JJ50 Posted April 25, 2014 #1 Share Posted April 25, 2014 I will try to keep my post as short as possible, I don't want to bore you. I was born in 1950. The property on which my childhood home in the Channel Islands stood had been in our family for many centuries. It appeared to host a poltergeist, and the activity, mostly the misplacing of objects and a creepy atmosphere could be a bit scary especially if home alone as a child. However, that was pretty tame compared to the weird and wacky stuff which occurred during the first eleven years in the property my husband and I owned between 1997-2012. It was a 1610 Welsh farmhouse, not previously been known to be 'haunted' until we moved in, make of that what you will! If you can think of it in connection with a 'haunted' house were seemed to experience it. 1.The sound of footsteps of the landing and stairs, when we were all downstairs. 2. Stains in the form of Welsh religious words coming and going on the walls and stone fireplace, we are not Welsh, don't speak the language and had to buy a dictionary to find out what they meant. 3. Stains in the form of crosses, monks and a girl's face also appearing on the walls. 4. The moving of very heavy objects, like a grave stone and 4' high wooden owl weighing about 14 st around the house apparently without help from a human. 5. Apparitions of a monk. 6. Images on photos which weren't apparent when the photos were taken. There is much, much more but that will do for starters. The strange happenings were witnessed by a good number of people, and the media beat a path to our door. We were the subject of TV programmes, films and radio programmes as well as newspaper and magazine articles. The activity which was an almost daily happening stopped abruptly in January 2008. My husband, a scientist, and I weren't scared by it, although it could be irritating at times, especially when I had painted the stained walls only for more stains to reappear with different words and crosses! We considered it was all a hoax but didn't see how it could be perpetrated under our noses, so to speak. However we still think there was a natural explanation for it all, even if science hasn't yet come up with one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Patient Zero Posted April 25, 2014 #2 Share Posted April 25, 2014 I will try to keep my post as short as possible, I don't want to bore you. After reading the post you succeeded in NOT boring me. I was born in 1950. The property on which my childhood home in the Channel Islands stood had been in our family for many centuries. It appeared to host a poltergeist, and the activity, mostly the misplacing of objects and a creepy atmosphere could be a bit scary especially if home alone as a child. However, that was pretty tame compared to the weird and wacky stuff which occurred during the first eleven years in the property my husband and I owned between 1997-2012. It was a 1610 Welsh farmhouse, not previously been known to be 'haunted' until we moved in, make of that what you will! If you can think of it in connection with a 'haunted' house were seemed to experience it. 1.The sound of footsteps of the landing and stairs, when we were all downstairs. 2. Stains in the form of Welsh religious words coming and going on the walls and stone fireplace, we are not Welsh, don't speak the language and had to buy a dictionary to find out what they meant. 3. Stains in the form of crosses, monks and a girl's face also appearing on the walls. 4. The moving of very heavy objects, like a grave stone and 4' high wooden owl weighing about 14 st around the house apparently without help from a human. 5. Apparitions of a monk. Awesome and creepy... Crawesome?!? 6. Images on photos which weren't apparent when the photos were taken. Oh boy, be prepared for the onslaught of replies for this one. There is much, much more but that will do for starters. The strange happenings were witnessed by a good number of people, and the media beat a path to our door. We were the subject of TV programmes, films and radio programmes as well as newspaper and magazine articles. The activity which was an almost daily happening stopped abruptly in January 2008. My husband, a scientist, and I weren't scared by it, although it could be irritating at times, especially when I had painted the stained walls only for more stains to reappear with different words and crosses! We considered it was all a hoax but didn't see how it could be perpetrated under our noses, so to speak. However we still think there was a natural explanation for it all, even if science hasn't yet come up with one. i'd personally love to hear.. er, read more. Welcome to UM! