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Why is the Universe Dark?

Weitter Duckss

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Sill .... it seems to me there should be water elsewhere in this mighty expanse of the universe ~

Sure. In it, you can be 100% sure. We now do not have the technological capabilities to do so. The data from our system it can also be concluded. Not every star planet with water, but it has had or will have it in the future.

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If it has no charge how can it even be said to exist? But seriously, it is obviously a huge challenge to detect , capture and define what exactly is dark matter, and from what i read anyway, is taken very seriously. Why so? It might revolutionise mankind in ways i dont understand but all we can do for now is guess at it until the day of its revelation.

If dark matter exists 'beyond' our range, within a 4th dimensional spectrum perhaps then we might just fail in ever making contact with it, in a physical sense anyway.

One idea i have of what dark matter is, is that it might be caused by the interaction of energy within the fabric of our 3D universe by a 4th dimension pushing inwards, and by so doing influencing space-time in large volumes to stretch. Or ' bump'. This would never be seen unless we could somehow pierce the fabric to expose the 4th dimension, however one natural side-effect it would have is the ability to bend light and warp space-time.

Similar peculiar irregularities are theorised to have occured during the inflation phase of the big bang. At all the points of irregularity on the otherwise smooth surface of the universe, space-time it is thought to have collapsed setting in motion the chain reaction that ultimately formed galaxies. However here we are now.

Everyone is thinking positively, especially in science.

However, I deal in mostly evidence and logic. Dark matter is just the next layer: the core, crust, atmosphere and dark matter.

There are three dimensions and the fourth, which is a mental construction, it means something to us, but nothing in the universe.

Forget bending of light (radiation) and of space. These are children's fairy tales. The refraction of light is only a secondary side effect, which produced material (atmosphere). Radiation does not spread as the air for 2 (3) D wave.

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However, I deal in mostly evidence and logic..

You mean by butchering it. The majority of your claims seem to be absent of both.
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Everyone is thinking positively, especially in science.

However, I deal in mostly evidence and logic. Dark matter is just the next layer: the core, crust, atmosphere and dark matter.

There are three dimensions and the fourth, which is a mental construction, it means something to us, but nothing in the universe.

Forget bending of light (radiation) and of space. These are children's fairy tales. The refraction of light is only a secondary side effect, which produced material (atmosphere). Radiation does not spread as the air for 2 (3) D wave.


Edit: Ninjaed by Rlyeh !

Edited by Noteverythingisaconspiracy
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It would be easier if you had something to say scientifically, can be can be in and out of official science.

Do not complain on the matter, but only gripe with no the aforementioned reasons.

Maybe you it's strong suit?

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It would be easier if you had something to say scientifically, can be can be in and out of official science.

Do not complain on the matter, but only gripe with no the aforementioned reasons.

Maybe you it's strong suit?

It is impossible to argue with you scientifically because you have yet to provide any scientific evidence for your hyphothesis. So far you have only given us your opinion.

We don't know what evidence you are using, so how can we possibly debate it ?

In the beginning I did try to take you seriously and I even tried to help, as a non-native English speaker myself I can understand the difficulty, but you have not shown any willingness to accept my (or any other) help.

Until you provide some scientific evidence that disproves "official science" you can't expect us to debate you scientifically.

What part of the above don't you understand ?

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The Universe is not All Dark ! Ones needs but to have eyes that see past the Dark matter and Little fiddley-bits !

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It is impossible to argue with you scientifically because you have yet to provide any scientific evidence for your hyphothesis. So far you have only given us your opinion.

We don't know what evidence you are using, so how can we possibly debate it ?

In the beginning I did try to take you seriously and I even tried to help, as a non-native English speaker myself I can understand the difficulty, but you have not shown any willingness to accept my (or any other) help.

Until you provide some scientific evidence that disproves "official science" you can't expect us to debate you scientifically.

What part of the above don't you understand ?

However, I do not understand you.

Within this theme, I gave more than obvious evidence why the universe is dark and what is dark matter.

How to realize that constant arrival of new substances on the planet and the etc bodies and countless craters can not be taken as evidence? ...

Actually, what is the proof for you?

Thank you for moderation, although we would have preferred to say why these arguments are null and void and there are two different events are the culmination of science?

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The Universe is not All Dark ! Ones needs but to have eyes that see past the Dark matter and Little fiddley-bits !

You themselves disproves their presence and comments.

Need visitors say the actual scientific reasons why you say that, if you have them.

A lot of times I said that I will not move around the known pathways official "science".

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It would be easier if you had something to say scientifically, can be can be in and out of official science.

Do not complain on the matter, but only gripe with no the aforementioned reasons.

Maybe you it's strong suit?

Nah, science is wasted on you.

You've been called out quite a bit on your asinine explanations; and when scientific explanations are presented you completely ignore them.

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Everyone is thinking positively, especially in science.

However, I deal in mostly evidence and logic. Dark matter is just the next layer: the core, crust, atmosphere and dark matter.

There are three dimensions and the fourth, which is a mental construction, it means something to us, but nothing in the universe.

Forget bending of light (radiation) and of space. These are children's fairy tales. The refraction of light is only a secondary side effect, which produced material (atmosphere). Radiation does not spread as the air for 2 (3) D wave.

Space-time is generally considered the fourth dimension. If we could put our 4D goggles on what would we see? Perhaps the answer is dark matter.

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Space-time is generally considered the fourth dimension. If we could put our 4D goggles on what would we see? Perhaps the answer is dark matter.

