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Make up a lie about the poster above you (Part 2)


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I told you alcohol and drugs are bad for you.

Dracula glass should, of course, be a skull on long leg. Because long leg makes it refined, only savages drink straight from skulls, without putting them on civilized ****en leg that serves no purpose other than making damn glass easier to fall over and spill.

Outsider once drank from fish tank in attempt to dry it out and catch the fish. Yes, drugs again. Cats were watching him approvingly, until he vomited the water for the third time and gave up. "He's not better than us in this sport." they said and fell asleep, which is exactly what Outsider did too, except he had no further thoughts that night.

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I thought I knew Helen but as it turns out she is nothing but a big liar.

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Unlike OverSword who simply can't tell a lie. Like that guy, who was it again, Ben Franklin, Ben Hur... no, no, wait, we've been over this before, it was Washington... Denzel Washington.

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Helen's current job is maintenance guy at a theme park. She sleeps on a running rollercoaster causing her employer to lose millions every year. She cannot sleep unless she's moving at at least 35 miles per hour, she wakes up as soon as the speed goes lower than 35 mph.

She also has a T shirt with an Iguana on it, like everyone in croatia.

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It's not an iguana, it's a kuna. Outsider is as shortsighted as his aunt was. And the postman who delivered her.

Outsider too sometimes wears a T **** with his national mascot animal, but people who can tell a louse in the closeup are too rare.

edit: I swear I wrote T shirt there :blink: T shirt T **** T shirt T ****... yup, it's my keyboard. nothing to see, move on.

Edited by Helen of Annoy
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Helen is my horrible mother who left me on the streets when I was five and still constantly harrases me and teases me about how stupid and unwanted I am. This is not a lie and SHE is the reason I don't participate in this thread anymore!

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I still haven't forgiven SW for locking me in her basement and cutting my hair to make wigs for Barbie dolls.

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And I still have your hair. By the way I renewed my barbers licence you should come see me.

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I went to spiritwriter's barber shop..... I asked her what kind of haircut she's good at, and she wanted me to....... get horn implants in my skull....... so I could be "One of Us (Them)". I gave her $150, no haircut but ran away.

Beware people.

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Spirit writer's favorite song is "ONE OF US ONE OF US GOOBLE GOBBLE GOOBLE GOBBLE!"

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The reason Chubb and Laurent and others aren't posting here anymore is because Spirit ate them. :)

Ok ok, enough about Spirit....

Oh she also has a pet termite which can do tricks.....

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And it escaped its enclosure. Answers to name "Outsider", if you promise a snack too. The finder will be rewarded by the very fact they now have a pet termite which can do tricks. (Not much of tricks, it can roll over when it's sleepy, but it's literate. It can make your shopping list for you, just don't be surprised if there's timber in that list.)

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I knew I had seen hatopus somewhere before... of course, the answer was always right there in front of me...


How on earth did you tame that monster enough to put it on your head, Helen???

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Spiritwriter calls people bestie...... before..... well let's just say...... mantis will go the way of the chubb and laurent......

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Outsider wears his false teeth around his neck when his dieting.

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Astra00 gives neck massages to strangers at the bus stop.

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<p>Oversword is one of astra's frequent customers

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He had this to say

"me neck very strong, me neck like boulder, astra arms like pythons, me get satisfication like nowhere "

He kept rambling but was cut off by interviewer

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OFX goes to the dentist because he enjoys pain.

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oversword gave me ulcers

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