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeWitz Posted April 25, 2014 #3 Share Posted April 25, 2014 (edited) Have you had any third-party investigators ("ghostbusters") examine your experiences? Any analysis of the evidence you've delineated here? --and, welcome to UM. Edited April 25, 2014 by DeWitz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ50 Posted April 25, 2014 Author #4 Share Posted April 25, 2014 (edited) Well you asked for it! I wrote this account just before we moved in 2012. A ‘Haunting’ Tale When moving to a new house you do not expect to employ an expert in the paranormal in addition to the surveyor and the solicitor. Maybe that is what we should have done before we moved into our haunted North Wales farmhouse, in February 1997! We had only been in residence for two weeks when a reporter from our local weekly newspaper told us that an Irish couple had seen visions of the Virgin Mary in our field, and had subsequently experienced miracles of healing. Not being Catholics we were highly sceptical. The field is at the bottom of a quiet country lane and has nothing much to recommend it as it is steep and rugged. It is not much use for grazing, but we allowed our neighbour to keep a few pet sheep there. In spite of my scepticism, when I was suffering with a frozen shoulder, that had defied medical aid, I stood at the field gate and within five minutes my pain had eased; by the next day I was cured! I have a theory that if one has something like our field to focus the mind on, it acts like a catalyst in helping the body’s own healing mechanisms to kick in. By June of 1997 our lane was becoming like a mini Lourdes with folk visiting the field in hope of a vision or a miracle. Fifteen years later we still get a ‘pilgrim’ or two, and there are occasional reports of miracles. Two people have actually contacted me over the Internet from America, saying that they had been healed when they visited the field. According to a newspaper report, its tranquil vibes prevented a man from committing suicide in 1999. While all this was going outside, we became aware of a presence in the house. Our youngest daughter, then 21, was on a visit home and woke up to find a monk sitting on the end of the bed. She found it a pleasant experience, until her brain kicked in, and then she wondered what on earth he was doing there! We thought it was a dream until I saw an apparition of a monk in broad daylight a couple of days later. From then on Brother Doli (Adolphus) became part of the family. Our son, who has Down’s Syndrome saw him frequently, and accepted the fact as normal. I have seen the monk on about six occasions, each time I thought I was seeing a flesh and blood person for the second or two that I was aware of the presence. In January 1999 the first stain of a Welsh religious word appeared on the wall in the lounge, TANGNEFEDD, meaning peace as in ‘peace be with you’. Soon the wall erupted in religious words, all in Welsh. We also noticed crosses and little monks appearing all over the place, inside and out. Carvings in the form of words, crosses and monks also materialised. This was a continuing phenomenon. Sometimes the words and images would remain for a year or two, other times they would come and go quite quickly. I am a very amateur photographer, but I have taken a lot of photographs over the last 15 years. From time to time an inexplicable image on a photo when appear that was not visible when I took the shot. One particularly memorable one was taken in the autumn of 1997. I happened to shoot some photos of the barn in our field, a really spooky image of a grotesque face appeared on one of the photographs. If I had seen it in reality, I think I would have been a few miles down the road! Footsteps were frequently heard going up and down our staircase and along the landing. We also heard bumps and bangs of unknown origin. They could be so loud that one could be forgiven for thinking that the house was about to fall down! This phenomenon could occur at anytime of the day or night. Before long we had another ghostly houseguest, Jane. We have a tombstone, which was dug up from under our lawn about 35 years ago. The workman, whom we met a few years ago, refused to dig any deeper for fear of disinterring any bones! The inscription on the stone reads, Jane Jones Aged 15 1778. In March 2001 I saw a girl standing on the back patio, stroking the cat. She was young and heavily pregnant, dressed in a long smock like dress and blue cloak. In the ten seconds it took me to get to the backdoor, she had disappeared. There was absolutely nowhere she could have gone without me seeing her go. A workman in the lane said that he had not seen her. We began to discover the name ‘Jane’ in the form of a stain or carving on the walls. Putting two and two together, we assumed that this was the girl I had seen. Our ghostly houseguests seemed fascinated by the computer! E-mails, of which we have no knowledge, have been sent out at times when we have been in, out or asleep, and the computer switched off. These have been Welsh words, similar to those on our walls, the recipients are folks listed in our address book. Sometimes Welsh words have appeared in documents that my husband had been typing, this could be quite annoying if the document is sent out and the word has gone unnoticed! We often heard voices in the house at different times of day and night. The words are just beyond our level of hearing; we cannot pinpoint exactly where the sound is coming from. Occasionally these have sounded like the voices of children, a crowd of people, or just a couple having a conversation, we even heard a baby crying in our