The fourth dimension has a practical purpose, as well as 3D glasses. We do not have eyes to see all the instruments to confirm the existence of dark matter. Many of the results we obtain indirectly.

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Why is it people just cant Look at whats right in front of there eyes ,ears,nose,other senses ! Dark matter is just that part of all that matters. We all are infacto matter dark,light,negitive,positive,And a New one I just Invented.

The potential matter. Its actually all that really matters ! :tu: .

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There is, it's just not in a liquid state.

Oh, and I still think that darkness is simply due to there being an absence of light.

Aye ... but still it is less than what so far is guessed at ~

In a series of papers published this week in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, some contradictory information has emerged. In regions of space where the temperature is only 30 degrees above absolute zero, water was found to be far less plentiful than expected. Conversely, according to a press release, "within gas clouds where new stars are being born, the gas can be heated to temperatures of several thousand degrees Fahrenheit; here the water concentration seems to be as much as 10 thousand times larger."

In addition to detecting water, SWAS is also designed to search for other elements - with the molecular couds that spawn stars being one of the mian observational targets. So far the amount of Oxygen is much lower than expected leading one researcher to state that "most of the oxygen atoms in interstellar space remain hidden in some form that we have yet to detect."

As for light being absent ~ 'darkness' is not actually 'real' .... our eyes are just not made for seeing the full scope of what light actually is ~ :)

Sure. In it, you can be 100% sure. We now do not have the technological capabilities to do so. The data from our system it can also be concluded. Not every star planet with water, but it has had or will have it in the future.

Cosmic Gas Clouds Yield Puzzling Concentrations of Water

NASA's Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite, or SWAS, has detected water vapor throughout interstellar space. However, in the very coldest reaches, where temperatures are found just 30 degrees above absolute zero, astronomers measured water vapor concentrations of only a few parts per billion.

"That's far less than predicted by most theories and presents a real puzzle to our understanding of the chemistry of interstellar clouds," said Ronald Snell, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and a member of the SWAS science team.


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The fourth dimension has a practical purpose, as well as 3D glasses. We do not have eyes to see all the instruments to confirm the existence of dark matter. Many of the results we obtain indirectly.

Why have eyes at all if the universe is dark? Perhaps your question should have been why is the universe light? :tu:

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When we look into the night sky... we see through our atmosphere and into the "darkness" of space. We also see stars because they radiate light...

So.. that means that the space between those stars and our eyes is Filled With that Light . LIght that is within our VISIBLE range, The only reason the space in between LOOKS dark, is because space does not reflect the visible light passing through it.

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When we look into the night sky... we see through our atmosphere and into the "darkness" of space. We also see stars because they radiate light...

So.. that means that the space between those stars and our eyes is Filled With that Light . LIght that is within our VISIBLE range, The only reason the space in between LOOKS dark, is because space does not reflect the visible light passing through it.

In a lighted room we see the walls, the furniture, the floor and ceiling, but the space inside the room in which the photons travel is dark. Kind of interesting to think about.

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When we look into the night sky... we see through our atmosphere and into the "darkness" of space. We also see stars because they radiate light...

So.. that means that the space between those stars and our eyes is Filled With that Light . LIght that is within our VISIBLE range, The only reason the space in between LOOKS dark, is because space does not reflect the visible light passing through it.

Your thoughts are, in all your comments, interesting.

However, this space is not empty, because it reduces itenzitet radiation. Yeah light or photons traveling this space he would not be dark but bright (just in our galaxy has 200 billion stars!).

Space in our eyes is filled with doing collision of radiation with matter (the atmosphere), the undisputed fact is that the outside of tread of the Earth complete darkness, no visible matter, so there is no collision radiation with her.

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Like I said If we really had Rose colored Eyes we would really see just how Light the Universe and Space is really Bright past all our Imaginations


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Like I said If we really had Rose colored Eyes we would really see just how Light the Universe and Space is really Bright past all our Imaginations


We have telescopes, satellites and other devices and nonetheless register the complete darkness. Exists only the present and the waves which are traveled a long way and there are at present. When he started the bus (?) ... now it's here, and the waves were on their way from us now are with them at present.

Time is one everywhere in the universe, because our product is, not universal cosmic principle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Somebody asked Isaac Asimov "Why is the night sky black, why isn't it a solid mass of white because of all the trillions of stars out there?"

He answered something like-

"Distant stars are red-shifted to near-invisibility because of the expansion of the universe which is why we can't see them.

But if the universe ever stopped expanding and began shrinking back in on itself, we WOULD see a solid white night sky but we'd be dead a short time after because all that heat energy from the trillions of stars would burn the earth to a cinder"

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Good responce Dropship ! I was thinking it was that the Universial Landlord didnt pay the Light bill ! massive it is they say ! Cheer` s ~ :alien:

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On the universe can be viewed this way. The universe is only one point of the billions of others in the infinite expanse. Multi universe is only one point ... One universe is yuck.

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On the universe can be viewed this way. The universe is only one point of the billions of others in the infinite expanse. Multi universe is only one point ... One universe is yuck.

I think our universe is all right and anyway its the only one we got. :tu:

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On the universe can be viewed this way. The universe is only one point of the billions of others in the infinite expanse. Multi universe is only one point ... One universe is yuck.

Yea, only one universe would make the probability of its existence too near zero, and make us special. When we look at the universe, intelligent life is special to itself, but is there any meaning to intelligence for the universe?

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