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Conservatives vs Liberals


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Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated … At the individual level of analysis, conservatism scores correlate negatively with SAT, vocabulary, and analogy test scores. At the national level of analysis, conservatism scores correlate negatively with measures of education … and performance on mathematics and reading assessments.

The Conservative syndrome describes a person who attaches particular importance to the respect of tradition, humility, devoutness and moderation; as well as to obedience, self-discipline and politeness, social order, family, and national security; and has a sense of belonging to and a pride in a group with which he or she identifies. A Conservative person also subscribes to conventional religious beliefs and accepts the mystical, including paranormal, experiences.

Some very interesting articles highlighting PEER REVIEWED studies. I, for one, am not surprised at the findings.



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I would have thought this was obvious.

If you value tradition above all else you are unlikely to seek out novel ideas and solutions to problems.

Br Cornelius

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I would have thought this was obvious.

If you value tradition above all else you are unlikely to seek out novel ideas and solutions to problems.

Br Cornelius

I always thought it was obvious as well. I was interested by the actual studies, as there were quite a few of them conducted. I'm sure there will be some Youtube videos posted to prove me wrong!

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Interesting. But I have to wonder about the black/white nature of the analysis - you're either conservative or liberal, except that most of us aren't that way at all. What about Libertarians?

Studies also show that atheists are smarter than theists.

So where does that leave me - a Fiscally conservative, socially Libertarian, atheist?

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Uhh...Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Al Franken, Charlie Rangel - should I go on? And since when did a person's IQ determin their value as a human being or their right to take part in the process of self governance?

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Interesting. But I have to wonder about the black/white nature of the analysis - you're either conservative or liberal, except that most of us aren't that way at all. What about Libertarians?

Studies also show that atheists are smarter than theists.

So where does that leave me - a Fiscally conservative, socially Libertarian, atheist?

Athiest are not smarter than theist...

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So who here read the study that these articles are sourcing? :innocent:

My first issue is how they are defining conservative, from the article, a lot of democrats are thrown in to here

The second caveat is that social conservatives do not always vote for conservative candidates. Most black Americans, for example, clearly exhibit “the Conservative syndrome” as Stankov defined it—70 percent voted to abolish gay marriage in California—but they routinely give about 90 percent of their votes to the Democratic Party

Reading the study itself it says it is only looking at social conservatives, and "conservative authoritarian" . So economics and other views are not taken in to account. from study

"found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adult hood

So the dumber you are the more likely you are to be prejudiced, and when they define conservative as being anti gay regardless of if you vote for democrat and regardless of what any of your other views are it is no surprise that the study came out this way.

Also from the actual study

. Our results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical, albeit underappreciated, role in prejudice. Consequently, we recommend a heightened focus on cognitive ability in research on prejudice and a better integration of cognitive ability into prejudice models.

So the study does not exactly say what these journalist want it to.

Edited by spartan max2
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You can find a "study" to support almost any point of view on the internet.

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OK, I’ll bite…

Haven’t we seen this study before? And it was shot down then? I’ve seen studies that have gone the other way; it just depends on who’s doing the research and their agenda. From personal observation, I think that the Conservative is far more confident in their cognitive abilities that they don’t have to show off with such studies. When a Conservative thinks outside of the box, he usually looks ahead and considers the consequences. The Liberal/Progressive responds (Pavlavian) with knee-jerk reactions from outside stimuli while being very unaware. Only a Progressive would claim “Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated” because they cannot comprehend how they do relate.

More conservatives are able to express themselves with thoughtful vocabulary whereas, the Left rely on comedians telling a joke and making a face. Mathematics and logic is reflected by the ability of Conservatives to think ahead. Most Progressives do not understand how things like the Free Market really work because it isn’t intuitive to them.

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Athiest are not smarter than theist...

Quite a few studies have concluded that they are, but I regard them pretty much the same way I regard the study in the OP.

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Interesting. But I have to wonder about the black/white nature of the analysis - you're either conservative or liberal, except that most of us aren't that way at all. What about Libertarians?

Studies also show that atheists are smarter than theists.

So where does that leave me - a Fiscally conservative, socially Libertarian, atheist?

That is true, but, there are a large amount of hardcore conservatives/liberals on this forum.

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Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives, But Liberals Are Stupid at Economics and Libertarians Are Smarter Than Both of Them


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Quite a few studies have concluded that they are, but I regard them pretty much the same way I regard the study in the OP.

A biased approach to prove an incorrect fact.

added: for the intent of belittling a group of people and making another group feel superior

The need to humiliate others to make yourself feel good is a base condition, which falls in the un-intellegent category.

Edited by SpiritWriter
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A study showing the correlation between evolution denial and climate change denial would settle the case for me. Theories so overwhelmingly supported by the evidence that to deny them shows a lack of cognitive reasoning ability.

I actually think that intelligence, or the ability to think about information and draw reasoned conclusions based on the evidence, is a learned skill. The genetic component is only a relatively small part. However most people prefer to let other people do their reasoning for them and that is where inherited tradition takes over from intelligence.