kitchen! An impressive piece of spooky mischief was the transportation of heavy objects around our home. We have a large wooden owl carved out of a single piece of teak. It weighs approximately 182lbs and it was with difficulty that two strong men lifted it into position on our 16-inch high hearth in August 2002. A few months later it transported itself across the room, and continued to go walkabout periodically. The tombstone used to lean against the front wall of the house, for some unaccountable reason it fell over three times in one day in 2002. It was getting damaged so we decided to bring it into the lounge and tuck it away in a corner where the casual observer was unlikely to notice it. It seemed quite 'happy' for a number of months until that too went walkies! On the last occasion it was missing for a period of five days. We searched every single place we could think of in the house and garden. It is quite heavy and nobody could get very far carrying it. I had an Internet acquaintance, a psychic who lives on the south coast of England. More in fun, than any hope of finding the stone, I asked her to use her psychic ability to locate it. She e-mailed me to say that she had the impression it was under my husband’s side of the bed! We had looked there so it seemed unlikely. However, sure enough, there it was, soaking wet, yet the carpet beneath it was bone dry! We put it back in its place in the lounge and water drained out of it for the next four days. This was weird; stones do not normally act like sponges! In the end I got fed up and asked my husband to put it outside. Within an hour it had hopped over to the flowerbed opposite the house. It was decided to put it in the exact spot it had been in when we moved into our home in 1997. Growing beside it was a passiflora, which had given us great delight, fruiting and flowering. The passiflora had been planted after the tombstone had been moved away from its original position. A few days later I was working in my upstairs study, on the other side of the house, when I became aware of a woman’s perfume wafting in through the open window. Fascinated, I went into the garden to try to trace the source of it. It took me a while before I discovered it was emanating from the tombstone! Soon after that an unseen animal seemed to be attacking the plant. We discovered bite and scratch marks on the stem. Try as we might to protect it, the stem was bitten through! We were upset and my husband blamed the odour coming from the tombstone for attracting the phantom animal! In temper, he threw the stone onto the lawn, threatening to smash it up! It remained face down for about thirty-six hours. I suggested we should put it behind a tree in the herb garden at the back. On lifting it up, we discovered black scorch marks all the way down the front of the stone, just as if it had been in a fire, yet the lawn beneath was not damaged! The stone stayed in the back garden for a couple of years before once again going walkies! A few weeks later we found it one more in the lounge snuggled up to the owl! Just before Easter 2004 an image, which looked like the face of the Crucified Christ appeared on the fireplace. Within days a couple of Latin words showed up beside it. IUDAEUS meaning Jew and CHRISTUS meaning Christ! One surprising, and welcome spin off of all this ghostly activity is my artistic talent! I had never been artistic in the whole of my life; I detested art at school. For my 50th birthday, in January 2000, I was given an ink jet printer with a freebie digital art package. I was persuaded to give this art form a try. In the early days it felt as if a presence was standing at my right shoulder guiding my right hand. Until that time I had controlled the computer mouse with my left hand, as I am left handed! Much to my surprise, I had an art exhibition three months later, and people actually want to buy my work! Poetry has also started bubbling out of my head, I had never written a poem before, now I have a few hundred to my name. I frequently have my poems published, in the UK and abroad. I firmly believe that the atmosphere in our house has released something in me, enabling these talents to thrive. Our eldest grandson, now ten who has Asperger’s syndrome, seemed to spark off activity whenever he visited our house. The owl frequently went walkabout when he is here. He has actually witnessed the owl moving around the room on a many occasions, especially in 2006 as he was anxious about starting primary school. We had a visit from an Anglican priest, a friend of our eldest daughter. This lady had a healing and deliverance ministry and is familiar with houses like ours. She sensed a presence in the lounge as soon as she walked into the room. When taken to our field she smelt a very fragrant woman’s perfume. There was nothing around that could account for this scent. The lady explained to me that when one is in the presence of something with healing vibes like our field, occasionally there is a perfume, which is known as the ‘odour of sanctity’. Our guest told us that in her opinion our house was probably the most haunted in the whole of the UK! During 2005 we spent a few