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Make up a lie about the poster above you (Part 2)


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Blue Cheese is making a bigfoot suit in order to hoax some tourists.

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Porn Star wants me to mail her some of my body hair to use for the suit for added realism.

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Blue Star is having plastic surgery to look like her favorite anime character.

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How can that be, OverSlick…. When my favourite anime characters were modelled after me?

Ove…has all the images of my anime characters around the headrest of his bed.

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Blue Star really needs to work on her sense of humor. Nothing funny or cute about her. :no:

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OverBite…Incessantly records every comment i make, then tries to recreate it by posing as a stand up comic in his local Pub………He's a real hit with the Ladies.

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Poo Star has been trying to lure me to England enticing my with her hand in marriage. She says I can marry her hand but the rest of her body is still single.

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Mantis has a singing voice just like Karen Carpenter.

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Speaking of rugs, Blue Star lets the men in her life walk all over her. To save money on clothes she simply cuts up sections of her carpet and turns them into jumpers.

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OverSword has come up with a new business venture that's sure to "take off". Apparently, he had gotten a hold of a warehouse full of flying carpets and turned them into wearing apparel so all the person has to do is slip into them and fly away. Unfortunately, the first customer was so irresponsible, they made a new drive thru opening for a popular cafe in the downtown area which permanently shut down the whole wearable flying carpet idea...

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Mantis is running for Mayor of Wall Mart. He stands on top of an empty case of whiskey in the parking lot drunkenly slurring his qualifications and soliciting the many fine byatches votes.

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As my first act as Mayor, I will put Oversword's flying carpet apparel As Seen On TV on sale for $4.99 in the hardware section then also, I will announce that this Wall Mart will only broadcast The Carpenters 24-7, nonstop...

Meanwhile, Oversword will be my lieutenant in charge of security making sure that nobody is peeling off the sales labels and slapping them on expensive merchandise. You've got your work cut out for you...

Edited by Mantis914
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Mantis (drunk again) stole his mothers car and took it for a wild ride. That's bad enough but worse he's 47 years old.

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according to current conspiracy theories.. OverSword is really the Grand Master of the Illuminati..

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DingoLingo has a bad credit rating so he used his dog's name to apply for a new credit card.

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CuriousRey types with the tip of his tail.

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Blue Star discovered her cat's secret. It never loved her it was just using her for food and warmth and has another family a few blocks away.

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