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Video of Ghost running in football stadium


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Two things. That's not football, that's soccer... Football is played by huge men on a Gridiron. Soccer is played on a field by guys that were too small to play proper football...

Next, that couldn't have been a shadow? And why was the ghost in the middle of the shot and being tracked by the camera? Seems a little too perfect to me..

Protip: Outside America, Soccer is called football.


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Whew! I'm glad that comment about "soccer" was a joke. Not all Americans are morons... just those we choose to represent us, like Ambassador Dennis Rodman or maybe George W Bush

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Whew! I'm glad that comment about "soccer" was a joke. Not all Americans are morons... just those we choose to represent us, like Ambassador Dennis Rodman or maybe Barak Hussein Obama.

Fixed it for you :)

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So, has anyone debunked this yet?


1) There's video footage showing the "ghost" running down a stairway before running along the aisle. The video is posted somewhere in this thread.

2) The "barrier" he crosses isn't a barrier. It's a set of stairs between seating blocks. No mystery there.

3) Right at the point where he is running across horizontally there's a wide aisle allowing someone plenty of room to run along.

4) The video says that the ghost "spooks" the spectators yet no-one seems remotely bothered by him.

Conclusion: It's just a guy in dark clothes running through a football stadium. There's nothing about it that is remotely mysterious or spooky or that requires any sort of paranormal explanation or digital trickery or a camera suspended on a wire or a shadow of something, etc.

People tend to overcomplicated these kind of things when the solution is often obvious and simple.

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1) There's video footage showing the "ghost" running down a stairway before running along the aisle. The video is posted somewhere in this thread.

2) The "barrier" he crosses isn't a barrier. It's a set of stairs between seating blocks. No mystery there.

3) Right at the point where he is running across horizontally there's a wide aisle allowing someone plenty of room to run along.

4) The video says that the ghost "spooks" the spectators yet no-one seems remotely bothered by him.

Conclusion: It's just a guy in dark clothes running through a football stadium. There's nothing about it that is remotely mysterious or spooky or that requires any sort of paranormal explanation or digital trickery or a camera suspended on a wire or a shadow of something, etc.

People tend to overcomplicated these kind of things when the solution is often obvious and simple.

Gotta love Occam's razor.. lol

I thought the guy looked transparent, but that could have just been fuzzy video as camera was probably in focus on the players and not him...


After watching it again, that is absolutely no ghost and he looks more solid this time than I remember(funny how the memory works)...

Edited by Midyin
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Soccer hooligans. Possibly more exciting than the game itself.

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Soccer hooligans. Possibly more exciting than the game itself.

They gotta keep entertained somehow. God knows that 'sport' can't do it.


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