months living in Eastbourne on the south coast of England returning home every second weekend. The spooks were obviously missing us and we would often be greeted by evidence of their activity! On two occasions a large stone was discovered on the floor of the lounge in front of the fireplace. A few days after the new Pope was installed, we arrived home to discover Benedict VXI written on the stonework of the fireplace! Sadly, in October 2005 my elderly father died in Guernsey, the island of my birth. The walls of our lounge were covered with words relating to the event! In November 2005, my husband, was teasing the spooks and said it was a pity that they couldn’t do something useful like giving us the lottery numbers. Within hours a set of six numbers appeared on the wall of the lounge. We were as sick as parrots with bird flu when we discovered that they were indeed the jackpot numbers, but it was too late to buy a ticket!! Our spooks liked to share in any family event so it was no surprise to find the walls liberally decorated with the Welsh words, ‘Babi’ (baby), ‘Cariad’ (love) and Gorfoledd (joy) in six inch high letters when our youngest grandson entered this world on February 17th 2006. At lunch time on March 23rd 2006 my husband was sitting in the lounge reading a book, on looking up he discovered that a 3ft high brownish stain, in the shape of a monk, had appeared on the wall opposite him. On turning round he saw another monk like stain, this time 2ft high, on the wall behind him! Since then more monks appeared on the walls and the lounge is began to resemble a monastery! At the beginning of April 2006, coinciding with a legacy I received from my late father’s estate, we discovered Welsh words ‘Afal’ (apple) and ‘Cariad’ (love) on the lounge wall. My father was a successful Guernsey businessman, a horticulturist who grew tomatoes. When I was young tomatoes were sometimes referred to as ‘love apples’. In May 2006 I was giving a ghost tour to six members of our local police force, suddenly an image of a monk materialised as a stain on the wall behind them. They said that they would rather face the worst of criminals than live in our haunted house! Just before Christmas 2006 the Welsh word TEULU = family materialised. Little did we realise how much we would need our family in the months ahead! My husband suffered a brain haemorrhage on December 28th and his life hung in the balance for many weeks. It was the beginning of May 2007 before he was discharged from hospital. There are a number of independent witnesses who have had strange experiences in our home. We have obviously considered the possibility of our activity being a hoax. However, if that were to be the case it would be one of the most remarkable. The phenomena have continued almost without a break for over 11 years, but suddenly stopped in January 2008 and we have been ‘spook free’ since then. We think that if all this amazing activity is genuine, it is probably of natural origin and science will catch up in time. After all, things that we take for granted today, would have seemed paranormal 200 years ago! Over the years the media have taken an interest in us. We have been the subject of several films, TV and radio programmes. Even the Foreign Office commissioned a film in the late 90s! Strangely enough we didn’t find the phenomena frightening, albeit a little disconcerting from time to time. Our house has always had a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, there was never a dull moment, and we didn’t lack after dinner conversation when our unusual ‘houseguests’ were in residence. ©RJG 2012 Edited April 25, 2014 by JJ50 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ50 Posted April 25, 2014 Author #5 Share Posted April 25, 2014 Have you had any third-party investigators ("ghostbusters") examine your experiences? Any analysis of the evidence you've delineated here? --and, welcome to UM. Yes, as you can imagine quite a number asked if they could investigate together with psychics etc, and pronounced it very haunted indeed, we were very sceptical! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rashore Posted April 25, 2014 #6 Share Posted April 25, 2014 Welcome to UM JJ50 I'm guessing you are the person that posted in another forum in 2006? http://s2.excoboard.com/The_Spirit_Society/91809/787664 The story there is almost word for word like what you posted here as written in 2012, I'm guessing the small changes to what's posted here meant you updated it in 2012? It's an interesting story for sure Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crabby Kitten Posted April 26, 2014 #7 Share Posted April 26, 2014 Hi and welcome Thanks for posting on here. Do you have any idea why it stopped in 2008? