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Make up a lie about the poster above you (Part 2)


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toyo had hair transplant. He wants to look younger with full head of hair, that's completely understandable. So they transplanted the hair to his head from the only two places where he had some hair left: inside his nose and... oh, look, a bird.

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Helen stands outside her local school playground and throws rocks at small children.. :unsure2:

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Mishkin, you're not a small child anymore. I don't care what your mum says, but you're big boy now.

And that's precisely why I'm throwing rocks at you, it's too creepy to see you attempting to squeeze yourself into the sandbox, crushing any actual children in the process.

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Crow was thrown out of golf club after saying that all golf balls look the same to him.

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It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

Helen married aquaman, but since she doesn't have gills, she has to have an affair with green lantern. Aquaman doesn't know, poor aquaman.

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Crow found out what's the difference between diarrhoea and diorama the hard way.

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Helen of Annoy spent 36 years of her life trying to look like Toyo.

And the other 36?

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Once during a conversation with toyomotor, I was gesturing with my hands and got them caught in his eye brows.

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Now you know people, next time you're trying to gouge someone's eyes out, you can say later you were gesturing.

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Oversword almost lost the tip of his finger to Toyomotors legendary razor sharp eye brows.




Edited by Crow T. Sharkbot
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No, you're not too old to play with dolls. Don't listen to them, if Aunty says it's all right, then it's all right...

Crow had his first shooting practice yesterday. He's lucky he didn't lose an eye. Will you mind turning the jar the other way, your eye looks like it's staring at me?

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Helen, you really must stop stalking strange men-and Crow is strange!

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While toyo is not strange at all. Everything he does is perfectly normal in his family.

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Crow has a crush on George St Pierre.

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Toyomotor has no room in his heart for anyone but his dog.

(Very close to the truth-rather my dog than many people)

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toyo also keeps a parrot but if he has guests, his neighbour is parrot-sitting his parrot because the other option, taping its beak shut, would be disgustingly cruel.

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SpiritWriter has working knowlege of just how much room I have in my butt apparently.

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OS is ignoring me on purpose. Because I refused to hold his purse. It's was just too tacky, carry something less flamboyant next time.

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While Oversword, Spiritwriter and Helen are feeling ignored, Hatopus has updated her Facebook status to Feeling Quite Content after all the attention she received at the seafood convention...

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Mantis finds it hard to feel quite content ever since they cancelled Firefly.

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I'm back! OverSword thought that Firefly was nonfiction until he tried to make his own version.

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