Br Cornelius

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Uhh...Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Al Franken, Charlie Rangel - should I go on? And since when did a person's IQ determin their value as a human being or their right to take part in the process of self governance?

Ad hominem bud...just cheap shots. "You believe in a higher power so you must be stupid"

I'm more in line with Rafterman...Fiscally conservative, social Libertarian and I happen to be more agnostic...but that is just me.

This is the best the liberal/progressive left can do. Attack the "enemy" by insult. If you cannot force people to see your way then undermine their foundations.

Rather sickening actually...as is anyone who goes along with crap like this and do not see how thinly veiled and desperate it is.

I hope for a total house cleaning in the next election...but the Libs are terrified they are going to lose the Senate. As much as I want more Libertarian thinking people in office...at this point my thoughts are..."as long as we get rid of the Dems, that is a good start"

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The studies are using measurable tools to determine this. IQ tests, SAT like tests to measure grammar, vocabulary, pelling and mathematical skills, and one of the studies from the second link measures the size of areas of the brain. When looking at the raw data, almost anyone should come up with the same conclusion.

Go into an Obamacare thread and analyze strictly the grammar and spelling of a post. I will almost guarantee that you will be able to pick out the liberals and conservatives without paying attention to the substance.

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Jeremiah - i find it amazing you would class AND THEN as a liberal, a more conservative person I have never encountered.

Br Cornelius

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Jeremiah - i find it amazing you would class AND THEN as a liberal, a more conservative person I have never encountered.

Br Cornelius

I didn't....I was talking about the article and it's content...I just happened to quote his post

Edit to add

But I see what you did there....


very clever Br....very clever....

Edited by Jeremiah65
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Well then jeremiah I think you have failed in your point as well for the reasons outlined by AgentOrange below;

The studies are using measurable tools to determine this. IQ tests, SAT like tests to measure grammar, vocabulary, pelling and mathematical skills, and one of the studies from the second link measures the size of areas of the brain. When looking at the raw data, almost anyone should come up with the same conclusion.

Go into an Obamacare thread and analyze strictly the grammar and spelling of a post. I will almost guarantee that you will be able to pick out the liberals and conservatives without paying attention to the substance.

Some statements are empirically supportable by unbiased evidence.

Br Cornelius

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Well then jeremiah I think you have failed in your point as well for the reasons outlined by AgentOrange below;

Some statements are empirically supportable by unbiased evidence.

Br Cornelius

I disagree with that Br. I disagree with many generalizations. Maybe if you spew that stuff around long enough the herds will buy into it..."Oh I must appear to be intelligent so I can't believe in a higher power anymore"...

I know my IQ (and it's not too shabby) and I happen to think there is something out there...I do not know what it is and I do not pretend that any particular religion is right or wrong...they are all attempts to comprehend that which cannot be comprehended by a mortal mind. I am against people using religion as a weapon...for or against the beliefs of another.

But that is a conversation for another time...

Just saying...generalizations of beliefs and IQ are not always correct.

Edited by Jeremiah65
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Political studies are dumb -_-. This is how easy it is to find one that supports your view, just Google it( i just posted the first one that popped up). And you guys conventionality ignored Michelle post. and mine.


Pew makes it official: Republicans are smarter than Democrats

But at the end of the day all political studies are dumb and motivated in a biased way


Edited by spartan max2
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I disagree with that Br. I disagree with many generalizations. Maybe if you spew that stuff around long enough the herds will buy into it..."Oh I must appear to be intelligent so I can't believe in a higher power anymore"...

I know my IQ (and it's not too shabby) and I happen to think there is something out there...I do not know what it is and I do not pretend that any particular religion is right or wrong...they are all attempts to comprehend that which cannot be comprehended by a mortal mind. I am against people using religion as a weapon...for or against the beliefs of another.

But that is a conversation for another time...

Just saying...generalizations of beliefs and IQ are not always correct.

Jeremiah, in addition to IQ tests, there were also SAT like tests given in certain areas. An IQ test measures your ability to learn, and the other tests measure what you already know. Let me give you a statement:

Group A and Group B took a series of tests. Group A had a higher average on their IQ test, mathematics test, spelling test, grammar test, and cognitive ability test than group B. Please write a hypothesis stating which group is the smarter of the two.

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Political studies are dumb -_-. This is how easy it is to find one that supports your view, just Google it( i just posted the first one that popped up). And you guys conventionality ignored Michelle post. and mine.


Pew makes it official: Republicans are smarter than Democrats

But at the end of the day all political studies are dumb and motivated in a biased way


General knowledge - which is what that survey tested for, is not an indication of intelligence.

Br Cornelius

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General knowledge - which is what that survey tested for, is not an indication of intelligence.

Br Cornelius

Nope but it does support that democrats get the uninformed vote. If i agree'd with this study anyways, I do not support any political study I am just Illustrating how easy it is to find one.

Edited by spartan max2
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