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sea-dove Posted April 26, 2014 #8 Share Posted April 26, 2014 Very interesting story. Ive experienced some similar things but nowhere as many as that (Ive never had writing on walls going on). I lived in a house which had a poltergist, I wasnt at all scared at first at the moving objects and the games the thing in the house played with me (it would make things disappear and then have them turn up days later in obvious spots eg on the top of the toilet seat), I even gave our ghost a nickname of George.. I wasnt bothered by the incidents at that time, the missing objects were just annoying. One time a toy of my daughters which I'd got rid of.. returned. My experience thou didnt end up being as good as yours was as things changed and ended up taking an evil turn and from there was scary. The house Im in now. I had a manifestation happen here but nothing like the things which happened in my other house (thou that didnt have any manifestations but just a whole lot of other weirdness).. I had alfoil over my bedroom window to block out the light as I couldnt afford blinds and a clear face of someone laying in bed side on with blankets around him on what looked like an air mattress he was laying on (it had humps) appeared in the alfoil. It was in amazing detail..his hair, eyebrows and everything. (I couldnt get a photo of this as when I tried the alfoil reflected too much with the camera flash). I tried to work out who this person may of been (this house isnt old, I'd think 4-10 years old), a friend put the names of previous tennets who lived here (I was getting a lot of their mail!!) into FB but unfortunately they didnt have FB accounts. Ive since found out that it appears the last tennet of this house died, only a few months before I moved in!. (the last my neighbours saw of him was he was rushed to hospital in an ambulance and I since had this guys ambulance bill sent to me). I think some of us some how help allow these things to appear, our energy or something??? Thou my poltergist house had the previous tennets were Satanists so who knows (I didnt find that out about the previous tennets till after a demon was making his presence known in the house to me and others). Its good that you arent scared to speak out about your experiences, so many do experience things but stay quiet about it, scared what others think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ50 Posted April 26, 2014 Author #9 Share Posted April 26, 2014 Welcome to UM JJ50 I'm guessing you are the person that posted in another forum in 2006? http://s2.excoboard....ty/91809/787664 The story there is almost word for word like what you posted here as written in 2012, I'm guessing the small changes to what's posted here meant you updated it in 2012? It's an interesting story for sure It is quite possible I posted on that forum, although I have no recollection of doing so. Hi and welcome Thanks for posting on here. Do you have any idea why it stopped in 2008? I have no idea why it all started or why it stopped. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ50 Posted April 26, 2014 Author #10 Share Posted April 26, 2014 Very interesting story. Ive experienced some similar things but nowhere as many as that (Ive never had writing on walls going on). I lived in a house which had a poltergist, I wasnt at all scared at first at the moving objects and the games the thing in the house played with me (it would make things disappear and then have them turn up days later in obvious spots eg on the top of the toilet seat), I even gave our ghost a nickname of George.. I wasnt bothered by the incidents at that time, the missing objects were just annoying. One time a toy of my daughters which I'd got rid of.. returned. My experience thou didnt end up being as good as yours was as things changed and ended up taking an evil turn and from there was scary. The house Im in now. I had a manifestation happen here but nothing like the things which happened in my other house (thou that didnt have any manifestations but just a whole lot of other weirdness).. I had alfoil over my bedroom window to block out the light as I couldnt afford blinds and a clear face of someone laying in bed side on with blankets around him on what looked like an air mattress he was laying on (it had humps) appeared in the alfoil. It was in amazing detail..his hair, eyebrows and everything. (I couldnt get a photo of this as when I tried the alfoil reflected too much with the camera flash). I tried to work out who this person may of been (this house isnt old, I'd think 4-10 years old), a friend put the names of previous tennets who lived here (I was getting a lot of their mail!!) into FB but unfortunately they didnt have FB accounts. Ive since found out that it appears the last tennet of this house died, only a few months before I moved in!. (the last my neighbours saw of him was he was rushed to hospital in an ambulance and I since had this guys ambulance bill sent to me). I think some of us some how help allow these things to appear, our energy or something??? Thou my poltergist house had the previous tennets were Satanists so who knows (I didnt find that out about the previous tennets till after a demon was making his presence known in the house to me and others). Its good that you arent scared to speak out about your experiences, so many do experience things but stay quiet about it, scared what others think. My sisters and I called the 'poltergeist' in our childhood home 'Kelly'. I am now of the opinion that 'haunting' was due to the human