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Make up a lie about the poster above you (Part 2)


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No one noticed I wrote "because turned he it around " instead of "because he turned it around". Nope, no one. :D

Mantis almost got a role in Rocky, but they were afraid he'll overshadow the leading actors.

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So many innuendos being made around here I'm not sure if I may have stumbled into the XXX cinema again by drunken accident instead of Rocky Part III this time... This is the last time I ask Oversword for directions when he's laughing after trying to keep a straight face unsuccessfully...

An innuendo is the procedure whereby a tube attached to a special camera is inserted into your anus and colon.

A Gastroscopy is when they do the same by putting it down your throat.

I have grave fears that they may use the same camera attachments.

I hear that Helen simply loves her weekly innuendo.

Edited by toyomotor
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Nope, I'm not discussing **** again. No matter what it started from, I somehow end up in ****. Nope. Not this time.

*draws the line, using toilet paper*

toyomotor hurt his arm once but doctors weren't sure if the bone was broken, so he hit it against the wall and said: It's broken now. Then he passed out. Woke up on his sick leave, so you could say it was worth it.

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Helen of Annoy knows this because at the time she was disguised as a nurse and used toyomotor's emergency room visit as a distraction while stealing drugs from the hospital pharmacy.


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That's what people believed, she was actually there to see Toyo-in private!!!

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You're supposed to make up a lie about me not her.

toymotor stands at the bottom of escalators with his camera waiting for teenage girls with short skirts to go up.

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You're supposed to make up a lie about me not her.

toymotor stands at the bottom of escalators with his camera waiting for teenage girls with short skirts to go up.

While OverSword prefers cougars.

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toyomotor owns a trained kangaroo which brings him cold fosters from the pub. The problem is that like most Aussies, he friggin hates bloody fosters!

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Oversword told this tale at an AA Meeting. The other attendees thought it cruel for the Kangaroo, but it wasn't Fosters, it was VB (Victoria Bitter).

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toyomotor is not that tall, so he doesn't attend AA meetings, he goes to AAA meetings.

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SpiritWriter wasn't that dead, she was only sleeping. Like an angel. You could tell by her snoring, the neighbours came to ask politely if we could turn the chainsaw off at least from midnight to 6 AM, so they can grab some sleep.

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And Miskin dosent work for the Ministry of Defence!

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Not since ROM fired him for stealing ballpoint pens he wanted to steal himself.

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Helen you know you kept dog for me.. & you drove the get away slug.. which is why we got caught!

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No, we got caught because you don't know when to stop. He actually got back inside to take the only remaining pen, then the sack burst and pens were falling out and ROM was frantically collecting them so we never got to the get away part, it was more like staying there part.

Steal your own pens next time, I'm switching back to pencils.

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Why would Helen steal pens OR pencils-she can't write.

Someone else writes her posts for her.

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Someone? It's the Hatopus, everyone knows that.

toyomotor is acting like he never met the Hatopus before, probably because he hopes it forgot he owes it money. They were both drunk but not that drunk they couldn't remember the exact sum.

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Hatopus is a figment of Helens imagination.

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Hatopus is a figment of Helens imagination.

Hatopus is quite real... Toyomotor must've looked into Hatopus' mesmerizing eyes that she once used back when she live at 50 Berkeley St.

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Mantis and Helen are more than just close friends.

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Toyomotor has been trying to expose the relationship between mantis and Helen for 32 years now, He has a small room in his house with 3,400 photos of them.

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Rose-Red Howler got her name from an urban legend made about her. See, you have to wait for a full moon and stare into a mirror for about five minutes. After that, she appears in a rose-red dress in the opposite side of the mirror and howls in your face. If you dare to still stick around, she'll poke you in the eyes stooges style then disappear...

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