thoughts into English.

The product "No more woof " is said to be able to identify several different thought patterns , such as hunger , fatigue and curiosity of the dog. The cheapest version costs $ 65 and the most expensive $ 600. The equipment can be pre-ordered through the website and will hopefully be ready for delivery in April this year , according to several foreign media .

Media companies like BBC, Metro and Daily Mail have reported on the news in recent days.

When the Daily News contacted Tomas Mazetti on New Year's Day , he would not reveal whether it was a scam .

- I can neither confirm nor deny , he says on the phone.

When the Daily News talks to him on Thursday , he said that yesterday's comment was a misunderstanding.

Is it a scam?

- No, there is absolutely no scam. There is a prototype.

In what ways are you involved in now ?

- We own part of the company. We have also been involved in developing some products .

Do you understand that you wonder if it's a scam , given your past projects ?

- No, I do not understand it .

Earlier this year, announced Studio Total Agency to close its operation at year-end .

- We felt that we will not find something fun to do now. We had said we would give it five years, and now they are over the years . It was not really meant to become a bureau, said Tomas Mazetti , founder and CD at Studio Total for Today's Media in September.

Is translation product truth or hoax? Time will tell .

Marit Sundberg



Here is a longer article on the talking nazi-dogs:


PS: When I read the article the researcher say that there is no evidence of them learning dogs to talk:

"There were some very strange experiments going on in wartime Germany, with regard to dog-human communication.

"Nazi animal psychologists worked with the educated dogs, and there was even a school to teach animals to communicate, with dogs supplied by the office of the Reichsführer-SS.

"My guess would be that they were intended to work with the SS or be used as guard dogs in concentration camps.

"Hitler was himself interested in the prospect of using educated dogs in the war effort, and he advised representatives of the German army to study their usefulness in the field.

"Still, it appears to have been very early days - there is no evidence it ever actually came to fruition and that the SS were walking around with talking dogs.

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The Hundesprechschule Asra (Asra school for Talking Dogs) was founded in 1930 by Margarethe Schmidt in Leutenberg, and its main purpose was to train animals to perform circus tricks for workers and soldiers' families under the auspices of the Kraft durch Freude (Strength through Joy) leisure organization controlled by The DAF - the German National Labour Front. There is no proveable record of the dogs (and other animals present at the school) ever 'talking' in a recognisable manner.

The Nazis were however, interested in animal psychology, including human-animal telepathy and its application to military scenarios.

There was one notable exception though.........


"Heel Hitler und long-live der Furred Reich!"

Edited by ealdwita
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eald... where did you find that photo of Churchill wearing a swastika?... You probably shouldn't have revealed it... THEY might get you!...

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Well, they (the Nazis) tried damn near everything else, so this doesn't shock or surprise me at all.

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Ruh Uhh!!!!

Roo rold Roo Rat?



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There is a dog all over the news now, who is saying a very distinct NOOOOOOO, to going into his crate.

It doesn't sound like an accident to me. He knows the word No, and he's saying it

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This could be the first talking dog ever, and the video shows the moment he said a firm NO to going out to his kennel.

Blaze the husky looks less than impressed in this footage when his owner asks him to get up.

But rather than making a run for it, Blaze makes a stand, and lets out a series of deep howls which sound exactly like he's saying no.

The 11-month-old pooch lies on his side and waves his paws around like a child when his owner persistently shakes him - and it looks like he won the battle.


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