activity of one person in particular! I have no problem speaking and writing about our experiences, particularly the more recent ones in our last property which were practically a daily occurrence. We never lacked after dinner conversation, and found the activity at worst irritating, at best quite entertaining. We were almost sorry when it stopped. We sold that property because it was far too much for me to manage once my husband became brain damaged after an aneurysm burst in his brain in December 2006. Properties of that age always need something doing to them and eat money. It gave me sleepless nights worrying about what would need doing next. I also got sick to death of rodding out the drain to the septic tank every time it got blocked. My husband reckoned that if I could change nappies I would have no problem making that task my own! :unsure2:Having mains drains in our current modern property is a luxury! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JesseCuster Posted April 26, 2014 #11 Share Posted April 26, 2014 (edited) Here comes mean Mr. Skeptic with some questions... Are you able to produce any of the photos you took for us? Did you take photos of the Welsh words that appeared in stains? If that happened to me I'd be snapping away like crazy and showing them to everyone I knew. What kind of stains were they? Water, dirt, oil, etc. How long did they last for? Did they fade away, remain there or were you able to wash them away? Have you got a link to the films you mentioned about your experiences, or at least their names, the name of the production companies, producers, etc. including the one the Home Office commissioned? Mainly, I'd love to see some photos of them and some of the photos you mentioned you had taken with strange things in them. Edited April 26, 2014 by JesseCuster 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ50 Posted April 26, 2014 Author #12 Share Posted April 26, 2014 I have loads of photos and will probably put some on the forum in the next day or so, if people would like me to. I am signing off now for the evening. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lisaloveslilia Posted April 27, 2014 #13 Share Posted April 27, 2014 I'd love to see photos! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sakari Posted April 27, 2014 #14 Share Posted April 27, 2014 I have loads of photos and will probably put some on the forum in the next day or so, if people would like me to. I am signing off now for the evening. all of them......... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ50 Posted April 27, 2014 Author #15 Share Posted April 27, 2014 I would be here until kingdom come if I posted all of them, I have a few hundred, I think as there was so much activity. Here are a few to be going on with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lisaloveslilia Posted April 27, 2014 #16 Share Posted April 27, 2014 Any chance you took pics before and after you painted? You did say you painted over certain areas and the stains came back, no? Oh...who am I kidding? Next thing I'm gonna want is video. Lol. These are some decent photos. And yet...my kid could have finger painted them on a wall (logically speaking). Certainly you've been subject to much criticism over the years! I've been on this UM block long enogh to know...how the cycle goes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lisaloveslilia Posted April 27, 2014 #17 Share Posted April 27, 2014 I don't know Welsh...could you tell me what the words mean? The pic with the figure and the words by the head and the pic of just words? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ50 Posted April 27, 2014 Author #18 Share Posted April 27, 2014 Any chance you took pics before and after you painted? You did say you painted over certain areas and the stains came back, no? Oh...who am I kidding? Next thing I'm gonna want is video. Lol. These are some decent photos. And yet...my kid could have finger painted them on a wall (logically speaking). Certainly you've been subject to much criticism over the years! I've been on this UM block long enogh to know...how the cycle goes. I would have a blitz on the walls every few weeks painting the stains out, new stains would appear, sometimes immediately with different words. We are not Welsh speakers and I can't remember what all the words mean now. We thought we were experiencing a hoax, because we don't believe in the 'supernatural', but it is hard to credit how it came about as things would literally appear before our eyes. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lisaloveslilia Posted April 27, 2014 #19 Share Posted April 27, 2014 Wow! But, it never bothered you? As in...it wasn't so much scary to you? Or whatever this was never made an effort to acknowledge you? You speak of your husband being a scientist. And certainly that influenced how you attempted to wrap your mind around it all. You mentioned the house was built in 1610. And your family owned it since then? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ50 Posted April 27, 2014 Author #20 Share Posted April 27, 2014 Wow! But, it never bothered you? As in...it wasn't so much scary to you? Or whatever this was never made an effort to acknowledge you? You speak of your husband being a scientist. And certainly that influenced how you attempted to wrap your mind around it all. You mentioned the house was built in 1610. And your family owned it since then? As I said we are both of the opinion that everything is explainable, if not now given time when science catches up. We bought the house in 1997. It was my childhood home in the Channel Islands that had been in the family for centuries until my father sold it in 1984, as none of his children wanted it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lisaloveslilia Posted April 27, 2014 #21 Share Posted April 27, 2014 I want to know the how, why, what n who! I'm with you...it will be explained someday by way of science. Its all just very curious. And currently unexplainable. As I said previously...my kid could have drawn the images in your pictures. You say these things were happening in front of your eyes essentially. I don't discount that. And I don't account for it either, you know? I would like to know which programs aired your house/story on the air. In addition to all that...as for POLTERGEIST activity being a likely culprit, I consider that a human thing not a supernatural thing. And yet I cannot explain or justify psychokenisis at this time! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ50 Posted April 27, 2014 Author #22 Share Posted April 27, 2014 I want to know the how, why, what n who! I'm with you...it will be explained someday by way of science. Its all just very curious. And currently unexplainable. As I said previously...my kid could have drawn the images in your pictures. You say these things were happening in front of your eyes essentially. I don't discount that. And I don't account for it either, you know? I would like to know which programs aired your house/story on the air. In addition to all that...as for POLTERGEIST activity being a likely culprit, I consider that a human thing not a supernatural thing. And yet I cannot explain or justify psychokenisis at this time! I never said anything about a poltergeist being responsible for our 'haunting' in our previous property. I think you need to read my account again. I reiterate that we thought we were experiencing a hoax, and it is just possible we were although it does explain some of the other weird things very well, like the images I discovered when my photos were developed, which I hadn't noticed when the photos were taken. The creepiest one was the image of a face which was on the window of the barn, which I certainly didn't see when taking the photo. The barn stand in the 'miracle field. The image covered the whole window which is quite large. Here is a close up of the image. I was annoyed to discover a Japanese magazine published this photo without my permission. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lisaloveslilia Posted April 27, 2014 #23 Share Posted April 27, 2014 My bad for the poltergeist reference! I jumbled it somehow! Sorry. How does one pull off a hoax in your home? I mean...that's your home!?! Kind of creepy photo of skeleton type face but from a scientific perspective...idk? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AZDZ Posted April 27, 2014 #24 Share Posted April 27, 2014 Hi JJ50, welcome to UM. Um, when you say the stains would be painted over then "new stains" would appear, do you mean new 'different' stains or the same image in the same place? 'Cause, they look like charcoal or some oil or grease based substance. In which case a thorough cleaning then covering with priming/painting brands such as KILZ may be needed to cover them once and for all. If that doesn't work then you need to call in some paranormal investigators and have them thoroughly investigate/document these occurrences from start to finish, for publication. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ50 Posted April 28, 2014 Author #25 Share Posted April 28, 2014 (edited) Hi JJ50, welcome to UM. Um, when you say the stains would be painted over then "new stains" would appear, do you mean new 'different' stains or the same image in the same place? 'Cause, they look like charcoal or some oil or grease based substance. In which case a thorough cleaning then covering with priming/painting brands such as KILZ may be needed to cover them once and for all. If that doesn't work then you need to call in some paranormal investigators and have them thoroughly investigate/document these occurrences from start to finish, for publication. I used bleach and every other cleaning agent on them when we lived there, but it didn't shift them. They came and went of their own accord sometimes, or I painted them out and new ones would appear. We did have paranormal investigators asking to visit our place and they reckoned it was 'haunted' but as I said before we didn't give that any credence. Anyway we sold the property two years ago, so it isn't our concern anymore, but it is an interesting story, make of it what you will. Edited April 28, 2014 by JJ50 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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